Tori Transmigrated

Love Interest End Scenes (LIES): Constantine - Part I

Love Interest End Scenes (LIES): Constantine - Part I

The first person he called after he had officially completed his seminary studies was his uncle.

The second person he called was Tori.

Tori always picked up her calls in the past and Constantine couldnt help but become worried when he couldnt reach her for two days. The Tori he knew was likely long expecting his call around this time, when he was scheduled to finish the seminary. This was unlike her.

What was stranger was that he knew that the last semester of Lyce for fourth year students was rather relaxed and by now, they shouldve submitted their Lyce Project reports already. Was Tori overwhelmed at the delta? Or with Lions Gate?

But she had a resolute staff to help her government and Henrik and Ilyana were exceptionally competent partners.

The more he thought about it, the more unsettled he became.

Call Ilyana Agafonova. Hed wanted to call Tori first as she was going to be his witness, but since she wasnt answering, hed reach out to his other friends. After all, there were six others. He even had Prince Piers comcry registered.

There were three pulses of light before Ilyana picked up. Constantine?

He cocked his head to the side. Ilyana sounded a bit distressed. Hello, Ilyana. How are you?

He heard a slight sniffle and then she began to cry. Tori has crystal shock again!

His eyes widened and he opened his mouth. He shifted into consolation mode and spoke softly, trying to reassure Ilyana that Tori would recover well, though he himself was shaken by the sudden news. He knew that Tori had been working hard to improve her abilities and he had no doubt that shed improved in two years. What had happened to cause her to succumb to crystal shock once more?

When Ilyanas cries calmed a bit, he dared to ask. What happened? Id been trying to call her, but she wasnt answering.

How can she? They brought her back to Anahata Island a few days ago. Something happened and she drained all her energy. Shes still asleep, Ilyana said in a hoarse voice. Lord Kasen and Duke Axton said that there was a carriage accident when she went to Geyser Cliffs with His Imperial Highness . She was in a carriage with Prince Gideon and von Dorn when there was an accident. She over-exerted herself trying to keep them safe.

Constantine sat down on the edge of his bed as his heart, which had leapt to his throat, settled down. Knowing what happened eased his mind a bit, but the question still stood. Will she be all right?

Ilyana sniffled once more. They said she will. That she lost a lot of energy. She paused and took a deep breath. They told me shell be fine, and it was just the normal result of over exerting herself, but shes been asleep longer than she was last time. Toris improved a great deal since two summers ago, so I dont understand why is she sleeping longer?

He didnt have an answer for her. He lowered his eyes, still trying to come to terms with the fact that Tori had faced another situation where she overwhelmed herself.

What happened in the accident? What about Prince Gideon and von Dorn? No matter how he looked at it, it wasnt just a simple accident.

Those two were also exhausted, but theyre fine otherwise. I dont know what Tori had to do to ensure their safety. Duke Axton and Lord Kasen didnt say. Ilyana sounded regretful. JP tried to talk to His Highness, but he and von Dorn seem to be avoiding us.

Constantine frowned more so. Then, what happened wasnt just a carriage accident?

I knew youd get it, Ilyana said with a tired sigh. And I dont know if she was involved, but Hart was pulled out of school right after the Spring Festival.

Alessa Hart? He furrowed his brows. Did they say why?

No, only that there was an imperial inquiry happening and she and her family are under investigation. We havent gotten any news. His Imperial Highness Prince Piers and Lord Kasen have told us not to worry about it, so I doubt well find out soon.

Its strange that they of all people would tell you the matter doesnt require concern.

Isnt it? Ilyana let out another sigh. I will keep you updated on her condition. Lord Kasen made us return to Horizon, so we dont miss our graduation.

Tori would not want you to miss your graduation, Constantine said with a knowing nod. If Tori woke up and found out that theyd missed such an important milestone, shed be upset and that would only make her more frustrated because she was the reason.

I know, Ilyana said. I just cant relax knowing shes not waking up.

We have to have some faith in her. The gods have blessed Tori; they would not take her from us so soon.

He heard a slight chuckle. Youve become more of a priest than I thought.

I did spend two years in seminary.

He heard her laugh lightly and then her voice lightened. Im sorry about crying, Constantine. Its just.....

Dont be. I understand. It is good to get the emotions out, he told her.

Youre done with seminary now, right? I knew wed get a call from you as soon as you were done. Ilyana seemed to be trying to keep her voice light and encouraging despite her distress and Constantine felt touched.

Yes, I just confirmed my completion this morning. All that waits for me now is my marking ceremony.

Ilyana let out a small noise of distress. Visiting you will be delayed, but Im sure once Tori wakes, going to Karap will be the first thing she plans to do. We all planned to leave immediately after graduation to explore Karap, but circumstances as they are.

Dont let her strain herself so soon. Make sure she rests for a bit. We dont know how the crystal shock affected her this time.

Yes, were worried that she couldve lost mobility again, llyana said with some disappointment. But as long as she can recover...thats important. I just want her to wake up soon.

Constantine agreed. Please keep me up to date on her condition. And congratulations on graduating at the top of the class.

Howd you know I graduated at the top?

He cracked a small smile. You are Ilyana Agafonova. How could you graduate anything but ranked first?

Well...guess who ranked second. She was asleep all through her final exams....

