Tori Transmigrated

Chapter 8: Sorry, I Thought You Were a Mugger

Chapter 8: Sorry, I Thought You Were a Mugger

You were so fast! Ive never seen anyone strike that fast. I couldnt even see what you were doing! Ilyana was a half-step in front of her, bringing her arm down in a slashing motion as Tori chuckled behind her. The whole courtyard was watching you beat those two! It was so gratifying!

Tori had to admit, it felt nice to have a fangirl in her corner cheering her on when everyone else was booing her. To thank Ilyana for holding her things and rooting for her during her match, she was treating her to dinner off campus.

It takes a lot of practice to get the movements down smoothly, Tori said as they turned a corner in the main plaza. Once the movement is smooth, you can speed it up.

How long did it take you to get so good?

Memories of having her hands hit and getting whacked on the shoulders, arms, and legs filled her head. In her original world, Tori had classes three times a week after work and, when she was able and confident enough, she began to participate in tournaments and exhibitions at local faires and gatherings. People were always very kind and encouraging, as well as interesting to talk to, so she kept at it and she ended up moving through the local and regional rankings.

As of her last tournament, she was ranked first in the regions womens long sword and, if she hadnt died in a train accident, she wouldve gone to the next international event in Prague.

Tori let out a heavy, regretful sigh. It was a shame. She really liked Prague and also planned to meet up with other swordsmen she got to know through the events. They were always happy to guide her through armored combat and practicing against them really helped her progress.

Instead, she was in a dating sim, forced to show the most basic level of skills just to be accepted into a stupid high school sports club. By far, the most satisfying thing about the whole ordeal was the dead silence of the stunned, disbelieving crowd as she followed the captain back to the table.

He pulled out a piece of paper from a small folder and stamped it with a wooden stamp that bore the associations seal. He then slid it to her to fill out. Tori wrote her name, relevant details, signed it, and then returned it.

Captain Patrick then extended his hand. Once more, welcome to the Lyce du Soleil Sword Association, Lady Tori.

A wide grin appeared across her face and Tori shook his hand. I look forward to working with you, Captain.

She changed out of her borrowed clothes, returned them with the helmet she silently vowed never to touch again, and headed back to the dorm with Ilyana to wash up and then head out for a victory meal. Going out to eat also had the dual purpose of avoiding whatever gossip was being spread in the dorm commons during dinner.

Tori led her roommate to the main plaza two blocks away and followed Piers directions into a narrow alley. The sun hadnt set yet and she could easily make out an ivy covered brick building wedged in between two others. There was a single door with large windows on either side. From the outside, they could see a few small tables taken up by one or two people each. There were some cups and plates in front of them.

Cafe Fortuna. Ilyana read the name of the cafe on a small wooden plaque above the door. It was almost covered by ivy. Have you been here before?

An acquaintance recommended it, Tori said. She opened the door, letting Ilyana step in first before following. The interior was larger than it looked outside. It was fairly wide with over a dozen small tables that could squeeze four people around them. A long wooden counter was in the back where a man was pouring black liquid into small, white mugs. The walls had shelves of books alongside mounted maps of Soleil.

There was a faint, but warm scent of coffee and fresh bread that lingered in the air, and the gentle sounds of cups and dishes moving around. There was an occasional clink of a spoon against the side of a cup and towards one wall, there was a large hearth behind an iron grating. There was a fancy red chaise with two smaller, plush chairs on either side of it facing the hearth. A comfortable crackling fire sound finished off the ambiance of a warm, relaxed cafe to study in.

Tori and Ilyana looked around and a skinny young man with black apron over his plain clothes approached them. Tori greeted him with a smile.

Hello, its our first time here. Do we just seat ourselves? she asked as he reached them.

Yes, please sit anywhere you like. I will bring you a menu. He welcomed them warmly and Tori could make out the freckles across his face.

Lets sit by the window, Ilyana said, already making her way towards a vacant table. Tori followed, her shoes clacking quietly against the wooden floor, and sat across from her. They each got a simple, folded paper menu. Ilyana ordered a light soup and bread while Tori ordered a heartier stew. Ilyana was satisfied after Tori ordered. Good, you must be famished after today.

It was a long first day. I saw the people who would kill me, Ilyana. The sword fight was nothing compared to that.

Did your father teach you how to use the sword?

I wasnt very interested at first. My brothers were the ones who helped me. As you know, I come from a marquis family that currently controls a significant number of southern troops, so there are a lot of people in my family who are connected to the military in some way, Tori said. My eldest brother, Sebastian, is heir and my second brother, Kasen, has just started working for the Marks logistics. I was lucky that they were able to take time to show me around Horizon before school started.

