Tori Transmigrated

Chapter 70: Push Aiden Into the Well

Chapter 70: Push Aiden Into the Well

This was not the birthday dinner that Tori thought they would be having when she asked Axton if he wanted anything to eat for his birthday. She had been hesitant to ask, as they were eating dinner at one of the poshest restaurants in the empire. Axton told her that he would settle for a frozen strawberry dessert and would like to play a round of dungeon crawl.

He had listened in while she was leading her little cousins over comcry and wanted to try it. Hed arrived at the restaurant with a character sheet she had given him in his hand, completely filled out, and seemed somewhat impatient all through dinner.

Tori tried to encourage everyone to enjoy the atmosphere at the owners private dining room, on the roof of The Three Queens, as they played. Coffee was served, along with frozen custard and frozen strawberry sorbet. There were musicians and Tori managed to get two dances in with Piers as practice. They slowly added in another set of dancers after a few steps until there were four sets on the dance floor.

She and Piers had bumped into Ilyana and Henrik twice and Nanny Rey and Constantine once, but everyone was very patient with Piers trying to become accustomed to dancing with other people.

When Tori returned to her seat, Axton was already seated to the right of her and had his character sheet and a set of three dice that Tori had defaulted to using. At first, it was just them and Ewan, who hadnt finished his character sheet yet, and Constantine, who had been uncertain about joining, but Ewan told him about the cleric class and the two were discussing. Then Ilyana came to watch, and the others would drift in and out to see where the story was going.

Toris comcry was open as she looked down at her notebook.

Paladin Aiden reaches the abandoned temple. Surprisingly, there is a wide well in the center of the main room. Its old, dilapidated, and carved with ancient symbols around its crumbling walls, but he cant read them, Tori said, going by the notes shed made.

They heard a muffled snort come from the comcry. Aidens illiterate.

Hes not illiterate, Maeve. Theyre ancient symbols. There are old books and scrolls laying around the room. What do you do, Aiden?

Paladin Aiden searches the room to look for a book to decipher the ancient symbols.

Smart move, Tori said with a nod. You find an old book with symbols matching the carvings and try to say them out loud. Do you say them correctly?

He probably wont....

Cousin Eili, please.... Tori lifted her hand and rubbed her head. Aiden, roll twelve or higher to see if youve said the symbols correctly.

There was a pause and then Aiden cried out. Fourteen!

Paladin Aiden has read the symbols out loud and the carvings begin to glow. There is a sound of wind blowing through the temple as the interior of the well begins to glow in the same light blue color as the carvings. Next up is Druid Ava. You're right behind Aiden.

A childs voice spoke up. I follow Aiden into the temple and push him into the well.

Tori, Axton, Ewan, and Constantine all stared at the comcry. Roll fifteen to see if your push is strong enough to push him into the well.

There was another pause and then a childish grumble.

Ten! Hah! Aiden laughed. I live!

Ewan seemed to let out a breath of relief for Aiden. All right, Paladin Aiden is pushed a few steps forward, but stops himself before he can fall into the well. Cousin Eili, youre next and right behind them.

Understood, Eili said. I push Aiden into the well.

Grandpa! Aiden immediately cried out in protest and on her side, Tori and the others muffled their chuckling.

It was her turn, Aiden. Therefore, it is her right, the former marquis said. It was reasonable, but Aiden still complained in the background.

Roll five or more to see if hes pushed in.

Wait, why is it five? Last time it was fifteen! Aiden said.

Youre close to the well now, Maeve said. All you need is a little push.

Why are you trying to kill me?

Im not, Eili said. The well is glowing. What if its a portal? Youre the leader. You should go first-aww...I rolled a four.

Axton looked at Tori. Your cousins are brutal.

They want to push the story along, Tori said. All right, Paladin Aiden is shoved a little closer to the well. Its still glowing. Fighter Axton, youre next.

Axton nodded. Push Aiden into the well.

Aiden! Come back! Eili shouted. It seemed that her little cousin was rage-quitting.

Aiden, come back, Tori said. Youve been pushed into the well. Dont you want to see where you end up?

Am I dead again? her little cousins bitter voice asked, sounding as if he were further away from the comcry.

