Tori Transmigrated

Chapter 91: Am I the Murderer

Chapter 91: Am I the Murderer

The fastest way out would be to exit through the small side door leading to a back hall, opposite the main entryway of the ballroom. It was where Piers and Axton slipped in and out unannounced. Unfortunately, Tori wasnt sure which of the side doors they had entered through and, for security's sake, most of them were likely locked and she could end up in front of one of the locked ones.

The only doors she knew were open wer across the ballroom, where everyone had entered. In order to reach them, shed have to walk past all the guests present as they watched her.

On one hand, she was the daughter of Marquis Guevera, and a certain amount of decorum was expected of her. On the other: fuck that list.

She took a deep breath and kept her back straight. Her shoulders were down, and her chin was up. She looked towards the imperial family, who had also turned in her direction, and gave them a smooth curtsy as she grasped the sides of her ice blue ball gown.

Tori stood up, maintaining a look of calm indifference.

Then, using her bitterness and spite to drive her, she turned around and walked along the side of the ballroom, behind the crowd, to get to the main doors.

In her jumbled thoughts of swearing and no, she barely heard the clicking of Ilyanas heels and the shuffle of Alberts shoes as they followed behind her.

Tori was making a silent scene and she didnt stop to look at the expressions of the guests or consider the imperial family. She was confident that her family would support her, if not be infuriated that she was on such a list to begin with. She also didnt want to give more work to Piers, but she trusted him to settle this with his family.

She could still feel the eyes of the crowd on her back as she walked past two familiar imperial knights guarding the door. Her heels stepped on to a soft rug that was laid over the hall and she made her way towards the gatehouse. Their carriage was supposed to be waiting for them so they could leave at any time.

Tori? Albert asked in a tentative voice.

Shh! she heard Ilyana tell him. Not now. She needs a moment.

Tori smiled a bit. Her anger lessened knowing that Ilyana understood her. She slowed her steps and turned around. It seems Ive made us leave sooner than expected.

The two looked at her and vehemently shook their heads. What were we going to do? Dance? Albert asked with a wry smile.

My feet are starting to hurt on these heels, Ilyana said, pointing down as she lifted one foot. It couldnt really be seen beneath the dress, but the skirts raised a bit.

Toris lips curled up more so, and she looked at them with gratitude. Thank you, both. She was very lucky to have met them.

They returned her smile and Ilyana took a step forward to grasp her arm. Lets go. We made an appearance and stayed for the important parts.

I couldve gone for more food, Albert said as he began to walk. Should we stop to get something to eat?

Albert, you ate several plates of finger foods, Ilyana reminded him.

They were small plates! Albert put his hands together and made a circle. You cant fit much food on something that small.

Then, what do you feel like? Tori asked. Youre here because of me. Ill pay.

Can we stop by Lyce to get new shoes first? Ilyana asked, pouting. These are pinching.

Grandma Letty always says to break in your shoes before you wear them to an event, Albert said. Ilyana gave him an annoyed look.

Tori patted Ilyanas arm. Our things are in the carriage. We can change into our usual shoes inside. Ilyanas face lit up at the reminder.

Lady Guevera! She heard a voice calling out for her and she looked past her friends, back up the hall. A man in a formal suit was chasing after them, looking flushed and uncomfortable. Chamberlain Rudolph Thropson, who had read the list, only moved when one person spoke, and that person was the Emperor. One moment!

Tori stood up straight and gave him a small bow of her head in a respectful greeting. Ilyana and Albert stepped to the side as the tall, burly man with a graying brown beard reached them.

Chamberlain Thropson, Tori said. May I help you?

My lady, the Emperor and Empress wish to speak to you, he said, meeting her gaze with a calm expression. Tori was being summoned. She took a deep breath and gave him another nod.

May my friends wait for me?

Yes, my lady. They may wait out in the hall. The Emperor and Empress will see you in one of the adjacent rooms, he told them.

Tori nodded once more. Please lead the way.

She wasnt going to try to run from this man. Axton told her that the chamberlain was formerly the Emperors personal knight; the Axton to his Piers. At first, Tori thought Chamberlain Thropson was older and asked what the age range was for personal knights, but Piers told her the chamberlain was the same age as the Emperor. He currently looked five to ten years older and Tori wondered if it was the stress of having to constantly deal with a monarch.