Ilyana let out an envious sigh. It must be nice having older brothers to come guide you. My family is a months travel away and couldnt afford to take that much time to come. I didnt originally want to go to school here, even after I tested in, but my father and stepmother were very persistent. Its the best school in the empire and no one in our family has ever gone.

A month away is still far. Thats a two month round trip, you'd hardly have time to visit before you had to return, Tori said as she leaned back against her chair.

Ilyana nodded with a sad look on her face. My brother is only four years old and didnt want me to go. He clung to my dress when I got on the carriage. Mother had to pry him off. Then he chased the carriage down the road, crying that he wanted to come with me. She lifted her hand to her heart and her eyes reddened. I cried, too.

Tori smiled softly. Your family sounds very close.

My mother died when I was born and Father resisted marrying for the longest time for my sake. I had a nanny who was with me since birth and she ended up falling in love with Father. She was afraid it would impact me negatively, so she decided to quit and leave. Of course, I was little at the time and didnt want her to go. I stowed away in her carriage. It wasnt until they got to their first stop that they found me sleeping with the baggage.

They had to go back at once and I refused to let her go, so Father offered to marry her if she stayed. I was very excited to have a mother and the two of us are very close, Ilyana said, proud. And I also think Father developed feelings for Mother.

Tori chuckled. Well, you do have a little brother now.

Ilyanas face lit up. His name is Illarion. We call him Riri. Tori was sure that if they were in her original world, Ilyana would've shoved a picture of her little brother in her face.

Thats cute. The server returned with their dishes and Tori listened to Ilyana talk about her family with affection. In many stories, the stepchildren and step parents were always enemies, so it was refreshing to hear that Ilyana and her stepmother were very close and had a healthy relationship.

They finished their meal just as the sun set and Tori went to the back counter to pay.

Excuse me, miss, but I heard your friend call you Tori. Are you Tori de Guevera? the man behind the counter asked. Tori drew her head back and gave him a suspicious look, but nodded. The man seemed to accept her answer. Then, your meal has been paid for.

Tori furrowed her brows. What? Why?

The mans lips curled into an amused smile. That is the instruction of the owner.

He must mean Piers. I see. Then let me pay for my friends share. She had the day's soup and bread. She took out a little cloth coin purse from her pocket.

Its already covered, my lady.

No, no. He said that my charges would be covered. Not my friends, so let me pay for my friend. She took out some coins and placed them on the counter. The man hesitated and Tori leaned forward. This is just between you and me. This is a loophole in his argument. If he is upset, I will tell my brother.

The man on the other side of the counter finally cracked a grin and laughed. All right. Its a secret, my lady.

Thank you, sir.

I am Tobias Jager and my family runs this cafe, he said. Please come by any time.

Thank you. The food was really good; we'll definitely come back. Tori gave him a small, appreciative smile and headed back to where Ilyana was waiting for her by the door. Ready?

Yes. The two young women headed out the door, discussing the meal. The soup was good, but the coffee at the end was the best part.

I know; it really is a cafe.

The servers cute, too.

Tori almost snort-laughed. She looked at Ilyana with teasing eyes. I thought the first ranked student was your type?

Ilyana sighed and made a waving motion with her hand to dismiss the idea. Hes handsome, but he looks the type to be friendly with everyone to the point that he probably treats everyone like theyre special. Its too ambiguous.

Tori nodded, relieved that Ilyana was distancing herself from one of her prospective enemies. Yeah, you cant trust him.

A hand clamped down on her shoulder. Hey!

The hell? Tori grabbed the hand and twisted it, dragging the person forward and slamming them against the nearest building wall. Ilyana let out a cry as Tori twisted the figures arm behind his back with one arm while using the other to press his head against the brick wall. What the hell do you think youre doing?

Its me! Its me! A young man floundered as he found himself rubbing his check against the brick. Ilyana, who had jumped back, squinted in the dim street lights of the alley.

Tori didnt release him and instead leaned forward to put more pressure on him. Who are you?

Ewan Connor! From the Sword Association? My brother is the captain! Tori looked at Ilyana, who craned her neck to get a better look at his face. She looked at Tori and nodded, confirming his identity. Tori pushed him against the wall as she released him and Ewan brought his arm in front of him, rubbing it as he looked at her as if she were crazy. Did you have to be so rough?