No, youve been transported into another world, Tori said. Welcome to my world. As she described the new world to everyone, a server came towards Axton and whispered something in his ear. He nodded.

Tori, the musicians have to leave soon. Did you want to do one more dance? he asked.

Tori nodded. Okay, were going to end here today. Remember where we are: Aiden has fallen into a magic well and has been transported into another world. Ava, Cousin Eili, and Axton were right behind him in the temple, Maeve, you are stealing some sacred weapons after breaking into a tomb outside the temple, and Uncle Lawrence, playing for Cousin Deidre, you are stuck in quicksand.

Ill get out next time! the former marquis assured them.

Tori slid her finger across the comcry to end the call and then leaned back against her chair. Axton lifted his hands and began to clap, followed by Ewan and Constantine. Good job, dungeon master.

I cant wait to play next time, Ewan said.

Did you settle on a class? Tori asked. Ewan nodded.


Tori, Piers said behind her. He had been practicing his footsteps under Nanny Reys guidance with her other friends joining him every now and then. I think I can do it better now.

All right! Tori pushed herself up from her seat. She looked at the others. Do you mind one more?

Sure! Ilyana said.

Id be happy to help. Constantine also agreed. Ilyana went to call Albert and Henrik, who were getting some fresh air outside with the twins. They came back in and were paired off.

Do I have to dance with Sir Nassaun again? Albert asked. Can I at least lead?

No, Im taller, Axton said as he stood in one corner. Constantine matched up with Nanny Rey.

Lets try to enter from the side, Tori said as she stood on the edge of the dance floor and raised her arms. Piers settled in front of her and nodded. He had a look of concentration on his face.

Begin! Axton said, looking over the top of Alberts head. They began to move and after two beats, Tori gave Piers hand a small squeeze, signaling for him to lead them in.

Good! Nanny Rey said. Much smoother that time, Your Highness.

Piers gave them a small nod, but kept his eyes on their feet. Piers, lift your head. Remember to watch where we are going, Tori reminded him.

Piers swallowed and lifted his head. Immediately, he met her eyes and he looked away. Sorry...its difficult.

Im much shorter than you, so just look at the top of my head, Tori said. You should still be able to see others around us.

All right, Piers said. They continued around the dance floor and as the song ended, Tori smiled widely.

Good job! The music finished and they looked towards the musicians as they clapped. Tori looked back at Piers with a proud expression. We didnt run into anyone that time!

Piers, who had a faint sheen of sweat over his forehead, nodded. I tried to keep distance, as Nanny Rey instructed.

Nanny Rey can do everything, Ilyana said. The old woman chuckled. They gathered their things and headed downstairs. It was already late and only a few diners remained in the quiet restaurant.

Three carriages were waiting outside for them, with the largest set to take the local students back to their district.

Tori, can you ride with me? I want to apologize. Piers asked. Tori furrowed her brows and looked back at him as they stepped outside.

Apologize for what?

My brother.

Axton grimaced and let out a low hiss. He looked towards Ilyana, who nodded. She also wore a wince on her face. Tori had told them about the tip off from Miss Elsen. Sonia had to be held back from going to confront them; she was convinced Alessa had something to do with it. She was probably right, but as Tori had no proof, she had to assure her friend it was likely just Gideon acting out alone.

Then, Ill see Albert back to the Martins, Axton said.

Sir Nassaun, can I ride with you, as well? Ilyana asked. Im also interested in the game and have some questions about a character...role?

Class, Ewan said as he climbed into the first carriage.

Since youll also be dropping off Miss Agafonova, Ill join you, Constantine said with a bright smile. As youre more familiar, I have questions about the cleric class.

In that case, I will escort the others to make sure they go home safely, Nanny Rey said before embracing Tori and pulling the collar of her cloak closer together to make sure she was warm. You will be safe with His Highness.

Thank you, Nanny. Please make sure they arrive home well, Tori said. She didnt think anything of the dispersal of people over three carriages. She planned to go back to Lyce with Ilyana and Constantine and drop off Nanny Rey on the way there, but in this way, she could at least be assured that her other friends would get home safely, Albert included.