Axton needed to invest in some face cream or something if that was the case. No wonder he was so interested in a spa and resort.

They walked down the corridor and rather than going straight at one point, they made a left. Two knights were guarding one of the doors and as it opened, Axton walked out with Fabian. It meant that the two princes were also inside.

Youll be fine, Ilyana whispered to Tori as she grasped her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Tori smiled and nodded before releasing Ilyana.

Tori gave Axton a nod and prepared to acknowledge Fabian, if only to be respectful in the setting, but he avoided her eyes, and his face was red.

Beating his ass again mustve affected him. I am a shadow in his mind now. Yay. Tori looked ahead and the chamberlain stepped into the room.

Lady Guevera, Chamberlain Thropson announced once before stepping back to let her in. He remained in the room as he closed the door. He stood to the side in silence.

Tori stood in a small room which was lined with books, but appeared to have a small fireplace. There was a single window, and sofas and a coffee table in the center of the room. Despite all the comfortable seating, none of the imperial family members were seated.

The Emperor and Empress stood to one side, Gideon was scowling with his arms crossed by the fireplace, and across from him, Piers was standing, looking indifferent.

Tori wondered what happened when she left, as the imperial family mustve left quite quickly to speak to her. She, Ilyana, and Albert had almost made it to the gatehouse and escaped when Chamberlain Thropson reached them.

Tori pinched the sides of her gown once more and curtsied. Good evening.

Lady Guevera, regarding that list, the Emperor began in a calm voice. We understand that you are upset, but you are under no obligation. The list is just a bit of traditional formality. It has no bearing.

I am aware, Your Majesty. Both His Highness Prince Piers and Sir Nassaun have reiterated that, Tori replied.

Then why did you leave? the Empress, in the private setting, seemed to drop her formality and looked disappointed.

I wanted to make a clear statement that I reject any possible engagement. Not to be dramatic, but Id rather be stabbed.

Gideon threw his arms down at his sides and shot her a glare. Whod want to marry you? I didnt want you on that list, either! Tori saw the Emperor lift his hand to his forehead and gently rub it. Gideon took a step forward and scowled. I dont know why they put you on the list in the first place!

At this, both his parents seemed to look towards him with incredulous expressions that quickly turned to confusion and questions of whether or not their second son was an idiot. Tori drew her lips in to keep from snapping back at him.

If anyone felt strongest about her not marrying Gideon, it was her.

She took a deep breath. Is it possible to find out why my name appeared on the list?

I spoke to the Chamber Lord, Piers said, his voice rather passive as they looked towards him. Amongst other reasons, you attended the Joint Chamber Session with Master two months ago. Several chamber members were present when you were speaking with Master in the foyer. They had a good impression of you. In addition, Master kept speaking highly of you.

Sebby. Tori narrowed her eyes. She had had a feeling that one day all his painfully embarrassing bragging would come to bite her in butt. Hes going to get a sternly worded comcry call later.

Lady Tori, please do not feel at all pressured by this, the Empress said, concerned. This also isnt something your mother needs to know-

Monica.... The Emperor gave her a look and she cringed. Once more, Lady Guevera, it is only a formality.

I wouldnt marry you if you were the last woman in Soleil! Gideon said with a proud look.

Gideon. The Emperor gave him a firm look and Gideon snapped his mouth shut, but looked away, still displeased. The Emperor looked back at Tori. The reason we called you here to speak to you is to reiterate this. You are also the daughter of my wifes best friend; we would be remiss not to address this with you.

Tori gave them a small nod. Thank you for your consideration, Your Majesties.

Rest assured that you will not be affected by this any further, the Empress said. I am also sure that your action leaving the ballroom sends a firm message to the Chamber.

At this moment, I have no plans to marry, Tori said. She could see Piers nodding to the side. He already knew this. I feel I am best able to serve the empire in other capacities.

She pretended she didnt see the utterly heartbroken look on the Empress face. The Emperor kept his neutral expression far better while Gideon appeared a bit confused.

