Transmigrated Into the Film King’s Little Wife

Chapter 63:

Chu Yuan laughed loudly, "Jiajia, you didn't write off your horoscope, and you called Wenwen to be your heroine?!"

Wu Xu: "Jiajia is afraid that Wenwen will be snatched away, so she should be locked down first. I just don't know if Wenwen is willing or not."

Liang Wen was completely shocked, she never thought that Qi Jia would directly fill in her name in the plot. She has never acted in a movie, and she has very little acting experience.

How could she make director Qi Jia so favored? So how can I say that I don't want to take Joe.

Immediately she said: "As long as Director Qi Jia calls, I will show up immediately."

#Hahahahaha My Wen is so cute. It's not a monster, how did it show up?

#It is for the career of director Qi Jia.

#我文锦鱼Attributes are inadvertently exposed again.

Qi Jia: "Okay." One word was finalized.

After a day of shopping, a few people were also exhausted, so they took a car from the northwest corner of the ancient city to circle the city for half a circle and returned to Nanmen Baozhai. Boss Yang has already arranged for his own chef to present a table of Guanzhong home-cooked dishes for everyone. Eight-treasure rice porridge leek box scallion pancakes are all kinds of light, just to ease the greasy food eaten in Huimin Street.

After dinner, Boss Yang said that it was only 50 meters from Baozhai to the gate of the Academy, and there was a street selling the Four Treasures of the Study. It is very lively at night, and the night view is also very beautiful. It is suitable for a stroll in the past and digestion.

It is rare that the full moon is in the sky, and the night wind is brisk, and several people meet to have a look.

Walking out of the slightly quiet Baozhai, red lights hang on the city wall, and the trees on the side of the road are illuminated. From a distance, clusters of green are lovely.

At seven or eight o'clock in the ancient city, the crowds were in full swing. Several people crossed Nanmen Street and saw a very old pagoda standing alone beside the archway in Shuyuanmen Street.

Boss Yang introduced with a smile: "This pagoda is called Hua Pagoda of Baoqing Temple. It was built in the Sui Dynasty. The temple was destroyed in the fire early on, and only this pagoda remains. This pagoda is probably one of the few in the entire city of Xi'an. Things from the Sui Dynasty."

#This tower has witnessed the tyranny and politics of Emperor Sui Yang, the usurpation of Qin Wang Li Shimin, Wu Zetian's counterattack and enthronement, the love and love between Tang Minghuang and Yang Yuhuan, the back of Tang Minghuang who fled in a hurry, the terrifying war of Anshi Rebellion, and finally witnessed the end of the Tang Dynasty That **** Zhu Wen burned the city of Chang'an tragically. It stands tall in the long river of history and will not fall down for thousands of years...Emma, ​​I am a little teary.

#A tower is the history of a city.

Everyone looked around the tower and raised their feet to step over the archway of the academy gate.

Unlike Muslim Street, which is full of human fireworks, Shuyuanmen Street reveals the reservedness of cultural people.

There are two-story buildings on both sides of the stone road, the lower floor is a shop, and the upper floor is a residence. Looking at the warm light on the second floor, there are flower pots hanging outside the window, and there are a few delicate red flowers sticking out. If a girl in a chest-length skirt pokes her head out, she really thinks that she has traveled back to the past The bustling Datang West Market.

"School Gate Street is from the Huata of Baoqing Temple I saw just now to the Forest of Steles Museum in front. This street is only a few hundred meters away, but it really doesn't take enough time to stroll around in the afternoon." Boss Yang said with a smile.

Liang Wen: "This street is called Shuyuanmen because there are some colleges nearby?"

Boss Yang nodded, "This is the location of Guanzhong Academy. So this street is called Academy Gate."

Wu Xu: "No wonder the four treasures of the study are sold on this street."

Chu Yuan: "When I hear these four words, I get a headache."

Chun Yu seconded, "It hurts me too."

#HAHAHAHA comes from the self-conscious stress response mechanism of the learning scum.

#文室四宝 Just look at it, and I can’t write or draw when I buy it back.

#This street I don't like. I like Huimin Street, that street does not discriminate against poor students.

On this street, there are celebrity calligraphy and paintings, brushes, ink, paper and inkstones, fan seals sold in the facade, and there are also street stalls of the same style on the street. There are both high and low prices, and you can choose.

Not only sell genuine items, but also made on-site.