Sorry, I thought you were a mugger.

A what?

A thief, Tori said. She frowned and narrowed her eyes. Anyway, what do you want? Why did you grab me all of a sudden?

Ive been trying to call you since you came out of that building, Ewan said with a hint of complaint in his voice. Didnt you see me waving at you?

Tori looked him up and down. Ewan was dressed in regular, bland-colored clothes. His head was shaved and he had dark eyes and average features. His entire image screamed of forgettable background NPC aura.

She pursed her lips. I mustve overlooked you.

What do you want with Tori? Ilyana frowned. She put her hands on her small waist and puffed out her chest. A rematch? You cant beat her.

I know I cant beat her, Ewan said, as if it were obvious.

It was just one match, Tori said, raising her hands up. Thats not enough to judge whos better. Maybe I was just lucky. Okay, no Im not. You kept rushing forward. Such a newbie mistake.

You dont have to hide it. Ewan gave her a dull look. Youre fast and your technique is good. I can tell that much.

Tori crossed her arms. Then what do you want?

Ewan took a deep breath. Im in class three and I wanted to know if you have a group for the excursion yet. If not, do you want to join my group?

Tori drew her head back. She didnt expect an invitation from anyone considering her reputation. Even Ilyana beside her looked surprised.


Youre a good swordswoman and I think we can learn from each other. Ewan avoided her eyes awkwardly. Ive never seen that move you did before. The one where you twisted my brothers arm. It happened so fast. Ive never seen my brother lose like that. I shouldnt have underestimated you and Im sorry if my actions insulted you. My brother is right; I was acting haughty and need to improve. He dared to look back at Tori and extended his hand. So... friends?

She was more than just taken aback: she was confused. Wasnt this how it was in shonen anime? Where the main character fought a strong secondary character, beat them, and then became super best friends afterwards?

Tori looked at Ewan, who seemed hopeful, yet uncertain about what to expect. She didnt sense any malice from him. Just sort of sincere awkwardness. And he was a background character, so she doubted he was there to plot her demise.

She took his hand and gave it a firm shake. She tilted her head towards Ilyana. This is my roommate and friend, Ilyana Agafonova. Shes also in my class and we decided to partner up for the excursion. Ill only join if she can join, too.

A beaming smile filled Ewans face. He shook her hand up and down, like an excited child, and nodded. Thats not a problem!

We still need three other people, Ilyana said.

Right. Can you get three more people? Were from class one, so they need to be from other classes, Tori said as she pulled her hand away from Ewans enthusiastic grip.

I have some friends in other classes. Ill talk to them tomorrow about forming a group with you. We can meet the day after tomorrow to introduce them to you. Ewan said. He looked quite accomplished. Are you two heading back? Ill escort you to the campus. Im in the west dorm, by the way.

He chattered on as they walked up the street, back to Lyce. Tori couldnt help but learn more about him: he was the youngest of six children, his father was a knight, and he hoped to one day also become a knight. Ewan was naturally high in energy and talkative. He was invited into the school for his swordsmanship. That knowledge severely lowered Tori's opinion of the level of swordsmanship it took to be invited. There were ten slots available for "outstanding" fencers, but still. He politely brought them all the way back to the entrance of their dorm and confirmed that theyd meet the day after the next at the main gate.

Tori closed the door to their dorm once she and Ilyana entered.

Do you think that his friends will agree to be in a group with us? Ilyana asked. She had a right to be concerned after witnessing just how much Tori was spurned by their class.

Tori shrugged off her cloak. If they disagree, what can we do? she said. And if they do agree.... She paused as she hung up her cloak. Her eyes squinted as she thought of the people who approached her pleasantly thus far. One was a devoted fangirl assigned by the game and the other was a guy whose ass she just kicked. Im sure theyll be very interesting people.

She preferred writing with a pencil, as the pens in the fantasy world took too long to dry and theyd smear if she wasnt careful. The pencils were the standard piece of graphite wedged between two pieces of wood and she had to use a tiny curved knife to sharpen them, but they still worked well.

Tori sat in her seat at the back of her homeroom class, re-writing some notes while waiting for Ilyana to return with their sandwiches for lunch. It was a cold day and she didnt want to eat outside. Eating in the cafeteria would draw unwanted attention and she really didnt want to deal with that either.

Does she even know what shes writing? she heard someone whisper as they passed. Shes probably copying Agafonovas notes. Lucky.

