Tori Transmigrated

Love Interest End Stories: Gideon - Part II

Love Interest End Stories: Gideon - Part II

Im afraid hes been very busy lately. The Chamber has come to session and this is the time of the year when they get the most done, Axton told him as he flipped over a thick notebook filled with notes. To try to get in as much as possible, Piers days have started earlier.

Gideons heart fell, but he understood. No wonder Piers hadnt shown up for training; he was too busy. I understand. He really did. He knew that his father was handing off more work to Piers. Piers was going to be Emperor one day, so this made sense, but Piers also worked on more international affairs that never really touched their fathers desk.

Yet Piers did not complain. This was part of the position he was ready for. It was admirable.

Gideon let out a heavy breath. If it were him, he wouldnt know if he could manage it properly.

Is he busy on the weekends, as well?

Axton gave him a helpless smile. Im afraid so. Weekends have social events for political allies and imperial appearances. Not to mention that hes barely seen Tori these days.

Gideon lifted his head. Isnt Guevera at the manor house by Universit right now?

Yes, but her days are filled with classes, and then she works on crystals. On the weekends, she still returns to Viclya, Axton told him. Shes as busy as ever. Shes trying to do so much before she leaves.

Leaves? It felt as if shed just returned.

Axton raised a brow. Tori spends a semester at a sister school each year, remember? Shes going to the Tona Empire in a few months and this time, due to the distance, shell be gone the longest of all four studies abroad. Axton shook his head with some pity. Piers is already not taking it well.

Gideon frowned. Does she have to go abroad?

Yes, its something shes long planned, and she is being expected there, Axton replied. She said that there are few crystal masters who are interested in coming to Anahata Island and she wanted to meet them.

Gideon wanted to roll his eyes. She was a crystal fanatic as always.

All right, well...if there is anything I can do to help my brother, please let me know. He gave Axton a small bow of his head and turned around to leave.

He had a full schedule that day and still had his three-hour long night class.

After a few months, he shouldve been used to it. Though he was doing much better than expected in his classes, this meant that he was assigned more difficult work. It wasnt too much, but it did take him more time to wrap his head around and complete. There was more reference work to be done and the involved information needed to be gathered.

As a result, he found himself staying later and later on campus. Hed only leave to get dinner and though it wasnt a few steps away for convenience, Cafe Fortuna was a trusted place to eat.

Gideon could feel his stomach rumbling as the carriage lumbered along. The sky was dark and hed held off dinner longer than he usually did. He called ahead to tell Mama J that he was coming so they wouldnt close without feeding him.

He made a mental note to fetch dinner earlier. It would also help him focus when his stomach wasnt growling. The carriage passed his brothers manor house and out of habit, Gideon glanced out the window.

Several lights were on, including his brothers former flat. A brown spotted horse with a saddle that had a silver seal of the imperial family was tied to a pole on the street. It was a horse for an imperial messenger. They were used to send out important, urgent documents and packages around the city and the rest of the empire.

Gideon rarely used them, but he figured his brother would considering the amount of work Piers had to do. Piers likely had to send something to Tori that required her urgent attention. Gideon didnt think anything of it.

After all but stuffing himself at Cafe Fortuna, he headed back to campus. They passed the manor once more and this time, most of the lights were off except for his brothers former flat. Gideon cocked his head to the side. The imperial messenger was still there. He furrowed his brows and checked his time piece. Hed been gone for an hour.

Perhaps Guevera had a lot to review and sign. She seemed the type to be thorough with legal paperwork.

When Gideon passed by a third time on his way back to the imperial palace, he saw the horse still there. This time, the lights were off. He frowned once more. That was strange. Perhaps the messenger was about to leave?

The door opened and an imperial knight stepped out. Gideon couldnt remember his name, but he was one of the knights his brother had assigned to Tori. The imperial knight noticed them passing and waved at Gideons escort knights on horseback.

The knight then took the reins of the messenger horse and led him into the manors yard. What...?

Gideon sat back against the carriage. Did they steal an imperial messenger horse?

Then he remembered that the Vissage twins were equestrians and studying to be animal doctors. Perhaps his brother wanted to help them gain experience by letting them care for a sick horse. Gideon nodded to himself and smiled. That was likely the case.

His brother had a warm heart and was generous. The twins should be honored.

That wasnt the only horse he saw, either. In the coming weeks, every night when Gideon had a three-hour class and would stay at Universit late, hed pass by the manor thrice. Immediately after class, hed get dinner at Cafe Fortuna, then return, and then pass by a third time on his way home.

There appeared to be different horses the entire time and Gideon began to worry. Was there some sort of animal disease spreading through the imperial stables?

No, Your Highness, our horses are fine, his driver replied, sounding a bit confused as to why Gideon would ask that suddenly. And there are animal doctors in the imperial stables that watch the animals carefully and check them once a week.

Are they ever taken elsewhere for medical reasons? Gideon asked as he stood under the southern portico after arriving.

The driver and footmen both shook their heads. No, Your Highness. Any specialist would come here.

Have...have any horses been missing?

No, Your Highness.

What was his brother doing? If Piers was bringing horses for the Vissage twins to check, it was a strange way of going about it. Why didnt he just have the two come to the imperial stables? It wasnt as if Piers couldnt arrange it. And didn't both their parents work for the imperial family, anyway? There were plenty of servants and employees whose families had worked for them for generations.

