Tori Transmigrated

Chapter 72: Hiding Like We’re Criminals

Chapter 72: Hiding Like We’re Criminals

If we get into a fight, I want Hart.

Sonia, no. Tori closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Were not going to get into a fight. Even if its outside of school, Im sure instigating a brawl, especially with those people, will get us in trouble, if not expelled and that is the last thing I need right now.

What do we do? Ewan clutched the bowl of ice water against him.

All of you, go upstairs, Piers said. Tori looked towards him, surprised. When none of them moved, he frowned. Now.

Ewan was on his feet, still holding his bowl of ice water while Constantine rushed back to help JP lift Albert to his feet. The others raced towards the stairs at the back of the cafe, but Tori hesitated to go.

You, too, Axton said. He placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her around. Dont turn on the light crystals when you get to the room in case they see it from outside. Piers and I will take care of it.

As she passed Piers, he gave her a small nod and, though uncertain, she returned it. She ran up the stairs and nearly slammed into the group waiting around the corner. She gave them side-eye for crowding, but still joined them. The decorative slats on the stairwell allowed a few of them to be able to peek downstairs.

Why are we hiding like were criminals? Henrik whispered as he crouched down by the edge of the stairs. We didnt do anything wrong.

JP looked over at him with a deadpan expression. Youre not the one who punched the second princes knight in the face.

Several eyes turned to Ewan and his lower lip trembled as he let out a muffled whimper.

Thats...thats not a crime.... Albert said, unsure. He paused and looked at Tori. Is it?

Shh! Sonia shot them all a glare and put her hands against the slats as she lowered her head.

From what Tori could make out, Axton and Piers had moved to sit at the bar of the back counter and the earlier warm lights of the cafe dimmed. Tori wondered if they were going to pretend that the cafe was closed; however, the familiar bell rang signaling that someone had entered.

Piers? Gideon sounded confused. What are you doing here?

Tori nearly pasted herself to the floor so she could look through the gaps and watch. Piers didnt turn around to look at Gideon. He remained facing the back counter and accepted his drink from one of Mama Js sons.

Coffee. Piers didnt appear to be answering Gideon so much as acknowledging his beverage. A few steps behind him, Gideon looked downtrodden.

Hes working on a project, so we came to get coffee for some energy, Axton said, turning in his seat. He seemed to nod his head towards them. Are you here for coffee, too?

Gideon shook his head. No.

We heard that Lady Guevera often comes here, Dimitri said, taking a step forward.

Tori held back a grumble. One of the problems with being well known on campus was that many eyes were on her and she couldnt exactly move unnoticed.

Are you looking for her? Axton asked.

Her friends, Dimitri answered.

No one has seen her or her friends at the dorms, Gideon added. Axton stirred his cup.

Is something wrong? His question sounded so sincere; Tori wouldnt have believed that he knew his pupil had punched another knight in the face.

Dimitri gave him a curt nod. Lady Gueveras friend, Mr. Connor, punched Sir von Dorn in the face.

Piers and Axton seemed to look at Fabians face. From what Tori could see, he did indeed have a bandage over his nose. She drew in her lips to keep back a small laugh. She knew it was messed up to laugh at some fifteen-year-old kids possibly broken nose, but that fifteen-year-old kid was Fabian.

Did you get into another confrontation? There was displeasure and disapproval in Piers voice. She couldnt see his face from her angle, but Tori did notice Gideon take a step forward, as if wanting to interject.

No, Your Highness. There was a scuffle in one of the study rooms and I was caught up in it, Fabian said in a calm voice.

The study rooms? Axton sounded as if he didnt believe them.

Sir Nassaun, Your Highness, I can explain. Alessa moved in front of Fabian. Tori narrowed her eyes and listened carefully to Alessas retelling. She silently compared it to what she had seen and what her friends had seen. Overall, the accounts matched. At least, until the end. Sir von Dorn was pushed forward and lost control of his footing. Mr. Connor suddenly punched him, unprovoked.

When Alessa explained it like that, she made it sound as if Ewan was just waiting to throw a punch at Fabian.

Are you talking about Ewan Connor? Axton asked. Hes my pupil and Ive worked with him extensively as of late. That doesnt sound like him. Are you sure it wasnt an accident?

