Tori Transmigrated

Chapter 221: It's Not That I Don't Trust Your Judgment

Chapter 221: It's Not That I Don't Trust Your Judgment

They were responsible, experienced people who knew what they were doing. Deep down, she knew she could trust them. She should trust them. Yet, Tori didnt take the step towards the awaiting imperial carriages like she was supposed to and stood rooted in her spot, gripping the handles of her bag like a vice as she met their dull, tired expressions with unnecessary worry.

The high-waisted skirts need to have samples in three fabric types to cover three general weather conditions, Tori said as she looked at Ilyanas smiling, but somewhat exasperated face. With the summer coming up, offer the VIPs a complimentary skirt with their summer reservation at Viclya. For the men-

The linen henleys with sleeves that can be rolled up, yes, Tori. Everything is set, dont worry, Ilyana told her with reassurance.

Tori bit her lip and nodded. She turned to Henrik and opened her mouth, but he spoke before she could.

Lunar Pavilion will be hosting the VIP presentation for Lions Gate apparel and Cosora Travel tomorrow, and Lions Gate CrysTech and Den the day after for extended partners. The courtyard is prepared, and catering is confirmed. We are ready for pre-orders, Henrik said. Tori pursed her lips and then opened her mouth again. Catering has been confirmed and tomorrows will feature the oyster bar while the day after will feature roast pork bites and minced pork mini-pies to advertise the Meszaros familys pig farm and Senior Southards experimental farm.

Tori narrowed her eyes. She turned to Albert.

Both the tabletop gaming club is ready to display the new game and a portable escape room. The cheering committee for the Spring Three-Day has all the banners and confirmed their reserved seating, he told her, as if reporting.

Tori frowned, starting to get annoyed. She then looked at JP and Sonia.

Yes, we will try our best, dont worry. Just await our good news, JP said with a casual shrug. Sonia nodded.

Relax. Enjoy your well-deserved break. Sonia put her hands on Toris shoulders and turned her around. Look, a fancy carriage is waiting for you. Its been stocked with your favorite pastries.

Im not a child or Ewan. You cant distract me with food, Tori said in a low grumble.

All right. Food wont work, Sonia said, conceding. She looked towards the man standing by the door of the awaiting carriage. Your Imperial Highness, can you unbutton the top three buttons of your shirt slowly-

Sonia! Tori whirled around and sent her a sharp look as Sonia grinned.

Only three? Piers asked as his hands rose to his collar.

Tori shot him a silencing look. Dont. Her friends snickered behind her, and Ilyana sighed.

Tori, dont worry. Everything is settled. All the events can be handled well and we know what to do if there are any small issues, she told her as she pried one of Toris hands from her bag and held it. Dont worry so much.

You dont have to do everything, Henrik said. All of this is too much for one person, thats why we work so well together. It spreads the burden.

And even then, you tend to take the bulk of it, JP told her with a knowing look.

Go and relax. Youll see that we can do this much without you, so you can focus on other things, Ilyana said, squeezing her hand. I promise if there are any big problems, well call you. Otherwise, if you dont hear anything, assume all is well.

The others nodded and Tori gave them an uncertain look. I trust you.

Good, Ilyana said. She tried to pull her hands away, but Tori continued to hold them. Tori.

Tori bit her lips.

Tori, let go. The longer you stay, the longer it will take us to get to Geyser Cliffs. Axton crossed his arms over his chest and let out a tired sigh. Montan dug through his bag beside Axton. While he was invited, he declined as he was volunteering at the tabletop gaming clubs booth during Lyce hours and had a full shift during both festival weekends.

God sister, he said as he took out a new charm from his bag. Master has approved of my protection charms. This is to wish you a safe journey. Montan held out the charm as if offering it to her and Tori cocked her head to the side.

I have one, too, Axton said, touching his chest and the charm hed tucked inside.

Tori reached forward and accepted it. She looked over the charm and found that it followed the standard format. Increased energy circulation. Thats all encompassing.

Master said to either make it very general or very specific. I wasnt sure what specifics were needed, Montan said as he lifted a hand and scratched his head.

