Tori Transmigrated

Chapter 93: As If It Had Personally Wronged Him

Chapter 93: As If It Had Personally Wronged Him

Ilyana wasnt talking. Tori knit her brows together and leaned forward.

Ilyana? Tori glanced at her brother and then moved closer to her friend. Are you all right?

Ilyanas eyes were still fixed on Kasen. She nodded her head quietly. He...helped me...pinecones.

Tori squinted. Thats great.... She looked at her brother and motioned her hand towards the tree where another canvas bag was now only half filled. Can you move it to the tree?

Sure. He bent down and picked up the canvas sack hed carried. He hauled it over his shoulder once more and walked over, greeting Ewan who rushed forward to help him.

Tori looked over at Ilyana and then followed her gaze. Her brother was bending forward to put the bag down. She crinkled her eyes.

Is something wrong with my brother? she asked, looking at Ilyana again.

No! No! Your brother is perfect! Ilyana shut her eyes tight and bit her lips. Perfect gentleman! Hes a perfect gentleman! He helped carry the bag.

Tori cocked her head to the side and narrowed her eyes. Are you sure youre all right? Your face is red.

Ilyana nodded earnestly. Im fine. I just...I didnt know he was your brother.

Tori raised a brow, but nodded with understanding. I look more like Kasey than Sebby.

I expected him to look more like Lord Sebastian, Ilyana said.

Tori grinned. Oh, Sebby looks like Mama. Green eyes, brown hair. Kasey and I look like Papa. Everyone says Kasey looks almost exactly like Papa when he was that age.

Ilyana wasnt looking at her, but nodded. Once more, Tori furrowed her brows and followed her friends gaze back to her brother. Tori drew her head back and raised her brows.

I see.... Hes eight years older, you know.

Oh, is he?

Tori let out a heavy sigh. Youre still young. Id suggest waiting until you finish Universit, or Lyce, at the very least.

Ilyanas eyes widened and she seemed to perk up. She snapped her head towards Tori. Waiting for what? Her voice was higher than normal, and Tori held back a laugh.

Okay...wait for nothing. Come on. She patted Ilyanas shoulder. Go get some water to drink. Then you can start calling people over to the pinecone challenge.

Ilyana wrinkled her nose. Im not thirsty....

Tori chuckled to herself as she walked towards one of the pinecone tossing stations, where Ewan was explaining the process to Kasen. She grabbed onto her brothers shoulders from behind.

You dare to give it a try?

Kasen chuckled. Ewan, get me the equipment. Ewan nodded and turned to get a padded jacket, helmet and gloves. As Kasen put his arms through the jacket, he looked towards the five students tossing pinecones at one of the first contestants. Whats the record?

Forty-nine, Tori told him. By Piers, last year.

Her brother let out a little scoff as he rolled his shoulders and tied the padded jacket. He didnt get fifty? Thats surprising.

Yeah.... Tori looked to the side. She was sure if she didnt toss the last pinecone, Piers wouldve.

GG cleared out the first contestant and the underclassmen swarmed forward to pick up the pinecones and prepare for the next round.

Were open! GG said, raising an arm.

We have a VIP who wants to try! Tori called to him. GG looked over and gave her a nod. Tori motioned for her brother to come forward and Kasen slid his helmet on. He walked to the center of the challenge area and moved his waster in front of him.

Ready! GG called out and Kasen gave a small nod. Begin! The members of the association carefully tossed the pinecones towards him and, unsurprisingly, her brother blocked almost all of them. Final score, forty-seven!

Tori and Ewan clapped their hands as Kasen handed the waster to one of the students and removed his helmet. They could hear groans of disappointment coming from the few people waiting to try, and Ewan grimaced.

Maybe we shouldnt have let Lord Kasen go first....

Spread the word that his score doesnt count. Think of it as an exhibition, Tori said. Ewan nodded and moved to speak to the crowd.

Can I try more than once? Kasen asked as he tugged off his gloves and then ran a hand through his hair.

Tori shook her head. Sorry, Kasey, but we have a line. She motioned towards the entrance and her brother looked over. There were two stations for the challenge, but there were plenty of people already in line or looking at the scoreboard posted in front of the exhibition area. Were very popular.

Kasen chuckled and removed his jacket. Miss Agafonova said that I can win a coat at the end of the week.

Tori gave him an unimpressed look and crossed her arms over her chest. You already have a coat. Didnt I have one made especially for you?