Tori? best friends Lyce Project had the highest score, Ilyana said. He could almost imagine her puffing out her chest with pride. Daniel Leferve nearly fainted when he saw the final rankings.

Mr. Leferve had been coming in second, sandwiched between Ilyana and Tori for years. To be knocked down a rank at the last moment mustve been a blow.

I will pray for him, Constantine said with a slight smile. And for everyone, especially Tori.

Thanks, Constantine.

Are the others available right now? I want to call and congratulate them individually.

Sonia and JP are gathering their things at the stables. The rest of us are packing our dorms up to move out. Ewan should be at his final assessment interview right now, so you should call him this evening.

Thats where he applies for a knight tier, isnt it? He became a bit nervous for his friend and made a mental note to do a prayer for Ewan, as well.

Hes hoping for first tier. Lord Sebastian had a talk with him while he was here to try to calm him down after they brought Tori back. He said Tori has high expectations of Ewan and to let her wake up to good news.

As it should be, Constantine agreed. Though, I am sure Ewan will be accepted. He has the drive, and I can only imagine his abilities now, after two years.

Oh, theyve improved, Ilyana told him with confidence. Hes top of his class.


I know! Were all so proud of him. He even went on a training mission with new Guevera knights over the winter break. If the first-tier knights dont take him, Lord Sebastian will probably try to steal him to Sur.

A wide smile filled Constantines face. Then, Im sure hell be fine.

I have to finish packing. I have to pack all of Toris things, too, Ilyana said. If she wakes before you call next, Ill let you know.

I believe she will wake soon, Ilyana. Last time Tori had crystal fatigue, she was asleep for a few days and this time, it sounded more severe, yet if Toris brothers were calm about it and she was in Anahata Island, he found he had the utmost confidence that it was only a matter of time before Tori woke up.

She was not only a prodigy with crystals, but a planner; she wouldnt have taken a risk without doing some reassurances if she learned from last time. Constantine didnt know if he was trying to convince himself, but he found that he trusted his friend to come back to them. It was just a question of when.

The call ended and he slumped his shoulders, releasing a heavy breath as he looked across his little cell. Most of his things had been returned to his chest awaiting his move, but the painting of his friends remained hanging on his wall.

He often stared at it, wondering what everyone was doing and if theyd changed. Hed made other friends during seminary, but nothing similar to those he left behind. Many of them were going to enter the clergy immediately after their marking ceremony while he was going to return to Horizon to study at the School of History and Antiquities at Universite.

Towards the last few months, he was allowed to send out his application. Some students were continuing theological studies, and some had decided that the clergy was not for them. He still planned to join eventually, but he wanted to follow his passion and eventually do restoration and research on holy artifacts. That required additional studies in antiquities.

His uncle, the Pope, had been excited to hear that hed been accepted and even wanted to go to Horizon and send him off himself. The Pope coming to the capital was important and while Constantine liked the idea, security precautions had to be made. He hoped to speak to Prince Piers about it that summer.

Constantine looked at his comcry. Hed forgotten to tell Ilyana about his acceptance into Universite. She wouldve been elated to know theyd be in the same year. But...perhaps that sort of thing was better saved for being shared in person.

He gave himself a small nod. Yes, he would save the good news for when they were all together. He clutched his comcry against him and stood up.

Before he called the others to congratulate them on graduating, he would do some prayers. If the gods were merciful, they would let his friend wake soon. If the gods were kind, they also wouldnt let her push herself when she did.

Im fine. Really, I just overexerted myself again. And before you scold me, keep in mind that the situation was dire, Toris voice was calm and almost dismissive of what happened. Constantine couldnt help but be suspicious that she was downplaying what happened and recalled his prayers a few days earlier. One out of two wasnt bad.

Perhaps not even the gods could stop Tori from doing what she wanted, he thought with some amusement.

If you require more recovery time, I will reschedule the ceremony. Its a small matter to do so and its more important that you rest-

I have been laying on a crystal slab for days, Constantine. If I dont get out and move soon, Im going to scream.

He took a deep breath. Tori really couldnt be without something to do for too long, could she? The original plan was to expect you here this week-

And we will be there this week.

She sounded confident and Constantine couldnt help but look at his comcry with some distrust. Tori, it takes a few days to get to Karap.

Yes, on a regular ship. Heh...I havent told you yet, but weve developed a new ship propulsion system with crystals. No matter how she said it, she was bragging, and Constantine held back an amused laugh. A crystal fanatic, as always. My graduation ship that Piers gifted me has the latest in crystal technology. If we leave tomorrow, like I want, Ilyana.

Its fine! His Imperial Highness got some selenite to put around your bed in the countess cabin. Ilyanas voice sounded as if she were a few steps away, but was assured regardless.

Tori let out a displeased ugh. As long as we leave tomorrow morning, well be there in less than two days. Be prepared to meet us at the dock around noon in two days, Constantine.

He sighed, wishing she wouldnt push herself so soon after waking, but Tori did what she want and the best he and her friends could do was try to mitigate any strain. If youre sure. What about lodging?

We can stay on the boat at night. Its a reasonably large boat. Youll still have to share your room during the trip though, but there are two beds in the cabin.