What was the overall climate at the moment? Was it chaotic? Piers asked. He had turned back to face the counter. Were there many students involved?

I wasnt there.... Gideon said. Fabian?

There were many people involved, Your Highness. It almost seemed like a ripple through the crowds, but Im sure Mr. Connor was the one who hit me, Fabian said.

Axton didnt sound convinced. If there were many people involved at that time, are you sure it was him?

Upstairs, everyone looked back at Ewan. The young man with the shaved head and his hand still in a bowl of ice water took a deep breath. Suddenly, he took out his hand and gave the bowl to Constantine, who was beside him. Henriks eyes widened and he shook his head, mouthing dont.

Tori stood up and moved to block the space between him and the stairs. She shook her head. Ewan....

I dont want Master to lie for me, Ewan said in a quiet voice. He looked guilty and his friends exchanged concerned looks. Tori bit her lips, but nodded and stepped to the side.

Ewan began to walk down the stairs. The others continued to peer through the slats while Tori stood at the top of the stairs, arms crossed over her chest and brows knit. Even if both Piers and Axton were downstairs to shield Ewan, Ewan was her friend. She would sweep down if needed.

You! Fabians voice filled the room and Tori could hear him stomping forward as Ewan reached the bottom of the stairs. You hit me!

Im sorry. Ewan immediately lowered his head as he stopped. It was an accident.

An accident? Fabian growled. You think this was an accident? He reached up and tore the bandage off his face. Upstairs, the group watching seemed to barely hold back their gasps and grimaces as a bruise had begun to form on Fabians face and his formerly straight nose was knocked a little to the right. It didnt mess up his face too much, but with the bruise and remnants of dried blood, it was not a pretty sight.

Ewan had not lifted his head.

I had been training so much recently and my body moved before I could stop it. I wasnt thinking, Ewan said. If you wish to report me, I will accept the punishment.

Good! Gideon said. Be prepared for tomorrow! Were going to report you tonight and once-

We will request that an investigation be made, as from what it sounds like, there were numerous people involved and it became violent, resulting in injuries, Piers said. He turned around in his seat.

What do you mean? Gideon looked at him, confused.

If a simple review session devolved into chaos and involved as many students as you say, then this should be investigated by the school. Not only to find out who started it, but to find all parties involved. Anyone who was involved in instigating this should be held accountable, Piers said.

Fabian nodded. I agree.

Ewan, Axton said, looking towards his pupil. We will need to work on your temperament. In a non-combat situation, excessive force is hardly ever necessary. Whats more, you were around students. Ewan seemed to lower his head even more and nodded. They are non-combatants. They dont have the training you do. You should have been able to control yourself. No raising your voice. No hitting. No shoving.

Piers nodded in agreement. Anyone who was involved in any show of force, or participated in aggravating the other students, should be held accountable for tonight.

Fabian tensed. While Gideon continued to nod, agreeing with his brother, Dimitri and Alessa looked towards Fabian with wide eyes.

The corner of Toris lips curled up. Fabian had yelled and shoved other students. If an investigation was made, certainly other students would report his actions, which would inevitably reach the ears of his employers: the imperial couple. It could be enough to get him kicked out of his position.

It sounds as if it really was an accident! Alessa spoke up and threw a hopeful smile at Piers. Mr. Connor does seem as if he didnt mean to and everyone was in an unfortunate position when it happened.

And everything did happen so fast, Dimitri said. Alessa nodded enthusiastically.

Fabian clenched his hands at his side and Tori waited to see what he would respond with. What was more important: his position or his pride?

If it was an accident, then there is no need. His voice shook a bit as he spoke.

Im sure it wasnt done in malice, Alessa said, looking towards Ewan.

Ewan still hadnt looked up. Im sorry for hitting you, Sir von Dorn.

Fabian swallowed hard. Try to control yourself better next time.

Gideon looked at the other three, confused. He leaned towards Fabian as Fabian turned around and began to walk back to the door. Whats going on? Why are you just letting him go?

Its fine. After all, Mr. Connor is a fellow student.

The bell rang again, signaling that they had left. The door closed and Ewan turned to Axton.

Im sorry, Master.

Just be more careful next time, Axton said with a casual wave of dismissal. I meant what I said about non-combatants. Youre usually much more careful than this.