Looking all the way, I have seen some making brushes, seals, and splashing ink on the spot. Of course, there are also common scenes to help tourists draw portraits.

Boss Yang smiled and said, "There is an Internet celebrity fan brother in front. There are many people watching. Shall we go and see too?"

Chun Yu slapped his head, "Oh, I seem to have seen this brother on Douyin. The one who only draws Wufu fans every day!"

Boss Yang nodded, "Yes. Leave after painting. Each fan sells for fifty yuan."

Chu Yuan: "After becoming popular, the price will not increase? Don't draw more? Or recruit apprentices to paint? The fans he painted himself are more expensive, and the apprentices sell them cheaper. From buying fans to hiring someone to paint fans, it is a one-stop process. The business will be there immediately.”

#Ha ha ha ha Papa Chu deserves to be a businessman. The brain is alive. I'm stupid so I'm poor.

#fanzige is a craftsman, after he becomes popular, he still draws five fans a day. When you're done painting, call it a day.

#I went to the gate of the academy and saw this brother, he just sat on the ground without any shouting or signboard, just sitting on the ground and drawing. Very simple.


Chu Yuan's words made everyone laugh.

Tao Peiman: "Yuanqiu, he is a cultural person. He has no desire for money."

Chu Yuan laughed, "That's right. This is my habitual thinking. I said something wrong. I'm sorry."

He waved to the live camera to apologize. Immediately, the barrage began to blow rainbow farts about how nice Dad was to apologize.

Everyone walks on the street, and all the objects with cultural atmosphere are in sight.

After walking a few steps, I saw a lot of people gathered in front of me, all standing on tiptoe looking inside.

Liang Wen walked over and saw a plainly dressed elder brother with piercing eyes, who was chatting with the crowd with his face up. After chatting for a few words, he lowered his head and drew lines on the white fan.

Sure enough, he is a very individual cultural person, without any pretensions, which is completely in line with Teacher Tao's saying that art is to go deep into the masses. We cannot separate ourselves from the masses and create castles in the air.

Everyone watched Brother Fan's fan painting with interest for a while, and then they were attracted by a deep and vicissitudes of life voice.

Looking back, I saw a store selling xuns opposite, blowing xuns at the door to attract customers.

Wu Xu: "I'll go and listen to the sound of the xun."

Since he mentioned it, everyone naturally followed suit.

The boss didn't let out a breath immediately, and the sound of the xun stopped.

#Hahahaha No way, the bosses collectively exploded.

#书院门 There are a lot of classical musical instruments sold. Too bad I don't know any of them.

#Xun is it easy to blow? I want to buy one but I'm afraid it won't blow well.

"Boss, can I go in and have a look?" Wu Xu asked with a smile.

Boss Xun has no reason not to agree, so he quickly asked everyone to go inside.

As soon as you enter, you enter the world of Xun.

There are all kinds of utensils you can imagine, pear-shaped and gourd-shaped. Various materials, such as pottery, wood, bamboo, and purple sand are available.

Everything is good, but it's too expensive. Liang Wen's casual glance would cost thousands of dollars.

She stood silently at the door, ready to ask the bosses to retreat at any time.

Who knew that Wu Xu fell in love with a six-hole pottery xun with carved patterns on the front and back, "Boss, can I try blowing this?"

Boss Xun couldn't answer, "Please please!"

Wu Xu looked down, put the mouth of the xun to his lips, put his fingertips close to the small hole in Tao Xun's abdomen, and the sound of the xun sounded instantly...

#Fuck. Wu Xu was playing "Mythology"?

#This is the skill of the fairy level.

#My male **** has a lot of skills. Blowing Xun is just one of his skill trees.

Boss Xun was also shocked, his mouth was slightly open, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

At this time, Qi Jia borrowed a flute from the flute seller next door, and started playing. The sound of the xun and the sound of the flute, one low and the other high, intertwined, chasing after each other, and a unique song "Mythology" resounded through the air. The sky above the academy gate.

The people who were watching Brother Fan's fan painting all looked back. Many people found out that it was the big guys who came out to play in "Youth Restart" to play "Mythology", and they immediately gathered around.

Liang Wen: "..." Even if you want to keep a low profile.

Who wants to miss such a good live performance. After a while, people climbed on the tree branches opposite.

A group of people held up their mobile phones and took pictures of the six people excitedly.

Even Brother Fan couldn't sit still anymore, and ran over to stand in the crowd and listen to "Mythology".