He tried not to think too much into it, but after noticing a different horse with that familiar messenger saddle tied in front of the manor again, his confusion increased. Why would an imperial messenger keep going to the manor and then stay so late that he might as well stay overnight....

Gideon sucked in a sharp breath. Oh not.... His heated eyes bore into the horse as they passed the manor.

His heart sank.

He could only come to one conclusion, and it was a conclusion he didnt want to make.

Guevara was having an affair.

I dont think thats possible.

What else could it be? My brother is the proud Crown Prince of Soleil and he rides Ice Queen everywhere!

Not everywhere. The Countess horse and Prince Piers horse do not get along. It could cause injury to one of the horses, or the other animals in the stable, if Prince Piers rode Ice Queen and brought her to the manor by Universit.

All right. Fabians assessment of the situation made sense, but Gideon still couldnt shake his instinct.

Then why not just take an imperial carriage? Why take a messenger horse? Gideon paced his room. make a good point, Fabian acquiesced. There are other options...but regardless, Gideon, I dont think the Countess would have an affair.

I know she saved our lives before, Fabian, but are you telling me that there isnt the least bit of a possibility? Gideon asked. My brother has a lot of admirers, but I know that she does, too. Dont you think so?

Fabian was quiet for a moment. I suppose thats likely.

Exactly. She comes from a good family. She has money and successful business ventures. She has her own territory and a title.

And shes beautiful.

And shes...what? Gideon held the comcry away from him and gave it a quizzical look, as if Fabian could see him.

On the other end, there was a small cough. The Countess is considered attractive. Ive heard people compliment her.

Gideon frowned a bit, but once more, Fabian had a point. I suppose she can be seen as attractive to some people. If my brother likes her, then there is clearly something there. He took a deep breath. This only makes me more suspicious. If there is no shortage of admirers, there is always the chance that someone has approached her.

And you think its an imperial messenger?

I saw the messenger get off the horse and enter the building, Fabian. The horse was still there when I passed! An imperial messenger usually brings documents. If they need to be signed, it shouldnt take so long. There is no reason for an imperial messenger to linger there.

Gideon grew more upset the more he thought about it.

If you are concerned, perhaps you should tell your brother?

No! I cant tell Piers! Gideon grasped his chest. Even if he did believe me, which is unlikely considering his fanatical obsession with her-

I dont think its-

Itll rip his heart apart if he finds out hes been betrayed! Just the thought of his brother hurt because of a woman both saddened and infuriated him.


Theres only one thing I can do, Gideon said as he lowered his eyes. Im going to talk to Guevera myself.

Fabian was quiet again. Is that...are you sure about that? What if youre wrong and insult her?

Id rather be wrong and insult her than be right and my brother is wronged! Gideon insisted. He ran a hand through his hair. Ill talk to Guevera. Perhaps it hasnt gone too far. Perhaps I can convince her not to turn her back on my brother.

I dont think shes done that.

I have confidence in my brothers charm to keep a woman, as well, Fabian, but you never know with Guevera! Shes strange and doesnt act like normal women.


Dont worry, I will act with caution. I wont let my brother get hurt. He slid his finger across the comcry and lowered his arm. He took a deep breath and tried to collect himself.

In order to protect Piers, he needed to confront Tori. If she refused or wouldnt listen to reason, then he would go to Piers. Perhaps he wouldnt tell his brother that Tori was having an affair, but would hint that the messenger was interested in Tori. Knowing his brother, hed keep any possible threats away from Tori.

Gideon put his comcry into his pocket and headed out. As he exited, he heard a small click and looked up. His brother was exiting his room.

Piers! He couldnt stop himself from calling out to his brother. Where are you going?

I have something to do, Piers replied without looking back. He continued ahead and Gideon followed behind him. After a few steps, Piers stopped. Are you following me?

No, no! Im just going to go back to the Universit library. I forgot a book there this afternoon and its important to what Im studying right now. He avoided Piers eyes, unable to bring himself to meet them when he lied.

Piers didnt seem bothered. He nodded once and continued walking. In the south wing, Piers took a turn to the hall, towards his study and Gideon continued onwards to the portico to get into the awaiting carriage. Hed paused once to watch his brothers broad, fleeting back.

I wont let her break your heart, Piers, Gideon said, swearing to himself.

He got into the carriage with instructions to go the library. Hed give Tori one more chance. If the passed by the manor and the messenger horse was not there, then he wouldnt confront them tonight.

But if it was....

Gideon closed his eyes and leaned forward, cupping his face in his hands. He wanted to trust her. He really did...but when it came to Piers happiness, he wouldnt take any risks.

The carriage exited the side gates and theyd made it into the First District when Gideon caught figure on horseback fly past his carriage. He perked up and leaned towards the window, attracted by the movement.

He saw the gray riding cloak with the gold and purple trim rushing off into the dark streets. His eyes widened and his heart sank.

No.... He shook his head and tried to produce a plausible explanation. It couldve been an imperial messenger his parents sent. It didnt necessarily have to be a rogue going to his brothers manor house that housed the woman his brother loved. Calm down, Gideon....

