Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting

Chapter 22

Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting Inventory 22


Minhyuk bolted the door as soon as he entered.

Then he took out all the 3 billion won in cash from the refrigerator.

It was said that an apple box could hold up to 600 million won worth of 50,000 won bills.

So, the money taken out of the refrigerator was the amount of 5 apple boxes.



Along with a flash, Minhyuk moved back to Count Loren’s bedroom.

Then he put 600 gold coins back in the refrigerator and moved to the studio room.


He took out all the cash from the refrigerator.

The narrow floor was buried in bundles of money, leaving no room to step.

Suddenly, he had a thought.

Was it really reasonable to pile up bundles of money in a studio room with poor privacy protection?

Absolutely not.

In the current situation, it would be better to keep the gold coins in the other world and exchange them for cash little by little when needed.

But he didn’t want to stop.

He wanted to continue to savor the thrill of pulling out bundles of money from the refrigerator.



Minhyuk went back and forth a total of 5 times and changed all the gold coins into bundles of money.

There were 3,000 bundles of 50,000 won bills.

In amount, it was 15 billion won.

The floor of the studio room was full of bundles of money, and even the bed and the desk were piled up with them.

‘It smells good!’

The sealed studio room with no windows was filled with the smell of the bundles of money.

It was so fragrant that he could die of suffocation.

That was when it happened.

Knock, knock-

Someone knocked on Minhyuk’s door.

“Is Minhyuk in there?”

It was the uncle from the room next door.

After receiving the items halfway between the motel and the convenience store just now, Minhyuk ran while the old man walked.

So, only now had he arrived at the motel.

The room was piled up with bundles of money.

He absolutely could not open the door now.

Minhyuk did not even breathe.

‘I’m sorry, old man.’

With no response, the old man went into his room.


The old man locked his door.

From now until around 8:40 PM when the winning lottery numbers were confirmed, this was the most solemn time of the week for the old man.

If someone knocked on the old man’s door or disturbed him during that time, even the kind old man would get angry.

‘I’ll pay you for the things you bought me at the convenience store after the lottery drawing is over.’

There was no point in staying in the motel room any longer; it would only waste more of his precious return time.

Minhyuk put back only as much of the eggs and tangerines that he had taken out to move the money as he thought he would need into the refrigerator.



A flash of light exploded in front of his eyes.


As the light subsided, the surrounding objects began to appear.

Count Loren was lying there with his throat cut.

He had forgotten for a moment.

That he had killed someone just a little while ago.

Minhyuk suppressed the urge to feel depressed and left the bedroom.

A woman was standing in the hallway.

She was the one who had lured the Count into the bedroom.

It seemed like she worked under General Drake, but she did not seem to be an ordinary servant, and Minhyuk did not know exactly what her relationship with the General was.

All he knew was that her name was Rebecca.

In any case, thanks to her, things had ended smoothly.

Minhyuk gave Rebecca a slight nod.

It was to tell her that he had gotten rid of the Count.

She also nodded at Minhyuk and went down the stairs.

She was going to report to the General, who was in the ballroom.

Minhyuk went down to the basement through the other stairs that the servants used.

He passed through the long passage where the alcohol was stored and reached the stone door through which he had first entered.

He turned the torch on the wall 45 degrees.


Then, the stone door opened.

Plop, plop-

As he walked through the dark sewer, the bundles of money piled up in his motel room came to mind.

‘I wonder if anyone will steal it?’

Of course, no one can steal it.

Time in the real world has stopped while Minhyuk is here in this world.

Anyway, he had to quickly find a new place to live and move the refrigerator.

His studio wasn’t suitable for hiding a large sum of money.

He couldn’t just deposit the money in the bank either.

Depositing a few tens of millions of won wouldn’t be a problem.

But what would happen if he deposited several hundred million or several billion won?

A young man who earned about 3 million won a month working in a factory would be suspected of being involved in voice phishing or financial fraud if he suddenly deposited such a large sum of money in the bank.

So he had no choice but to hoard the cash without anyone knowing.

Buying a house and moving would be the best option, but he had to be careful about that too.

If he bought a house entirely in cash, he could be audited by the National Tax Service.

If they checked his occupation, age, and income and decided that he didn’t have the ability to acquire that much cash on his own, they would immediately investigate the source of the funds.

He used to think that this was only a problem for the privileged class when he saw similar articles in the news, but now it was his own problem.


Moving to a remote area or an island would be good for privacy, but it would be difficult to buy necessities like eggs and cooking oil.

The safest option in his current situation would be to get an officetel studio near a large mart or market.

The National Tax Service wouldn’t audit him just because he moved from a studio to a one-room apartment.

But there was a bigger problem.

<Precious Time Remaining: 44 minutes and 10 seconds>

With less than an hour of return time, it would be difficult to even find a one-room apartment for monthly rent, let alone buy a house.

Plus, it was Saturday evening.

Minhyuk had spent three days in this world, but it was still Saturday night in the real world.

All the real estate agent offices would be closed and everyone would have gone home by now. Where was he supposed to go to find a place to live?

And there was another problem with tomorrow.

Tomorrow was Sunday, so would any real estate offices be open?

He wouldn’t be able to find a place to move until Monday.

So moving could wait. For now, he had to,

“Stop and accumulate return time.”