It depends on the person who will be using it. I usually give them to people who will deal with physical danger, so I focus on senses, reaction time, speed-

Tori, Montan, can this wait until we get back? Axton crinkled his eyes and got between the two. If this keeps up, we wont leave the city until nightfall.

Tori rolled her eyes. All right, all right. She activated the charm and folded it into fourths before tucking it into the inner pocket of the vest she wore over a long sleeved tunic. Thank you, Montan. Ill be sure to keep it on me when were traveling. She gave him a warm smile and he gave her a winning smile back.

Its a two day journey there, Sonia said, giving Tori a little push towards the carriage. Get going.

Tori sighed and finally handed her bag to Axton. She then turned towards her friends and gave them each a hug. Call me if there is anything needed.

Dont expect a call, Henrik said with a small snort. Just pretend the outside world doesnt exist.

Yes, you brought your water hammock for a reason, Albert added.

Tori forced herself to climb into the carriage before she had any regrets and firmly planted herself on the modified bench-bed layered with cushions, pillows, a soft blanket, and Alexander. She looked out the window as Piers and Axton climbed into the carriage with her.

Go before she changes her mind. Axton touched the communication crystal embedded into the side of the carriage to notify the driver.

The carriage jerked and began to move away from Lyces gates. Tori looked out the window and took a deep breath before leaning back against the seat. She really didnt know why she was so worried. Henrik and Ilyana were more than competent, and she wouldnt have gone into business with them if she didnt trust them.

I deserve to rest.... she said in a quiet voice.

Youve left them to take care of Lions Gate and the delta before. Why are you so worried now? Axton asked as he leaned back against his seat and crossed his legs.

Usually when I leave, we dont have anything large planned to happen during my absence. Its either planning an event that will happen when I return, or taking care of post-event things like surveys and reports. We will have the Spring and Summer collection release for Lions Gate, the booths for the clubs at school, Viclya is having a weeklong festival and guests will be pouring into the town, and then there is the big event for our upcoming crystal technology releases this year. Im sure there will be a lot of technical questions.

Technical questions that Master Ramos and Senior Benedict will be able to handle, Axton told her in a reassuring voice. And even if you were there to explain the details, most people wouldnt understand.

Tori wrinkled her nose. He was right, but she still felt she should be present for such an event.

It is only for a week, Piers said as he adjusted the cuffs of his shirt. You will return soon.

She took another deep breath and slipped out of the leather flats she was wearing. She pulled her legs up and curled them on the bench before laying down and playing with Alexander's fluffy belly. The last thing she remembered was Alexanders rough tongue on the back of her fingers before she fell asleep.

When she woke up, they reached their stop for the night: Lunar Inn at Poppy Glen. It had been renovated within the last year and from the number of carriages already parked and the numerous travelers in the lobby, there was likely little to no vacancy.

Axton approached the counter from a special member line for those who traveled often and stayed at the various Lunar Inns. They received small crystal tokens to be used and Axton, like Tori, had one for owners.

Tori yawned and looked to the side, taking in the various guests.

All your rooms are filled? someone asked as they stood at the counter with disappointment all over their face. How can that be?

The Spring Festival is a busy travel period. Most rooms have already been reserved and paid for, the man at the counter replied. Im afraid we have no more rooms to spare unless guests dont arrive on time to check in.

How do we know when there are available rooms? a well-dressed middle-aged woman asked.

It will not be until past midnight, madam.

Word spread through the remaining handful of people in line. As if worried there could be trouble, several plain clothes imperial knights surrounded Tori and Piers.

Of course, Your Grace. The rooms have been prepared. From the uniform of the man at the front counter, he was the manager of the Lunar Inn and rounded the counter to personally escort them to their rooms. He approached Piers and gave a bow before also bowing his head to Tori, but didnt speak their titles out loud.

Axton leisurely joined them and pointed out the knights who would be staying in their own rooms, as well as instructed the staff on the luggage. They didnt have much, as they only brought what they were bringing overnight.