Tori walked down the stairs. She knew that, as well. Ewan was a favorite of the children at the delta. If they could find him when he wasnt training, hed play with them. He was very patient and said it was because he always played with and took care of his siblings children. Ewan never exerted more force than necessary when he was playing with them.

Piers, Axton, thank you for your help, Tori said.

Does this mean that an investigation wont happen? Ilyana asked, following her.

I am sorry, Lady Agafonova, Piers said. But not this time. However, I will still let my parents know that Fabian was involved in the aggravation that led to the chaos of your review session.

JP let out a heavy sigh. Lets finish our drinks and head back to the dorm. Im suddenly very tired. The group returned to their seats and Ewan took back his bowl of ice water. Axton inspected his hand once more before the lot of them headed back to Lyce.

As they walked down the empty alley, Tori heard Henrik talking to Ewan behind her.

Tell me the truth, Henrik said, calmly. Was it really an accident?

Ewan didnt answer immediately. He seemed to pause for a moment. He shouldnt have pointed a sword at my friends face.

Ilyana thought the dark bruise across Alberts eye really stood out against his pale skin, but at least the swelling was down. By Sir Nassauns estimation, it would take another week to return to its normal color.

Albert, Ilyana said as she squinted, unable to take her eyes off the glaring bruise on their friends face. We told you that you didnt have to come today. You should stay home and rest.

Its boring at home, Albert said, leaning back against a wooden chair in front of La Lumiere. At least here, I can people watch. Also, my grandma is here today, so I came with her.

Ilyana narrowed her eyes. Did you come for the free coffee and pastries?

Albert froze. Toris the only one who knows how to get the icy consistency right.

Ilyana sighed. She had been sitting at a large table, waiting for their friends to arrive and, unexpectedly, Albert was the first to come.

Well, since youre here. You can hold the table for everyone since I have to go back inside. Ilyana looked around and frowned. Theyd usually be here by now.

Zisos said he had a prayer to attend at the shrine and will be coming right after. I dont know about Ewan and the twins, Albert said. They probably slept in.

Miss Agafonova. Sir Nassaun called behind her and she turned around. Tori is calling for you. She wants you to wear your new winter coat to advertise it.

Ill be right there! Thank you, Sir Nassaun! Ilyana turned back to Albert. We bought out La Lumiere again, so order whatever you want.

Tell Tori I need a freezing charm!

Ilyana nodded, distracted, as she hurried past another table, where Prince Piers was seated and already talking to several older men and women regarding crystal technology. She wasnt sure what that was, but assumed it had to do with Tori and Instructor Ignatius various devices. Aside from the carnelian cooking plates and the air coolers, Tori was also working on trying to improve communication crystals.

Tori didnt like that she couldnt make calls while on a ship.

Ilyana didnt understand how her friend was able to have time to work on her crystal experiments. The Lyce project at the delta was already so much, then there was their regular course work at school, and Lions Gate.

For their stores anniversary, Tori and Henrik had tried to make the line area in front of the store as comfortable as possible for their guests. She was sure they reached their goal. They had a large tarp covering the front area of the store, extending out into the plaza for shade. There were dangling amber topaz charged and programmed to circulate the air underneath, allowing for a small, but refreshing breeze.

Ilyanas contribution was to have long, narrow tables act as the dividers between the rows of lines that could double as a place for guests to put the drinks and sweets they were served from La Lumiere. She also suggested having a separate VIP area between Lions Gate and La Lumiere.

The result was a closed off section with tall, round tables underneath sun umbrellas and stools, as well as an extended pastry list. It was akin to having a little garden party in their corner of the plaza and, so far, the response was very positive.

Lions Gates flagship store had also expanded a bit over the summer. They were able to rent out the upper floor and added two more private consultation rooms, expanded their storage area, and decided to move off-season products there. It made for more space on the ground floor, allowing for a permanent display of embroidered samples and items from the delta.

Ilyana had focused on embroidered winter accessories: scarves, gloves, muffs, and thick headbands that covered ones ears. They were popular in her hometown of Gorask, where the cold season was much longer.

Ilyana, Ive placed the ice calcite around the room to keep it cool, Tori said as Ilyana passed her in the back room. This should also encourage guests to take a look at our cold weather accessories.

Ilyana nodded and reached for her beige wool coat. The cuffs and collars had mauve flowers embroidered on them and the embroidery matched with her own set of winter accessories.