He took deep breaths and convinced himself that there were a dozen imperial messengers active at any given time. They could be going to bring documents anywhere in the empire.

His carriage passed by the manor and, unable to restrain himself, Gideon looked outside the window.

His heart dropped.

He slammed his hand against the communication crystal on the wall. Park the carriage around the corner, try to stay hidden, but so that I can have a view of my brother's manor. Dont make it obvious. Make a round around the block first.

Yes, Your Highness. Thankfully, the driver didnt ask questions or sound confused, since Gideon initially told him he wanted to go to campus.

The carriage trotted along and turned a corner. It continued down the street for two blocks before making a few turns and then parking on the opposite corner from the manor house, just across the street from Universit grounds.

They were parked in a space between two light posts and the only window that faced the manor was the back. Gideon adjusted himself on the back seat bench, sitting on his knees as he peered out the window.

From where he sat, he could see the treacherous messenger horse with its tell-tale saddle tied just inside the gate. He frowned. If the messenger was just stopping by to deliver something, then the horse couldve been left tied outside on the street. There was no reason for the horse to be taken inside the gate.

His eyes crinkled up as he saw one of his brothers knights, whom shouldve been assigned to Tori, bringing out feed for the horse.

His heart sank even further. Did the knights know of the affair? Did they do nothing about it? Piers was so good to his knights!

Unlike when Piers and Axton lived at the manor, there werent two knights stationed outside. Still, Gideon knew they were inside.

His eyes flickered to the upper floor windows. Tori lived in his brothers old flat, so he knew which windows were hers. He checked his time piece, but couldnt make out the time in the dark. He didnt want to activate the light crystal in the interior of the carriage for fear of being spotted. However, he was sure it was quite late.

Her lights were still on. Why were they still on?

His eyes were growing dry as he stared at the manor, looking for anything abnormal. Every now and then, he prayed that the messenger would come out. If he recognized him, hed simply get the messenger fired.

But no one exited the building. The doors to the side that led to individual ground floor flats didnt open either. No one was sneaking out of Toris friends apartments.

Did they all know and condone the affair?

He misjudged them.

Your Highness, it is getting late. Shall we return to the palace? the drivers voice came from the comcry on the wall of the carriage.

Gideon frowned. How could he leave? He hadnt done what he needed to do yet. He took a deep breath. He couldnt keep his carriage driver and footman out for so long. It was late fall and the nights were growing colder.

He drew his lips inward and bit them. Mr. Kepler, stay here, he said as he touched the comcry to reply. I am going to the manor.

Before there was any protest, he opened the door closest to the pavement and jumped off. The footman came to close it. Your Highness, you need a cloak-

Im fine. Its just across the street. He turned his back and walked away, making it two steps before he regretted not getting a cloak. However, hed come too far. If he turned back now, he could lose his nerve.

What nerve are you thinking of losing? Youre not the one having an affair! A furious voice echoed in his head. Youre doing this for your brother! Think of Piers! Think of everything hes done for you! You cant let him get hurt like this!

He gritted his teeth and quickened his pace. There was only one person he was doing this for: Piers. He wouldnt let his brother down.

He crossed the street to the manor and walked up the steps to the front door. He knocked twice before it was opened and one of the imperial knights welcomed him in.

Good night to you, Your Highness. Are you looking for someone? one of the knights asked.

Suspicious how they didnt seem surprised to see him. Did they expect to be found out eventually? Gideon sneered with disgust.

My brother is so good to you.... he muttered. The two knights stationed at the foyer looked confused.

Your Highness?

Dont bother me. Im going to speak to Guevera! The two knights stepped back, unsuspecting.

Gideon stormed up the stairs and walked to the familiar door. Diagonal from it was another door. Both had crystals on the side that could be activated to send a sound through the flat and inform the people inside that there was a visitor. Hed seen them at the delta.

With a decisive swipe, he touched the white crystal beside Toris door and waited. He looked around. The hall was well lit and there was a mat in front of each of the two doors in the hall. One said Agafonova and the other was shaped like a gray cat head.

Gideon scowled. His brother loved Toris cat as if it were his own son. If they separated, would Piers get to see the cat again?

He heard some movement behind the door and a moment later, it cracked open. A pair of blue eyes peeked out and pink lips were pulled into a frown.


I need to talk to you! Before she could close the door on him, he squeezed himself through the gap between the door and the frame . Tori drew her head back, but didnt resist.

What are you doing here? she asked as she stepped back. Gideon set foot into the posh entryway of the flat that used to be his brothers.

He looked around at the extravagant tile and stonework. Nothing seemed to have changed much except for shoes at the door and house slippers, some of which had peoples initials. They were in different sizes, with the smallest of the bunch embroidered with yellow chicks. But he couldnt find one with his brothers initials. Gideon felt his hair stand on end.

Why didnt his brother have house slippers? This was his manor! She was only renting from him!

Gideon ignored her question and stalked past the foyer and into the hall, looking around for any signs of the bastard. Behind him, Tori closed the door and called out to him once more.

Where is he? Gideon whirled around and shot her a glare. His face darkened even more when he noticed she was in a robe with her hair everywhere, appearing as if shed just rolled out of bed. Indignation filled him. How dare you!

If you come across this story on Amazon, be aware that it has been stolen from Royal Road. Please report it.