Two coats from my sister are better than one, he told her with an amused smile.

GG, hold your station after this contestant. Captain Messers voice reached them as she led a small group of people forward. We have a few more VIPs.

Tori turned around and felt her shoulders shrink. Beside her, Kasen also let out a heavy sigh at the sight of the disguised imperial couple approaching. He put and arm around Toris slumped shoulders and pulled her close to give her a reassuring hug. Calm yourself. Mama says she has a history of doing what she wants.

Ahead of the Empress and Emperor, who was wearing a black wig today, were Axton and Piers. Axton lifted his hand to greet them, and Piers lowered his head, as if guilty of something.

He walked directly to Tori. I did not assist them today. I didnt know they were coming; I found them at the gate.

Tori narrowed her eyes and bore her gaze into him.

Piers shrank back. I did.

He did, Axton confirmed. He lowered his voice as he whispered. I dont think they came for Gideon; I think they came just to try this again.

Tori took a deep breath and exhaled. Kasen stepped around them to greet the imperial couple casually, so as not to give them away.

So, you are Lord Kasen, the Emperor said, extending his hand. Kasen gripped it and shook it, as if nothing was amiss. Are you here to see your sister?

First, then I have some work that needs to be done, Kasen replied.

A few paces away, Fabian was moving a small crate of already shattered pinecones and did a double take. His eyes widened he opened his mouth to greet them. Axton acted immediately and grabbed his shoulder to pull him back. Fabian looked up at him, surprised, and Axton gave him a sharp shake of his head.

Fabian seemed clever enough to get the warning and awkwardly gave the imperial couple a small bow before taking the crate back to the training grounds.

Shall I go first this year, darling? the Empress said as she looked at her husband. You know its not dangerous. The Emperor nodded and the Empress looked at Ewan. Ewan, hand me the equipment.

Yes.... Ewan said, careful not to add your majesty. Tori let out a small breath of relief. She looked up at Piers and Axton. Are you two going to try again?

Sure! Axton said. What did I get last year? Forty-eight?

Forty-six, Piers corrected at once and Axton sent him an annoyed look. You only hit forty-six.

Why do you have to say only? That was one of the highest scores last year! Axton bristled.

You can beat forty-six, Tori said, handing him a padded jacket. And if I remember, it was the second highest score that week.

Axton put on the jacket and gave Piers a smug look. Second highest.

Tori, who had the highest? Piers said in a disinterested voice. Tori bit her lips and hesitated.

You did. Piers looked at Axton and the corner of his lip curled up into a satisfied smile. Tori rolled her eyes. Its a new year. The old scores dont count! Lets see what youre able to score this time.

Forty! GG shouted and they turned to see the Empress raise her waster in the air, triumphant.

Thats a good dozen or so more than last year. Piers, the Empress removed her helmet as she reached them and grinned. Im catching up.

Thats good, Piers replied, seemingly unsure how to respond.

All right, Beloved, its my turn, the Emperor said as he put on his helmet. The Empress helped him tighten it to secure it and smiled.

He looks very confident, Tori said as she crossed her arms over her chest once more to watch. She leaned closer to Piers. How many do you think hell get this year?

He says that his highest count so far has been in the high 30s.

Thats not bad at all, Tori said. Much better than...four.

Your Highness, I brought you a new jacket, gloves, and helmet. Ewan rushed towards them with several items in his arms.

Tori narrowed her eyes. When did we bring those out?

I brought them out in case His Highness returned, Ewan said. Remember last year? He would only wear new ones.

Tori shot Piers an annoyed look as he took the jacket from Ewan. Excellent work, Ewan. Being proactive is important for a knight.

Tori shook her head as the Emperors score was called out. Twenty-seven!

Darling, thats much better than last year! Have you been practicing? The Empress looked extremely pleased as she rushed forward to meet her husband. The Emperor was careful in removing his helmet in order to keep his wig in place.

Despite his score being several times more than what it was last year, he still looked disappointed. Piers looked at his father questioningly. You said your average was in the thirties.

The Emperor frowned as his wife untied his jacket. Being watched brings unnecessary pressure.

Im next! Axton said. He shoved on his helmet and bounded to the challenge station. Piers immediately followed to go to one of the throwing stations. Before he could reach one, Axton rushed back out. No! No! You are not allowed!

Why not? Piers frowned. I tossed pinecones last year.

You didnt throw them, you hurled them at my head!