#What a happy person. Listen to concerts for free.

#The store owner wants to pay the bosses advertising fees.

#嘿嘿 Wu Xu and Qi Jia changed the tune, it is "The Song of Burying Flowers".

The two of them couldn't enjoy playing, so they changed to "The Song of Funeral Flowers". The song itself is very bleak, and when it is blown out by Xun who has a sense of historical vicissitudes, Liang Wen's heart is immediately pulled.

Some people with low tears at the scene were directly made to have red eye circles by the sound of Xun.

#啊啊啊My favorite burial flower song. Listening to Xun version for the first time today.

#我最爱的男神Playing my favorite tune with my favorite instrument, I am today's Ouhuang!

#It is recommended to close your eyes and listen. Very touching.

After the two played "The Song of Burying Flowers", everyone applauded. Some people were not satisfied and shouted: "Encore! Encore!"

#Hahaha thought this was a concert? Encore is a ghost.

#Encore! Encore! Come again!

Wu Xu was in high spirits, so he asked Boss Xun to move a stool, and he just sat on the stool and continued playing.

After playing several songs in a row, both the player and the listener enjoyed themselves, and everyone dispersed.

Later, after the trip, everyone found out that this impromptu concert was videotaped and posted on station B, and the number of hits rushed to the top. Wu Xu and Qi Jia were hailed as Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi of the new era. Some even went too far and turned the two into sweet and greasy CPs.

The trip on the third day was fulfilling but exhausting. After visiting the gate of the academy, everyone went back to Baozhai to rest.

Early the next morning, Liang Wen also got up half an hour late, so she could only stretch and do exercises in the yard. The cameraman squatted aside very dedicatedly and started a new day of live broadcast.

#Oh, so happy. Get up early and exercise with me Wen.

#小姐姐那any movement looks terribly beautiful. I'm a matchstick guy and I despise myself.

Boss Yang greeted Liang Wen, "Good morning, Miss Liang."

Liang Wen stopped, wiped her sweat and said, "Good morning, Uncle Yang!"

Boss Yang carried a bird cage and said with a smile, "Didn't I see director Qi Jia go out today? He got up earlier than my birds yesterday."

Liang Wen: "Really? He was probably too tired yesterday."

Sure enough, Liang Wen went upstairs after exercising and saw Qi Jia coming out of the room.

#哦哥嘉嘉姐姐姐姐很很好的脸今天. Thanks to beauty sleep.

#It's just that the face is a bit smelly. Woke up very angry.

#Hahaha It really is Miss Jiajia.

Liang Wen smiled and said, "Director Qi Jia, good morning!"

Qi Jia: "Morning! Do you want to climb a mountain today?"

Liang Wen hummed, "Yes!"

Qi Jia: "My feet hurt!"

Liang Wen was taken aback for a moment, and immediately realized that Qi Jia was exhausted yesterday. She suppressed a smile, "The mountain to climb today is super beautiful, you will forget about the pain in your feet."

Qi Jia snorted, turned around and went back to change a pair of sneakers.

#Hahahaha Is Wen coaxing Jiajia?

#吴嘉director's reaction is too real.

#Yesterday they must have walked no less than 30,000 steps. If I will lie flat and let the ridicule the next day.

Before the heat came up, a group of six people took Master Li's car out of the south gate and drove all the way south.

Speaking of the city of Xi'an, we have to mention the Great Qinling Mountains in the south of the city.

Most people know the Qinling Mountains from the phrase "Qinling Huaihe River Line" in geography textbooks. Indeed, the Qinling Mountains is the dividing line between the north and the south of China, and is a very important biological gene bank. Rare animals such as takins, giant pandas, and crested ibis live here, as well as various rare plants.

If it is roughly divided, noodles are eaten in the north of the Qinling Mountains, and rice is eaten in the south of the Qinling Mountains. For Xi'an people, Qinling is their natural summer resort. As long as you say the word "Jinshan", everyone will know that you are going to Qinling.

From Gansu, through Shaanxi, to Henan, the main peak and the remaining veins of the Qinling Mountains lie across these three provinces.

In different places, the Qinling Mountains are called differently.

For Xi'an people, the mountain range south of their city is called Zhongnan Mountain.

Tao Yuanming has a poem: Gather under the eastern fence, and see Nanshan leisurely. Nanshan in the poem refers to Zhongnanshan.