His heart swelled knowing they thought of him, but he knew that they wouldnt do anything less. I dont mind. Should we prepare food for the trip?

I expect the journey over water not to take as long as before, but it wouldnt hurt to pick up some local delicacies every time we stop-

Get me the lamb! A mans voice shouted in the background.

Ewan, well have lamb when we arrive in Karap.

But I want some on the boat!

What are you even doing on the island? Didnt I say to wait on the mainland because theyre doing experiments here and its dangerous? Toris exasperated voice asked.

I was bored.


There was some shuffling and more voices heard, then finally, Toris tired sigh. Well worry about local delicacies when we get there. Lets get to the important part: what do I need to bring for the markings ceremony?

It is customary to wear white and a chair will be provided for you to sit next to me during the ceremony. While the first ceremony is not long, it will still take time and witnesses neednt stand for the duration. There will also be seating around the room for everyone if they want to watch.

Ive never seen a marking ceremony, but Im excited to take part. Should we bring something to eat or drink if itll be long? Tori asked.

Yes, please bring something to drink. It shouldnt take longer than two or three hours, so if you think you may get hungry, bringing a light snack will work. After the ceremony, we will have a celebration meal, he replied. I made reservations at a restaurant that overlooks the water nearby, but Ill let them know to make it flexible in case youre delayed."

Constantine, Im telling you, well get there by the end of the week. That reminds me, bring swimwear. After Karap, well stop in Tres Arcos before going to Presidio and well play for a bit. My niece and nephew will meet us there. You havent met them yet.

Ill prepare some blessing talismans for them, Constantine said. Ilyana said that were going to Gorask, so Ive also prepared one for Riri, as well as Ava and her cousins. What are their trifecta gods?

Oh! Thanks, Constantine! They are Kasens adopted children, but you havent met them yet.

Yes, Robi and Fifi. Ilyana and the others told me.

For Robi, lets go with Zoara and for Fifi.... He heard her let out a tired sigh. Kekorei.

He tilted his head to the side and craned his neck. Did he mishear? Kekorei?


The...god of domesticated animals?


Ill see what I can do. After chatting for a few more minutes, Constantine ended the call and headed out to look into provisions for the journey. It seemed that Toris new relatives would also be rather unique.

There he is! Constantine saw a blond man jump in the air and his brows rose. Albert grew quite tall since hed last seen him. Constantine!

I dont know how hes not going to see us with you jumping and yelling. Henrik looked exasperated, likely tired from reigning in the group.

Constantine couldnt help but smile. They were all familiar, but a little different. They were taller and more mature than hed remembered seeing them last, at least most of them.

Henrik was taller and put on some more mass, but not much. He was still slender and pale, likely burying himself in working on Lions Gate. He looked tired from the releases theyd told him about. The new crystal technology branch of the company had many advancements that even hed heard about while cloistered.

Ilyana also caught him up on the new inn in Horizon and the movement of new settlers to the delta. Ilyana herself had grown even more beautiful than he last remembered. She lost some of the baby fat around her face and shed grown in height. Her hair was still long and wavy, falling over her shoulders and was held back by a headband as she hovered and tried to stop Ewan from being distracted by a nearby fish monger as soon as they walked onto the pier.

Constantine expected Ewan to grow taller and bigger, but it surprised him just how much. Ewan was about his height when he left, if he remembered correctly, and Constantine had grown a bit in the last two years, as well. Ewan was half a head taller than him and Albert, the second tallest of the group.

His height and his shiny bald head made him stand out immediately. In addition, hed put on muscle and carried himself in a confident, upright manner even as he looked around curiously. If someone told Constantine that Ewan was already an imperial knight, hed believe it.

JPs light brown hair had been trimmed short and he was rubbing his forehead. He and Sonia looked like slightly older versions of themselves, making passersby think that they were stable young adults.

Were going to eat right now, Ewan! Constantine made us reservations, just wait! Sonia nearly lunged back to smack Ewans arm in annoyance.

Beside her, the petite young woman with the curly black hair held back by a hair wrap, and blue eyes that screamed for a break sighed.

Constantine! Sorry for the delay, Tori said as she raised her arm. Like the others, she was dressed in casual Viclya clothing, which would fit with the heat and humidity of southern Sur. Unlike the others, she didnt seem to have grown much taller. He decided not to mention it, lest it upset her.

No need to apologize. I know you got here as soon as you could. A wide smile filled his face as his heart settled and the group surrounded him.

Group hug! Ewan shouted with a cheesy grin as they huddled around him. Constantine laughed and felt some stinging in his eyes as joy filled him.

Its so good to see you again. I was barely able to catch a glimpse of you last summer, when you lit fireworks on the water, Constantine said as several hands patted his shoulders.

I knew youd see us! Sonia replied, proud. We couldnt pass through without saying hi.

He laughed. Everyone at the seminary was confused when they heard it. I was studying in the library, and someone came in shouting about lights in the sky, so I rushed back to my room as the window faces the bay. His eyes crinkled up with mirth. I didnt expect to see fireworks so soon.

We saw you waving the quilt, JP told him. And we were jumping up and down on the deck, but Im sure it was difficult to see us. The others nodded in agreement.

I didnt have any sort of eyepiece to look through, but I was certain it was you all. His heart told him so. Later, the Archbishop had told him that it was indeed Tori and the others whod set off fireworks, confirming his feelings.