The manager led them to the owners suite while informing them of how business was doing since the renovations. Business had increased with brand recognition, as expected, and prior to the Spring Festival, about sixty-percent of the rooms had been booked for at least part of the week.

I hope this is reflected with all the others, Tori said as she walked a half step behind the manager.

Many merchants that often pass through tell us they prefer to stay at Lunar Inns whenever possible, my lady. There are always many suggestions requesting that more open along the major trade routes all the way to Kings Harbor, the manager told them.

There are some on the list once the renovations are complete, Axton said.

Tori nodded. Yes, we want to be consistent.

Guests praise the consistency. They are pleased to know what to expect every time they stay at a Lunar Inn.

They reached the upper floor and walked down the hall to the far end of the floor. The owners suite was on the third floor and essentially a two bedroom apartment. As discussed prior, Tori got a room and Piers got a room, while Axton got the large sofa in the parlor. Four of the knights would rotate through the night to guard from within the room and would rest in the antechamber.

What should we do about dinner? Axton asked.

Order in, Piers told him in a firm voice. Make sure to order Alexanders meal. Sir Lloyd, please take Alexander outside to play for a bit.

Sir Lloyd bowed his head and picked up the pet carrier Alexander was in. Tori went into her room to sprawl out and fell asleep again before dinner arrived. If Piers didnt coax her to eat, she wouldve slept through into the morning.

Although all she did was go to class and travel the day before, Tori was exhausted enough to get a good nights rest. By morning, she was a bit more energized, though if she had her way, shed continue to sleep in.

Two more days, Tori...two more days and you can sleep in at Geyser Cliffs.... She convinced herself to get up and dress for another full day of travel.

Tori, breakfast has been delivered. Lets eat before we leave, Axton called from the parlor. Tori stuffed her clothes into her bag and came out. Breakfast was rather hearty, and Tori was satisfied. With a full stomach, she didnt buy too many snacks at the inns restaurant and store.

Did everyone already have breakfast? Tori asked as she reached the lobby. The knights, driver...?

Yes, everyone has already eaten and is ready to go, Axton replied.

Piers checked his watch. We are on schedule and will arrive at the next stop before sunset. If we leave at the same time tomorrow morning, we will reach Geyser Cliffs by noon.

Tori nodded. Thats not a bad time. That meant that by tomorrow afternoon, she could be neck deep in steaming water, happily ignorant of the outside world.

Axton grinned. Happy youve come?

Ill be happy when Im in the water, she replied with a grin of her own. They walked out the front door of the lobby and she heard someone call her name.

Countess Guevera?

Tori felt a chill before she recognized the voice. She turned her head and kept a pleasant look on her face as she gave a young woman stepping down from a carriage a nod.

Baroness Hart, what a coincidence. Tori screamed internally. Are you traveling through, as well?

Alessa was dressed in a simple dress and a light traveling cloak. She bounded over with a wide smile and nodded. Yes, my lady! We arrived late last night, but this inn was full, so we stayed at another inn down the street. However, I was told that you can buy food for travel here, so I wanted to stop before we continued on our way.

Tori nodded. Yes, for the convenience of guests, the restaurant and store are open all day and have a small crew at night. She tilted her head to the side. Are you going to see the construction site at Fendersmith Fields? I recall you telling me you were planning to go during the Spring Festival.

I am! Alessa seemed pleased Tori remembered. Its another two days to the site, but Ill have time to take a look before returning to school. And you? Where are you going?

Oh, were checking on some of the newly renovated Lunar Inns, Tori told her with a smile. Its one thing to hear that theyre doing well, but I wanted to see with my own eyes.

Will you be in the Fendersmith Fields area? Alessa asked with a hopeful expression.

Tori gave her a helpless look and shook her head. Unfortunately, no. We dont have any inns in that location.

Alessas shoulder slumped. Then, I hope you can come another time.

Tori nodded and gave her another nod before excusing herself and climbing into the carriage. The door closed and Tori leaned back against her carriage bench.

