Tori Transmigrated

Chapter 60: Don't Listen to His Negativity

Chapter 60: Don't Listen to His Negativity

Just because she was nice to people did not mean she was seducing them. If Sebastian wanted to lecture someone on being careful with their words and actions, so as not to mislead another party, he shouldve lectured Piers. Tori had huffed that she was not seducing Piers, or anyone for that matter, but her brother just looked at her with concern, as if he knew something she didnt.

Thankfully, Andy was still there at the time and she complained to him. Unfortunately, Andys response was Im sure she doesnt mean to do it. Which only increased Sebastians worry.

They had a nice meal on Anahata Island so Tori could show Andy some of her and Instructor Ignatius experiments. Andy had been particularly interested in the carnelian hot plates and commended their efforts. Tori wished he could stay longer; having Andy around was like having a third brother who wasnt as ridiculously biased in her favor, but his leave from the navy was up.

If he didnt go back, his sisters would hunt him down.

He had left at dawn the day after they arrived. Tori gave him a big hug, presenting him with a carved obsidian charm from her test batches.

Old Sulfae? Andy had asked as he held the smooth, rectangle shed enveloped in a leather case. It was half the size of her palm and Tori had seen it in Kings Harbor. Shed bought a bunch of pieces, cleared them, then carefully scraped the Old Sulfae on them. She had Master Ramos check when she charged it on Anahata Island.

Yes, its clarity in battle and I added awareness of surroundings, Tori had told Andy. Just keep it on your person and it should continuously gather energy to be used later. Let me know if it works.

She, Sebastian, and Piers sent Andy off and they lingered on the loading island until the Ocean Queen was a speck on the horizon.

To Tori, Andys departure signaled the official end of her vacation. She dove back into working on her project and various Lions Gate concerns fulltime, which included their anniversary event. After spending another day at the delta, Piers had to return to Horizon, much to Sebastians pleasure.

Sebastian then accompanied her around an inspection of the islands, stood to the side and watched as she had various meetings with project leads, and attended the weekly village meeting. Half of his time was spent on Anahata Island, collaborating with Master Ramos as they completed the orders for the crystals to be installed around the island.

In between accompanying her and working on the island, Tori had arranged for him to go upriver to admire the scenery, paddle along the coasts to do birdwatching, and then go look for whales. She then interviewed him for an hour on what he thought of the nature-based activities.

After several days of getting back into the routine of the delta, Tori and her brother left for Horizon for the polo tournament. Sebastian had been calling people he knew in Horizon daily, asking if they had seats to the tournament, but he had no luck.

As of breakfast that morning, Sebastian had no tickets to the tournament.

Tori affixed her headband on her head as she sat in the parlor of their Aunts house, waiting for Piers to pick her up as Auntie Lucias house was on the way to the Imperial Stadium.

Are you sure you dont want to ask Piers if you can come with us? Tori asked. He said there are plenty of seats in the box. I dont think the Empress or Emperor will mind.

I know they wont mind. We are the children of the Empress best friend, Sebastian said. But Ive got plans.

Tori drew her head back as she watched her brother eat a piece of fruit while he leaned against the door frame to the parlor. What plans? I thought your plan was to go to the Imperial Stadium to watch the tournament.

He nodded. Yes.

She narrowed her eyes. Youre not going to try to sneak in, are you?

Sebastian lowered his hand and let out a scoff. Sneak in? What kind of person do you think I am?

Her suspicion doubled. are you going to watch the tournament?

Her brother wiggled his brows and smirked. Before Tori could ask, there was a knock at the door. The butler opened it and appeared at the doorway, beside Sebastian.

My lord, my lady, His Highness Prince Piers has arrived. He stepped back and bowed as another man entered the room.

Piers was dressed in a casual outfit; black pants, boots, and a cream-colored shirt with his sleeves rolled up just below his elbows. His hair was a bit messy, and he gave Sebastian a small nod.