The Viscount of Karap, who was the governing body of the town, had been terrified when he heard the noises, and confused, apparently. Hed demanded an investigation to punish whoever made the noise for doing so suddenly, but the Archbishop interceded.

If anyone asks, it was an accident and we dont know how the fireworks were lit suddenly, Henrik reminded them. The group snickered.

A low grumble came through, even above the noise of the pier, and Constantine, as well as the others, looked towards the source of the sound. Ewans face heated up as his hands went over his stomach. I eat more now, he seemed to try to explain.

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Constantine threw his head back and laughed. I knew youd be hungry as soon as you arrived, so the reservation is at that restaurant. He turned and pointed to one of the restaurants on the plaza at the entrance of the pier. It was the same one hed eaten at with Tori and her brother and cousin when they visited. They have a special lamb dish here. And tonight, well have dinner at the clifftop restaurant, where they get lamb from a local family farm they own, fresh.

Ewan licked his lips. I knew I could count on you, Constantine.

Were going to be stuffed tonight. I can almost feel it, Albert said with an elated look as he touched his stomach.

Dont worry, Constantine said as he led them through the crowd. Ive arranged for donkeys to take us to the citys High Point across town.

Whats there? JP asked.

Thats the temple ruins, right? Henrik asked with furrowed brows. Karap, and Sur in general, have a lot of ancient ruins.

Constantine nodded. Its a popular place to go stargazing. Ive reserved a good spot, so all we have to do is show up. We can bring snacks.

Snacks! Ewan grinned.

Then, after lunch, we should look around to see what to bring, Sonia said. We also need to pack things for tomorrows marking ceremony, since itll be a few hours long.

I heard the process hurts, Albert told Constantine with a slight grimace. Should we buy you some wine to prepare?

Constantine smiled, but shook his head. No, I need to go through the process completely sober. Guests can drink a little, however. And if it gets too boring, you can also explore the monastery grounds that are open for guests.

Were not leaving until youre leaving, Ilyana asserted. She made a little fist with her hand. Solidarity.

He couldnt stop smiling. I missed you all. Thank you for coming.

Their gazes softened and Albert slapped his shoulder. Why are you thanking us? We wanted to come!

But dont feel that you have to pay for everything, Tori told him. Let us get a few meals.

In Karap, Im paying, Constantine said as he offered her his arm. She took it and shook her head, but he was determined. I promised to show everyone around when you came to visit. I also know that youre taking care of all our transport and lodgings. While Ilyana is paying for food.

Except in Tres Arcos and Presidio and possibly Moss Hill, Ilyana said. Lord Kasen said that were not allowed, and that their family will be hosting us, so it is inappropriate for us to pay. In Gorask, my family is hosting, so it will be inappropriate for you all to pay, as well.

Constantine gave Tori a knowing look and she shrank her neck back. All right, fine, but Im the one who suggested and invited everyone on this trip, so I am happy to pay.

And we love you for it, JP said with a grin. Sonia snorted as they entered the restaurant. As the host to the visiting guests, Constantine took the lead and checked them in, allowing them to be seated immediately. Their table was in a choice spot, with a view of the plaza and the pier.

At once, everyone began discussing what they were ordering, if they should share dishes they were curious about, and what drinks were available. Constantine found himself lost in the conversation, laughing while trying to describe local dishes and then what he ate at the seminary.

After all, he was cloistered and all the food and drink they ate for a year was prepared inside.

Ewan and Albert had the most visceral responses. You live here, where there is such rich food, but youre only served the plainest food at the seminary? Albert looked as if the information wounded him personally.

Constantine chuckled. It is part of the process, and you grow used to it. I only wish that the monks at the monastery didnt cook their food nearby so we could smell it.

Ewan looked blankly at the table. I dont think I can live like that after eating so well these past few years.

Wont you have to? Sonia asked with a raised brow. I doubt the food theyll provide you when you train will be restaurant quality.

Ewan visibly paled and Tori held her hands to calm him. Youll be training in the marches and each march has their own unique set of food at their bases. The food served at the barracks at the Fortress is better than usual, according to Sebby, but not by much, so dont worry too much about it. Itll only likely be when you leave a base to do exercises or are sent to the battle front that youll get special preserved meals.

Ewans face did not change much from his initial disappointment. Ive had that during training exercises....

Such is the sacrifice youll have to make if you want to one day follow around Tori and try food wherever she goes, Henrik said in a relaxed voice. Ewan seemed to take a moment to weigh his thoughts and then nodded, resigned.

Suffer now to eat well later....

Tori rolled her eyes and Constantine chuckled. While waiting for the food to arrive, the musicians began a new song and Constantine looked around the group. Does anyone want to try our regional dances?

Me! Ilyana raised her arm, ready to fully experience her stay in Karap.

I want to try, too. Ewan leaned back to look towards the dance area, his face filled with curiosity. JP and Sonia nodded. Constantine rose from his seat and motioned for them to follow him.

Its very easy to learn. Follow me. Well do a round before the meal comes.

You dont want to join, Albert? Henrik said with a sip of his wine. Dancing attracts attention. Maybe a girl-

Im coming, too! Albert shot up and followed after them.