If that is all, may Tori be excused? Piers asked. Tori silently praised him; he was getting better and better at learning to read a room.

The Emperor gave them a small nod, but said nothing. Tori gave them one more curtsy. Piers stepped forward and offered his arm to her. She took it without question and turned around.

You are too outstanding, she heard him say beside her. Tori cracked a small smile.

The reward for doing a good job is more work, Tori said. He chuckled and opened the door for them.

Outside, Ilyana perked up as soon as the door opened and shuffled forward. Is everything all right?

Tori gave her an affirmative nod. Everything is fine. The list is as everyone told me: just a formality with no bearing. I was scared for nothing.

Ilyana and Albert let out relieved sighs. Thats good, Albert said. It would be difficult for a crystal fanatic to do experiments here.

I got carried away one time, Tori said with a dull look.

Tori, you can lift a pile driver and its granite cylinder block, Ilyana reminded her. I dont think Instructor Ignatius can do that.

Im sure he can if he tries. He's just focused on other things. If anyone is a crystal fanatic, its Instructor Ignatius, Tori said, confident. I mean, the mans girlfriend broke up with him because he disappeared for the summer to experiment with crystals. Thats pretty hardcore. She turned to the two men with them. What happened after I left the ballroom?

Axton crossed his arms over his chest. There was a lot of talking about your departure and then Godmother had the musicians start to play. She laughed and told everyone that it was too early to leave; there was still a lot of food and drink to be consumed and not to forget to dance.

Several knights disguised as guests slipped through the crowds and began to dance, Piers said. Once they started, people naturally returned to the festivities.

Tori nodded. Perhaps she was not as dramatic as she thought she was being.

It has been made clear that you reject any marriage prospects with my brother, Piers said.

Was he embarrassed? Albert asked. Tori wanted to know as well. If it were her, even if she didnt like a person, it would still be awkward to be blatantly rejected in such a manner.

I dont know, Piers said. I did not pay attention.

After everyone started dancing, the Emperor had us go to the room to speak to you, Axton told them. I believe they will also be speaking to other young ladies on that list to let them know that there is no pressure to marry.

What if someone is legitimately interested in the prospect? Ilyana asked.

Gideon would have to make the decision, Piers said. The list is a recommendation and introduction to a young lady, but it will be my brother who decides if he is willing to spend time with any of them.

Ilyana snorted and looked to the side. We all know hes interested in Hart.

It was surprising that Miss Hart wasnt on the list, Albert said.

One needs to be an accomplished young lady to be put on the list, Piers replied. Tori bit her lip.

Lets put that behind us. What are you three going to do now that youre clearly not returning to the ball? Axton asked. Tori looped her arms with Ilyana and Albert and headed towards the gatehouse.

Out! Its still early, should we call the others and get something to eat while were at it? Tori asked.

They may have already eaten dinner, Ilyana said with a furrowed brow. Her eyes lit up. Dessert?

Where should we go? Albert asked. Most of the dessert stores nearby should be closing soon.

Ilyanas shoulders fell. And it will take some time to pick up the others....

Tori released their arms and turned around. She looked at Axton and gave him a wide smile. Axton...would you like to come? Perhaps...provide us with an establishment in which to dine?

He raised a brow and looked at her cheeky face. Ilyana and Albert were also looking at him with some hope. Axton let out a low breath. He reached into his pocket and took out his comcry.

Call Franklin Sassure, he said after sliding his finger across. It didnt take long for another mans voice to greet him. Manager Sassure, please prepare my dining room. Just for coffee, tea, and desserts.

Fried finger foods, Piers said.

Axton gave him a tired look. And perhaps some fried finger foods.

Of course, my lord. Would you like a table prepared for dungeon crawl?

Tori furrowed her brows. Theyd only played there a few times. Albert had his comcry out and whispered. Say yes, Sir Nassaun. Ill call the others.

Yes, prepare the dice, Axton said. We will all gather in an hour.

Albert and Ilyana were already on their comcry, inviting their friends. Tori looked at Axton. I didnt bring my story notes.

Its fine, Ive been working on my own, Axton said. Ill go get it and meet you all at the Three Queens. He turned around and almost broke into a run to get to his room.