Taibai Mountain, the main peak of the Qinling Mountains, is 3,767 meters above sea level, just to the west of Zhongnan Mountain and south of Baoji. And the well-known Lishan Mountain, King Zhou You of the Fenghuo opera princes died on this mountain. It is actually a mountain in the Qinling Mountains. High or low peaks form the majestic and mighty mountains of the Qinling Mountains.

At the northern foot of the Qinling Mountains, streams and streams cut out large and small canyons. It is said that there are 72 canyons in Shaanxi, and the locals collectively call them valleys.

The mountain that the six of us are going to climb today is the very famous Taiping Valley at the northern foot of the Qinling Mountains in the south of Xi'an.

The vehicle drove all the way south, passing the TV tower in the southern suburbs, the university town in Chang'an County, and the majestic Qinling Mountains were in front of us.

Liang Wen smiled and said, "Do you remember Tang Zhongzong's empress: Empress Wei?"

Wu Xu: "I know. She wants to be an empress like Wu Zetian, and she will poison her husband to death with her daughter in the end."

Qi Jia: "Prince Zhanghuai and Princess Yongtai are both her daughters."

#Oops yes. There are introductions in the Shanbo Mural Museum.

#Why did you suddenly mention this vicious woman?

Liang Wen hummed, "The place we are now is called Wei Qu. In the Tang Dynasty, many royal relatives, dignitaries and dignitaries occupied land in the southern suburbs of Chang'an to build summer gardens. People surnamed Wei lived and multiplied here, and later this place was called Wei Qu. song."

#WowWenwen is amazing. know so much.

#There is also a place called Duqu near here, which is the place where the surname Du lives. Du Ruhui, the famous prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, was from here.

#The surname Wei and the surname Du are the nobles in Guanzhong. They rose up in the Tang Dynasty and produced many high-ranking officials, queens and concubines.

"Chang'an County is a land of treasures. In addition to the Wei Qu mentioned just now, the poem "Tiducheng Nanzhuang" written by Cui Hu of the Tang Dynasty "I don't know where to go, but the peach blossoms still laugh at the spring breeze", everyone remembers. Nanzhuang It refers to a Zhuangzi in the south of Chang'an at that time. It is also where the story took place."

Tao Peiman clicked his tongue and said: "The ancient capital of Xi'an in the thirteen dynasties is really not nonsense. Any allusion, a poem can lead to a lot of history. Disrespect and disrespect."

While a few people were chatting, the vehicle had already driven into the Huanshan Highway.

In recent years, the government has built a tourist belt around the Qinling Mountains, connecting a series of scenic spots at the northern foot of the Qinling Mountains, such as Cuihua Mountain, Nanwutai, Zhuque Forest Park, Tangyu, and Taipingyu, which is to be climbed today, with the Ring Road. . Visitors can reach it by bus, which is very convenient.

The reason why Liang Wen chose Taiping Valley among many valleys is because at the end of this valley, a beautiful rainbow can be seen from the waterfall on the top of the mountain.

The vehicle turned from Huanshan Road into a ten-meter-wide cement road.

There are a lot of self-driving cars coming and going, and groups of hikers.

An hour ago, people were still heading towards the mountains, but now people are coming towards the mountains.

#Wow! Looking at the lush and lush mountains, I am in a good mood.

#I also want to climb mountains. Just too tired. Forget it, I'll do my mind wandering.

The car window opened, and the refreshing air rushed in, and everyone's faces showed joyful expressions.

This is the real good air. When you take a breath, you will feel excited, as if you are full of youth and strength.

The mountain road winds up along the river, sometimes high and sometimes low, sometimes slow and sometimes urgent.

Liang Wen smiled and said, "The river we are looking at now flows down from Rainbow Falls."

Wu Xu: "The catchment area of ​​this ditch is really not small. The small stream on the mountain eventually turns into a wide river at the foot of the mountain."

Qi Jia has a strong observation ability, "Look, the stones in the river are relatively small at this section, and when they enter the mountains, the stones will be very large."

#right. The power of the river rushes down the big rocks from the mountains, then stumbles all the way, turns into small stones, and finally merges into the sea and turns into fine sand.

#Feel the natural change, although this change is almost invisible to the naked eye.

The car went all the way into the mountain and drove for 20 minutes to the parking lot of the scenic spot.

Several people got out of the car, and they saw the big characters at the entrance of Taipingyu Scenic Area.