The Empress gasped and grabbed her husbands arm. I forgot I could toss them! Darling, do it again so I can throw them at you.

Tori swore she saw the Emperor wince. Im afraid not, Beloved. There is quite a line and theyve already made an exception for us once, so we dont have to wait.

Now the Empress was the disappointed one.

Tori, tell him he cant throw them at me! Axton demanded, blocking Piers from one of the tossing stations.

Piers, were not allowing friends of competitors to toss pinecones. Its too irregular and some people abuse the privilege, Tori told them. Piers frowned a bit, but returned to her side. Axton let out a heavy breath and walked back to the challenge station.

Without Piers aggressive pinecone tosses, Axton was able to achieve a solid forty-seven, as well. How was that? he asked. Is that the record for today?

Youre tied with Kasey, Tori said. Axtons face fell, but he appeared resigned. Piers.... She trailed off when she saw him already halfway to the challenge station, wearing his new equipment.

They shouldnt go easy on him, Axton said as he handed Ewan his jacket. They should hurl it at his head, too.

We didnt practice those kinds of throws, Tori told him. If we tell them to throw them hard now, most of them will miss Piers completely.

Just tell him to reach out and hit them. Hell do it.

No, but Ill take this as a suggestion to have a more difficult level next year. Thats a really good idea, she said. Axton nodded, satisfied.

They looked back at the challenge as GG yelled for them to begin. The small line of spectators, from Kasen at one end to Tori on the other, all seemed to wear unimpressed expressions, as if knowing that Piers would score well.

Fifty! GG called out.

Surprise, Tori mumbled. Groans escaped the bystanders waiting to try, and Tori quickly tried to reassure them. Ilyana, Ewan! Let them know the VIP scores dont count for the prize!

Her two friends nodded and went to let those waiting in line know. The Empress furrowed her brows. Lady Tori, does this mean our scores wont be counted?

We will put your score on the scoreboard, but you are not eligible for a prize as a VIP, Tori said.

The Empress rubbed her chin. I suppose thats fair.

Fifty, Piers said as he looked at Axton, who rolled his eyes. Piers handed off his helmet and then peeled off his gloves to give to Ewan before triumphantly passing his parents and approaching Tori. Prize?

She let out a small snort of laughter before lifting her hand and patting his head. You did a wonderful job and have advanced a level. Next year, Ill be sure to make it more difficult.

His eyes met hers for a moment before quickly darting away. I look forward to it.

Kasen let out a low cough and Tori pulled her hand back. You dont get the prize either. You have your own coat.

I want steak.

All right, Ill make you a steak over the summer.

He just asks for food, and he gets it.... Axton said with a shake of his head. He walked over and leaned forward, putting his chin on top of Toris head. Tori, I want-

Mr. Zisos ordered some cured lamb to be brought to the delta this week; I promise to save some for you. Tori cut him off and he beamed, knowing what it meant.

Excuse, Madam. Fabian seemed to step forward, having returned from his errand. He bowed his head to the Emperor and Empress. Are you looking for Prince Gideon?

The Emperor didnt flinch, but Tori could see the brief moment of confusion on the Empress face, as if wondering why shed be looking for her son. Her eyes widened and she quickly smiled.

Do you happen to know where he is, Sir von Dorn? the Empress said.

Kasens head snapped in his direction and his sharp eyes fixed on Fabian.

Yes, Madam. He is assisting the baking club, Fabian said. Would you like me to escort you?

Tori raised a brow and looked him up and down. Did he not realize that he was on duty for the association at the moment?

We will not take up your time, Sir von Dorn, the Emperor said. We were given a map. The baking club, you say? He raised one hand elegantly and a plain clothes knight who was looming around them stepped forward and held out a piece of paper.

Their booth is just outside the main auditorium doors, Sir, Tori said. The scent of slightly burnt bread could be smelled when they passed earlier.

The Emperor gave her a nod. Then, we will go. Sir von Dorn, continue your work here.

Fabian looked somewhat disappointed but bowed his head and stepped back. The imperial couple gave them small nods before following their knights out into the rest of the school. Kasen moved towards Tori and leaned closer to her.

Is that him? The boy you beat?

Tori gave him a small nod. Thats him.

Kasens eyes narrowed. All right. He seemed to take a deep breath before turning back to her. I have to go do some work now. He opened his arms in front of him and wrapped them around her, kissing the top of her head once more.