Hart is going to Fendersmith Fields this week? Piers asked, raising his brow. He looked towards Axton, who frowned.

It looks like it. Axton looked back at him. Its a good distraction.

Tori furrowed her brows. Did you send someone to Fendersmith Fields?

Piers looked towards her for a moment before gazing out the window. Yes. He didnt say any more and Tori wrinkled her nose.

Youre not supposed to worry about it, Axton said with a chuckle. So, dont. Its just intelligence gathering. Nothing too dangerous at all.

She furrowed her brows. Did you send Ka-

Tori. Piers looked at her and frowned. You are here to relax.

She took a deep breath. Right...Im here to relax. She sank back into the seat. After a few moments, she adjusted her seat and brought her leg up. A moment later, she stretched them out. Her eyes crinkled up. Axton raised a brow from across the carriage as she shifted again.

Tori, you really dont know what to do with yourself if youre not working on something.... he said.

Piers seemed to take a deep breath. He bent down and opened one of the compartments beneath the seat and took out a folio. He placed it on the table between them. These are manor house designs that have been collected to fit on NE12 while still leaving outdoor space for a garden and courtyard. He slid the folio closer to her. Why dont you take a look and see if you like any of them.

Toris brows shot up and tilted her head. Manor house designs.... Like a stray cat lured with food, she inched towards the table with trepidation. For my island?

Yes, Piers said. If you like parts of one, but not the rest, they can be changed. He put a pencil on the table. Whatever you pick, the architects can work with.

Her eyes lit up and she opened the folio. The very first drawing caught her eye, and she held back a smile. She pretended she didnt hear Axton ask Piers if he was distracting Tori.

She also pretended she didnt hear Piers answer. It works on Fifi.

There was something refreshing about the chill evening air against her damp skin and the near-boiling heat of geyser water she was laying in that seemed to melt away the stress of the past few years. Tori laid languid on her water hammock, as if her body had melted, and allowed the gentle ripples from the geyser source to push her around her partitioned private enclave of the geyser pool.

There were a few light crystals surrounding the pool to mark the edge, but it was otherwise dark with just a warm, comforting glow from the light in her room coming from the window. It was humid despite the chilly evening air of the region.

Tori kept her hair in a tight bun so as not to get it soaking. Under the water, she wore nothing and blissfully drifted to the sound of bubbling water. When she was ready to leave, her robe was warmed by a carnelian heating rack near the steps leading into the pool.

A metal tray was near the edge with some chilled ice wine and fruit. Standing stomach deep in the water, near the metal tray, cutting and removing the stem from strawberries, was Piers. Small beads of water glistened against the pale skin of his back as he carefully prepared her snacks.

Tori, he said as he turned around. The berries are ready.

Huh.... She didnt move from where she was floating halfway across the pool. Pull me back.

The rope that had been tied to the headrest of her water hammock went taut as Piers pulled her back towards the edge. As it was dark and there was steam, they couldnt see anything below the surface of the water. In addition, it was common in the region to soak in geyser pools naked. Having been topless in saunas with strangers in her travels in her original world, Tori had no problem doing as the Romans did there.

Besides, the only other person in the private pool area was Piers and she trusted him.

Her water hammock reached the edge where Piers was standing, and Tori didnt bother opening her eyes. She opened her mouth and waited for the sweet, juicy fruit to be dropped in. Her diligent assistant fed her without complaint.

There are cherries. I have removed the pits.

Perfect. She swallowed the strawberry and opened her mouth again. As she finished two cherries, she let out a relaxed sigh. It is perfect, Piers. Im so glad I came.

Does it feel good?

It feels amazing. She almost moaned as she sank deeper into the water. I can fall asleep here.

Thats dangerous. Do not do that.

Im not, but I can, she said. I dont remember when Ive been so relaxed since I came here.

We can stop by on the way back to Viclya this summer, he told her.

We...? Tori cracked an eye open and smirked. I thought your father was making you stay in Horizon this summer.

Piers frowned at the thought. Not all of it. He held out another berry over her mouth. Open.