Sebastian looked him up and down and sneered. He turned towards Tori. Remember to have the knights around you at all times.

Tori nodded as she rose to her feet in a pale yellow and white dress with matching wide-brimmed hat. Are you sure you dont want to go with us, Sebby?

Unfortunately, I will be unable to come as something has come up. Sebastian casually stepped between them and took his sisters arm before Piers could even offer his. He led her outside, leaving Piers standing by the entrance to the parlor, looking at his empty arm. It shouldnt take long.

What about from the banquet tonight? Tori asked as they stepped outside. Sebastian snorted.

Of course, Ill be there. Someone has to make sure questionable individuals dont cling to you when they see you arrive.

Tori narrowed her eyes. Piers will be with me.

I stand by my statement. They reached the carriage and he helped her step inside before moving back. Piers approached the door to the carriage and gave him another nod.


Remember that. Sebastian sent him one last glare of warning as Piers climbed inside. The footman closed the door and Tori waved out the window as the carriage moved forward.

Tori perched on the bench, watching her aunts house get smaller as her brother remained standing outside. She couldnt help but remain suspicious. Considering Sebastians behavior whenever Piers was involved, Tori didnt think that hed even let them be alone in a carriage together. But he did...and it unnerved her.

Are you all right? Piers voice drew her attention, and she lifted her head.

Tori nodded. Im just surprised Sebby didnt come with us. I was sure he would since he couldnt get tickets.

Master knows what he is doing.

She supposed he did.

They arrived at the Imperial Stadium where the three-day equestrian competition had been held, except that instead of being dropped off along the street, their carriage went through a gated alleyway and rounded the stadium to get around the back, near where the stables were. When the carriage stopped, they were right beside a thick wooden door with a half dozen imperial knights standing guard.

Tori didnt know why she was surprised; it made sense that the Emperor and his family had a private entrance. Just across from the entrance were the stables. However, she couldnt just wander over and bother people. She followed Piers into a brightly lit corridor and seemed to go beneath the stands before they reached another door. Imperial knights also flanked it, and they opened the door, revealing a large stairwell with narrow, arched windows that overlooked the park.

Judging from the stonework, it was a more recent addition to the ancient building. Tori was certain they were at least on the mezzanine level when they reached another door guarded with more knights that opened to a wide hall. There were knights standing around and a table with food and beverages, along with servers standing at ready.

Across the hall were two double doors and upon entering, the Emperor and Empress were already in the cushioned chaises just behind a window. The noises from outside were muffled and Tori saw two light blue crystal spheres in each corner of the box, already glowing.

Lady Tori! You came! The Empress shot to her feet and quickly rounded her seat, where she was resting against her husband, and came to greet her. Where is Sebastian? I thought he was coming, too.

Good afternoon, Your Majesties, Tori said, picking up the sides of her skirt to curtsy. Sebby was unable to make it. He said he had a prior engagement.

Oh, thats a shame. Well, well see him at the banquet. The Empress beamed as she reached for Toris hands. Come and sit! Gideon is playing in the game today, so its just us four. We can talk before the match starts.

Tori, do you want to see the horses? Piers lingered by the door. We have time before the match starts.

Tori looked over her shoulders, her eyes wide. Can we do that? We wont get in the way? He shook his head. Tori looked back at the Empress and smiled. Your Majesty, if youll give me a moment, Id like to go see the horses.

Take your time! The Empress eyes seemed to turn into pleased slits as she smiled widely. You two enjoy yourselves!

Tori headed back outside with Piers, and he led her back across the hall and to the private stairwell.

Do you want to ride a horse? he asked as they reached the door to the outside.

I do, but you know my family wont let me ride alone after the accident. The knights opened the door for them and they stepped outside. Piers walked beside her, falling into her pace as they walked towards the long, wooden building just across a pathway.

He nodded. What if you had an instructor?