She wasnt copying Ilyanas notes. In fact, yesterday, after their second day of class, Ilyana noticed that her notes were quite good. Detailed and organized and then Tori would further reorganize them with answers to questions she looked up when they were studying in the dorm.

Are you sure you only ranked 78? Ilyana had furrowed her brows as she looked over Toris notes. She looked at Tori as if Tori were hiding something from her. Are you just a bad test-taker?

Tori tried her best to look her friend in the eye. Kind of.

With some time to kill between classes, Tori figured shed get started on her reorganization as they were meeting with Ewan after school.

Lady Guevera. A shadow fell over part of her desk and suddenly, there was a pair of black pants leaning against the edge. A pale hand with slender fingers tapped on her desk. She squinted as she looked up. Smiling green eyes looked down at her and a Tori had to suppress the irritation at the sight of the first ranked students face. Studying hard today?

Just reorganizing my notes, she answered Dimitri politely. While she didnt trust him and secretly treated him as if he was out to get her, Tori still outwardly treated him as she would any other random classmate who didnt show open contempt. She raised a brow. Can I help you with anything?

Dimitris eyes crinkled up and he looked even more pleased that shed answered him. Tori didnt know why he was there; theyd never actually spoken to each other until then.

Ill take care of the rumors, he said. Tori tilted her head and furrowed her brows.


The rumors that you bought your way in, he said. As your classmate and the first ranked student, I confirmed the results myself and will spread the word that you tested in. It wouldnt do for one of my classmates to be doubted as such.

Tori just stared at him, her mouth slightly agape. I did test in.

He laughed and patted her shoulder amicably. Of course you did! And Ill make sure everyone knows it. He pushed himself off her desk and gave her a nod. Its good to see you studying so hard. Keep it up!

With that, he turned around and greeted a few classmates as he left the classroom. Tori looked after him, dumbfounded. What the fuck just happened?

Tori! Ilyana appeared at the doorway, holding paper wrapped squares in her hands. I just ran into Dimitri. He said he confirmed your rank himself. Isnt that great?

She wanted to tell her that Dimitri didnt check for her sake; he likely just wanted to verify the rumors and sort it out because it was causing the rest of the first year students distress.

I didnt do anything wrong, Tori said as she returned to her notes. People will say what they want.

Ilyana pouted a bit and handed Tori her sandwich. She sat down next to her and they ate. Well, maybe the rumors will fade a bit.

Tori made a small, nonsensical mumble and ate her sandwich. When it was close to the start of their elective, they packed up their things and headed to their separate classes.

Miss Guevera, regarding your questions on grids and energy lines from yesterday, I found a good book that may be a suitable resource for you. Instructor Ignatius, energetic as always, stood up from his desk as soon as he saw her enter and settle into her corner seat.

Tori stood as he approached with a slip of paper. Is it difficult to find? she asked as the instructor handed her the paper.

Its not required in any of the classes offered this semester, so it wont be at the Lyce bookstore, but one of the bookstores surrounding the campus will likely have a copy, Instructor Ignatius told her, pleased that she was interested. This is your first time studying crystals, isnt it?

She gave a vague nod. Its interesting.

The instructors smile grew larger. Then, if you have any further questions, please feel free to ask! I am always happy to guide students.

Thank you, Instructor Ignatius. I appreciate your help. She gave him a smile and lifted the paper. If I have any questions when I get the book, Ill come to you.

The instructor headed back to the front of the class and as Tori sat down, she saw the second prince giving her a disapproving look as he entered with Fabian beside him. Since it was their third day in class, he mustve already confirmed that she legitimately tested in. While he hadnt confronted her again, it was clear that he still didnt like her.

She didnt know what his problem was, but decided to blame the games programming. She took her seat and heard him mutter you just got lucky on the admission exam.

Maybe he thought she was just stupid and didnt deserve to be there. She shrugged and brushed him off. Yeah, probably. This earned her another glare and she looked away, hiding her smirk.

Her elective class passed quickly and her notebook was filled with notes and simplified doodles of various concepts. Once her things were in her bag, she slung it over her shoulder and headed out to the main gate.

She mustve been furthest from it, as by the time she reached it, she could make out Ilyana and Ewan standing by a tree with three other people.

Tori! Over here! Ewan threw his arms in the air to wave her down, as if they werent the only group standing there. She nodded in their direction and quickened her pace.

Sorry, my elective is further back, she said. She looked around and gave the new faces a nod of acknowledgement. Hello. Tori de Guevera. Class 1-A.