The dance was a communal one where participants joined arms and kicked in a circle. Constantine held them back and to the side to observe while explaining and then showed them how to kick their legs to the rhythm.

Okay, now what? JP asked.

Constantine smiled and stepped forward, easily inserting himself into the tail end of the line. You just join in!

Ilyana gasped and rushed to join him so she wouldnt get lost, followed by Sonia and Ewan. JP paused a bit to try to get his timing right before latching on to Ewans shoulders. Albert took a step forward and then back, and then forward again, as if unable to decide when to come in.

Albert, just step inside! Ilyana called out.

I dont think theres a perfect time, so jump in at any time, Sonia called out. They passed him and the head of the line was coming around. As if noticing his hesitation, the old man at the head of the line laughed and reached out, pulling Albert into the group.

Constantine and the others let out guffaws as Albert stumbled in, awkward and confused. It took him a few misplaced steps, but Albert managed to get into the rhythm.

When the song ended, the group was flushed and slightly out of breath, more from laughing and yelling than exhaustion. They trudged back to the table just as the food was being served.

How was it? Tori asked as she lowered her chilled water.

Fun! Several voices chorused as they sat around to eat. The several dishes they decided to share were pushed in the center as they picked through, tasting different local plates, and then ranking them.

This gave them an idea of what they wanted to buy for snacks. The group headed out into the street to begin doing some shopping and snack collecting for the night as Constantine paid for their meal. As he stepped out into the street, he felt someone grab his arm and he turned around.

Brother Zisos, are they with you? The energetic face of one of his fellow seminary students met his as the two young men behind him craned their necks to watch the group two storefronts away, deciding on what light wine to buy for the night.

Constantine followed their gazes and then gave them a nod. Yes, theyre friends from Lyce du Soleil. As a relative of the Pope, everyone at the seminary knew who he was before he even set foot inside. It had been a challenge to close the distance between him and his classmates.

In fact, hed say it was much more challenging than when he was in Lyce. The seminary was related to the church, so all the students were theology focused. Constantine was almost inseparable from the title of Popes son and as a result, everyone was respectful, but very distant.

Similar to Lyce, there were those who wanted to get close to him in order to get close to his uncle, but unlike Lyce, there were more fervorous individuals who specifically wanted to befriend him to climb up the clergy ranks. It was something he knew hed have to deal with when he joined, but it had still taken some time for him to get used to.

It had started off as usual, with being distantly polite to others. He didnt stay with any particular group and found that he floated around the edges of his seminary class. Not ostracized or alienated, but fitting in everywhere, but nowhere at the same time. The seminary class itself wasnt composed of students the same age. Seminary accepted students who were sixteen and up, and was the first step to joining the clergy.

So, while most students were around his age, there were a few who were older. Groups tended to form by age and interest, so older students usually stayed with themselves, and younger students did the same. Constantine never let himself stay in one group so as not to give the appearance of favoring any particular group.

He had kept up that facade for a year until he got a better idea of who was sincere and who was only interested in connections, as well as knew who he had common interests with. In contrast, he felt a stronger connection with his Lyce friends because they fully immersed him in their lives.

The young man who looked at him with excitement was from Mezzaluna, the third son of an aristocratic family. He was a friendly person and was popular in their class. He also had very strong homesickness in his first year and Constantine had helped him get used to the seminary life.

For that, Gio was very thankful and would come to eat, study, or talk with Constantine often.

Are they here for your marking ceremony? Gio asked. He knew that Constantine was expecting friends to come as soon as they finished.

Constantine couldnt seem to hold back his smile. Yes, the young lady with the curly black hair is going to be my witness.

Is she single? another student with hopeful eyes looked at Constantine.

He held back a slight laugh and shook his head. Not engaged or married, but not available. The trio gave him confused looks and Constantine leaned forward. She is the Countess of Cosora, daughter of Marquis Guevera, and the favored one of His Imperial Highness.

He might not have been able to contact the outside world, but the outside worlds news did reach the seminary. Exceptions for contact could also be made for emergencies, but for the most part, there was no contact. Despite this rule, general news about the empire, such as Prince Piers becoming the Crown Prince, were announced and there was a notice board.

In addition, the Archbishop of Karap was one of the few high level clergy members who was there often, and he would tell Constantine what was happening in Viclya when there was news.

Constantines classmates paled, as if theyd made a grave mistake and Constantine shook his head. She is very relaxed about such things. There is no offense.

What about the other two ladies? Gio asked, glancing over. The one with the brown hair is breathtaking. Ive never seen someone so beautiful.... Constantine felt a bit of pity for his seminary friend.

The brunette is still in love with a nobleman-

Is it reciprocated? the third of the trio asked.

Constantine wasnt sure, but he tried to be vague. Even if it wasnt, if you knew who that nobleman was, youd give up.

Gio stood up straight. My di Angelo family has been around since ancient times-

He is a Guevera.

Gio froze. Guevera as in...Guevera March?

Constantine tried not to laugh at his friends mortified face. Direct descendent. The Countess second older brother, actually.

Gio and the others paused for a moment. There is no shame in giving up in the face of a superior adversary, he said, almost proudly.

Constantine gave him an understanding nod. And the blonde likes women.

...and men? the third of the trio asked with whatever fleeting hope he had left. Constantine shook his head and the mans face fell.