She put her hand in Piers so he could help her into the smallest of the carriages. Inside, she sat on the center of the bench facing the back. Piers climbed in after her and paused, noticing that she hadnt made room for him next her and relegated him to the back bench across from her. His eyes lowered, but he took his seat in silence.

The footman closed the door and Tori looked across at him. You heard what Sebby said.

Youre not seducing me.... Piers said in a quiet voice.

Tori chuckled. The carriage jerked forward, and she leaned back against her seat. Did you see your brother lately?

Piers seemed to take a deep breath and nodded. He was sitting up straight and lifted his head. His eyes met hers. I saw my brother tonight, at the palace. I spoke to him. I am sorry that my brother had acted in such a way to target you. His eyes quickly darted away.

Tori lifted a hand and gave him a shake of her head. Its not your fault, Piers. You and your brother are two different people. We cant control our siblings. The image of her own two brothers appeared in her mind and she cringed. God knows I cant.

He still caused you so much trouble. Not only you, but Imperial Grand Scholar Sophos. Your family, the duchies. He did not think his actions out clearly.

Whats done is done. Im already working on a policy retraction, Tori told him. You dont need to get involved.

He is my brother. I should take some responsibility for failing to educate him properly and allowing him to act as he did. Piers looked upset. I am the older brother. I should be responsible.

Tori took a deep breath. She reached across the small carriage and patted one of his hands that had gripped his knees so tightly they were turning white.

Piers, I know you want to help and to discipline him, but this is not the time. If you fight with him because of this, it may seem as if you and Gideon are at odds. It is important for you two to get along, Tori told him.

Piers shook his head, looking down at the floor. Sometimes, I dont understand what hes doing. He raised his head and narrowed his eyes. He said he was doing this for a friend.

Tori let out a low breath. I figured as much.

He cocked his head. Is it that Hart girl? He has never done such a thing before, except for helping Fabian.

I dont know, Tori said. Im like 99% sure. But he should be allowed to make his own friends. You cant pick his friends for him.

What if he is terrible at picking friends?

Okay, he has me there. Tori closed her eyes and leaned back against the bench once more. I didnt know you were protective of him.

We are not close, but Gideon is my younger brother. I have to take care of him, Piers said. There was a firm resolve in his eyes. Like Master takes care of you and Senior Kasen. Uncle Oliver also says it is important for me to take care of my brother. If he is exceeding, I should praise him. If he is making bad decisions, I must correct him.

A warm smile tugged at her lips. Gideon was an annoying douche, but she was still relieved Piers had some affection, she supposed, for him.

What did you tell your brother when you saw him? Tori asked.

I told him I was disappointed in him.

Toris brows rose and she let out a low hiss. Knowing how much Gideon idolized his brother, hearing Piers tell him those words mustve been as if his heart was ripped out.

Was that not enough? Piers asked, furrowing his brows.

No, thats enough. Her voice was a bit strained. She wondered if it was too much. She made a mental note to observe Gideon at Lyce the coming week to see if the blow was as devastating as she believed.

If he continues to act like this, I will have another discussion with him, Piers said firmly. Tori nodded and glanced out the window.

I wonder if Gideon cried.

The days that led to the review exams were quieter than Tori remembered. Before previous exams, there was always tension in the air. Students were nervous and stressed, but it felt as if they were more nervous than usual.

Tori was sure that it was because so many of their classmates benefited from Ilyanas reviews, almost becoming dependent on them. Now that Ilyana had refused to hold any more review sessions in solidarity with her, their classmates were at a loss.

Ilyana was confident of her ability and didnt seem bothered at all. She didnt even appear bothered by the amount of people asking her to hold a review session. Shed reject each and every one of them, but every time she did, Tori would watch any hope in their eyes die out. She almost felt bad for them. Almost.

Toris goal was to hold her place in the top five. She still did most of her studying on her own, but occasionally joined the others. Albert and Henrik werent very worried, as well. It was vastly different from Henrik last year, when he was drained for days. Their little group had private review sessions with Ilyana.

And in order to avoid any unwanted guests, their reviews had been in the private room above Cafe Fortuna. Even if other students looked for Ilyana, they couldnt find her.

Their small review sessions were much more tailored to their individual weaknesses, as well. Ewan and Sonia had more confidence than usual, as their weaknesses were, as JP put it: all of it.

