Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting

Chapter 40

Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting Inventory 40


Minhyuk led the soldiers and arrived at the Tamrin Fortress.


The soldiers who remained in the fortress greeted their comrades with cheers.

They had heard from the messenger who arrived earlier that all the monsters’ habitats had been subjugated.

The princess approached Minhyuk and said,

“You’ve worked so hard! And I’m glad you’ve returned safely!”

Her attitude towards Minhyuk was very different.

Before, she only showed that kind of attitude to her father, the emperor.

The princess continued,

“And there’s an urgent matter we need to discuss!”

“Are you talking about the letter from Melbeck?”


“What does it say?”

“It’s not something I can tell you here.”

From Noble mtl dot com

Minhyuk moved to the commander’s barracks with the princess and key figures of the expedition, including General Drake.

There, General Drake handed Minhyuk a letter from Tarman.

After reading the contents of the letter, Minhyuk grasped the key point at once.

“It’s not a matter that will end with restoring the power of the altar in Taydon’s heart.”

General Drake nodded.

“Yes, that’s right. King Melbeck intends to take Asdel Stronghold with an army of 200,000!”

The Altar of Protection can block the invasion of monsters, but it cannot stop humans.

If Melbeck’s army invades Asdel Stronghold, there will be no choice but to fight them.

“Then we have to fight. But…”

Minhyuk paused for a moment and then continued.

“First, we need to catch the spy.”

It was certain that there was a scout delivering information about Asdel to the king of Melbeck.

Furthermore, the letter was written when the expeditionary force had just retaken the fortress.

Therefore, the king of Melbeck was hearing Asdel’s information almost in real time.

“This place is quite far from Melbeck, so how is that possible?”

To Minhyuk’s question, Professor Raymond opened his mouth.

“Among the ancient treasures, there is a magical tool that allows people far apart to talk to each other. If the king of Melbeck has such a treasure, it makes sense.”

Since coming to this world, I have seen various kinds of magical tools.

So it wasn’t so strange to hear that there was a magical tool that functioned as a cell phone.

Anyway, if they didn’t catch the spy quickly, Asdel’s information would continue to leak to Melbeck.

General Drake said to Minhyuk.

“The soldiers are patrolling outside the fortress all the time. However, we haven’t found anyone suspicious so far.”

“Perhaps he came into the fortress.”

The princess looked puzzled at Minhyuk’s words that there might be a spy among Asdel’s soldiers.

“This expeditionary force is made up of the bravest and most loyal soldiers in the Empire. Are you saying that there is an enemy spy among them?”

“It’s possible, or maybe…”

Minhyuk glanced at General Drake and continued.

“It could be the Kunas.”

Once, a Kuna man had approached Minhyuk disguised as General Drake.

At that time, Minhyuk had discovered him right away.

Perhaps this time, too, a Kuna had disguised himself as an Asdel soldier and was mixed in with the expeditionary force.

“If that’s the case, it would be a big deal…”

The princess looked worried.

If it were an ordinary spy, they could just search the entire expeditionary force thoroughly and find him.

However, if the spy was a Kuna, he would continue to change his appearance whenever the situation became unfavorable and hide even more secretly.

But that was a worry that the princess had because she didn’t know Minhyuk’s abilities.

“I’ll have to go on patrol.”

Minhyuk led the staff and patrolled the fortress.

If he approached a Kuna, a message would pop up in front of Minhyuk’s eyes.

It would be easier to gather all the soldiers in one place, but then the spy might sense something strange and run away.

So, under the pretense of a surprise patrol, he went around every corner of the fortress.

However, even after checking all the soldiers, there was no Kuna.

‘Was my guess wrong?’

The spy might not be a Kuna.

Or maybe he was hiding outside the fortress.

Then, Minhyuk’s eyes fell on the Pukari berries piled up in the open space of the fortress.

‘Could it be?’

The elves were bringing Pukari berries to the fortress once or twice a day.

Perhaps one of them was a Kuna.


A group of elves were heading towards the fortress of Tamirn.

They were all carrying baskets filled with Pookari berries.

Jeria was walking at the front of the elves.

Someone asked her,

“Are we really doing the right thing here?”

“What do you mean?”

“The soldiers of Asdel are going to use the Pookari berries to harm the Terradon!”

Living in harmony with nature was a long-standing faith and creed for the elves.

That was why they lived in the wilderness even now.

For the elves, the Terradon was a sacred animal that represented an axis of nature.

And they also knew the habits of the Terradon well.

“They’re going to mix the Pookari juice into alcohol to put the Terradon to sleep and then cut out its heart. But look at us now. We’re gathering Pookari berries for them. We’re helping them harm the Terradon!”

“This is the only way to get our people back.”

“But this is against the teachings set by Natasha.”

Natasha was the forest priestess who had led the elves.

She had always told the elves to serve the spirits of the forest and live in harmony with nature.

Jeria raised her voice.

“Natasha? You speak well of her! Have you already forgotten how she died?”