Do any of the men like men? the second asked.

I didnt ask. It was the truth. Aside from Albert, who was bent on finding a girlfriend, the other three never seemed to mention anything about it and Constantine never asked. Ewan was focused on swords and knighthood, Henrik lived for business, and JP seemed to show no interest at all. No matter what, as long as his friends sincerely loved someone and that someone was sincere to them back, he would be happy and bless them.

His disappointed seminary friends shrunk back and though Constantine offered to introduce them, they said that they could do so at his marking ceremony, as the group seemed busy. They let Constantine return to his friends, and while walking towards him, Constantine wondered why Albert still hadnt found a girlfriend.

None of his friends were unattractive, at least he didnt think so. Even when with clear outliers like Tori and Ilyana, and Duke Axton and Prince Piers for that matter, his friends caught the eyes of others. Even now, people cast them second looks in the marketplace.

Albert was bright and friendly, a good student from a good family, and had substantial connections. Constantine rubbed his chin. Perhaps he is just too enthusiastic and scares others away? That was probably the reason. Sonia had once told Albert not to be so desperate for a reason.

He shook his head and sighed. He was sure Albert and the others would be fine. He rushed to join them and collected food. Food and souvenirs. Tori told them to wait until before they left, in case they saw anything they wanted while looking around later, but somehow, a good chest full of things had been collected and sent back to the ship.

The group found themselves hungry well before sunset.

Shall we try to get to dinner? Tori asked. Is our reservation time ready?

Constantine looked at his time piece and winced a bit. Another thirty minutes, but maybe we can be seated early.

Please try, Ewan said, rubbing his stomach. Im famished.

You ate a whole leg of lamb at lunch, JP reminded him.

And I can eat another! I use up energy quickly! Ewan complained.

Constantine spoke to the host of the restaurant, who appeared a bit hesitant. Dinnertime was the busiest time of the day, and it was a popular restaurant for its sweeping views of the coast. Constantine smiled, helplessly.

If nothing is available, yet, we can wait-

Let them sit with me. A proud voice came from behind him, and Constantine turned around. His eyes widened, as did the eyes of the host. Archbishop?

Countess Tori! Youre here, too! Constantine was sure that the Archbishop only glanced at him before turning his attention to Tori, who looked surprised to see him.

Your Excellency, I thought you wouldve been on your way to Viclya by now. Master Ramos said that you planned to visit this summer, Tori said as she bowed her head to the old man.

Constantine cast the Archbishop a curious look. He wasnt told that the Archbishop was going to stop by Viclya again. In fact, there were some complaints that he was going too often and was trying to get Viclya into his diocese jurisdiction from the Archbishop of Horizon.

The Archbishop didnt seem at all bothered as he laughed and blessed Tori and the others as they greeted him.

There are several marking ceremonies this month that I will be overseeing. Afterwards, Im going to pay Jorge a visit. I heard there is CrysTech available.

Cue Henrik.

There seemed to be a slight glare on his friends glasses, hiding a predatory look, as Henrik appeared before Archbishop Florakis.

Yes, we have a few samples here with us to give to our hosts. Theyre on the ship, but I can show you mine over dinner, if you are interested.

Constantine sighed. Henrik didnt have to work so hard. The Archbishop was a VIP member of Lions Gate only for the CrysTech division. Constantine furrowed his brows. Wait a moment...wasnt he a host? They didnt give him a gift.

Your Excellency, a table has been prepared for you and your guests, the host said, bringing him out of his thoughts. Please follow me.

Archbishop Florakis turned, distracted by the comcry with the new case in Henriks hand, and gave a small nod. Yes, yes, lead the way!

They followed behind the host and Tori patted Constantines shoulder. We have a set for you, but thought you may want to pick the design, as they come with the cases. JP knows how to switch out the cases, so he can do it.

Constantine chuckled and nodded. Thank you, then. Its in a case?

They were seated on the terrace with the best view of the coast. To one side, they could see the monastery and seminary where hed spent the last two years of his life. Constantine sat closer to the Archbishop so he could watch and listen to Henrik as Henrik explained and sold the product to him.

It was one thing to hear about, but it was another to see it in person and get to touch the product. It was a useful item as it kept the conversations somewhat private.

By the way, this is a test version that has not yet gone to market. It beeps and vibrates, not just pulses with light when you are receiving a call, Henrik said with an almost smug look on his face.

Constantine couldve sworn the Archbishops eyes dilated. His voice was filled with the utmost seriousness. Show me.

Ilyana took out her comcry to call Henrik and they watched as Henrik put his comcry on the table. It began to glow around the edges, as usual, but then it also started to vibrate on the table, making it move. Finally, there were small beeps that sounded.

This...this is with crystals? Archbishop Florakis asked in a breathless voice.

Every day, Anahata Island works to improve our current technology with the use of crystals, Tori told him. She paused for a moment and seemed to hesitate. Before we leave, would you like to see the crystal advancements onboard my ship?

Onboard a ship? There was dismay in the old mans voice and Tori nodded.

Yes, were trying to improve water transport, both in comfort, speed, and communication. We havent done much-

JP and Sonia both barely held back their snorts of laughter and Ilyana elbowed them. Tori sighed.