Tori looked at him with squinted eyes and an open mouth. What are you talking about?

Where is he? Gideon said as he circled the living room.

Where is who? Tori seemed to tug at her hair as she followed him.

The other man! Gideon turned to look at her once more and saw her staring at him. Dont try to deny it.

Im still trying to grasp what youre rambling about, she said in a sharp voice. What do you mean other man?

I saw a horse outside! Gideon pointed out the window, towards where the street was. Tori continued to stare at him.

Yes, there are many horses. Horses are a way many people travel about, she said in a deadpan voice.

Gideon scowled. You know what I'm talking about!

No, I dont. She lifted her hand and rubbed her forehead. What in the world are you talking about? What horse?

Outside, one of the imperial messenger horses is tied!

Yes, and?

And so, an imperial messenger has come! He saw her tense for a moment and he inhaled a sharp breath. Oh, do you understand now? he asked in a haughty voice.

Tori closed her eyes and continued to rub the bridge of her nose. Do you think an imperial messenger came here?

Yes! Why else would there be an imperial messenger horse outside? The saddle is telling! Gideon sneered. If you wanted to have an affair, then you shouldnt have picked such an obvious target!

She stared at him with her jaw slightly open. Are you telling me that you think Im having an affair with an imperial messenger?

Yes! Ive seen messenger horses here multiple times this past month! Every time I come home from class, I pass by the manor and I see that horse! Gideon almost choked out, as if he were the one betrayed. How could you, Guevera? You know how much my brother loves you! This is going to break his heart! He doesnt deserve such treatment!


Dont try to be familiar with me, treacherous harlot! My brother trusted you! We all trusted you!

She rolled her eyes. Will you listen-

I wont listen to your excuses! You traitor! Ill never forgive you for hurting Piers! Gideon shouted as he pointed at her. And if you think for a moment that Ill let your lover go, youre wrong! Where is he? Where is that bastard!

I am right here.

Gideon whirled around, his mouth open and ready to shout all the profanities hed learned in the navy. Instead, the wind seemed almost knocked out of him. His brows shot up as he froze in his spot, his violet eyes meeting the unimpressed violet eyes of his brother.

For a moment, he wasnt sure if he was seeing things.



That man sounded like his brother. He looked the man up and down. Tousled brown hair, similar height and build, unimpressed facial expression with hints of annoyance. Gideon swallowed. It was his brother.

What are you doing here? He barely stopped himself from rubbing his eyes.

I live here, Piers replied.

No. No, you do not. Tori threw her arms in the air and walked past them, back into the hall. Sit down and talk to your idiot brother, she said as she passed Piers and shot him an irritated glare.

Piers let out a small hum and looked towards the sofas. They were the same ones that furnished the flat when Piers lived there. Piers walked towards the larger one, but didnt tell Gideon to sit.

Gideon stood in place, playing with his fingers as his brother rounded the sofa. Piers glanced at him and then lifted a lazy hand towards the sofa across. Gideon scrambled to take a seat as his brother stood across from him.

It is getting cold, why did you come out without a shirt? Tori emerged from the hall with a thick, plush robe in her hands. She raised them up as she approached Piers and helped him put it on. It was then that Gideon noticed that his brother did, indeed, come out shirtless.

All he wore were a pair of loose, violet satin pants and matching house slippers with gold crowns embroidered on them.

Embarrassment filled Gideon at the sight. He suddenly wondered what possessed him to think that Tori wouldnt have a pair of house slippers specifically for his brother to use. There were only three that he recalled had images. The one with the chicks was likely for Toris chicken-obsessed niece. The one with the cat heads were on Toris feet and his brothers had crowns.

Piers stood in place, allowing Tori to overlap the robe closed over his body and then tie the belt securely around his waist. Just as Tori finished, Piers leaned down and kissed her quickly before she could get away. It was not an action that wasnt well practiced.

Gideon felt as if he shouldve disappeared into the floor. He saw something he shouldnt have, and now realized he was somewhere he shouldnt be. A cold sweat collected at his back.

He turned his head away and saw the almost glowing eyes of a massive gray cat. Alexander was on his cat tree, his thick tail curling a bit as his eyes seemed to stare into Gideons soul, judging him.

Im going to make some coffee. You figure things out with him, Tori said, pointing at Gideon and giving him an annoyed look before she went to get coffee.

Piers watched her leave and then looked back at his brother.

Gideon shifted awkwardly in place. Piers-

Put your shoes at the door.

Yes! Gideon shot up and ran back to the foyer, kicked off his boots, and didnt bother to take a pair of guest house slippers. He rushed back to the living room, sliding on the floor with his socks and slamming his shin on the side of the sofa before he could stop. He let out a hiss, but still limped towards the sofa and sat down.

He rubbed his shin as his brother looked at him. What are you doing here?

Gideon tensed. His mind raced to try to find a way to explain, but he found no acceptable answer. His lips tightened into a line and he looked at his brother with blank eyes. When in doubt, just dont speak up.

Did you think Tori was having an affair?

No! Gideon shouted at once, but immediately slumped forward and covered his face with his hands. Of course, that was what he thought. Piers wasnt deaf. I...I saw the messenger horse outside and knew you were sending messages to her.... Gideon shook his head and looked at his brother beseechingly. What are you doing here?