She snickered and opened her mouth. Let me drift. He released the rope and Tori slowly began to move away. She closed her eyes and smiled. There were worse things in life than being forced to go on an all-expense paid vacation to soak in an outdoor hot bath in the moonlight while being fed fruit by a handsome, naked man.

I hired a massage therapist for you, she heard him say. They are on call whenever you are ready during your stay.

Tori bit her lips and held back an excited scream. Stop making me so happy, she said with a wide smile. Im almost worried something wrong will happen because Im too happy.

Then, I will fix it if something goes wrong, Pier replied with a light laugh. You should be happy. You work hard and help others.

She let out a light, agreeing hum. Yes, I deserve to relax and enjoy this. Everything is fine back home.

Piers! a voice shouted over the partition, from another private pool. Piers, I need to talk to you!

Tori opened her eyes and turned towards the wooden wall resting on a stone foundation. Axton sounded urgent. She looked towards the figure of Piers behind the steam. Axton is calling you.

Axton can wait. She cracked a smile at the annoyance in Piers voice.

She reached up and grabbed onto the rope, using it to pull herself back. At least answer him.

His heat flushed face frowned. What is it? he called back, irate.

Work-related news, Axton replied. Obviously, shouting state secrets and intelligence over a wall wasnt a good idea. Its urgent.

Tori isnt done with her fruit! Piers glared in the direction of Axtons voice and Tori heard Axton sputter.

What does her fruit have to do with you?

Im feeding her.

There was silence on the other side and Tori almost felt pity for Axton. She sighed once more and craned her neck. Hell be right over!

Tori.... Piers seemed to deflate, and she reached out and touched his arm.

Its important. If you take care of it, I can relax, she said, encouraging. He took a deep breath and marched towards the steps. Tori released the rope and allowed herself to drift away once more. And dont rush it, Piers. Ill see you in the morning, if necessary.

She saw his steam obstructed figure freeze as he was halfway up the steps. His movements slowed and he seemed to trudge with every step. Tori giggled and sank back into the water.

She didnt know how long she drifted, but when she caught herself falling asleep, she decided it was time to go in before she rolled off her hammock and drowned. She grabbed on to the rope and pulled herself back to the shallow part of the pool.

The cold air made her shudder as she came out of the water, but she grabbed her warm robe and relished the feeling against her damp skin. A content sigh left her as she picked up her tray of the remaining drinks she had been sharing with Piers and brought it inside.

The room she was in was a superior resort room with a bedchamber, parlor, and antechamber. Tori patted her face dry with a towel before walking to the comcry on the wall to summon the massage therapists.

As Piers told her, they came at once.

As soon as a pair of hands pressed against her surprisingly tight shoulders, she heard little pops from all the knots. Im only seventeen here, how stressed am I that my neck and back are all tight? No wonder everyone told me to take a break.

Is the pressure too light, my lady? the middle-aged woman asked.

A bit. It can be harder, Tori replied.

Yes, my lady. His Imperial Highness said that you like it harder.

Tori pursed her lips as she laid face down on the elevated bed built specifically for massage. The pressure deepened and the next thing Tori knew, she was waking up in her bed and what she presumed to be morning sunlight came through the drawn curtains.

Nyaow? Alexander nudged her head.

Is it morning? Tori asked, knowing full well her cat couldnt talk. She draped her arm over her eyes and remained in bed. I want to sleep in.

Nyaow.... Alexander nudged her again and this time deepened his meow.

Youre hungry, arent you?

Nyaow. It was as affirmative as she could understand from her cat.

Tori let out a tired breath and slowly slid her legs over the edge and sat up. She walked to the comcry on the wall and ordered breakfast for her and for Alexander.

Were going to eat and then were going to lay in bed, Tori told him. Alexander meowed in agreement. Tori stretched out and looked around, wondering what time it was. She rummaged through her bag to get her time piece, and then frowned.

If she were at Lyce, class wouldnt have started yet. Her internal clock was against her. She let out a heavy sigh and fell backwards on the bed. She began to drift back to sleep when their breakfast arrived.