I suppose its fine as long as Im not trying to ride a horse by myself, Tori said. Knights were also guarding the entrance to the stables. Once they stepped inside, it was a flurry of movement as men and women in uniforms were rushing from place to place while grooms were preparing the horses.

Tori stopped two steps inside, hesitant to enter further. She didnt want to get in the way and cause an accident.

I can teach you. Tori turned around and looked up at Piers, who was standing just behind her. As soon as their eyes met, he diverted his. Im very good with horses.

Tori is not allowed alone on any horse. I thought Kasen made that clear.

Tori looked back towards the stables again and her eyes went wide. Sebby? She looked him up and down. He wasnt wearing the clothes shed last seen him in at their aunts just minutes earlier. He was now in olive riding pants with thick, leather guards on his shins and forearms. He had on a loose, white shirt with an olive collar and cuffs. He even had a black helmet on, though it was unlatched. Tori drew her head back. Are you going to play?

Sebastian stood in front of her and crossed his arms over his chest. The two teams playing today are the central district, and the twelfth district, of which Armando is the captain of. One of the players had a family emergency last night in one of the villages north of here, so they needed another player on reserve, he told her. Armando knew I was in town and had been asking for tickets, so he offered this instead.

Tori couldnt help but be a bit aggrieved. Why didnt you tell me?

I wanted to surprise you when I win the match and dedicate it to you, Sebastian said, as if it were obvious.

Tori let out a heavy breath. Arent you only playing as a reserve, and only for one match? You cant dedicate it to me.

Ill win the match and dedicate it to who I want. Whos going to stop me? Sebastian said, arrogantly. It wasnt worth arguing with him. Hed do whatever he wanted. Sebastian uncrossed his arms and his expression softened. The central districts team includes the second prince. Ill make him taste defeat today, Tori.

Her eyes grew large. Now that she thought about it, if Sebastian was playing in the game, then shed have to cheer for him. He was her brother. Which meant, she could actively cheer against Gideon in the guise of rooting for her brother. It was petty, but she didnt want Gideon to win. At anything.

My brother is a very skilled player. He may surprise you. Piers spoke up once more and Tori gasped. She turned around with betrayal on her face before her eyes narrowed.

She stood up straight and looked at him with defiance. So is mine. Piers blinked and lowered his head, appearing taken aback by her defense.

Sebastian smirked and leaned forward as he put his arm around his sister. He gave Piers a goading look as he tilted his head and rested it atop Tori's. Since my little sister has so much faith in me, I cant let her down, can I?

Sebastian! Lets go! Someone shouted. Oh, its our little Lady Guevera!

Hi, Armando! Good luck! Tori threw the designer a wave before her brother jogged over to meet with the rest of the team.

Piers! She snapped her head to the side and saw a young man in a black helmet wearing cream riding pants with a dark purple shirt with a white collar and hems. Gideon looked ecstatic to see his brother as he almost ran across the stables to meet them. Piers, did you come to see me?

Tori was sure that if Gideon had a tail, it would be wagging madly.

No. Once more, Piers answer was to the point. Tori wanted to see the stables. Gideons face fell and Tori bit her lip to keep from smirking. Piers held out his arm and Tori automatically took hold of it. She thought they were going to simply walk away, but Piers gave his brother a nod. I will be watching you from the box.

Gideons face lit up. Piers might as well have told a puppy he was a good boy.

Ill make you proud, Piers! Ill win this for you!

Piers gave him another nod as he led her away. Tori kept her mouth shut, not wanting to bring up Gideons enthusiasm as they walked back to the stadium. When they reached the booth, the trumpets began to sound announcing the entrance of the players.

Tori took a plush, cushioned seat to the side and Piers sat down next to her. He lifted his hand and a servant rushed forward.

Fruit with sweet cream, chilled sweet wine, and puffed pastry balls.

Yes, Your Highness!

Tori was busy keeping an eye out for her brother until a small table was propped up between her and Piers. A tray of food and wine was placed on top of it.