I live-

No, you dont! a voice shouted from the kitchen.

Rather than being upset, the corner of Piers lip curled up. Tori will leave for the Tona Empire in two months. She will be gone for more than half the year. My time with her is limited.

Gideon drew his head back, recalling what Axton had told him. come here every night?

Twice a week. I am too busy otherwise.

It mustve been the two nights a week when Gideon had his three-hour long evening classes and stayed late. No wonder he kept seeing the messenger horse. Then, that imperial messenger horse...?

Ice Queen does not get along with Layla, so I do not ride her to the manor. An imperial carriage would draw too much attention.

Gideon wanted to disappear. One night, I passed by thrice and noticed that the horse hadnt moved...I thought it was a fluke, but whenever I stayed late on campus, I would see the horse when I passed.

And you suspected that the messenger was staying in the house because of an affair? Piers asked with one raised brow.

Guilty, Gideon nodded his head and avoided his brothers eyes. When Piers said it like that, he made it sound like a conspiracy only a lunatic would believe. When I went to Cafe Fortuna for a meal, I saw the horse. When I came back, the horse was still there. I happened to stay on campus late and when I returned, the horse was stillthere. It didnt seem plausible to send a messenger back and forth that late.

Tori is not the only resident of this house. Why did you assume the messenger was for her?

Gideon sat still on his seat. Why did he assume the messenger was for Tori? Who else would an imperial messenger go to?

To deliver a message, no one else but Tori. However, if there was an affair, there are others.

Gideon furrowed his brows and shook his head. But...its her light that was on.

Im almost starting to think that you wish I was having an affair! Tori came out of the kitchen, glowering as she held a tray with a carafe, two mugs, and some other canisters. What is wrong with you? Why do you think Id have an affair and cheat on your brother? Is that the kind of person you think I am?

She slammed the tray on the coffee table, making him jump.

Do not be angry. Piers reached forward and stroked her back. He managed to grasp her wrist and led her to sit beside him. Without a word, he poured coffee for her and added sweetened cream, then activated a charm on the tray to chill her drink. Once the drink was chilled and with a bit of a slush consistency, he presented it to her. Drink.

Still scowling, Tori took the iced coffee and bore her eyes into Gideon. It seems that you dont trust me with your brother.

Piers gave Gideon a disapproving frown and Gideon sank back into the sofa. I didnt occur to apologies, I assumed wrong.

Of course, you assumed wrong, you silver-haired moron! I know you dont like me or that you dont approve of your brothers interest in me, but to slander me with having an affair? Toris hand was white as she squeezed the mug. She sat up straight, still glowering. Piers, get my waster! Im going to beat his ass!

He is a fool and not worth your anger, Piers told her in a placating voice. He stroked Toris arm and gently pulled her back.

Gideon thanked the gods that his brother was protecting him and willed himself not to wipe the sweat off his forehead. Tori was every bit the descendent of a march as her brothers and could slaughter him.

Im sorry! Its just that when I think of who lives here, youre the first person I think of! After all, its my brothers house. Who else would he allow to live in his house except you? He rambled out his explanation and there were no lies in it.

Hed always been a bit resentful that of all the people, his brother essentially handed over his house to Tori as if it had always been for her. Therefore, Gideon really did associate the house with Tori.

His eyes looked towards his brother, as he often did when looking for approval.

Piers wasnt looking at him, but there was a slight smile on the corners of his lips. He was pleased with Gideons answer and Gideon released a low, relieved breath.

Did you hear that? Piers asked the seething twenty-one-year-old woman he continued to placate. My brother thinks of you when he thinks of my home.

That wasnt exactly what Gideon meant, but if interpreting it that way made Piers happy, then Gideon would shout it from the rooftops. He nodded his head vigorously.

Ill have you know that there were plenty of men and women who were interested in me while I was abroad, and Ive told all of them that I have someone waiting for me here! Tori told him while pointing at Piers. If you dont believe me, you can ask the knights!

I believe you! Gideon replied at once. After all, he had his doubts in the beginning when he first noticed the messenger horse. Tori treated all her close friends with affection, but no one got as much attention as his brother. Not even Agafonova.

There were others interested in you? A cold chill came from the man seated next to Tori. His gentle movements stroking her back hadnt stopped, but there was an iciness to his face that made Gideon shudder.

Tori didnt seem to notice it. Yes, but dont worry, I have properly rejected them. She lifted her hand and touched the side of Piers face, melting the cold from him in an instant. Who could compare to a capable Crown Prince who is one of the best swordsmen in the empire?

Piers eyes fluttered and his lips pulled into a light smile. I am handsome, too.

Gideon squinted his eyes at his brother. It was true, but he didnt think Piers would brag about it.

Yes, very handsome. The handsomest, Tori replied to Piers like replying to a toddler as she stroked his face. Who would be as good to me as you?

Piers nodded. He paused and grasped her hand. Sir Navarro has completed his training this year as a first-tier knight. Father has given me authority to assign them. I want to give you Sir Navarro.

Toris eyes crinkled up, as well. I know you mean to say youll assign him to me, but your phrasing is disconcerting. But yes, Id love to have Gael. Id prefer a familiar knight.