All right, Henrik said as he stood across the center courtyard, eyeing the large announcement board outside the administration building. Students were crowding around to check their rankings and scores. Are we ready?

We were the only ones who were able to study with Miss Agafonova, Constantine said, though there was a slight nervousness in his voice. I am sure we did well. Ewan and Albert nodded stiffly.

Tori shook her head at the four boys as she and Ilyana bypassed them. Youve been standing there for five minutes. Im sure youre fine.

You must trust my review sessions! Ilyana said as she followed Tori.

Tori got to the board and lingered behind much of the crowd. She could see the top of the second-year student ranking list from where she was. She saw the name at the top of the list and laughed, not a bit surprised.

Congratulations on retaining rank one, Miss Agafonova, Tori said as she looked over at her roommate.

Ilyana was smiling brilliantly, and her eyes sparkled. And to you, for advancing to rank two, Lady Guevera.

Their loud voices caught the attention of several of their classmates, who looked taut and somewhat defeated.

We broke the top twenty! Albert nearly cried out as he grabbed Henriks shoulder and shook him. We broke the top twenty!

But with what? Stop shaking me! Henrik tried to glare at Albert, but was caught up in the shaking.

Mr. Skuldsen, youre rank eighteen. Mr. Martin is fifteen.... Constantine let out a breath and looked at the board, stunned. Im rank nine.

What about Ewan? Tori asked, craning her neck to find their friend. Ewan had squeezed his way closer to the board to look at the scores for niche students. Ewan!

Im in the top ten for niche! Ewans voice seemed to fill the courtyard as he burst out through the crowd. Ilyana, youre a miracle worker! He hugged her and lifted her off her feet, making her laugh aloud. Ive never scored this high before! Thank you! Thank you!

She patted his shoulder as she laughed. Youre welcome! But all I did was guide you. You did the hard work!

Ewan almost seemed to sniffle as he gently put her back down and nodded.

Excellent job, Mr. Connor, Constantine said, patting him on the shoulder as well.

You did great, Ewan. Henrik added.

Tori threw an arm around his shoulder and gave him a firm shake. Im proud of you. I cant wait to tell Sebby.

Ewans face reddened at his friends praises, but he continued to thank them.

Ewan, did you see your history score? Albert asked. He looked at the bald young man and cracked a wide grin. Youre second in your class.

Ewan let out a trembling breath, as if he couldnt believe it. Tori looked back towards the board and scanned for several other names.

JP and Sonia were well above average for niche students, as they expected.

However, Dimitri had dropped to fifth and Alessa was out of the top ten. Tori drew her lips inward. Gideon and Fabian, though neither was in the top ten at the end of last year, also dropped spots. They were quite below Albert and Henrik.

Tori narrowed her eyes. In fact, Gideon had dropped severely.

Sixty-two.... It was still above her entrance rank, but Gideon was far above her when they started. Piers disappointment mustve really given him a blow. Even his metacrystals' scores are in the bottom ten.

She didnt pay attention to his study habits and, from what she noticed after Piers told her about what he said to his brother, Gideon had been quiet in class. He didnt seem to talk much to his usual circle; not even to Alessa. Tori didnt really have time to properly watch him outside of homeroom, as she was busy with her own responsibilities, but if grades were an indication, he took a massive hit.

And, if she were being honest, she did kind of feel bad for him as it was in relation to his family. However, it wasnt as if Piers hated him. Gideon was a bit...overly attached.

Miss Agafonova! Miss Agafonova! Someone cried out and they turned their heads towards a young man rushing towards them with a frantic expression. Tori and Ewan automatically slipped in front of Ilyana and stood in guarded positions as the young man skidded to a stop. Please, Im begging you! Please give reviews before midterm exams!

His cry drew the attention of several other students, all who began to murmur in agreement.

Ilyana seemed unfazed. She smiled brightly and shook her head. Im sorry, but Im terribly busy at this time. As you know, I am also a partial owner of Lions Gate and its our anniversary, as well as the release of our fall and winter lines. There is still so much to do.

Tori and Henrik glanced at each other and raised their brows. There wasnt much left to do except to have the anniversary celebration at the store. Everything was already taken care of. However, neither were about to call out Ilyana.