Mr. Martin, would your grandmother like to join us? Piers asked. I recall her interest in dining at the private dining hall. Ewans grandmother has already had a chance to dine there.

Thank you! I can ask, Your Highness.

Tori stepped forward and put her hand on Piers arm. Are you sure its all right for you to leave your brothers Coming-of-Age celebration?

I have already left, he told her without a hint of regret.

That was true. If anything, this was a good excuse for him to leave. Then, lets send the carriages to pick up everyone, Tori said as she took his arm.

I want to role-play, too, Piers said as he walked with her, towards the gatehouse, as Ilyana and Albert followed, calling different people.

Dungeon crawl? Tori raised a brow. He shook his head once.

No, alone with you.

Oh, Tori nodded. Do you want to continue the haunted forest or try the murder mystery?

Can you guide without notes? he asked, appearing uncertain.

Tori nodded. Its a lot easier for me when its only one person Im guiding. And its not magic, so its a bit less complicated.

In that case, I would like to try the murder mystery.

Good choice.

Am I the murderer?

No, Piers, you are the character trying to find the murderer. That is the mystery.


He looked down at Alessa and smiled as they glided across the floor. Gideon spent more time than he liked with his parents meeting all the young ladies on the engagement list. Each one was told the same thing: it was simply a formality, and they need not feel any pressure.

His mother had tried to describe the list as more in honor of outstanding young women in the empire rather than a list of possible engagements. Gideon had to sit and keep a pleasant smile as he thanked those who were uninterested and gently rejected those who seemed as if they were.

He was not interested in marrying any of them. Nor was he interested in spending time and getting to know them. Hed looked over at his mother a few times and she didnt seem to particularly care either way, though if he started to appear rude, shed give him a stern look.

After speaking with the last young lady, they had returned to the ballroom.

Gideon wanted to seek out the Chamber Lord or Dimitris father to ask why Alessa was not included in that list. Both men had been present at his mothers birthday banquet several months ago and knew that Alessa was escorting him.

If his mother had been involved in the list, hed know why Alessa wasnt included, but the list was always determined by chamber members. No imperial family members had a hand in it to his knowledge.

To him, Alessa had all the necessary qualifications. She was from landed nobility; she was intelligent and ranked high in Lyce. She was poised and had good manners. She never raised her voice and was kind to others. She also had her own connections, as she was able to get Fabians sword master. Not to mention that she was beautiful. Were those qualities not good enough?

None of the young ladies on the list were as beautiful as Alessa and he doubted any of them were as kind and generous.

Gideon noticed the slight sheen of sweat across her forehead and blinked. They had been dancing for quite some time. Alessa would never complain if he wanted to continue dancing. If she needed to rest, hed have to instigate it.

Why dont we go outside to get some air?

Alessa smiled and gave him a small nod. It is getting a bit stuffy in here. Her eyes sparkled in the light of the crystals and Gideon offered her his arm. He led her off the dance area and towards the side.

There were still plenty of people dancing or talking along the walls of the ballroom. While the music could be heard and enough to dance to, the ballroom was noisy with multiple conversations and laughter at once. He supposed thats what happened when there were a lot of people his age in one room.

Practically all the young nobles in the city and Lyce were in attendance.

His parents remained and were speaking to some of the adults who were also present, but for the most part, the majority of the guests were teenagers. He saw Dimitri talking to some students from other schools. Mr. Alvere was drinking alone in one corner, somewhat awkward.

Gideon knew the story with his parents. His mother absolutely detested Duke Alvere; nothing brought her to a rage like Duke Alveres existence. Mr. Alvere had no actual noble blood, and he wasnt on the initial guest list. He had been invited at Alessas request.

Of course, when Gideon told his mother, he couldnt tell her that Alessa had asked to invite Mr. Alvere. His mother was not pleased with Alessa, and any attempts Gideon made to soothe it were met with irritation.

He was told that in the past, the engagement list presented was also used as a possible future escort and dance partner list. When his father was sixteen, he was already chasing the Empress, so the engagement list wasnt taken seriously, either. However, then Lady Monica von Schwert was on the list for her proficiency with swords and strategy.