My lady, His Imperial Highness and His Grace left you a message, one of the knights stationed outside her door handed her an envelope when she opened the door to get her breakfast.

Tori furrowed her brows and stepped aside to let the breakfast cart be pushed in as she accepted the letter. Thank you, Sir Atienza. Are they already awake?

The letter will let you know, my lady.

She pursed her lips, but gave the knight a nod. She thanked the server and took their name down before closing the door. Alexander circled her legs and she gave him his food first before sitting down in the parlor and opening the letter.

She was completely knocked out the night before and according to the letter, Piers had her dressed in her night dress by the massage therapist and then he carried her to her bed. Axton had called him over to speak to him as new intelligence had been sent over. He didnt give any details, only that they had an urgent opportunity to survey an area about a days travel away.

He and Axton, along with a handful of knights, left after Piers checked on her, and he told her they would return either late that night or early the next morning.

Do not worry, it is only observational. The entire inn is at your disposal. Eat and rest. Tori read the end of the short letter and sighed. They obviously left her behind on purpose and she couldnt blame them considering what she was supposed to be doing there. She looked towards her cat. Alexander, lets check out the rest of the inn later.

Nyaow! At least someone agreed with her.

As planned, she ate her breakfast, then returned to bed to lay around for another hour or two before she finally got up to explore. Two imperial knights were stationed outside her door and Sir Atienza escorted her while Sir Wagner guarded her room.

Alexander marched in front of her without a harness or leash, like a proud gray lion inspecting everything the light touched.

My lady, this Lunar Inn is quite large and has a courtyard and garden suitable for walking and dining, Sir Atienza told her. We are also not far from the waterfall.

There is a waterfall? Tori perked up. Now were talking. Lets go there first. She could see the garden and courtyard later.

Yes, my lady. Sir Atienza escorted her to the lobby to call for a carriage and two more knights. Tori gathered Alexander in her arms and stepped into a sunken waiting area near the entrance.

She made it two steps before noticing that she wasnt the only guest there, as she had been told. Tori nearly snapped her neck to look across at the two figures seated across from each other on plush chairs, appearing to be having coffee and a late breakfast.

Her eyes crinkled up and her lips parted. No.... she muttered. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Perhaps all the heat from the geyser pool had gotten to her and she was seeing things. She opened her eyes. The silver-haired second prince and his red-eyed friend were still sitting there. What are you two doing here?

Oh, Countess! As if seeing an old friend, Gideon gave her a small nod before dabbing his lips with a cloth napkin. We just arrived. Have you seen my brother?

Hes on an errand with Axton, Tori said, irritated. Why arent you two in Horizon? I thought you were volunteering at the tabletop gaming club and you at the Sword Association. She eyed them with a sharp gaze and Fabian averted his eyes, looking at Gideon to explain.

We were, but I found out from Alvere that my brother came here to have a holiday of sorts, Gideon told her, appearing proud he found out. We talked to Tiff and Martin and they said they had enough volunteers for the week, so we came here.

The corner of Toris eye twitched. Do your parents know?

Yes, Mother approved, Gideon said.

Tori narrowed her eyes. Does your brother know? She watched the second prince tense in his seat and then slowly turned his head away to avoid her sharp, demanding gaze. She took a deep breath. Why did your escorts not inform me?

My lady, you have made it clear that outside of Lyce, it is not required for you to keep track of His Highness whereabouts, as the escort knights will be present, one of the imperial knights standing nearby and part of Gideons escort answered with some reluctance. Tori shot him a glare and he shrank back.

I would like to know if he is going to leave the city and come to the same place I am, Tori said in a low voice. She shifted her gaze back to Gideon and Fabian. Are you two going to stay here the entire time?

About that, Gideon said with a helpless look. Would you mind requesting rooms for us? We were told that as the inn is not yet officially opened, they cannot take reservations without authorization and Axton is not answering.

Tori held back the urge to kick them out. He is Piers brother. He is Piers brother. I am a Marquis daughter. I cannot harm the imperial family. She grit her teeth. I will arrange it. She turned around and put Alexander on the ground before going to the counter. After a few minutes, she returned. There are only a few regular guest rooms that can be prepared, so I leave it to you to decide who goes where, Tori told him.