Their next few weekends were booked. Aside from their bi-weekly delta visits, the weekend after was Lions Gates one-year anniversary and they had invited their usual VIPs. The week after that was the midterm exams, then another delta visit.

After that, they had some time to relax, as Constantine had made reservations at Mama Myras, the restaurant that served authentic Karap dishes.

Should we celebrate the end of midterm exams there? Constantine had asked. I believe Universit have their midterm exams at the same time. Id like to invite Sir Nassaun and His Highness, as they were kind enough to invite me to Sir Nassauns party.

Thats a good idea. If we are all able to keep up our rankings, then a celebration is in order, Tori said, nodding.

Ewan rubbed his hands together. I can't wait to taste that roasted lamb you told me about.

Tori put her hand on Ewans shoulder and nodded. I know, Ewan, she said seriously. I also want that lamb.

Their groups little bubble of enthusiasm was in stark contrast to the overall air of disappointment and failure amongst their classmates. No matter where Ilyana seemed to go, their classmates would look at her with silent pleas for help. Shed return their looks with smiles, as if nothing were amiss.

This always made Tori grin, but she was very touched by her friends determination to support her.

Two days after the review exam results were released, Tori was once more called to the Headmasters office. Ilyana was with her, as she had come to pick up Tori from metacrystals. The two looked at each other as the staff member intercepted Tori.

Maybe the Board finally gave in, Ilyana whispered as she leaned towards Tori. They followed the staff member back towards the administration building.

Tori shrugged. At this point, it doesnt really matter. Even if the policy isnt retracted, I have loopholes I can exploit, and theyll still suffer.

They reached the headmasters office and Ilyana waited outside, in the waiting area across from Mr. Legaspis desk. Mr. Legaspi led Tori into the office, but this time, it was rather cramped.

There were over a dozen people in Headmaster Laurents room and Tori couldnt even get to her usual chair. Headmaster Laurent gave her a small nod and then seemed to look towards the other twelve adults crammed into his office. He then met her eyes once more and she could make out amusement in them, as well as a slight smile on his face.

His expression was in contrast to the overall air of defeat coming from the other adults. Tori tried not to smile too much as she took a step closer.

Headmaster Laurent. Ladies and gentlemen, Tori gave them a curt nod of her head. She recognized Mr. Allen and Mr. Copperton again. Mr. Allen took a step forward and opened his mouth, but she held out her hand. Ah, let me call my grandfather. Mr. Allens mouth snapped closed, and he seemed to sink. Tori took out her comcry. Call Eduardo de Sophos.

He answered almost immediately. Hello, Tori!

Hi, Grandpa! Im sorry to disturb you again.

No, youre not disturbing me at all. Is the Governing Board bothering you again? At his choice of words Tori caught the pained look on the adults in the room. What could they say against an Imperial Grand Scholar and father-in-law to Marquis Guevera?

They are all present, Grandpa. Before we start, I wanted to make sure you were on the call again, Tori said.

Thats my smart girl. All right. I am ready.

Tori looked at the board members and gave them a nod. Please proceed.

Once more, Mr. Allen took a step forward. Lady Guevera, Imperial Grand Scholar Sophos, the Lyce du Soleil Governing Board has agreed to retract the policy and remove the budget limitation.

Several eyes were on Tori and Tori looked back at them.


It was as if she gave them another blow. Mr. Allen looked at her beseechingly. Lady Guevera, what else do you want?

The standardized process for the introduction and enactment of future policies to be made a policy in itself, with exceptions to enact emergency policies that deal with the health and safety of students, Tori said.

A white-haired old man sighed. Lady Guevera, that was already the process in the past. We will continue to follow it.

It should be made standard policy, not just a traditional courtesy, Tori said. This will ensure that something like this is unlikely to happen again.

Is that necessary?

Yes. Tori and her grandfather said at the same time.

Tori narrowed her eyes. What do I need to do to have this procedure become policy? Can a student submit such a concern, or do I need to be Prince Gideon in order for my words to have some merit?

Several people inhaled sharp breaths and a chill went over the room. From his seat, Headmaster Laurent snapped his head up. His eyes narrowed and he frowned. He looked towards some of the older board members.