Of course, Id love to see them! The old man beamed and patted Constantine, who was closest to him, on the shoulder. Tonight, you are my guests! It is the least I can do for your hospitality when I visit Cosora.

You are always welcomed in my delta, Your Excellency, Tori said with a gracious nod. The pleased old man beckoned over the server to begin ordering the most popular, and expensive, if Constantine calculated the costs correctly, dishes in the restaurant.

There was a lot of comparison to lunch, but many of the dishes were different. The restaurant had all the Karap classics, as well as fancy versions of pilgrimage food. Constantine assured the others that pilgrimage food was usually not so rich. At the end of dinner, Archbishop Florakis asked what else they were doing and when told they were going to the citys High Point, he wished them a good time and headed back to the monastery.

Several pairs of eyes watched him leave and JP squinted.

Did the Archbishop wait for us here just to find out news about CrysTech?

Tori took a deep breath. Honestly, I wouldnt put it past him.

Ewan patted his slightly bulging stomach. Well, Im full and ready to walk off the meal! How long is the walk to the High Point?

Well only be walking across town, to the base of the hill. Its a leisurely stroll for us to digest, Constantine told him. But if youre too full-

No, no, Albert said with a shake of his head. I need the walk.

Same. Sonia let out a sigh. We ate as if we havent eaten in days.

He laughed and nodded. I think well be okay by the end of the walk. The road up to the High Point can be tiring, so most people take a donkey up. There are donkeys at the bottom that we hire to carry us and our things. Ewan, if you want to walk, you can still do that.

Ewan nodded. He was carrying the bulk of their snacks and drinks without complaint.

The group chattered along, and Constantine ran into a few more seminary students who had also just completed their studies. He greeted them and introduced them to his friends from Lyce, leaving a few appearing starstruck.

Constantine pretended he didnt hear their whispers saying that it was expected that someone who looked like he did would have such good-looking friends. Perhaps it was because of his uncle, but people rarely complimented his appearance to his face.

Are there any women in the seminary? Ilyana asked as she furrowed her brows. All weve met so far are men.

There is a separate seminary for women inland, he replied.

Its closer to Temple Mountain, Tori added. He looked at her, surprised she knew. My aunt is a nun.

You know what, I was just thinking that your Auntie Maria would be good friends with Princess Celine, JP said. They seem to have a certain

They know each other. Theyre about the same age, Tori replied. Apparently, they get along, but they just have different interests, so they dont run in the same circles.

The noble world is small.... Ewan said with some awe.

They reached the base of the High Point and even in the nighttime, the hill was well lit and they could see the ruins of columns and marble buildings lit on top of the hill.

Tori frowned a bit. Will we be able to star gaze with that much light?

They will turn off all the lights once the viewing area is full. Since its very popular, people reserve ahead of time. Tonight, is a meteor shower, so I expect that all the spots have been booked, Constantine said.

Tori nodded. I like that its organized.

Their first stop was the donkey rental coral at the base of the hill. His friends went to pet the donkeys nearest to them while he arranged for a ride. A donkey wagon would carry up most people while another donkey would carry their things on its back. Ewan, as expected of a knight-in-training-, opted to follow on foot.

The road was lined with well-worn bricks, but carefully maintained and free of any devastating divots or bumps. The gutters were kept clean, and the light posts lit the way clearly. There were already several groups ahead of them, and as they passed various ruins of shrines, temples, and a plaza at the midway point, Constantine told them all about it.

Sonias lips curled up and gave him an approving nod. I heard you like antiquities Constantine, but I didnt know you were interested in buildings, too.

I thought youd just be interested in paintings or vases, but not necessarily architecture and field locations, Henrik added as the open top wagon they were on wobbled along.

Its a must to know where the items come from, and the history of an item heavily depends on where it was found and what was likely going on around it at the time, he said with a slight blush. He didnt mean to go on and on about the buildings, but he couldnt seem to stop himself.

He couldnt help but feel a bubble of joy looking at his friends interested and enthralled faces. He was especially excited when someone asked a question; it meant they were paying attention and didnt find his interest boring. It was very encouraging and the warmth in his heart grew.

Constantine, is it true that animal sacrifices were made here? Albert asked as he looked towards the top of the hill.

In ancient times, yes. Pre-Conquest, there was a lot of animal sacrifice for good harvest, good weather, smooth sailing, and even for smaller, personal events like good birth, happy marriage, and healing.

JP raised a brow. A bit strange to kill an animal in hopes for sounds like a life for a life.

It actually was, Constantine said, leaning forward. The greater the importance of an event, the larger and more important an animal. For instance, for harvests, a bull was customary. For illnesses or smooth childbirth, smaller animals like dogs and cats-

The group seemed to take a sharp breath.

Its good Alexander isnt here, Albert said.

Constantine furrowed his brows a bit. Where is Alexander? Now that he thought about it, he felt someone was missing. He always thought it was Prince Piers or Duke Axton, but he knew that the two were working in Horizon and couldnt travel with them that summer. Prince Piers even gave him a congratulatory call.

Theyre with the knights, Ilyana said.

Constantines eyes widened once more. In addition to Alexander, Tori also always had knights around her. He would think that after her latest accident, His Imperial Highness and her family would increase the number of knights surrounding her.