Do you see Master? Piers asked as he stabbed a cut strawberry with a fork and dipped it into the thick dish of sweet cream.

Tori nodded. I see him! Hes on reserve, so hes in the back. I hope hell get a chance to play. Andy said hes really good.

Strawberry. Tori turned her head and saw the strawberry held out in front of her.

I can feed myself, she told him in a dull voice.

So, you can cheer on Master. The game moves quickly, Piers said. He moved the fork closer. You love strawberries best.

She did, but his parents were right next to him, and she was sure the Empress was trying her hardest not to watch them. Do you see this, Sebby? Who is seducing whom? Who is seducing whom?

But she did love strawberries. Tori leaned forward, quickly snatched the strawberry in her mouth and turned her eyes to the pitch. The game began and as Piers said, it did move quickly. From the distance they were in, it was a bit difficult for her to keep track of the ball.

If she didnt keep her eyes on it, shed lose it amongst the eight polo ponies and would need to figure out where it was. After missing two goals while picking up a cream puff, she gave up and let Piers feed her so she could keep her eyes on the pitch.

After the third chukker, Tori caught sight of someone familiar just a few rows below the booth. She gasped and leaned forward, wanting to call out, but the glass would only muffle her voice.

Is something the matter? The Empress asked as she looked over.

I see my brothers godson, Istvan, and his mother. Theyre the twelfth districts captains wife and son, Tori said with a bright smile. From what she could see, the baby was wearing a replica of his fathers uniform, along with a little black cap with ribbons on the side. He looked so cute, it almost physically pained her. Is there a way to go into the stands from here?

Yes, there is a door out in the hall that will let you enter the general seating walkway, the Empress said.

Piers, you stay here. Its loud outside. I wont be long, Tori told him as she patted his arm and stood up.

You must take knights with you. Pier stood up and he walked her out into the hall just outside their booth. After assigning two knights to her, he stood back as Tori and the knights slipped out. As soon as the door opened, yelling and cheering filled the room and Tori became even more excited.

She wove through people standing and walking around in the general walkway in order to get to the stairs that would take her to where Csilla was. Before Tori could call out, Istvan turned in his mothers arms and reached out for her. Csilla looked down at her son and followed his eyes, her eyes widened.

Lady Tori!

Hello! Tori greeted them happily as she knelt down by the side of the walkway to stroke Istvans cap. I saw you from where I was seated and came to say hello to this adorable little man.

Do you want to sit with us? I was supposed to be here with Cordelia, but her husband was a player who had a family emergency last night and they couldnt make it.

I heard from Sebby, Tori said as Csilla scooted over to make room. Istvan reached for her, and Tori happily accepted him on her lap. She lowered her head and kissed the side of his head. Did you miss auntie? Auntie missed you! The baby laughed as she gently bounced him on her knee as her arms secured around him.

She chatted with Csilla about the hairstyle she was thinking in between cheering for the twelfth districts team. Gideon scored a goal and Tori booed.

Its a close game. The central district was last years tournament champion, Csilla said. They beat us by three points.

Well, not this year, Tori said, assured. New year. New match. She clapped Istvans hands in front of them as they watched. A gasp filled the crowd and Tori sucked in a sharp breath. Beside her, Csilla shot to her feet.


Tori stood up to try to get a better look as a timeout was called. Armando was on a dark gray horse and was leaning forward, teeth clenched as he grabbed on to his left leg. The ball slammed into the side of his leg, displacing the shin guard. Several people rushed out into the pitch to check on him.

Overhead, from the blue crystals hanging above them, the announcers voice spoke up.

Captain St. John of the twelfth district is being escorted off the pitch with a leg injury.

Tori looked towards Csilla, whose hands flew to her mouth. Csilla, I can watch Istvan if you want to go down to check on Armando. I have knights with me, well be fine.

