Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting

Chapter 35

Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting Inventory 35


When you get hurt in the other world, you get the same injury in the real world.

For Minhyuk, it had been an unbreakable rule that kept him on edge.

Let’s call it the First Law of Dimension Travel.

That’s why if you encounter a powerful monster that can kill you in one hit, you should just run away without looking back.

If you get hit by one of those things, you’ll die instantly, without even having time to drink a recovery potion.

And if you die in the other world, you’ll die in the real world too.

This law still holds true.

What Minhyuk had been overlooking,

was the fact that you could heal injuries from the real world by going to the other world.

He had always thought it would be possible.

After all, if you feel hungry in the real world, you can go to the other world and eat a meal to solve the problem.

So it should be the same for healing injuries.

But he hadn’t been willing to experiment with it, deliberately injuring himself in the real world just to see what would happen.

But today, after he fell in front of the stationery store and hurt his wrist, he found out for sure.

‘I won’t have to go to the hospital if I get hurt in the future.’

It wasn’t just minor scrapes, either. Even if he broke a bone or tore his flesh, he could go to the other world and drink a single bottle of red liquid, and it would heal completely.

He wouldn’t even have to worry if he accidentally drank something like pesticide.

He could just go to the other world and drink a bottle of green liquid, and he’d be fine.

The refrigerator was Minhyuk’s <Universal First Aid Kit>.

He couldn’t heal others with it, but he could heal any injury to his own body by going to the other world.

Of course, he had to have enough energy left to put his hand on the refrigerator and say “Return.”

Minhyuk gripped the steering wheel with his fully recovered hand.

‘Let’s go buy some eggs!’




Several hours had passed by the time he had procured all the necessary items in the other world.

The day was coming to an end.

‘If only I had a bigger car, it would have been done in no time.’

Buying the eggs took up all my time.

I bought 1,500 trays of eggs today.

I filled up the trunk of the van with 100 trays at a time, drove the van to a secluded area, and repeated the process of putting them in the refrigerator for a total of 15 times.

Well, I won’t have to waste time like this in the future since I’m going to be using a large truck.

Anyway, I’ll return the van and rest for the evening today.

It would be a shame to die penniless after eating a bowl of gopchang with over a hundred billion won in my possession.

I should give myself a little present for all my hard work so far.

Then, the Monday morning I’ve been dreaming of will come.

The real estate office will open.


Minhyuk drove his car and came to the boarding house first.

I have to put the refrigerator back in my boarding house room before I can return the car.

As I parked the car in front of the boarding house building, I noticed that unlike yesterday, the landlord didn’t come out to greet me.

He must have recognized that I had brought the car.


I carried the refrigerator and went up to the second floor.

The ajusshi from the room next door was standing in the hallway.

“Did you come to fix the refrigerator?”

“Ah, yes.”

I gave a vague reply to the ajusshi’s question.

As I was about to enter my room, I suddenly wanted to experiment with something.

Minhyuk put the refrigerator down on the floor in the hallway.

And asked the ajusshi for a favor.

“Excuse me, ajusshi, could you please put your hand on the refrigerator?”

I wondered if this refrigerator only worked its magic on me.

I had a hunch that it wouldn’t work on anyone else.

But I had to make sure.

If this refrigerator sends not only me but also other people to the other world, I have to be much more careful when handling it.

I can’t just leave it anywhere.


The ajusshi from the room next door put his finger on the refrigerator without asking why.

Minhyuk asked him.

“Do you feel anything like static electricity?”

“No, I don’t feel anything.”

Minhyuk pondered for a moment and asked another favor.

“Could you say the word ‘return’ while you’re still touching it?”

“Return? Like the opposite of expensive? Or return, like coming back?”

The word ‘return’ came out of the ajusshi’s mouth twice.

But nothing happened.

As expected, the refrigerator was special only to Minhyuk.

To others, it was just an ordinary refrigerator.

After finishing the experiment, Minhyuk asked the old man something else.

“Have you had dinner yet?”

“No, I was going to boil some ramen because I’m feeling lazy.”

“Let’s have dinner outside. I’ll pay.”




Minhyuk returned the rental car and went to the food alley.

The old man was waiting for him at the entrance of the alley.

“Why did you tell me to meet you here? We could’ve just had a bowl of jjigae near the goshiwon.”

“Do you like meat?”

“Who doesn’t like meat?”

Minhyuk and the old man went to the biggest meat restaurant in the food alley.

<Unicorn Hanwoo Butcher Shop>

“Isn’t this place super expensive?”

“If you’re going to eat, you should eat properly. It’s not like we eat this every day. I’ll go get the meat.”

Minhyuk went to the display case and put any packaging containing sirloin, galbi, and special cuts into his basket.

He was told to pay first, so he paid for the meat and brought it to the table.

The old man’s mouth fell open when he saw the price tags on each package.

“The meat alone must be over 200,000 won.”

“You should eat at least 100,000 won worth of food per person. Eat up and have some more.”

“No, I can’t. I’ll pay for half. It’s too expensive for you to pay for everything, especially when I know your situation.”

From Noble mtl dot com

“I said I’d pay today.”

“It’s still too expensive.”

The old man took out three 50,000 won bills from his wallet and handed them to Minhyuk.

He had brought emergency money in case something like this happened.

Minhyuk could see that there were only a few 1,000 won bills left in the old man’s wallet after he took out the three 50,000 won bills.

“If you insist, you can pay me back later.”

When Minhyuk stubbornly refused, the old man had no choice but to put the money back in his wallet.


Minhyuk picked up the tongs and put the meat on the charcoal grill.

The old man, who was watching Minhyuk cook the meat, was more nervous than Minhyuk himself.

“It’s a crime to overcook meat like this.”

“I know.”