Lord Loren’s valet searched high and low for the Lord.

From Noble mtl dot com

He needed to ask when the fireworks would start.

“They said he would be in the ballroom, but where did he go? Could he be in his bedroom?”

The valet went up to the second floor.

And he stood in front of the Lord’s bedroom.

He was about to knock, but he put his ear to the door instead.

If he interrupted the Lord’s private time, he could lose his head.

“I don’t hear anything.”

Knock, knock.

He knocked on the door.

There was no answer.

“My Lord, are you inside?”

The attendant opened the door slightly.

The smell of blood vibrated in the air.

And on the floor, the body of the Count, who had collapsed, could be seen.


People came running at the attendant’s scream.

“What’s going on?”

“Count Loren is dead!”

“What are you talking about?”

People who examined the scene shouted.

“It’s a murder! The Count has been murdered!”

More people gathered at the sound.

Among them were the Princess and General Drake.

The Princess shouted in an agitated voice.

“Who dares to infiltrate the nobles’ party and commit such an atrocious act!”

Then General Drake opened his mouth.

“The safe has been emptied. It seems to be the work of a robber who was after money.”

The Princess asked everyone.

“Who was the first to discover the Count’s death?”

People pointed to the attendant.

Then, he, who was terrified, prostrated himself towards the Princess and shouted.

“It wasn’t me! I came to ask Count Loren when the fireworks would start!”

“Who said you were the culprit?”

“Huh? No, I just…”

The Princess ordered the General.

“General, I want you to personally investigate the murder that happened today and report the results to me.”

“Yes, Your Highness!”

The Princess spoke to Count Loren’s attendant again.

“You prepared the fireworks?”

“Yes, that’s right! Count Loren took great care to show people the most splendid fireworks this year.”

“Is that so? Then set them off right now.”

It was very strange to have fireworks when someone had died, but the attendant had no choice but to obey.

Since it was the order of Princess Astelle.

“I understand! I will start the fireworks right away!”

The attendant ran off somewhere, and soon firecrackers were shot up.


Pow, pop-

The Princess quietly looked up at the fireworks from the terrace.

The nobles realized it as they watched her.

Count Loren was not murdered by a bandit, but by the princess.

A chill ran down their spines.


The investigation was concluded within a day.

The afternoon after Count Loren’s murder,

Notices of the incident and wanted posters were posted throughout the citadel, including Puppy Square.

<Ron, who was Count Loren’s guard, killed the Count and fled with the money in the bedroom safe. If you see anyone matching the suspect’s description, report it to the guards immediately.>

The contents of Count Loren’s secret ledgers, discovered during the investigation, were also posted.

It stated that he had been running unethical businesses in the shadows, such as loan sharking, prostitution, and gambling.

People clicked their tongues when they saw it.

“He pretended to care about the people on the surface, but behind closed doors, he was doing all sorts of evil! Good riddance!”

There was a red-haired man among the people.

Minhyuk, after reading all the announcements, left Puppy Square and walked along the boulevard.

‘It’s been handled cleanly.’

Count’s guard Ron had also been eliminated by Minhyuk.

He had been caught by Minhyuk who had emerged from the sewers while the man was wandering near the mansion wall.

His body was disposed of by General Drake’s men.

‘Should I go hunting now?’

He had learned from his last hunt that hunting stronger beasts granted more return time.

And to hunt the strong ones safely, he needed better equipment, such as weapons and armor.

‘Oh, right. It’s today.’

Today was the day he was supposed to find the Star Dagger.

Minhyuk headed to the forge.



The blacksmith was diligently hammering away at the iron today as well.

Minhyuk quietly waited for him to finish his work.


He had finished tempering and noticed Minhyuk’s presence.

“Oh my, when did you arrive? You should have said something!”

“You were focused on your work.”

“Please wait a moment! I’ll go get the item!”

David went inside the building and came out with a dagger.

Then he handed it to Minhyuk with both hands, respectfully.

<Star Dagger>

– A dagger made of star metal.

– Compared to a Dwarven dagger, it has better cutting power and the blade is less likely to get damaged.

Minhyuk asked David just in case.

“Is there a material stronger than star metal?”

“Of course there is. The bones of a fully grown dragon are stronger than star metal. And the alloy made by the blacksmith god, Lokus, is even stronger than dragon bones. However, such legendary materials cannot be handled by an ordinary dwarven blacksmith like me.”

Minhyuk showed David the armor he was wearing under his coat.

David exclaimed in surprise.

“That’s the Flame-Resistant Armor used by the wanderers! You have a very precious armor.”

“Can you make something like this here?”

“I can’t. The technique to make that has been lost for a long time.”

“Then, is it possible to just change the metal plates to Star Metal?”

The metal plates attached to the armor were made of Dwarf Ingots.

If it was possible to change the metal plates to Star Metal, the defense would greatly increase.

“It’s not difficult to change the metal plates, but if you do that, the magic effect will disappear.”

The physical defense will increase, but the auto-detach, auto-repair, and agility increase effects will disappear.

He couldn’t give up those good effects.

Then, someone shouted from behind.

“I can do it! I can change the metal plates while maintaining the magic effect.”

When he looked back, a Dwarf old man in shabby clothes was standing.

David looked at him and exclaimed.


The original owner of the forge had returned.

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