Thank you! She briefly pointed out the bag that had some of Istvans things before rushing up the steps to get across the stadium. Tori rocked Istvan against her as he began to choke out a cry.

My lady. A knight bowed his head as he reached her. The Empress instructs you to bring the child to the box.

Tori hesitated, but it was an order. She nodded and the knight helped her collect the baby's things before she clutched the child against her shoulder and climbed up. When they got to the private hall, Piers was waiting.

Go to the twelfth districts team area and inform Captain St. John and his wife that their son is here with Lady Guevera. If one of them comes to collect the child, escort them in, Piers said. A knight bowed and turned on his heel to go deliver the message.

Inside the booth, the Empress and the Emperor were standing. Is everything all right? the Empress asked, worried.

Csilla went to check. I apologize for the trouble.

Its no trouble, the Emperor assured her. Have a seat. Tori nodded and returned to her seat with Istvan on her lap. He looked around his new surroundings, appearing either curious or confused.

Lady Tori, do you like children? the Empress asked as she looked over.

Yes, I- Piers sat down in his chair between the two and lifted up a strawberry to let the baby taste it. Piers....

He cant chew?

The announcers voice filled the room. Captain St. John will be replaced by reserve player, Lord Sebastian de Guevera.

Sebby! Tori sat up straight and scooted to the edge of her seat. She gave Istvan a little squeeze. Istvan, your godfather is going to play! Lets cheer him on! Istvans answer was nonsensical baby talk, but Tori pretended she understood him anyway.

She craned her neck as she caught sight of a new horse entering the ring with her brother riding. He took his position and as soon as the match commenced, he was off. Sebastian was agile on a horse, as if he were raised riding one. He balanced his body well and whenever he swung his mallet, he hit the ball.

It didnt take long for him to score a goal. Then another.

Tori had a gleeful look on her face, and she raised Istvans arms as he sat on her lap. Look at your godfather! Hell win this tournament easily!

She heard a sigh to her left and caught the Emperor shaking his head in disbelief. I forgot that Antonias eldest is a monster....

Hmm....I hate to admit it, dearest, but I dont think our team will win uncontested this time, the Empress said with a sigh of her own. She reached over and gently patted her husbands knee.

Toris eyes sparkled as she looked towards the pitch with pride. Is there nothing my brother can do?

Get a girlfriend.

She shot Piers a glare. She lifted her hand and covered Istvans ear that was closest to Piers. She leaned down, towards his other ear, and whispered. Dont listen to his negativity, Istvan. Lets keep clapping so Sebby wins!

Together, the two of them cheered for her brother and openly booed the central district. They had just reached the halfway point and the start of a rest period when a knight knocked on the door. Csilla had come to collect Istvan and Tori got up.

My lady, Im afraid I cant come to do your hair tonight, the woman apologized as she took her son from Toris arms.

Tori shook her head. No, dont worry about it. How is Armando?

They are concerned there is a fracture. His leg is being bound right now and hes not allowed to walk, Csilla said with a pained look. Ive contacted our mothers for assistance while hes recovering.

Good, Tori said. Please tend to him and Istvan. I will be fine.

Im sorry, Lady Tori.

Its not a problem. Tori smiled and shook her head. She reached out and gently pinched Istvans plump, red baby cheek. Ill see you another time. The baby gurgled and reached for her once more, only to be pulled away.

Two knights escort Madam St. John back, Piers said from the doorway. Csilla bowed her head and bent her knee as much as she could while holding a baby. A knight held the baby bag and walked behind her while another knight led the way.

Its nothing too serious, is it? the Empress asked. Once more, she was on her feet and had come to the door.

Tori shook her head. At most, it seems to be a fracture. He wont be able to walk or stand on his own while it heals, but their mothers will come to help. Unfortunately, Csilla wont be able to do my hair for tonight.

She couldve sworn the look on the Empress face turned predatory. Oh, my dear girl, dont worry yourself. She lifted a hand and pressed it against her chest. I will take care of everything!