They had a glass of soju with the perfectly cooked meat.

Why had he endured and lived his life when he had wanted to eat something like this so badly?

The beautifully marbled meat looked tantalizing.

‘It still tastes good.’




After dinner, I returned to the gosiwon with the old man.

I helped the drunk old man to his bed and laid him down.


He passed out immediately.

Minhyuk turned off the light in the old man’s room and closed the door.

Then he went into his own room.

It was currently 9 pm.

I had started drinking early in the evening, and time had flown by as we chatted and drank soju.

I also told the old man that I would be leaving the gosiwon soon.

‘I’m drunk!’

Minhyuk had also drunk a lot of soju earlier.

If I were this drunk, I would normally just collapse into bed and sleep.

But I couldn’t waste such precious free time like that.

Minhyuk reached for the refrigerator.



With a flash of light, Minhyuk returned to the Scorched Fortress.

He was pleasantly buzzed.

To get this drunk in his body in this world, he would have to drink an entire jar of honey wine.

In any case, the reason Minhyuk had come here was to take a hangover cure.



A refrigerator appeared before his eyes.

Minhyuk took out a green potion.

Drinking the green potion would cure him of any negative status effects caused by poison.


He opened the cap and downed it in one go.

Instantly, his hangover disappeared, and his mind became clear.

He had completely recovered from the negative status effects caused by drinking.

‘Alcohol really is a poison.’

Minhyuk returned to his room in the gosiwon.

He had used the refrigerator’s universal first aid kit function to completely sober up from the alcohol.

‘Let’s go make some money!’

He grabbed a wad of cash and headed out.

Then he took a taxi to the luxury shopping district in Gangnam.

It was a completely different world, even though it was in the same city of Seoul.

The price of a palm-sized bag displayed in the street shop here was equivalent to Minhyuk’s food expenses for six months.

If he ate sparingly, he could probably make it last a year.

What about the watches?

Many of them were more expensive than the apartment some people spent their entire lives paying off.

It was torturous to just look at things he couldn’t afford.

That’s why Minhyuk rarely came here.

‘But not from now on.’

Today, he was the main character of this street.




As dawn broke, Minhyuk returned to his Gosiwon room.

The clothes and watch he was wearing now seemed out of place in this room.

“I should move.”

Current time: Monday, 6:00 AM.

In a few hours, the real estate offices would open.

But he wanted to move after he had conquered all the monster habitats near the Tamirin Fortress and accumulated more return time.

Minhyuk put his hand on the refrigerator.



With a flash of light, he returned to the fortress.

Minhyuk inspected his soldiers.

Except for their armor, they were perfectly equipped with ponchos, weapons, and potions.

It would be nice if the refrigerator could also provide armor.

“Follow me!”

Minhyuk led his soldiers to the habitat of the Two-horned Direwolves.



The dragon horse ran tirelessly, snorting hot air.

Rin, who had been riding hard, asked the old woman behind her.

“Are you alright? Should we stop for a break?”

“I can bear it, keep going!”

Rin had already read the letter her father had sent to General Drake.

She had read it not out of curiosity, but to memorize its contents in case it was lost or destroyed.

So she knew that Asdel’s soldiers had retaken the Tamirin Fortress.

However, she wasn’t sure if General Drake, her father’s friend, was at the fortress.

So she planned to stop by the Tamirin Fortress, which was closer to their current location, and if the general wasn’t there, she would go to Asdel Castle.

‘Once we cross that hill, we’ll be there soon!’


At the top of the hill, Rin had to stop the dragon horse.

At the foot of the hill, wolves were swarming in the wasteland.

Even if they were one-horned direwolves, she would never be able to handle them on her own if they were in such a large pack.

What’s more, they were the much stronger two-horned direwolves.

‘Let’s go back.’

She turned the horse’s head, but


Several large wolves were blocking the way behind her.

They were two-horned direwolves.

‘I’m doomed!’

There was no other way.

She whispered softly to her grandmother.

“Grandma, you must never fall off the horse.”

“What are you talking about? What are you going to do?”


She drew her sword, glared at the wolves, and dismounted.


And she started running.

Then the wolves chased after her.

Rin shouted to Yongma.

“Now, Thor! Run!”

Her plan was to lure the wolves away so that Yongma and her grandmother could escape.



Yongma did not move.

‘Oh, that idiot!’

The wolves’ running speed was incomparable to that of a human.

Rin was soon caught up by the wolves and surrounded.


They breathed green mist at her.

It was a poisonous mist that paralyzed the whole body and made one lose consciousness if inhaled.


Rin’s armor glowed, creating a magical barrier.

Her armor was a magical item that she had found with her father in an ancient ruin while traveling outside the realm of protection.


She pierced through the poisonous mist and charged at one of the wolves, plunging her sword deep into its chest.

After cutting off its breath, she opened its chest and pulled out a magic bead.

With that, she replenished the armor’s magic power.

However, there were too many wolves.

Rin was unable to handle the wolves that attacked her all at once and collapsed, riddled with wounds.

The magic barrier created by her armor was effective against poisonous mist and flames, but it was vulnerable to direct physical attacks.

As she collapsed, one of the wolves pinned her down with its front paws.

And the rest of the wolves charged at Yongma.


Just when it seemed like everything was over.

The wolf that was stepping on her suddenly ran down the hill.

It wasn’t just that one.

The other wolves that had surrounded Yongma also all ran down the hill.

In that gap, Rin took out a recovery potion from her bag and drank it.

And then she took care of Grandma.

“Grandma! Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, hurry up and get on the horse! Let’s escape while we have the chance!”

Rin quickly got on Yongma.

‘But what’s going on?’

Curious, she looked down the hill.

Asdel’s expedition, which was subjugating the wolves with incredible momentum, came into her view.

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