They mustve seen the surprise on his face as a few of them chuckled. Tori waved her hand around. Theyre plainclothes knights and have been following us all day. Ive notified them of our plans and there should even be a few waiting for us at the top of the hill. I wouldnt be surprised if Alexander were up there.

Why didnt they come in uniform?

I didnt want them to scare people around us. Tori shrugged. She gave him a knowing look. You should know how it is when youre heavily guarded.

He did. Now that he was older and an adult, his uncle no longer had guards following him, but in his youth, they were always around. It made it difficult to make friends with people his age outside the church.

They reached the entrance of the High Point, which was an old, but recent in comparison to the rest of the ruins, gate house next to a massive marble entryway. They climbed out and found that Ewan was already helping unload the donkey carrying their food.

Ewan, youre not tired at all?

Its not very steep. Im not even out of breath. As he said this, several other tourists whod just arrived turned in his direction with incredulous stares. It was steep enough.

Considering that you follow Sebbys training regiment, you shouldnt be, Tori said. So, where do we go?

Constantine walked to the entrance and an attendant came to meet them and lead them inside. Hed been there once before and had reviewed the process to ensure a smooth experience for his friends. The attendant led them down what wouldve been the center of the ruined temple and to a corded off area to one side, furthest away from the main entrance.

The temple did not have any walls, only rows of columns. The roof was long gone and only one of the original ancient pedestals remained. The area inside was corded off to separate different reserved areas.

This is it! Constantine said as he motioned towards the sunken area covered with thick, woven rugs and cushions. There was a dim light crystal in the center along with a few narrow, long tables between cushions for food and drink. Seated on the largest cushion across from where they stepped into the sunken area, was a large gray cat. Alexander!

Nyaow! The cat greeted him and stood up, stretching his body in an arch, and then stretching his paws forward before lazily walking across to rub his leg.

Its good to see you, too! Constantine knelt down and scratched Alexanders chin. Youve gotten so big....I heard you are Declyan Temple Cat.


Thats impressive. Temple cats once roamed this area, as it was a temple complex.

Nyaow? The cats tail shot up and twitched. Nyaow!

Well, not anymore. Most of the large Declyan Temple Cats were taken south during the Conquest, Constantine told him. Alexanders tail drooped.

Master Alexander, perhaps you are the first Declyan Temple Cat here in some time, a mans voice said from the step seated a few paces away.

This is...Sir Lloyd? Constantine asked, carefully. He didnt remember all of Prince Piers knights, but he recognized a few that were always around Tori.

The plain clothes man gave him a small nod. Mr. Zisos. Congratulations on finishing seminary.

Thank you!

Lets get seated! Tori said. Sir Lloyd, Sir Wagner, did you bring food and drink? I brought you a set.

We will accept the food, but we have water, my lady, Sir Wagner said. They could not consume alcohol while on duty, but occasional snacks and water were fine to keep up their strength.

The food was shared, and the group settled in. All around them, the reserved areas began to fill up.

Is it always this busy? Ilyana asked.

Its a very popular place to stargaze and have summer night picnics, Constantine told them.

This would be a great spot to go to on a date. Albert leaned back against the cushions and looked around.

Everyone here is either in groups of friends or families with small children, Sonia replied in a droll voice. She motioned her hand around the area and at a glance, she was right. The air was filled with laughter and the cries of small children who were trying to be contained into their space by flustered parents.

There were a few people their age, but they were also all in groups.

Theyre going to turn off the lights soon, Constantine said as he noticed that the entire space was almost filled.

I didnt know there was going to be a meteor shower while were here. Were lucky! Ilyana beamed as she leaned against Tori, who nodded in agreement.

By the way, Constantine, you havent told us your plans after this summer, Henrik said as he laid back and looked up at the sky. Since youre getting your markings, do you plan to join the clergy after?

Constantine held back his excitement. He was waiting for a good moment to tell his friends.

Not yet. You know that the seminary is cloistered up until we finish, but about a month or so before, we can begin to submit applications to other institutions or programs if we want to continue studying before joining the clergy, he told them.

JP cocked his head to the side. Then youre going to continue going to school?

Yes, I want to continue my education.

Tori sat up straight and her eyes widened. Are you going to study antiquities? The excitement in her voice seemed to ignite the curiosity in the others, who all looked at him expectantly.

I want to understand antiquities more, as there are many things in the church that require restoration and safe keeping. Not all members of the clergy are interested or have the knowledge to take care of old relics, so in order to do it properly, I must get further education and training.

Thats admirable, Constantine, Ilyana said with a thoughtful nod.

So, where did you apply? Sonia asked as she leaned forward. Have you been accepted anywhere?

His smile grew. I received my acceptance letter a few days ago, actually, yes.

Well, dont keep it a secret! Albert encouraged. Where are you going to study?

Constantine met all their eyes with a glint of excitement. Universit du Soleil.

At that moment, all the noises around them were drowned out by the yelling and energetic screaming of his friends. Ewan grabbed his shoulders and ruffled his hair, laughing as Ilyana covered her mouth to stop herself from screaming more so. People around them looked over in surprise.

Across from him, Tori wore a wide smile and sparkling eyes. As their initial excitement relaxed, she met his gaze. Then, when you get back to you need a place to stay?

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