Tori instinctively raised her arms to embrace him back. Are you free for dinner?

Unfortunately, no. The job is a bit complex, Kasen said as he pulled back and looked at her fondly. I will call you when I can schedule a time, all right?

Tori nodded. She wanted to ask for more details, but if he was purposely being vague, then it was likely a classified mission of sorts. She swallowed back her worry. Her brother was a fighter and intelligent. Hell be fine. Okay. Be safe.

He lifted a hand and stroked her hair back. You, as well. A crack was heard, and he held up his hand, catching a pinecone as it came flying towards her head. He looked towards the challenge station where everyone seemed to have frozen with panic. Be more careful next time.

He casually tossed the pinecone back. Tori beamed. My brother is so cool.

Kasen turned around and began to walk away. He seemed to stop to say good-bye to Ilyana, who immediately froze and turned red.

Albert moved forward from where he had been, lining up people for the challenge. Why is Lord Kasen more terrifying than Lord Sebastian? he said, looking worried.

Tori raised her brows and shrugged. Probably because hes much calmer. As they say, an animal that wants to kill you wont give warning.

Also, hes much better with his fists than a sword, Axton said. And you saw his score.

Albert looked at Tori with dismay.

Axton. Piers, Kasen called from the entrance. He tilted his head to the side, in a beckoning motion.

Coming, Senior Kasen! Axton looked over his shoulder before quickly patting Toris head and heading out.

Well be busy the next few days and will be unable to go to the delta, Piers said as he stopped in front of her. Imperial knights are assigned to you.

Are you helping my brother? Tori narrowed her eyes as Piers nodded. Then, you be safe, too.

I will, he said as he turned around. I want my steak.

Sometimes, Tori forgot just how much money an elite private school had, considering how much was spent on the upkeep of the campus and students. She watched Ilyana and Ewan place the last of the gold and green square cotton pieces on every seat in the section Lyce had bought out for the Spring Three-Day.

Albert stood at the entrance to the section, greeting their fellow students who had signed up to attend and cheer on their equestrians. He motioned for them to take a seat and the purpose of the square pieces of cloth on their seats.

Most of the seats are filled up and the students weve spoken with to help with the competition cheering are all here. Ilyana reported as she came down the steps. The main group of students knew what to do and were also charged with explaining to others what they were to do, such as the friends and family of the competitors.

Tori nodded, satisfied that their section was nearly full. She looked over her shoulder. Nanny Rey was seated in the front row, both saving their seats and keeping an eye on the banners for JP and Sonia. In order not to block everyones view, they decided to go with the gold and green bandana-sized cloths as opposed to a massive Lyce du Soleil banner.

We still have some time to go out and get something to eat, Tori said. They brought in some jugs of water and juice, but had yet to buy the festival snacks, as their arms were full entering. Tori raised her arms. Albert! Ewan! Lets go get the food!

The two looked over at her and nodded. The four of them headed outside of the stadium and towards the street, where vendors were selling various trinkets and food. The aroma of fried foods almost filled the area.

Were going to need more than one for each of us, Albert said. Well be there for a few hours.

Lets get two pork hocks for each of us, then. Let's have two of each kind of sausage, some fried dough.... Ewan named off various foods as they walked towards the street.

Have them cut it up into pieces before we bring it in, Tori said. Its easier to separate and eat.

Thats a good idea, Albert nodded. You guys go and get the meat. Ill get the non-meat.

Tori opened her mouth and let out a voice of agreement when she was suddenly pulled back. She looked down at her arm and found Ilyanas hand grabbing the sleeve of her uniform blouse. She furrowed her brows and looked towards her friend. Something wrong?

Ilyanas eyes were fixed towards the small path that led around the stadium and towards the portion where the stables and corrals were. It was the same path Tori had come through with Piers when they came to watch the polo tournament.

I saw Claire James. Ilyanas voice was low, and her eyes narrowed. Tori tilted her head to the side.

Shes probably competing today, she said. Sonia did tell them that Claire was an equestrian as well and ranked in the city.

All the competitors should already be checked in and with their school teams. Ilyanas voice was laced with suspicion and Tori pursed her lips. She shouldnt be out here right now. They should be getting ready for the entrance.

They still have some time-

Lets follow her! Ilyana pulled Tori forward and looked over her shoulder. Ewan, well see you inside!

Ewan, who seemed too engrossed in deciding which vendor to buy from, lifted an arm and nodded distractedly. Okay!