Did His Highness request that he not be mentioned as having a part in this? You allowed a student to target another student? He asked. His voice seemed to grow angrier and angrier. Is this why none of you would tell me who requested it?

Mr. Allen shifted awkwardly, and Mr. Copperton rubbed his head. We had valid concerns for retaliation.

Miss Guevera did not retaliate against another student, Headmaster said.

Someone balked. She blacklisted our families and businesses!

Yes, yours, Headmaster said. And it worked! He and Tori said the last part at the same time. He turned towards her with a firm expression. Miss Guevera, in the student manual, there is a procedure for students to follow to submit their concerns to the Governing Board. Please look over it and submit one to me; I will give it to the Board.... He eyed the other adults, irritated. And will ask them to review it for enactment by next fall.

Tori nodded. I am satisfied with this. Grandpa?

Official announcement of the retraction of the policy is required. It should be signed and dated by all members of the Board, as well. Once this is completed, we will consider this settled out of court, Grandpa Sophos told them.

How soon can this be done? Tori asked.

We will have the notifications printed and posted immediately, a thin man answered. Tori nodded once more.

Then, we are done here. Thank you for understanding and working with this student, Tori told them. She stood up straight and gave them a small nod of her head, before turning around. She placed her hand on the doorknob and pulled it open, still holding her comcry in one hand.

Lady Guevera! A womans strained voice called for her and Tori turned around. She lifted one brow and gave them a questioning look. A brown-haired woman with graying hair stepped forward. About...about our businesses and the bans...?

Tori lifted her chin. Once the notifications are up and the retraction is officially announced, I will inform Lions Gate, Daybreak Garden, the marches, and the duchies involved that this incident has been resolved. She paused and narrowed her eyes. While I can promise that Lions Gate will end our ban, I cannot guarantee what the others will do.

The Board members all seemed to falter and looked at each other with worry. A few murmured their regrets while a few of the younger ones said they were sure that the bans would be lifted, though they themselves sounded uncertain.

My lady, another woman said, taking a step forward. She was one of the younger adults and clutched her hands tightly. What about the review sessions? I heard they were canceled because of the policy. She looked uncertain. My son finds them very useful.

Tori looked a bit surprised, but was quickly happy to hear it. Ooh, Ilyana has some soft power of her own. She looked towards the antechamber, where Ilyana stood up from her seat as soon as the door opened. I will let Miss Agafonova know, but it is up to her whether or not she wants to continue leading review sessions.

The woman looked pained to hear this. Tori turned around and walked out of the office. She threw a giddy smile at Ilyana, whose face brightened in triumph. She walked towards the door to Headmaster Laurents office and peered in.

As soon as the notification to retract the policy is out, then I will resume the review sessions in time for the midterm exams, Ilyana said. She gave everyone inside a curt nod of her head before turning around and looping arms with Tori.

The two walked out, trying their hardest not to explode with smiles.

As they stepped out of the administration building, Tori gasped. Oh, Grandpa! She lifted up her comcry. Grandpa, are you still there?

Im here! And I heard it all! Is your friend Miss Agafonova there?

Ilyana looked surprised. Im here, Imperial Grand Scholar Sophos, she said as she leaned closer to the comcry.

Grandpa let out a jovial laugh. Miss Agafonova, you are the best friend of our Tori. You can call me Grandpa, as well.

Ilyana flushed and smiled. Thank you, Grandpa!

I should thank you for supporting Tori in such a way. We must all do what we can for our loved ones with the strength we have, yes?

Ilyana nodded enthusiastically. Yes, I agree, Grandpa.

Grandpa, thank you for all your help, Tori said. We will await the retraction notices before we proceed with unbanning them. I will let everyone know at that time.

I am more than happy to help you, Tori. This was an unfair and targeted attack.

Ah, speaking of targeted, Tori said, becoming a bit more serious. Dont tell Mama about Prince Gideon. Itll upset her. Her grandfather didnt reply. Tori looked at Ilyana, who looked back at her, and then looked at the comcry. Grandpa?

Actually, my dear...I was having coffee with your Mama when you called.

Tori froze. Mama is there?

She...has already gone to call Her Majesty.

Tori closed her eyes. I really need to check who else is present when Im calling people....

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