Are you two ready? Henrik stuck his head into the back room.

Yeah! Tori straightened a woven ocean blue wool sweater with puffy sleeves that then tapered down to her wrists. She wore it over a simple light gray, wool skirt that had matching ocean blue embroidery of flowers curling up from her lower left leg. Tori said all the wool made her too warm at the moment, but she wanted to show off the sweater they were selling. She had pinned cooling charms underneath her clothes.

All Henrik had to do was wear his usual puffy coat, which he insisted was a classic design.

The trio walked towards the door, took a collective breath, and opened it to welcome their guests.

VIPs entered first and they made a point to greet all the familiar faces, despite the fact that Tori had been out there earlier chatting with them. Once the VIPs, including Princess Vivian, the Prime Ministers wife, Madam Martin, and Toris aunt and uncle, were inside, she and Tori took to greeting the other guests in line.

The overall feel was set to be festive, as people were often waiting in line for some time and Tori wanted the entire event to be enjoyable.

Hello, my lady! Welcome, once again. Thank you for coming and for being so patient! Tori said as she greeted a woman in line. If youre thirsty, just call for a server....

Ilyana followed her example and greeted whoever she could. As they reached the end of the line, she caught sight of her friends at their table and remembered the freezing charms Albert asked for.

Tori! Ilyana turned around and craned her neck to try to find her friend in the crowd. A moment later, the petite young woman seemed to emerge.

What is it?

Do you have any freezing charms?

Tori narrowed her eyes. She let out a heavy sigh, apparently already knowing what the charms were for. She took hold of Ilyanas arm in hers and led her back to the table.

I have the charms, Tori said, unimpressed. Albert immediately sat up and pushed his drink forward. Tori let go of Ilyanas arm and dug into the pocket of her skirt. How many do you need?

We need you to charge them, so how often do you want to come? Albert smiled, cheeky.

Oh, I learned from last time. Ive added a condition to the charm. Tori smirked. She put a charm flat on the table and lifted Alberts cup, placing it on top of several characters at the top of the charm. Almost instantly, the hot liquid in Alberts cup began to stir from within and turned into slushy material.

He and Ewan sat up straight to look at it. When did you make this? JP asked as he looked up at Tori.

Tori let out a proud chuckle. Over the summer, I had my brother help me. I practiced with fruit juice.

So, you just give us the charm and theyre pre-programmed and charged to do this? Albert asked. He reached into his inner vest pocket. I will buy all you have.

No, I havent chilled mine yet! Ewan looked absolutely affronted and betrayed.

Tori placed a small stack on the table. These are pre-programmed for the volume and temperature range, so itll only work on that amount of coffee. Double the size: overlap two of the charms, like this. Id need to change the programming a bit depending on the drink. Fruit juice is cooler, so the programming is different. She looked over at JP and Sonia and frowned. Are you two all right?

Ilyana looked over at the other two and noticed that neither was touching their drink. Sonias eyes kept looking around and she appeared jumpy, which was unlike her.

So far, yes, JP said. We think someones been following Sonia.

What? Both Ilyana and Tori almost shouted at the same time.

Maybe not following, but watching, Sonia said, quickly, as if to calm them. I just feel like someones been watching me recently.

JP placed his drink over a charm and sighed. Are you sure its just not all in your head? I mean...who would watch you?

Ilyana felt JP deserved the smack from his sister.

Where did you notice it? Albert asked as he lowered his cup.

Sonia furrowed her brows and shook her head. About a week ago, whenever we go home. When Im out in an area, I feel like someone is watching me. At first, I thought maybe someone was watching JP, but I felt it even when hes not there. Whenever I look around, I dont see anyone.

JP and I have gone to take a look around when she feels someone staring, but we couldnt find anyone suspicious, Ewan said.

Just because they dont look suspicious doesnt mean they arent. Tori crossed her arms over her chest and frowned. It could be a normal person watching Sonia.

Ilyana perked up. Perhaps someone likes you? Did you get a love letter?

JP nearly choked on his coffee before letting out a wheeze. Sonia shot her brother another glare. No, she said in a firm voice. I havent gotten anything.

Nothing at school? Ilyana asked.

Sonia shook her head. Nothing but the usual letters.

Albert paused and squinted. Usual letters?