A voice echoed in the room from the communication crystals. Another goal for the central district!

Her mother was right to warn her, but she was overconfident. She didnt think it would happen, but it did. Now, she was paying for her arrogance.

Tori sat before a gilded vanity under the bright light crystals of a massive bed chamber in the imperial palace. Two servants were doing her hair while two more were preparing her dress by a three-paneled mirror in the corner. Another servant was preparing her white lace and pearl decorated heels while two more guarded the silver and pearl jewelry set.

All of her things for the banquet were brought over from her Aunts to the palace, where Tori now sat, quietly waiting for her hair to be finished, all while wondering if she had technically been kidnapped.

She could only imagine how horrified and upset Sebastian was when a knight went to deliver the message that the Empress would have Tori come to the palace to prepare for that nights banquet. Yes, it was the Empress suggestion, but it also meant Tori was going to the palace with Piers.

They hadnt reached the palace yet when her brother frantically called her, asking her where she was. Tori had tried her best to explain the situation and her brother was adamant that she wait for him at the banquet; he would be there as soon as he could bathe and change. He also yelled at Piers before he hung up, as if knowing that they were in the same carriage together.

Tori apologized to Piers, but he didnt seem at all bothered. If anything, he seemed pleased. His pleased expression vanished as soon as they reached the gatehouse and Tori was swept away by a small army of female servants to be pampered before the banquet.

While waiting for her things to arrive, shed had a lavender scented bath, a quick oil massage, and an introduction to the numerous servants that now swarmed around her, courtesy of the Empress herself.

Tori didnt doubt their ability, but this wasnt how she saw her evening going. Aside from when she was soaking and getting a massage, she had been tense and careful not to say anything outside of general formalities. She couldnt help but think that if her shopping trip with Piers before she left for Anlar reached the Empress ears, it would get the womans hopes up.

My lady, your hair is finished.

Tori blinked and tried to snap herself out of her thoughts as she lifted her head and looked into the vanity mirror in front of her. A half up-half-down style with the upper portion of her hair braided into a circlet around the top of her head was decorated with pearls and small white flowers. She moved her head around and was impressed.

It wasnt too tight and pulling against her skin, nor was it heavy. Its lovely...and very comfortable. Thank you.

The servants who were doing her hair looked pleased.

My lady, your dress is ready. Tori let out a low breath and stood up. A maid helped take her arm to steady her, as she had been seated for some time. She was only in a slip, corset, and stockings. She walked towards the three-paneled mirror, where the back of her dress was open and ready for her.

The servants were skilled, and it didnt take them long to hoist the mass of heavy fabric up and secure it into place. As they closed the back, Tori admired the gunmetal and silver gown. It was the most elaborate shed worn since she arrived and had a boat neck with three-forth poets sleeves, to account for the warm weather, and had lace, embroidery, and glass bead and pearl detailing.

One maid swept back her hair and lifted it up so another could place her stacked silver necklace with pearls, which were a birthday present from her Grammie, around her neck. The earrings matched the design on the necklace, and a thumb ring finished it off.

As the servants adjusted the dress around her and helped her into her shoes, Tori admired herself in the mirror. Victoria was pretty on a daily basis, but when she dressed up, it seemed to elevate her looks. Tori drew her lips inward to keep from laughing. Maybe Sebby is right to worry that someone would cling on to me.

My lady, how does the dress feel? Is anything too tight or too loose?

Tori raised her arms and twisted her body a bit. She moved in a small circle and furrowed her brows. My chest is a bit tight. Can you loosen it?

Two servants stepped forward to try to adjust her dress. Im afraid thats as far as we can loosen it, my lady.

Thats strange, I just had this measured.... She trailed off. When she was in Anlar, she ate a lot. There were so many seafood dishes to eat that she happily feasted without question. Then there was the lamb she gorged on in Karap and the cured meat she and Sebastian kept eating at the delta.

