Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting

Chapter 4

Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting Inventory 4


“Is anyone there? Please help!”

Though the sound came from a great distance, it reached Minhyuk’s ears clearly.

The new body also had remarkable hearing.

And there was something even more astonishing.

Though it was a language I had never heard before, I could understand it as naturally as Korean.

Well, compared to everything else I’ve experienced since coming here, this wasn’t particularly surprising.

“Someone save me! Please, someone help!”

The voice’s owner called out for help more and more desperately.

Minhyuk headed towards the source of the sound.

It wasn’t a sense of mission to help someone in danger that moved him.

Knowing that this world also had intelligent life forms that used language, curiosity was inevitable.

He would approach and identify what it was.

Unlike just moments before, Minhyuk carefully made his way through the bushes, making as little noise as possible.

He was trying to approach stealthily.

There might be unexpected dangers lurking.

The voice that was calling out might not actually be seeking help, but rather a trick to lure him into a trap.

After moving slowly for a few minutes, he arrived at the source of the voice.

This place was a clearing, unlike other areas, with fewer trees and grass.

Minhyuk hid behind a large rock and surveyed the clearing.

The smell of blood was pervasive.

Bodies were strewn all over the clearing.

“Is there no one there? Please, someone help!”

The voice belonged to a human.

And he was wearing armor made of leather with metal plates attached.

He wasn’t wearing a helmet, so his face was clearly visible.

He was an old man with white hair and a beard.

In front of the old man lay a person who had lost consciousness.

It was a blonde woman.

She too was wearing armor, and blood was spurting from her side.

The old man was pressing a piece of cloth against the woman’s bleeding area.

“Your Highness! Please regain consciousness! You can’t pass away so vainly!”

‘Your Highness’ is a term used to address the daughter of an emperor, isn’t it?

Whether the princess the old man referred to was the same one Minhyuk was thinking of was uncertain, but it was clear she was of high status.

Unlike the armor of the old man and the other corpses, she alone wore armor that shone golden.

Minhyuk took another look around.

All were dead, and the only living humans were those two.

A new message appeared before Minhyuk’s eyes.

<You have discovered a human.>

<If you kill the human, you will receive a reward of 10 seconds of return time.>

<You can kill the human and take their food and belongings.>

Not only beasts, but killing humans also accrued return time.

Moreover, he could take their food and water to quell his hunger and thirst.

It was truly a case of killing two birds with one stone.

‘What am I thinking right now!?’

Minhyuk shook his head vigorously.

He had almost stepped onto the path of robbery and murder.

He scolded himself for nearly crossing the line that one should never cross as a human being.

Then, a new message appeared.

**<You have discovered a wounded human.>**

**<If you treat the injured person, you can receive a reward of 10 seconds return time.>**

Whether you kill or heal, you get rewarded either way.

So, just act as you please.

He didn’t know who was sending these messages to him, but he liked that they didn’t push him in one direction.

But whatever he did, 10 seconds? That part was a bit strange.

Minhyuk approached them.

Even though he got very close, the soul-drained old man didn’t feel Minhyuk’s presence at all.

“Excuse me.”

Minhyuk called out to the old man from behind.

Startled, the old man turned around in a panic.

“Wh-Who’s there?”

“I’m asking for help.”

The old man sized up Minhyuk.

A muscular giant with red hair and a bare chest.

Overwhelmed by Minhyuk’s appearance for a moment, the old man shrank back and asked,

“Who exactly are you? You don’t seem to be from Asdel…”

“Is who I am really important right now?”

When Minhyuk hit the nail on the head, the old man came to his senses and nodded.

“Yes, please! I beg you to help!”

“How can I help you?”

The old man looked at the woman’s wound and said,

“The bleeding is very severe! Do you have a bandage or herbs that can stop the bleeding?”

“Will this do?”

In Minhyuk’s hand was a red healing potion.

Seeing it, the old man’s face brightened.

“Is that a healing potion!”

The old man exclaimed, looking at the woman’s face.

“What a relief! You’re saved! Indeed, you weren’t meant to go so vainly!”

The old man reached out to Minhyuk.

It meant to pass the potion quickly.

But Minhyuk didn’t budge.

“What are you doing? Hand over the potion quickly!”

“I never said I’d give it for free.”

“What, what!?”

The old man continued with a flustered expression.

“It’s a matter of life and death! Hurry and give it to me!”

Minhyuk remained unmoved.

The old man’s heart was burning with impatience.

“Just give it to me! If it can save this person, I’ll pay whatever it takes!”

“How can I trust such words? I can’t hand over the goods before we’ve properly finished negotiating.”

“Fine! What do you want? What can I give you to hand it over to me?”

Minhyuk pointed to the leather bag the old man was wearing at his waist.

<Green Junior Healing Potion>

-A healing potion made by mixing herbs and mineral ingredients.

-When consumed, it recovers from poison-induced abnormalities.