Piers looked eager to please and nodded. Then, I will assign him to you.

If thats the case, you can reassign one of the other knights back to yourself, Tori told him. Im sure theyre tired of being dragged around. And in a few months, Ill be going to the Tona Empire. Itll be eight months or so until we return.

Gideon sat upright on the sofa across from the couple, his hands clasped over his knees as he looked from his brother to Tori and back. They seemed to forget that he was there. His eyes flickered to the door, wondering how to best announce that he would leave.

Gideon, now that you have seen us, you are not allowed to tell anyone, especially not Mother or Father, that I live here, Piers said. Gideon snapped his head back to his brother and perked up.

What? I.... He furrowed his brows. Are you hiding this from Mother and Father?

They will say that my favoritism towards Tori is too obvious.

It is too obvious. Gideon blurted out before he could stop himself. Tori rolled her eyes.

He means that if your parents knew that he comes to spend the night here-

I live here.

You do not live here! Tori gave Piers a silencing look before turning back to Gideon. It may be construed as inappropriate for him to spend so much time with me when we are not engaged.

Gideon tilted his head to the side. If they were some other couple, that would be the case, but to him, and to many others if he were being honest, it was very natural for Piers to spend time with Tori. Even if Gideon didnt like her or approved early on, over the years the two had been of one mind and entity.

It was obvious to everyone in the city who the Crown Prince wanted to marry and Gideon didnt consider it all that scandalous for the Crown Prince to be active in pursuing his future bride. After all, their father had chased their mother all the way to Buchenberg as soon as he graduated Lyce.

In comparison, Piers was almost painfully slow.

His eyes moved over his brother and Tori once more. The two were seated close, with Piers arm around her while the other rubbed her arm. His entire body seemed to want to wrap around her to protect her. Gideons lip curled up with distaste. Piers barely gave him an approving pat on the head, but he was glued to Tori.

Tch...special treatment.... he muttered under his breath.

What? Tori glared at him once more.

I said you should just announce your engagement, Gideon replied, louder and clearer. It isnt as if its a secret that my brother is pursuing you, and did you think you werent obvious with that ship load of gifts you brought back for my brother?

Tori balked. It wasnt a ship load! Her eyes looked away. It was just a dozen or so chests...and Piers likes silk.

Piers nodded his head. I do like silk.

Tori took a deep breath. Anyway, are you saying that we should just come out with the engagement?

Yes, Gideon said. He looked at his brother. Dont you agree?

I will announce it when Tori decides it is time.

But dont you want to announce it soon?

I want to marry her soon.

Then why dont you at least announce your engagement? Gideon threw his arms in the air. He looked at Tori, frustrated. This is all your fault!

Were not hiding anything; we just havent announced the engagement.

Are you two even actually engaged?

Yes. This time both Piers and Tori answered and Gideon snapped his mouth shut. He sat unmoving as their answer resonated in his mind.

The room was quiet for a moment except for the gurgling sound of Alexanders cat drinking fountain.

Gideon took a deep breath. You two are engaged?

We agreed to marriage before I entered Universit, as we decided it was in our best interests politically, socially, and economically, Tori told him.

Gideon frowned. You dont love my brother?

Toris glare hardened. If I didnt love your brother, would I have risked my life to save your ungrateful ass-

Love is important, but I am in a precarious situation as the Crown Prince. I cannot marry for love alone, Piers told him, pulling Tori closer to him. It is lucky that Tori fits all requirements, has the capability, and that I love her.

Gideon looked at them critically. His eyes shifted to Tori. Do you love my brother?

In a specific way, yes. Greatly. There was an air of vicious veracity to her words, as if shed defend them and her love for Piers to the death. Gideon found himself drawing his head back, afraid to ask her to elaborate.

Then, I have nothing to say.

You still think Id have an affair? Her voice made him jump.

No, I panicked and jumped to conclusions I shouldnt have jumped to! Gideon couldnt help but lean back to put distance between them. But I still think that you should simply announce your engagement. Then Piers wouldnt have to hide that hes living here.

I told you; hes not living here - do you know what, no. Never mind. Tori lifted her hand and rubbed her forehead. Piers, if your idiot brother noticed it, we might as well make it clear. Announce it.

Beside her, Piers sat up straight. His eyes were wide and filled with excitement. I can announce it?


What about the primary arrangements?

Once my parents are notified and the engagement procedures go through, we can proceed with the primary arrangements.

What about the wedding?

Tori seemed to take a deep breath. Once we have the wedding, Ill be formally known as the Crown Princess and my travels will be limited. Im not ready to give that up yet.

I can wait a few years for the wedding. It is only a ceremony. The primary arrangements will marry us legally. Piers seemed to be talking more to himself than anyone else. He stood up. I will call Chamberlain Thorpsen at once.

It is one in the morning, sit down! Tori shot him a glare. I will call my parents tomorrow morning and you can tell your parents tomorrow. An imperial marriage is a complex affair and both parties need to discuss it.

Piers nodded obediently.

Gideon glanced around. Since this is cleared up...can I go now?

Piers looked at his brother with another unreadable expression and nodded. I will see you out.

Gideon rose from his seat, a bit relieved that Toris burning glare was no longer on him. She remained on the sofa, drinking her iced coffee as Piers saw him to the foyer and stood by the door.