Ewan stepped forward. Everyone has met Ilyana. Shes also in class 1-A, he said. He stood beside a tall, scrawny kid with thick glasses. His uniform seemed to almost hang off of him. Tori, these are my friends. Were all Horizon natives and have known each other since we were babies. He looked at the other three with an encouraging look.

Henrik Skuldsen, the kid with the glasses said. His voice broke and he reddened when it did. His shoulder length, wavy dirty blond hair seemed unkempt, but his brown eyes looked clear and focused. Class 3-A.

Tori nodded and looked at the young man and woman. The two had similar features: straight, light brown hair at the same length and tied in a low ponytail, and black eyes of the same shape. They were about as tall as Ilyana and average in build. The more Tori looked at them, the more they looked alike.

This is Jean Paul and Sonia Vissage, Ewan said. Theyre twins.

Ah, I can see it. Tori snapped her fingers and nodded. Nice to meet you. Please call me Tori.

JP, Jean Paul said. Im in 3-A with Henrik. Its the mathematics department. He extended his hand and Tori shook it.

As soon as he released her, Sonia extended hers. Im in 7-A, the arts. My brother and I entered with our equestrian achievements, she said as she shook Toris hand.

Equestrians! Tori couldnt help but look excited to hear that. Thats amazing.

I heard you ranked 78? Henrik said.

Tori nodded with a weak smile. I just managed to squeeze in.

Henriks father is the local merchant guilds current leader. JP and Sonias mother is a cook at the palace and their father is a horse groomer, Ewan told her. He looked at his friends and motioned to Tori. She is Marquis Gueveras daughter.

We heard, Henrik said in a deadpan voice.

Tori released a low sigh. Listen, I know you all probably came here because Ewan dragged you, but are you sure you really want to be in a group with me?

Ewan knit his brows together and gave her a confused look. Didnt you already agree to join my group?

I agreed, but I want to make sure everyone else agrees, Tori said. She was a bit helpless at the situation. Im sure my being Marquis Gueveras daughter isnt the only thing youve heard. There are a lot of rumors about me.

Ewan laughed and crossed his arms. Yeah, but theyre not true.

Tori hesitated. Some are true.


To make it clear, I did legitimately test in. Rank 78 is the best I could do, she said. However, rumors about me being an arrogant bully from the south are true.

Ewan looked lost and turned to Ilyana, as if asking her to verify since she was Toris roommate. Ilyana shook her head. Tori isnt like the rumors at all.

Maybe not now, but I was before and people have every right to be biased against me because of my past actions. Since befriending me, Ilyana has also faced the same prejudiced reactions from other students. Tori didnt hide her concerns. If you are willingly in the same group as me, there is a good chance youll face the same treatment. Dont get me wrong. Youre Ewans friends and hes a good guy, but I dont want to force you into a group with me knowing all of this.

For a moment, the others with her were quiet. Ilyana looked worried and Ewan, for the first time since greeting them, looked unsure that this group was going to happen.

Ive already investigated your test results. Henrik broke through the silence. And the rumors. Ewan told us about the group the day before yesterday and weve all heard about you, so I wanted to see if they were true. The rumors about your reputation in the south came from two students from the same primary school in Presidio as you. In addition, there are a few upperclassmen also from Presidio that aggravated the rumors. Negative news always spreads fast.

As for your test results, they were very easy to verify. Anyone can check their years test results and rankings. While your primary school history is rather...poor, there are many people who were able to do well on the test regardless of their primary school results. Its also relatively well known that your older brother is Kasen de Guevera, who entered rank one and held that position until he graduated from Universit last spring. Did your brother have anything to do with your passing?

Tori grinned a bit and nodded. While he was finishing his dissertation, he sent me books, work books, and detailed notes to review months before the Lyce entrance exam. He even had our grandfather tutor me as he was unable to do so personally.

Thats what I figured, Henrik said, as if confirming the last piece of a puzzle.

If the rumors about you buying your way into the school are a lie, it stands to reason that wed doubt the other rumors, JP added.

Yeah, but I was still a bitch back then.

Sonia cocked her head and gave her a curious look. Then what happened? Several pairs of eyes turned towards her. Ive been watching you the last day and you keep to yourself and Ilyana. You dont seem to start trouble in or out of class, and ignore everyone who talks about and stares at you. You dont act out as expected.

I got into an accident, Tori said, truthfully. I fell and injured my head. My personality calmed down a lot afterwards. I also was a bit amnesiatic when I woke up. Just added the last bit in case she asked about something that was common knowledge and needed an alibi.