Piers didnt have a Coming-of-Age ball, so he wasnt presented with an engagement list. Not that it would have mattered. His brother didnt pay attention to anything that didnt interest him.

Gideon looked around and met Fabians eyes. He motioned his head out, towards the garden and Fabian nodded. He moved quietly along the walls to get to one of the side doors in order to help them slip away.

The gardens were safe, but if they wanted to be alone, it was best that someone stand guard.

The air feels much cooler out here, Alessa said with a smile.

You can still hear the noise from the ballroom. Gideon led her down the steps and into one of the interior gardens. It was small and didnt have a fountain, but it was enough for them to walk through the paths and admire the budding flowers and greenery lit up by light crystals.

This is a lovely garden, Alessa beamed. Are these roses?

Yes, Gideon said. Theyll bloom soon.

Does your mother take care of them? Alessa asked. My mother, when she was alive, used to enjoy gardening. The scent of roses reminds me of her.

Gideon shook his head a bit, but had a fond smile. My mother doesnt have the patience or hands for gardening. She prefers more physical activities.

What does she enjoy doing?

Currently...boat paddling. Gideon looked ahead of them and tried not to sigh. Since they returned from the delta, his mother had been determined to gain some mastery of it. One of the small lakes on the grounds had been prepared for her and every other day, shed take the outrigger canoe shed purchased from Lady Gueveras company and practice with one of her assistants or a knight who had the unfortunate luck of being chosen.

Oh, boats. Alessa nodded, appearing surprised. Has she always been an active person?

Gideon nodded as they circled the garden. Yes. In fact, she was on my fathers engagement list partially for her athleticism.... He trailed off and snapped his head towards her. But she said it was because at the time, she was one of the only marquis daughters Fathers age. About the engagement list, dont take it seriously. Its an old tradition that is now meaningless.

Alessas lips pulled into a weak smile, and she shook her head. I understand. I heard about it from Dimitri.

Gideon shook his head. All the girls selected come from some sort of strong political background. Thats why they were chosen. Lady Hanover, for example, is Duke Sinans niece. Im sure they were selected because it would bring some favor to whoever nominated them.

Alessa nodded quietly. What about you? Now that you are an adult member of your family, Im sure youll be given more work.

Gideon chuckled. Thats true. Itll start off rather minor. First, Ill likely be doing more appearances to represent the family at minor events. Then, I will be assigned various public works. However, it should not be overwhelming. Most secondary members of the family are not saddled with complex responsibilities or projects unless they focus on a particular subject.

Secondary member? Alessa tilted her head to the side and gave him a confused look. Gideon, you are the Second Prince of Soleil. Why would you be considered a secondary member of the imperial family?

For now, Gideon replied. Because my father is the Emperor. However, I am the younger son. Obviously, my brother will become the crown prince and eventually succeed our father.

Alessa seemed to become even more confused. I thought that the imperial family did not practice absolute primogeniture.

Gideon shook his head lightly. We do not, normally. If there was a large age gap, then the immediate successor would be the oldest child, with few exceptions. If there was a second marriage, only the children of the first marriage would be eligible for succession. If the children of the reigning monarch are close enough in age, such as myself and my brother, succession will be considered through our deeds and abilities.

Now that Piers and I are both adults, we will be given more and more tasks by the family. They start off simple, as I said, and increase with complexity as we gain more experience. Whoever shows that they are the most capable and are able to strike the best balance between all aspects a ruler must have, they will be selected as crown prince or princess, Gideon told her. My great-grandmother was crown princess as she was found to be the most fitting of her siblings.

Then you have a chance! Alessas face lit up as she clapped her hands together. You will definitely become crown prince.

Gideon paused in mid-step and turned to look at her with a mixture of confusion and uncertainty. Why do you think I would become crown prince?

Why not? Alessa asked, still delighted. You are intelligent and hardworking. You are charismatic and good with people. That is very important for an emperor as you will need to deal with many people. People always like you.

Gideon shook his head and looked ahead. My brother is far more intelligent and hes efficient. Father has already given Piers more responsibilities. This includes working with the Chamber. Mother says that when Father was that age, he also was given additional tasks by Grandfather.