Gideon smiled like an idiot. Understood! Thank you, Countess! She exhaled deeply and headed towards the door. Outside the windows, the carriage had pulled up. Where are you going?

To see the waterfall! If her voice didnt scream out dont bother me, she didnt know what else she could say outside of telling them directly to get them to understand.

Alexander hopped into the carriage with her, and Sir Atienza brought her a snack basket. They headed off and the waterfall was closer than she expected. If her room was on the second floor, shed be able to see past the surrounding tree line and get a view of the waterfall spewing from a crack in the nearby cliffs.

They couldve walked there and Tori felt a bit silly for taking a carriage. A vista had been cleared that overlooked the pool and river that the waterfall plunged into, and Tori had a picnic blanket spread out so she could take in the sight.

The waterfall was hot water, so the entire area was humid and somewhat steamy. Tori felt it was enjoyable and relaxed with her cat under the shade of some surrounding trees for a bit before the urge to eat a larger, heavier meal got to her.

They packed up and returned to the Lunar Inn. Tori was certain that when it opened, it would be more a resort than an overnight stop. After lunch, she explored the rest of the inn and made small notes about what could be improved and what could be added to make it more resort-like.

Alexander followed behind her for some time before returning for his afternoon nap.

Tori stopped by the counter before going back to her room to order dinner to be delivered, as she planned to drift aimlessly in the pool for a while once more.

She didnt expect to see Gideon and Fabian leaving the inn. She stood up straight and furrowed her brows.

Where are you going? Normally, she wouldnt care, but as Gideon had a penchant for going where he wasnt supposed to, she couldnt help but ask.

Not far, Gideon said. Well be back later this evening.

Tori narrowed her eyes. You did not answer my question with a proper location. Her voice lowered. Where are you going?

Gideon and Fabian exchanged looks. Fabian knit his brows together and stood up straight. My lady, Baroness Hart invited His Highness for coffee in the town at the base of the mountain. She is also passing through.

Tori frowned at once and looked towards Gideon. She was fairly certain he didnt know the suspicions his brother had about Alessa, so his guard would not be up as high as hers was. She also couldnt tell Gideon about the intelligence Piers gathered regarding Alessas caravan stop, as it was highly classified information. Regardless, she saw no reason for him to go. You agreed to meet with her?

She has been inviting me to visit Fendersmith Fields and Ive rejected her. This was a good compromise, Gideon told her. Tori opened her mouth to argue, but Gideon frowned. Countess, need I remind you that I am the second prince of Soleil.

The entire lobby and all the knights that were escorting both parties seemed to go quiet. Tori narrowed her eyes. Youre going to pull rank. Her voice dripped with disgust.

We will be escorted with knights and the location isnt far, Gideon said, straightening up. I am aware of your personal feelings towards the Baroness, and I dont condone all shes done, but we are still classmates and it is reasonable for me to give her time to encourage her work on behalf of her barony.

I understand it appears as a risk, my lady, but it is a calculated one and we have prepared numerous knights, Fabian told her. I will make sure His Highness will be cautious at all times as I will be next to him the entire time.

Tori wasnt listening to their ridiculous excuses. She dug out her comcry. Call Piers du Soleil.

Youre going to call my brother? Gideon balked as Tori held up her comcry. She didnt reply and waited.

No one answered and Tori frowned. Call Axton Alvere. If they didnt answer, it was possible they were in the midst of a no-contact errand. Or danger, but considering what Piers had told her, it was likely the former. She scowled as she looked at the comcry.

Gideon smirked. My brother must be busy.

Yeah. Tori snapped her comcry closed. But Im not. She craned her neck to look towards the counter. If His Imperial Highness or Duke Alvere return before we do, inform them that Ive escorted Prince Gideon for a day trip and will return by nightfall.

Yes, my lady.