Tori let out a tired sigh. Ilyana, shes probably just going back to her schools tent.

But she keeps looking around! Shes up to something! Tori let Ilyana drag her towards the path, but kept them close to the shrubs and thick rows of trees that circled the stadium.

Tori looked around and saw the sign placed on a stand in the middle of the pathway. She stood up straight. Were not supposed to be back there, she said. The sign says participants and faculty only beyond that point.

Tori, Ilyana said in a firm voice. Shes up to something. I know it.

Tori took a deep breath. How are you-

Shes going into our tent! Ilyana nearly jumped up as she took several steps forward and squinted.

Toris brows knit together, and she followed Ilyana with uncertainty. Are you sure?

Shes wearing a violet and black riding uniform; thats the uniform of St. Germaine. I remember it from last year, Ilyana said with a tight voice. And she walked into our tent. Tori followed her gaze.

The first tent, which made up the temporary stables for participants, was indeed Lyce du Soleils tent. Each school had their own massive series of tents to allow participants and their horses a place to rest when they were not competing. St. Germaines tent was further away.

For a moment, Tori also became suspicious. This close to the start of the competition there was no reason for a student from another school to go into their schools tent. In fact, there really wasnt any reason for them to.

Before she could come up with a plausible explanation, she saw Ilyana sneaking towards the tent and her shoulders fell.

Ilyana! She hissed, trying to keep from yelling and getting unwanted attention. Ilyana! Come back!

Her friend was too focused on getting into the tent and Tori shut her eyes and took a deep breath. Ilyana looked incredibly suspicious tiptoeing towards the tent with her back hunched forward and her eyes darting from side to side. If anyone looked suspicious, it was her.

Tori stood up straight and walked forward, acting as if she belonged there. She didnt make any eye contact with anyone else, especially anyone who looked like they were an official. By the time she reached Ilyana, Ilyana was peering through the open entryway of the tent.


Shh! The young woman pressed her back against the thick canvas wall of the tent and slipped inside. Tori tilted her head back and let out a low breath.

Then lets find one of the instructors and tell them that there is an unaffiliated student here, Tori said as she followed behind her. She looked around, looking for someone who looked like they had some authority. She hoped they wouldnt get in trouble for also being somewhere they werent supposed to be.

Ilyana didnt seem to be paying attention. Her eyes were fixed on the figure with the neat, violet buttoned up coat walking along the horse pens and occasionally glancing towards an open area where the Lyce equestrians were gathered. It looked like they were having a pre-game pep talk.

She has something in her hand! Ilyana gasped and Tori snapped her head towards Claire. Her eyes narrowed and she saw Claire stop in front of the pen of a familiar white horse Ciel Noir. Claire's hand was reaching inside the pen and there was something held in it.

Tori opened her mouth to call for one of the instructors standing with the Lyce equestrians when Ilyanas voice seemed to fill the tent.

Stop! Ilyana was racing towards Claire, who had whirled around and paled.

Ilyana! Tori immediately ran after her to try to stop her, but Ilyana had already lunged forward and grabbed on to Claire. Claire lost her footing and stumbled back against a bale of hay. Her helmet fell off and hit the stone floor as she and Ilyana landed awkwardly against the hay and slid onto the ground.

A pale envelope fluttered to the ground beside them.

Someone help! Ilyana shouted. A spy from another school sneaked inside to poison Ciel Noir!

The commotion had already attracted the attention of their participating schoolmates and the faculty and instructor with them. Tori saw Sonia break away from the group in a rush with JP behind her as she heard her horses name.

What? She bypassed the two on the ground and Tori as she rushed to check on her horse. She lifted her gloved hands and Ciel Noir moved his head forward to rest them in her palms.

Whats going on? A womans annoyed voice reached them, and Tori grimaced as she turned towards Instructor Autumndottir.

Someone call the officials! another student shouted.

No! Claire, still partially held down by Ilyana, seemed to lose color on her face. I wasnt! I dont want to harm anyone!

Then why are you here? JP loomed above them and frowned. His eyes flickered to the envelope beside them. Claires eyes followed his gaze and Tori could almost see the terror that filled them in an instant. Whats this?

Sonia looked over at her brother, still stroking Ciel Noirs head to comfort him, as JP knelt down and plucked up the paper. Toris eyes widened and her mouth dropped as JP turned the envelope around. It was sealed, but the front of it had Sonias name written in elegant calligraphy.