Information about any item would automatically appear before his eyes when he approached it.

So, without opening the bag, he knew what was inside.

A green potion that Minhyuk needed was inside the old man’s bag.

“Give me everything inside the bag.”

Besides the potion, there were also bread and water in the bag.

Hearing Minhyuk’s demand, the old man hesitated.

To return to the fortress, he had to pass through the swamp.

The place was teeming with venomous snakes and poisonous insects.

That’s why he couldn’t easily give up the green potion.

But if he didn’t, the princess would die right away.

“Alright! Let’s do it! I’ll give you everything inside the bag!”

“Can’t you give me the bag as well?”

“Fine! I’ll give you the whole bag, just hurry up and hand over the potion!”

The old man unfastened the bag from his waist with one hand while pressing on the woman’s wound with the other.

Minhyuk took his bag.


After opening the lid of the potion he was holding, he said to the old man,

“Step aside.”

He would make the old man move and feed the potion to the woman himself.

If he handed the potion to the old man to feed her, he might not receive his reward.

He couldn’t afford to lose 10 seconds of return time over a trivial mistake.

Minhyuk approached the woman and pried open her mouth.

Her tongue was curled up, blocking the esophagus.

He inserted his finger into her mouth.

Pressing down with the tip of his finger, he unfolded her tongue, opening the throat.

Carefully, he poured the potion into her mouth.


The woman’s wounds began to heal.

The wounds she had suffered were far more severe than the ones Minhyuk had on his forearm.

Yet, they healed in an instant, without leaving a single scar.

After a while,

The woman opened her eyes.

The old man exclaimed with joy,

“Princess! Are you conscious?”

Startled, she opened her eyes and quickly sat up.

She surveyed her surroundings.

Seeing the corpses of the soldiers, she asked the old man with a grief-stricken face,

“Is everyone annihilated?”


After a moment of silence, she spoke again,

“What happened to me?”

“You were gravely injured and had fainted!”

The woman examined her side.

The band that had been wrapped around her waist was torn open, exposing bare skin.

But there was not a single wound.


“You drank a healing potion! That’s why you’ve recovered completely!”

Hearing the old man’s reply, the woman finally lifted her head to look at Minhyuk.

“Did you save me?”

Instead of answering, Minhyuk simply nodded slightly.

<You have healed a wounded human.>

<As a reward, 10 seconds have been added to your return time.>

<Current return time: 10 seconds>

To save the woman, he had used up a bottle of potion.

Or more precisely, an egg.

Nevertheless, thanks to that, he gained 10 seconds of return time, a green potion, and even bread and water.

And a leather bag as a bonus.

“Thank you for saving me! How can I ever repay this kindness…”

At the woman’s words of gratitude, Minhyuk shook his head.

“There’s no need. The price has already been paid.”


As she looked puzzled, the old man answered on behalf of Minhyuk.

“I traded all the possessions I had for the potion.”

“I see. But you are…”

It was when the woman was about to inquire about Minhyuk’s identity.


An unpleasant sound came from behind.

Minhyuk turned around.

Grotesque creatures were running towards them.

Their skin was green, and they walked upright like humans.

<Forest goblins have been discovered.>

<You will receive a 10 second return time bonus if you defeat the forest goblins.>

Minhyuk roughly counted and it was clear that there were more than 10 of them.

The goblins were holding weapons in their hands, such as swords and axes.

The old man exclaimed with a look of despair.

“Oh my god! The goblins have caught the scent of blood and have gathered! Your highness, leave this to me and run away!”

“I can’t run away alone! Let’s fight together!”

“Even if we fight together, we won’t be able to defeat all of them! So hurry and run away! Your highness, the last hope of Asdel, must survive!”

Minhyuk shouted to the old man and woman who were arguing.

“Both of you stay here! I will deal with them alone!”

Minhyuk ran towards the monsters by himself.

He wasn’t trying to act cool.

It was because he could accumulate the maximum amount of return time if he killed all of them by himself.


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Minhyuk ran towards the goblins, stepping over the corpses of the soldiers.

Then, he found something on the ground.

It was an iron mace.

Perhaps it was a weapon dropped by one of the dead soldiers.

Minhyuk threw away the stone he had been holding and picked up the mace.

Of course, a mace is better than a stone when fighting.



The head of the goblin running in front was smashed by the mace that Minhyuk swung.

<Forest goblin defeated.>

<10 seconds of return time has been accumulated as a reward.>

<Return time in possession: 20 seconds>





Every time Minhyuk swung the mace, a goblin died.

<Forest goblin defeated.>

<10 seconds of return time has been accumulated as a reward.>

<Return time in possession: 30 seconds>

<Forest goblin defeated.>

<10 seconds of return time has been accumulated as a reward.>

<Return time in possession: 40 seconds>



Return time was piling up quickly.


Laughter burst out of Minhyuk’s mouth, who was overjoyed.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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