Tori turned her eyes towards Gideon who looked as if he wanted to complain. She glowered and he drew his head back. By coincidence, Baroness Hart also invited me to see her caravan stop at Fendersmith Fields, but Ive been busy. Why dont I pay her a visit, too.

She adjusted the cuff of her shirt and the dagger strapped to her forearm peaked out.

Youre really going to follow us down there? Gideon asked with an irritated glare.

Its not that I dont trust your judgment. Everyone knows that its poor, Tori straightened her travel vest. Bring my cats dinner to the room, but cancel my meal. She looked from the manager at the counter and back go Gideon. Since you insist on going, lets go.

His earlier upbeat walk seemed to be weighed down with her presence and the heated glare boring into the back of his head. Without a word, Gideon climbed into his carriage with Tori and Fabian. Two of Piers' escort knights followed the carriage.

She leaned back with her arms crossed, staring at Gideon until he avoided her eyes and wore a guilty expression.

I couldnt bring myself to say no to her this time. Shes been so excited about the caravan stop and it is for the benefit of the empire. I should show her support.

Tori didnt reply and continued to glare at him with displeasure. When she got a hold of Piers, she would talk to him about having his brother avoid Alessa due to her questionable association.

Their carriage went down the mountain side, towards the valley below. At the entrance of the valley was a small town and it wasnt too far away from a major trade route. Alessa mustve really wanted to show her caravan stop to someone and Tori shouldve known that she wouldnt let Gideon go like she did Montan and Dimitri.

After all, Gideon was still a prince.

Tori took a deep breath and lowered her eyes. She looked around the carriage, which had been modified with crystals to keep it comfortable. The windows were tinted, as well, and Gideon had activated the crystal to keep outside sounds, like the carriage creaking and city noise, out.

Personally, Tori liked to keep the crystal deactivated while traveling in case there was an accident up ahead or one of the knights needed to speak to them. I need to make it adjustable.... She tapped her bracelet and made another mental note.

Across from her, she noticed the poison detection ring on Gideons right ring finger. It was in the same place Piers wore his and Tori wondered if he was copying his brother. Her lip curled up into a slight smirk at the thought.

Glass shattered from her right and she snapped her head up. As soon as the glass broke, the noises from outside filled the cabin. Horses were neighing and people were yelling.

Your Highness, stay in the carriage!

My lady, hold your breath! Someone coughed and Tori looked towards the object that had come through the window. A sachet of crystals had been tied to a dense, broken brick.

The heavy scent of sweets reached her nose and at once, memories of the smell flooded her head. Her hands shot up to her mouth as she looked at Gideons glowing ring.

Use your sleeve to cover her mouth! Tori shouted as the carriage began to rock. A heavy thud sounded against the door as the knights coughed outside. Dont breathe it in!

Gideon looked confused and Fabians eyes were wide. He grabbed on to Gideon and tried to cover Gideons mouth and nose with his sleeve. Its poisoned!

The scent was concentrated and in the back of her mind, Tori knew this meant the potency of the gas emitted was, too. She reached for the door, but the carriage swung to the side, throwing them against the opposite wall.

Tori clenched her jaw as her shoulder slammed against the carriage. Her body was already feeling heavy and she wasnt wearing any air crystal to purify the air. Fabian, who was trying to cover Gideon swayed back, having inhaled the gas. Gideon was coughing and sliding off the seat bench.

She caught sight of someone falling from the drivers seat of the carriage and tumbling on to the ground like a dummy. She heard someone yelling, but couldnt make out the words.

A small voice in the back of her mind told her she had to hide it. More than her dagger, more than her bracelet, she had to hide it as it was her most useful tool. Shed wake up eventually, right? Shed need it when she awoke.

As her head throbbed and the heavy weight of sleep swept over her, she raised her hand and used all her strength to break the chain around her neck. The mem slid into the crevice between her breasts.

Her weak hand batted at her chest to adjust the crystal into a nestled spot as far down as it could go, and she could feel it poking against her as she began to lose consciousness.

I knew it. Her eyes closed as the carriage seemed to spin. I was too happysomething was bound to go wrong.

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