If it was at school, I wouldnt be so concerned. Id also think it was one of my admirers, Sonia said, as if reasoning out loud. But I dont feel that sort of staring at Lyce, even when others are watching me ride, so I dont think its someone from Lyce. Im sure its someone who isnt a student.

Ilyana drew her head back and scrunched her face. Albert continued to look at JP and Ewan. Do you guys get love letters?

Yeah, we have a lot of admirers after the Spring Three-Day Competition, JP said.

Ive gotten a few, too, Ewan said, beaming proudly. And Ilyana gets them all the time.

Albert shrank back in his seat, disappointed. I dont get love letters....

Tori didnt seem to pay attention to him. Sonia, dont go anywhere alone for the foreseeable future. Always have at least one other person with you until whoever is watching you makes themselves known, we catch them, or they stop.

Sonia nodded and took one of the freezing charms. Thats the plan.

Ilyana leaned forward and lowered her voice. Do you feel like youre being watched right now?

She saw Sonia tense before putting her cup on the charm. She drew her lips inward and nodded.

Tori narrowed her eyes and glanced around. Huh....

Its fine, Sonia said, raising her hand. It doesnt feel like they have a bad intent. And Im sure nothing will happen when all of us are here.

Just in case, Im going to get Nanny Rey to sit nearby, Tori said. She turned around and headed to the VIP section, where Nanny Rey was watching Marco and Mateo.

Nanny Rey will keep an eye out, Ilyana assured Sonia with as much confidence as she could muster. She trains elite soldiers, after all.

The old woman arrived and warmly greeted them before taking a seat at the table next to them with Marco and Mateo arguing about whose dungeon crawl character was better. Reassured that Sonia had someone looking out for her, Ilyana headed back to the shop with Tori.

As they walked, Ilyana was able to pick up a few conversations from their guests in line. People were talking about the banning of Lyces Governing Board. A few people werent sure how to take it, as they thought the blacklisting from several marches and duchies was a bit much. Ilyana disagreed, but that was their opinion.

They shouldve known better, she heard an old woman say with a scoff. Picking on a girl who is putting so much effort into helping a village. They deserve it!

It was a ridiculous move on their part, another woman said, shaking her head. They should know by now that Lady Tori has the eye of the Emperor and Empress because of the first prince. That alone shouldve stopped them from trying to push such a policy that targeted her.

Ilyana looked towards the table where Prince Piers was seated and talking about the homes in the delta and the developments Tori and Instructor Ignatius had made to make the lives of the villagers more comfortable. Everyone at that table appeared engrossed while Sir Nassaun sat next to the prince, drinking coffee, and reading a book.

Tori appeared behind the two of them and placed one hand on each of their shoulders.

How are you both doing? Are you all right?

Im fine. Since were having dinner after this, Im not filling up on any more pastries, Sir Nassaun said, without looking up from his book.

Tori, Great Uncle is interested in the agriculture experiments youll be doing with plants from Tona and Zhu, Prince Piers said. He had lifted his hand and placed it on top of Toris.

Ilyana watched as Tori addressed the esteemed men and women at the table in a very business-like manner. Not in the warm, welcoming way she greeted customers of Lions Gate, but in the somewhat distant and authoritative way she spoke when she was having meetings at the delta.

Tori was their age, but sometimes she spoke and acted as if she had been in a leadership position for years. She seemed so natural in that role and rarely got flustered in public. Ilyana wondered if it was because Tori was a marquis daughter. Lord Sebastian also seemed to carry himself in such a way, but he was twelve years older than them and was groomed to be the future Marquis Guevera.

Ilyana watched Tori laugh as her business voice relaxed into one more casual and fitting of the moment. She assured the guests at that table that they would be invited in the spring to see the current development of the delta.

Lady Guevera, have you gone to a chamber meeting yet? someone asked. The Joint Chamber meetings are open for citizens to watch. Many elementary students in Horizon attend at least one.

Ive never gone, Tori said, looking as if she never considered doing so. I didnt know I could go.

There is one in the beginning of next month, Prince Piers told her. It would be good for you to go, as you did not have the chance to, having grown up in Presidio.

Tori pursed her lips and nodded.

I can take Tori up to watch, Sir Nassaun said. He looked towards Tori. It may seem chaotic at first, but its interesting to watch.