Natasha had been eaten by a Terradon while she was leading a sacrifice for the Terradon.


The elf who had questioned Jeria could not speak.

Then Jeria spoke loudly enough for everyone to hear.

“The Terradon is never something we should serve! It is not a sacred animal either. It is a monster that eats us! If we are to survive in the future, we must break away from the wrong mindset of the past.”

Most of the group nodded at Jeria’s words.

However, some of the elves had gloomy expressions.

And there were those who were not interested in such talk at all.

The elf walking at the very back of the line.

He was not actually an elf, but a member of the Kuna tribe.

He was a spy dispatched by King Melbeck.

Using his transformation magic, he had mixed into the group of elves and visited the fortress of Tamirn once or twice a day.

That was enough for him to grasp the movements of the enemy.

Before they knew it, the group of elves arrived in front of the fortress gate of Tamirn.

A man was waiting for them outside the gate.

Jeria greeted him when she saw him.

“Hello, Commander! But what’s going on today? Why are you outside?”

Minhyuk seemed to approach Jeria, but he passed her by and kept walking.

And he stopped in front of the elf who was at the very back of the group.

The Kuna tribe spy was flustered.

‘Did he find out? No, there’s no way!’

The transformation magic of the Kuna tribe was perfect.

You’d never know just by looking at his appearance.

<Kuna found.>

<Eliminating the Kuna will grant 10 seconds of return time.>

Minhyuk said to the spy with a sly grin.

“Gotcha, you bastard.”


The Kuna spy lunged at Minhyuk with an awl.

A short awl used for sewing leather.

But in the hands of a Kuna, it was a deadly assassination weapon capable of taking a life in an instant.

However, Minhyuk, with his extraordinary dynamic vision, could clearly see the spy’s movements.

The awl approached, aiming for Minhyuk’s temple.

But Minhyuk didn’t dodge.

Eventually, the tip of the awl touched Minhyuk’s skin.

But that was it.

The awl stopped, unable to pierce Minhyuk’s skin.

<Hamel’s Ring is activated.>

<Hamel’s Ring protects the wearer from physical attacks below a certain intensity for 10 seconds.>

Minhyuk was wearing the ring he had taken from Count Loren after killing him.

He could have easily avoided the spy’s attack, but he had intentionally not moved in order to test the ring.

‘It works well.’

The Kuna spy, who didn’t understand English, looked bewildered.

“W-what the hell!”

“Sleep tight.”


Minhyuk punched the spy in the face.

He collapsed, knocked out cold from the blow.

Jeriah was startled and shouted at Minhyuk.

“What are you doing to our tribesman!”

She hadn’t seen the spy try to stab Minhyuk with the awl.

It had all happened so quickly.

Minhyuk said to her.

“Look again, is this your tribesman?”


The Kuna’s transformation was released, and he returned to his original form.

His skin was blue all over.

Then one of the elves shouted.

“It’s a Kuna!”

Minhyuk pulled the ring from the spy’s hand.

<Durango’s Twin Rings>

-One of two rings made from the same gemstone.

– Rings worn in pairs allow for communication over long distances.

This was a magical tool with the functionality of a cell phone.

The other one was definitely in the hands of King Melbeck.

I’ll take that one later and put the pair to good use.

‘What would the ring turn into if I put it in the refrigerator?’

General Drake led his soldiers in capturing the Kunaz spy.

“Leave this one to me!”

Minhyuk nodded his head.

Torture and persuasion would be left to General Drake with his years and experience.

And Minhyuk had something else to do.

‘I should try putting the armor in the refrigerator.’

Minhyuk hurriedly returned to the barracks.

There was also a greatsword and shield made of Star Metal there.

Starting with the armor, he would try putting them in the refrigerator one by one.



The refrigerator appeared in front of him.



The armor he was wearing was automatically removed.

Minhyuk put the whole armor in the refrigerator.



With a flash of light, Minhyuk moved to the back of the truck.

And he opened the refrigerator first.

But it was completely empty.

‘What the?’

It was incredibly absurd.

But when he looked closely inside the refrigerator, something had fallen to the bottom of the fridge compartment.

It was an A4-sized paper.

A whole set of bulky armor had turned into a single sheet of paper.

‘Is this real?’

If so, he could prepare thousands of sets of armor with a box of A4 paper.

But there was something written on the paper.

‘What is this?’

It was someone’s signature.

The signature was so elaborate and flamboyant that it seemed to be the autograph of a celebrity, not an ordinary person.

And it was a mix of English and Chinese characters.

He read aloud the part written in English.

“A··· O··· I···.”

I think I know what it is.

‘This can’t be right!’

The name written in English was that of an actress.

She was a Japanese actress, not Korean.

It wasn’t that strange that Minhyuk would know the name of that Japanese actress.

Not only him, but many Korean men knew her name.

<The Wanderer’s Star’s Metal Flame Curtain Armor> was the autograph of a famous AV actress.

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