As Gideon put on his boots, his brother looked at him. Gideon. He lifted his head and froze. The corners of Piers eyes were raised. You made a mistake tonight, but you did very well to help us.

Gideon flushed and nodded. "Youve been waiting so long. I want you to be happy.

I am happy. As Gideon stood in front of him, Piers lifted his hand and placed it on his shoulder. You have helped clear things with Tori. Gideon felt warmth spreading through his body as he nodded, elated to have helped his brother in some way. His brothers hand on his shoulder tightened. But if you accuse your sister-in-law of being an adulteress again, she will make sure that I will no longer have a brother.

Gideon swallowed hard. Yes, Piers.

Im telling you, Fabian, if it werent for me, they wouldnt have announced their engagement so soon. Gideon leaned back against his chair, his chest slightly puffed out as he sat with his friend on the top floor dining area of a restaurant on Rois, which looked towards the mainland. It was his one free weekend and Piers let him come to the delta to relax. He was going to make the most of it. His eyes were filled with pride as he smiled. Piers was very pleased with me.

Across from him, Fabian, who had a day off from the Coast Guard, raised a brow. He was not angry at you for accusing the Countess of having an affair?

Gideons smile froze and he willed the earth to swallow him. I had made a mistake and apologized. The point is that I successfully helped my brother with his engagement.

Fabian thought for a moment and then gave a nod. Did you find out why the messenger horse was there to begin with?

Gideons shoulders fell and he pursed his lips. You were right. He couldnt bring Ice Queen because of Toris horse, so he used a messenger horse. An imperial carriage was too eye-catching, so he didnt take one.

Fabian hummed and nodded. I assumed as much.

You really believed she wasnt having an affair? That didnt cross your mind at all? Gideon asked. Was he the only one? He inwardly groaned just thinking of his humiliation.

The Countess has shown her affection and loyalty to the Crown Prince multiple times. They are inseparable when they are together. In addition, there have been plenty of other options in front of her and she never gave anyone a second glance. Fabian looked down at the table.

My brother does so much for her.

The Countess does so much for the Crown Prince, Fabian replied. He looked up and squinted into the distance. Do you think His Imperial Highness would have become Crown Prince if the Countess wasnt involved?

Gideon took a deep breath. I dont know. Piers...Piers never seemed interested in the position. He narrowed his eyes and his lips tightened into a light. I always thought Id have to do it. The position requires working with so many people, dealing with all these relationships with people who may not have the empires best interest in mind. I was worried that this would hurt Piers.

His Imperial Highness knows you want to protect him, Fabian said. But the Crown Prince is more suitable for such a position.

Yes, my brother is far more intelligent and understands geopolitics and the economy better, Gideon replied. I dont think I could do as good a job. No matter what I do or how much I study, I cant compare to Piers ability. I could easily make the wrong decisions or be misled by the wrong people. Piers is better at reading others than I am.

The Countess is not as bad a person as we thought, Fabian said. We heard so many rumors about her when we started Lyce...perhaps if we didnt pay attention to them, we would be on better terms.

Gideon was quiet for a moment. He squinted into the distance, his mind recalling how he first met Tori. His lips pulled into a wry smile.

I dont know why I was so rude to her then, he said. He lifted his head, remembering how sharp hed been to her their first day on campus, when they were still looking for their classrooms. Why was I so angry at her? Wed just met.

Fabian furrowed his brows. I dont know. He seemed confused as well.

Gideon didnt think that either of them were so easily influenced by mere rumors. She never started any trouble with us either, did she? Not back then? He let out a small bitter laugh. It was always us starting it with her. Asking for things. Making comments.

Maybe I wouldve been a knight.

Gideon turned his head towards Fabian and felt his chest tighten as he saw the regretful look on Fabians face. Youre as good as any knight.

Fabian cracked a small smile, but shook his head. Compared to Conner? Or Sir Conner, rather? He didnt even know he wanted to be an imperial knight. The Countess set him on a path...hell be a first-tier imperial knight in a few months.

Fabian, no matter what, youre a knight to me, Gideon said as he stared ahead of them.

Fabian looked over at him and smiled a bit. Thank you, Gideon.

Youre welcome. Gideon took another sip of his milk tea tapioca drink. Fabian, are you at least somewhat satisfied with where you are right now?

Fabian perked up and thought for a moment. I recently assisted in the rescue of an overturned boat. I was able to save two children.... A small smile reached Fabians face. Its not what I imagined Id be doing, but I am satisfied.

Gideon nodded. I am freer than I thought Id be. I thought Id end up in an office, pouring over government documents every day, and having to deal with political allies and enemies. Now, at most, I have to go to a fancy coffee with Mother. He cracked a smile. Its not bad, Fabian.

His friend nodded. This isnt bad at all. He paused for a moment and then looked at Gideon. Im going to take the exam for an officer.

I am, too! Gideon sat up straight, excited. I didnt think Id be ready, but now, after my brothers care, I believe I am.

Fabian nodded. Do you plan to make a career out of it?

For a few years, yes, Gideon said as he leaned back. I will return home when the time is right.

Fabian tilted his head to the side. How do you know when the time will be right?

Ill know, Fabian. Ill know.


Six-ish Years Later....