Prince Piers looked at Sir Nassaun. If you think it is so interesting, then you should attend yourself instead of relying on a representative.

A small wave of chuckles came from around the table as Sir Nassaun casually looked away. Im not Duke Alvere yet...technically.

If we have some time, Ill go. Maybe Ill see my familys representative. Papas assistant, Mr. Toledo. Tori patted the princes shoulder once more before stepping back and excusing herself to go check on the store.

Ilyana sighed and followed Tori back inside.

Her opinion, which she acknowledged was biased as Toris roommate and best friend, was that Tori would make an excellent stateswoman. She knew how to lead, how to incorporate the ideas of and work with others, and when to ask for help. People generally liked her and she had a formidable background to help establish herself.

Thus, Ilyana always secretly thought that Tori was prime future empress material. Ilyana had been disappointed when she was told that the love story between the future emperor and empress she thought was unfolding before her very eyes was not happening, but was even more disappointed that the stability she imagined with Tori as empress deflated.

What if His Highness married one of those aggressive, social climbing debutantes only eyeing social status and wealth? His Highness was very kind to them, but wasnt good with others. He could be taken advantage of. She thought it would be pitiful if he ended up with such a partner. When she brought this up to Tori, Tori had chuckled and assured her.

Piers and I have an understanding. Its fine, Tori had told her. Dont worry; I am a marquis daughter. I will protect the empire.

Ilyana pushed the concern out of her head and tried to focus on Lions Gates anniversary. She spent the rest of the day running around, doing greetings, and answering questions, as well as trying to lead as many people as possible to the embroidery from the delta.

It was successful and she had a good number of commissions to bring to the embroiderers next weekend. She couldnt wait to tell them. Money needed to start coming into the delta, especially with the empire ending their food rations in the winter.

Did you remember to bring your character sheet? Tori came out of the changing room in her school uniform. Since they were eating at the Three Queens again, mainly due to proximity to Lions Gates flagship store, they needed to put on their uniforms to fit into the dress code. Sir Nassaun told them they didnt have to, but they insisted, as it would be strange otherwise.

The others had worn their uniforms when they came, even Mr. Zisos, but as she, Henrik, and Tori were trying to advertise their stores merchandise, they were wearing Lions Gate apparel.

I did! Ilyana had her character sheet for her sorcerer character folded and tucked in the inner pocket of her uniform blazer. Aside from dinner, they were going to play a round of dungeon crawl as an introduction for the new players. Tori decided that they would have a separate story from the one she led for her cousins, as too many people made things confusing and could drag on the story.

Ewan, Albert, and Mr. Zisos were also going to join in for the first time that night and their party would be led by Sir Nassaun. Ilyana was a bit excited.

If we dont convince the twins and Henrik to try it tonight, then theyre a lost cause, Tori said as she pulled on her blazer. She went to a cushioned bench to put on her boots.

Does His Highness Prince Piers not want to play? Ilyana asked. It seemed so interesting, she thought everyone would want to try at least once.

Hes interested in role playing, but not dungeon crawl, Tori said with a roll of her eyes. He says its inefficient and questions everyones decisions. Im working on one where he can play without a team.

Special treatment.... Ilyana mumbled to herself as she fixed her cravat in front of a three paneled mirror.

I can make you one, too, Tori said to try to placate her.

Ilyana wrinkled her nose. I still think you two would make good partners. Almost as well as us!

Well, Ill let him know he has your approval, Tori chuckled. I need to do a final check with the manager. Ill meet you all outside!

Ilyana took longer than she thought to go downstairs. Outside, everyone was gathered around. Once the sun set, the temperatures began to drop, so everyone was dressed in warm clothing.

Sir Nassaun and the others were discussing who could be watching Sonia. The current theory was that they could be a rival equestrian and that Sonia should be sure to keep her Spring Three-Day Competition routine secret. Nanny Rey had already left and Prince Piers was standing under the awning, a bit aways from everyone else.

Ilyana made her way over to him. He gave her a nod, but kept his eyes diverted.

Your Highness, are you sure you dont want to join us in tonights dungeon crawl? she asked, narrowing her eyes.

Piers shook his head once. I am not interested, Lady Agafonova.

Ilyana continued to look at him critically. He seemed to shift awkwardly at her gaze. Hmm. I dont think I believe you.

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