But Prince Piers does not like to be with people, Alessa said. You told me that he is quite uncomfortable in social settings.

Gideon let out a sigh. He knew that was the one place his brother had trouble. However, things were changing. Hes working on his tolerance for such events, he said. My brother has been attending small functions and gatherings. A few instances, he had attended without escort. In addition, he has been presenting his ideas and participating in discussions with various members of the chamber and other influential people. Its minor social work, at best, but Piers doesnt need to be the center of attention. He just needs to be present.

What if he is unable to handle such attention? Alessa asked with a furrowed brow. There are times when Ive attended a function and was surprised at how crowded it was.

Gideon beamed. Then I can join him! He continued on, happy to know he was of use to his brother. I want to be of assistance to Piers as much as possible. If I can help him by being his representative at events and sharing his social burden, then I will be glad to.

Alessa nodded and seemed to think. Are you all right with that? If you are doing the work, should you not at least be considered?

While the social aspect is important, much of the work happens behind closed doors, reviewing policies and the like. My brother would be much more suitable.

You know, I think you are suitable, too, Alessa said. She reached out and tugged on the corner of his sleeve. She gave him a warm, encouraging smile. It isnt just me. Many people believe you have the ability to become crown prince and are hoping that you will do so. They think you will be much more suitable.

Gideon smiled at the praise. He shook his head lightly and lifted his hand to grasp hers. I appreciate your confidence in me. And their confidence, as well. There was a point where I thought I should become the crown prince, for various reasons, but not anymore. What the empire needs is someone who isnt just competent in the art of statesmanship, but someone who can excel in it. In governing, law, trade and regulations. Not simply a smiling face.

Alessa nodded slowly. I understand. She fell into step beside him. What if your brother doesnt want to become crown prince?

He will become crown prince, Gideon said. There was no doubt in his mind. I am sure of it.

Alessa let out a heavy sigh and looked down, her hand still holding on to his arm. I think youd make a better crown prince.

Gideon jerked his head back and blinked. He didnt expect to hear that from her. It was flattering, but compared to his brother? There was no question who the more suitable crown prince would be.

Im...honored youd think so, Alessa, Gideon said as his brows knit together. I really am. But if you knew my brother, youd see he was more fitting.

Alessa raised her head to meet his eyes with large amber ones. Her grip on his arm tightened just a bit. I know you, she said in a soft voice. Her eyes crinkled up as she seemed to search his. And I know youre capable.

Gideon gave her a small smile, but turned his eyes away. Capable. Perhaps, he said in a measured voice. But not exceptional. He looked back at her and gave her a hopeful smile of his own. Alessa, you must trust me. The empire will be in good hands with my brother.

Alessa chewed on her lower lip and seemed to search the area before them. But...but what if he marries someone...unfit to be the empress?

Gideon cocked his head. He thought for a moment and then broke out into a laugh. You mean Lady Guevera?

Alessas cheeks reddened, and she looked away. Perhaps not necessarily her....

Gideons laugh subsided, but he was still chuckling, and mirth was written across his face. Alessa, Lady Guevera doesnt want to marry my brother. Apparently, she doesnt want to marry anyone.

Alessas head snapped up. Her eyes were wide, appearing stunned to hear such news. Is that true?

Gideon nodded and grinned. At best, theyd make good political and economic partners.

Relief seemed to flood Alessas face, and a brilliant smile returned to her lips. Then, someone else can be the empress.

Gideon nodded and continued walking. Yes. Someone else will end up at my brothers side. Im sure it will be someone much more fitting than Lady Guevera.

Alessa released his arm and lifted her hand to her chest, appearing to pat her hand over her heart to settle it. It is a relief. Not to speak ill of Lady Guevera. I just feel someone else would make for a better empress.

Gideon nodded. I understand. Her personality can be a bit...grating. He looked ahead and squinted a bit. Though...personality aside.... Hed seen what she was capable of. He took a deep breath and exhaled. I dont want to admit it, but she does have suitable capabilities. From the corner of his eye, he saw Alessa turn to him, surprised. I know, he said, looking at her. If you saw what I saw in the delta, you would understand. That woman is capable.

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