Tori put her hands on her stomach. She looked down and frowned. Her stomach and waist area were fine, though. She gasped and her eyes went to her chest. Were they growing?

Just as she grew excited at the prospect of having breasts again, a maid knocked on the door from the antechamber.

My lady, His Highness is here.

Tori pushed aside her excitement and tried to focus. She thanked the servants who had helped her and gathered her skirt to step down and then walk towards the door.

Outside, between the hearth and the door to the bed chamber, Piers was standing and adjusting his collar, as if it were a bit tight. Tori stopped in her tracks.

Never mind. I look average.

Anyone could tell at first glance that their clothes were meant to be a pair and Tori regretted having made it so obvious. Madam Midstrom had been so excited, and Tori had been hungover, so she just agreed, trusting the womans tastes. And Madam Midstrom had excellent taste. The problem was it now showed on her and Piers.

Piers who was already handsome and stood out in normal clothing.

His suit was designed to match hers, but somehow, he looked far better in the suit than she did in her dress. He had far less lace and the embroidery was much more subtle, but it was there. His hair was combed back, and he had on white gloves and shiny black shoes. Everything fit him perfectly.

Piers saw her as soon as the door opened and his eyes dilated once more. Tori. He sounded almost breathless as his cheeks reddened and he walked forward. You look very beautiful.

She gave him a weak smile and tried not to sound too defeated., too.

He looked at her curiously. Are you tired?

No, Im fine. Lets go. Sebby is waiting for us. She lifted her arm and Piers gently placed it in the crook of his before escorting her out of her room.

Like at the marquis castles, the imperial palaces halls were also lined with knights and as they walked down the lengthy corridors, Tori could feel gazes on them. She shook her head. She needed to focus. Tonight, was about keeping Piers company and making sure he wasnt overwhelmed while meeting and greeting people.

She should be used to the mission by now. This was no different from when the ambassadors or the garden party. There would likely be the same people present at the banquet.

The closer they got to the ballroom, the louder the faint music became. As they came down another corridor, she could see a small crowd of people outside the doors, waiting to be introduced and enter the ballroom. Rather than join them, Piers turned to the right and led her down a smaller hall that was adjacent to the ballroom.

The only people there were knights on duty and two were standing on either side of an ornate wooden door. On the other side of the hall, large windows looked out into a lush garden. Aside from a few dim light crystals along the pathways and around what looked to be a fountain further in, the garden seemed secluded.

If Piers gets anxious, I can take him outside to relax. Tori memorized where the door was as an escape route before they stepped through to enter the ballroom. It seemed to be in a far, almost hidden corner, partway behind a large, ornamental pillar. She would bet money that this is where Piers would stand and hide at previous functions he was forced to attend.

They stopped just in front of the pillar and Tori turned to Piers. His violet eyes scanned the room before settling on two figures greeting people halfway across the ballroom. Tori followed his gaze and saw the Empress beside her husband in a beautiful gold and white gown, cheerfully greeting her guests.

Lets greet my mother, Piers said. Tori gave him a nod and proceeded to walk alongside him in even, measured steps.

They were halfway to the Empress when she turned and caught a glimpse of them. Her eyes widened and her arm shot to the side to grab the Emperors. He seemed to wince as she squeezed his arm and then tugged it, making him look up to see what she was trying to show him.

A similar expression of surprise and then amusement filled his face. The Empress released his arm and began to walk towards Tori and Piers. An affectionate, welcoming expression was on her face. She was able to take three steps before another couple seemed to appear in front of her. She drew her head back, ever so slightly, and looked at the young couple, having not expected to be cut off.

Toris reaction almost mirrored the Empress and she found herself stopping, holding Piers back. He looked towards her. Whats wrong?

I didnt know your brother brought a guest.

Piers looked ahead of them, to where Gideon was greeting the Empress with Alessa.

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