So do you still want to be groupmates? Ilyana asked, taking a hopeful step forward as she clasped her hands in front of her. Tori isnt like what the rumors say. Shes very considerate and patient. I dont think anyone would be able to stand the rumors like she does.

Tori curled her lips inward. Ilyana, I just dont want to make a big deal of it and become a walking target for a particular subset of people. Please stop giving me so much credit.

Well.... Henrik lifted up his arms. Were here, arent we?

Tori looked at the group. Aside from herself, the villainess, and Ilyana, her would-be minion, the other four had plain features and didnt stand out much. Like Ewan, they seemed to be basic NPC. Her effect on them would likely be inconsequential. In addition, they were in different classes and wouldnt have to face the same amount of stigma she and Ilyana had.

She gave them a thankful bow of her head. Then, I will be in your care.

Ewan let out another whoop and reached into the bag hanging behind him. He pulled out a folded piece of paper and fished out a pen. He held it out for the group to see; it was the group submission form.

Ive taken the liberty of filling in everyones name. Now all we need to do is come up with a group name and decide on the leader. The group name can be decided later, but.... He let out a little cough and rubbed his nose. We should decide on a leader now so we can submit the form. Any suggestions?

Tori watched him look at the group with eyes that screamed pick me.

Ilyana didnt see that. I nominate Tori!

What? Tori snapped her head towards Ilyana and shook her head. No. I refuse.

Why not? Ilyana pouted and tugged on Toris sleeve. You already know a lot about the excursion from your brother.

Ewan also has a brother and Captain Patrick had his excursion more recently than my brother did.

Didnt Patricks group come in last during his excursion? Sonia asked aloud. Tori pursed her lips and looked at the group of old friends as they avoided her eyes. It was likely that in terms of guidance for the excursion, she would be the better resource.

Tori lifted her head and rubbed her forehead. Ewan is the one who got the group together, so Ewan should be the leader, she said firmly.

Ilyanas face fell. Are you sure?

Yes. Being the leader is a lot of responsibility and work, and Im trying to keep up with classes. Also, I am lazy.

Ewan gleefully wrote his name next to the group leader line. Great! Ill submit this in the morning.

The relief that Tori felt was unexpected and she wondered if it was because she was in a group of willing people, not just randomly assigned and forced to face hostility from classmates who didnt like her for whatever reason. She was willing to do the excursion before on a personal level; for the sake of her curiosity and a grade, but now she also felt like putting in effort for the sake of a team.

Group projects were always questionable, but this was a pleasant feeling.

So, group leader, she said as she faced Ewan with an awaiting grin. What do we do next?

Ewan thought for a moment and tapped his chin. We should probably start packing.

Okay, pack what? Tori reached into her bag and found the syllabus for the excursion. Do you want to split supplies so theyre not too heavy for one person to carry? If so, we should review the supplies first and then decide what bags to bring that will be comfortable to hike with and distribute the weight. It shouldnt be too big, but have enough room for our personal items, such as clothes, and shared supplies for the group. What do you think?

She looked up from the syllabus. Ewan and the others exchanged blank looks and then looked back at her. Ewan gave her a small nod. Uh...yeah, that sounds good.

Good. Then we should set up a time to meet tomorrow to go over the list. Or does everyone have time now? She looked at the faces in front of her, but didnt wait for a response as she elaborated. The sooner we get our packing lists and supplies sorted, the better. Well need to purchase items and if we wait too long, the stores may be sold out.

Ewan frowned. Right. He didnt seem to have thought of that.

If we need to order anything specific, we need to put in the order as soon as possible, as well. Depending on what it is, well need to source a suitable shop. Tori frowned. Thatll cost us even more time and money. We should also figure out a budget to work within.

Yeah... Ewan trailed off.

It would also be a good idea to get a better map of the area, too. The map provided on the syllabus is way too general. If we can make a copy of a more detailed map, it would be for the best. We can then plot our path and be better prepared for what we may come across. We'd also be able to estimate where we'd camp for each night and that would save us the trouble of personally scouting that day.

Thats a good idea....

So, should we find a place to discuss, group leader? Tori looked brightly at Ewan, who stood there, wide-eyed and frozen.

Without a word, Henrik reached over and plucked the form and pen from Ewans hands. He scratched out Ewans name from the group leader position and wrote Tori de Guevera. He held up the form to the group.

Any complaints?

Everyone, including Ewan, shook their heads. He handed the paper to Tori and JP gave her an expectant smile. So, where should we begin, group leader?

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