Tori could feel a wave of pity and secondhand embarrassment sweep over her.

JP, wait-

Before anyone could stop him, JP ripped open the envelope as if it had personally wronged him. He pulled out a lavender sheet of paper. The faint scent of lavender also wafted out and Tori grimaced again.

Dear Miss Vissage, JP read out loud. You dont know me, but Ive long admired your riding. Since I saw you at last years competition, I have not been able to rid the image of you flying around the track from my mind and heart...and..... JPs formerly indignant voice weakened with each word. His eyes crinkled up as if pained. a love letter.

Apart from the rustling in the pens, the stables were quiet. No one seemed to want to speak up. The students were all stunned, and the instructors appeared at a loss of how to handle whatever this was.

Claire looked absolutely mortified and Ilyana had turned red with embarrassment. Sonia looked surprised, as if she hadnt expected it at all.

Tori stepped forward and snatched the envelope and letter from JPs slacked hand. She folded the letter and slipped it back before placing it in Claires hand, and then grabbing Ilyanas arm.

Ilyana, get off her, Tori said in a quiet, rushed voice. Her friend blinked and seemed to remember they were still on the ground. She pushed herself up with her other arm and quickly scrambled back to stand beside Tori.

She looked at Claire, who clutched the letter against her chest as she slowly rose to her feet. Miss James, is this why youve been following Sonia for months? You wanted to give her a love letter?

Tori cringed. Ilyana didnt need to say it out loud. Claires face was flushed from the tips of her ears to her neck. She didnt answer and Sonia spoke up.

I thought you wanted to steal our choreography for the competition.

Claire sucked in a sharp breath and turned around to face the other young woman. Id never! How could I do that? No one can possibly replicate your choreography, no matter how many times I see it! Ive just wanted to speak to you, but couldnt bring myself to. Then I thought to give you this, but it was difficult to make contact....

Her hand clenched the letter once more as she lowered her eyes. She seemed to take a deep breath before pushing it forward, holding it up for Sonia to take.

Sonia didnt seem at all flustered and reached forward to accept it. You couldve given this to Tori to give to me, if youre familiar with her.

Claire shook her head, her face still red. No, I should be the one to give it to you. That is the honorable way to do it.

Tori found herself nodding. She could respect that.

Sonia seemed to think for a moment. Miss James, Im flattered, but Im afraid I dont have time right now.

Claire instantly deflated, but she seemed to have also expected it. I understand. Youre only in your second year and so much is expected of you.

Sonia nodded. The competition is going to start soon. We should all get ready. Would you mind if we discussed this after the competition? There was no awkwardness in her voice, no confusion or dismissal. It was as if she were just rescheduling an appointment.

Claire smiled weakly. You dont have to force yourself. I accept your rejection.

Sonia raised one brow. While I may not have agreed to it now, I havent rejected you, either, Miss James. Id just like time to properly consider this.

My sister makes decisions carefully, despite her temper, JP said. Sonia shot him a glare.

Claire seemed to take a deep breath. Then, if that is the case, I will wait until after the competition.

Sonia gave her a small nod. Thank you, Miss James.

Tori clapped her hands together and smiled brightly. Well, then! Please continue with your meeting, she said as she stepped back and slowly pulled Ilyana with her. Ilyana and I will just go back to our-

A heavy hand clamped on both her and Ilyanas shoulders. The two froze in place as Tori felt her stomach sink. They looked over their shoulders and saw a man in an officials uniform glowering. You two arent supposed to be here.

Oh, shit.

She and Ilyana were dragged out, all while telling everyone good luck. Once they were brought outside the front of the stadium, the official held out his hand. Your tickets. The two reluctantly handed him their tickets and watched as they were ripped into pieces before they could protest. Dont let me see you two try to sneak in again!

He turned around and marched back. Ilyana stared at the pieces of paper on the ground and Tori looked back at the stadium, where the others were waiting for them.

I acted rashly just now, didnt I? Ilyana asked in a small voice.


And...we cant go back inside without tickets, can we?

Also yes.

Ilyanas eyes reddened and she looked on the verge of crying. Its going to start soon! What are we going to do? The tickets have been sold out for days!

Tori took a deep breath and closed her eyes. The only thing we wealthy young ladies can do, Ilyana. She opened her eyes and narrowed them as she scanned the crowd around the stadium. Buy tickets off someone else for an exorbitant amount. Excuse me, Miss! How much for your ticket!

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