The banners announcing them were strewn about Horizon. Over the massive city gates, there were violet and silver banners and the entire city seemed to have a festival atmosphere. Inside the carriage, Gideons heart raced.

Years ago, he told Fabian that hed know when it was time to leave the navy. He didnt have a set day, he believed hed just know. He said this despite others, in particular Agafonova, reminding him that his intuition was terrible and wouldve led the empire to ruin.

Maybe she was right. Hed been wrong about a lot of things.

But he was older now and as soon as he was notified of the situation back home, he knew what to do.

He put in his request for discharge after the end of his tour. Hed devoted several years in the navy, and he and Fabian rose through the ranks, with Fabian on the cusp of another promotion. Fabian wanted to leave with him, but Gideon talked him out of it.

Captain OTuagh said that Fabian had potential to be a captain. If that was the case, then when Fabian retired, he could get a good position in Cosoras Coast Guard. Wasnt that ideal? Gideon urged Fabian to stay, and assured him that he would be fine by himself for a few more years.

The carriage reached the gates of the imperial palace, where there were even more banners and flowers surrounding the gates. Gideon was allowed entry and went up the familiar path to the south portico. The carriage came to a stop and the door opened.

It hadnt gotten to Gideon yet that from now on, Fabian would no longer be at his side, but eventually all childhood best friends had to do something separate from each other.

Gideon climbed out and faced one of his nemesis. His eyes narrowed as the beautiful womans dark eyes bore into him.

Your Highness. She seemed to say this behind gritted teeth.

Gideon responded in kind. It had been years, but he still remembered when she kicked him in the stomach. Agafonova.

Its Guevera now, she said, lifting her head a bit.

Gideon snorted. Since its Guevera, what are you doing all the way here?

I am here to care for my best friend in the entire world, of course! she replied with pride. She turned around. Childbirth is very difficult on a womans body.

Gideon rolled his eyes. It wasnt as if his sister-in-law didnt have access to the best care at the palace. Still, he was in a good mood and didnt want to say anything to aggravate the situation.

He followed Agafonova - as that is what he was determined to call her forever, down the hall and then up the stairs. There were more imperial knights the closer they got.

His brothers room was no longer on the ground floor. It was in the upper wing and a massive apartment-like suite suitable for two. Under normal circumstances, Gideon would not be allowed in there, but at the moment, it was the most popular room in the palace.

The double doors, flanked by imperial knights inside and out, were opened.

Gideon stepped into the bright room and almost turned his head so as not to be blinded by the afternoon sunshine coming in through the large windows. Past the sitting room, there was a bedroom with a large, four poster canopy bed that was gilded.

Seated on the far side, with pillows propping her up, as his brothers now legal wife.

On a seat beside her was his brother and just beside the bed were two cradles.

Gideons heart shot to his throat.

When hed requested discharge, he had to wait until his current tour was over. This meant that hed miss the birth of the future heir of the empire.

To make it up to him, the gods took pity and instead of one, they gave him two.

As if entranced, Gideon walked past everyone else in the room: his parents, grandfather, aunts and uncles, family friends, and went directly to the cradles. He could see nothing else. His heart slammed against his chest as he leaned over and peered in.

His heart melted at once.

They were so small, with flushed, plump cheeks and dark brown hair peeking out from animal shaped bonnets. Their eyes were open and they were looking around. As soon as he appeared, two sets of violet eyes looked up at him.

He trembled. He almost couldnt believe he was seeing them with his own eyes.

They were so cute; it was killing him.

Please dont look at my children as if youre going to eat them, a droll voice said from the side.

Gideon finally turned his head and saw Tori looking at him with a concerned expression and Piers frowning.

Piers...Tori.... Gideon swallowed and looked back at the babies. Are they my niece and nephew? His heart skipped a beat.

Yes, Piers said before grasping Toris hand. Tori has outdone herself and given us both a daughter and son at once.

Thats not something I can control. Fraternal and identical twins both run in my family, Tori said. Auntie Lucia said that one of us was likely to have them. She and Uncle Lorenzo are twins. Marco and Mateo are twins.

And now them.... Gideon said, his face softening as he met matching violet eyes. He smiled. But you two are Soleil. He reached down to offer his finger, but he quickly pulled it back. I need to wash up. I cant touch them like this. I rushed here from the ship.

Then take a bath, Piers told him.

Gideon was torn. If I go now, I will miss them.

Toris eyes crinkled up. Theyre not going anywhere.

Gideon looked at the children and then looked around. He saw a chair and crossed the room to drag it over so he could sit beside the babies. I will sit here and watch them awhile first. He looked down into the cradles and smiled softly at the babies. Hello, princess. Hello, prince. I am your Uncle Gideon. I am your fathers brother.

A gurgle came from the boy and what sounded like a snort came from the girl. They both seemed to look away, avoiding his intense gaze. Ahjust like their father. Gideon chuckled and couldnt take his eyes off them.

Gideon, Piers said, drawing his attention. Gideon looked up at his brother. I know you will be a good uncle.

His eyes reddened. He nodded and looked back at the two babies. He couldnt wait to tell them stories, take them on adventures, and dispense valuable life advice. Like a good uncle. He would do his best for the future of the empire.

After all, they were what he was waiting to return home to.

Two mini-Piers.

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