Many people know that "Youth Restart" has been in Xi'an for the past few days, but they didn't expect to see it in the mountains today, and they hurried over happily.

Fortunately, the six-person group has long been familiar with this kind of onlookers, waving to the tourists, and doing whatever they want. Not many boring people followed the whole process. After all, when you enter the mountain later, you have to climb the steps.

Liang Wen went to buy tickets, 60 yuan per person, a total of 360 yuan. Master Xiao Li is waiting for everyone below.

At this time, the live camera flew over a line of words again: the travel expenses are 10,000 yuan, and the current balance is 8,440 yuan.

#My God, it will end tomorrow, and it only cost more than a thousand yuan.

#Tomorrow can’t do it alone to buy a Xun.

#Or buy a terracotta warrior and go back.

Several people went inside after checking the tickets.

Climbing up the steps, Liang Wen introduced: "The reason why Taiping Valley is called Taiping is because it used to be the location of the Taiping Palace, the summer residence of the Sui and Tang emperors. It's a pity that there are only literature records, but there is no trace to be found."

Tao Peiman: "It is at least three or four degrees lower than Xi'an City. When we reach the top of the mountain, the temperature will be lower. It is really suitable for summer vacation."

The six of them walked forward while chatting.

Listening to the gurgling sound of the river next to it, the eyes are full of emerald green, and the mood is naturally very refreshing.

Qi Jia: "There is a forest park near Tokyo, Japan, which has a very famous forest bathing trail. People with chronic diseases live in hotels at the foot of the mountain, and go for a walk every day at 8:00 am and 4:00 pm when negative oxygen ions are the most. Circle trails. It can relieve nervous tension, increase the oxygen content of blood in the brain, lower blood pressure and blood lipids, etc.

#Negative oxygen ions are a good thing, especially the negative oxygen ions at the waterside have the most content.

#If there were so many trees in my house, I would be in a good mood every day.

#Many leaves can secrete a special substance, which has certain health care functions.

After hearing Qi Jia's words, Liang Wen nodded and said: "The climbing path we are taking now is going up against the current. It is not difficult for people of our age. But for some older people, I still hope The curb of a section of road should not be so hard, and the **** should be gentler."

Chu Yuan: "It's me. I really want to breathe, but I'm afraid that the audience watching the live broadcast will call me weak."

#Hahahaha Chu father is the strongest, the best and the most powerful.

#Who dares to say you are weak! That means my dad is weak. Son beat him for you!

Qi Jia: "Yes. The pavement of the forest bathing trail will be paved with natural pine needles, which is soft and not prone to collapse. This kind of road is more suitable for the elderly like Mr. Chu."

Chu Yuan laughed, "Jiajia, I'm just joking. I'll be the first to rush to Rainbow Waterfall later. If you don't believe me, just watch."

Qi Jia smiled, "Okay. If you lose, you can blow my rainbow fart under the rainbow waterfall. How about it?"

#HAHAHAHAHA Jiajia is also broken!

#This proposal is too creative. Rainbow Fart and Rainbow Falls compete to see who is the most beautiful.

Chu Yuan had a dark face, "Okay. Then start now?"

Qi Jia: "OK!"

As soon as the words fell, the two raised their feet and rushed forward.

Wu Xu smiled, "Don't worry about them, let's walk slowly."

Chun Yu held the camera, completely immersed in the green mountains and green waters, and had no time to speak.

Liang Wen smiled and said, "Teacher Wu Xu, look at the stone gate in front, how magnificent it is."

#哦哥呀How did this stone grow? No, it should be said why this plank road has to pass under other people's stones.

#The rocks in this mountain are really big.

#This is a stone in the Qinling Mountains, can it not be big?

A few people walked slowly to the stone gate, Liang Wen stretched out her hand to touch it, and felt the icy coolness.

Tall people have to bend over to pass. What a spectacle.

The river sometimes passes under the trestle bridge, and sometimes it is close at hand. Some daring tourists climbed over the trestle bridge and walked to the river to wash their faces and take a sip by the way, really refreshing and refreshing.

The big tree that fell down at an unknown time in front just straddles the stream, making it a natural bridge to send tourists across the river.

As the altitude increases, the temperature gradually decreases. Layers of white clouds are pressing on the mountainside, which immediately has the implication of fairyland.

Turning a few turns, when walking a little out of breath, suddenly on the **** of the narrow and long valley, a large number of bauhinia blossoms are in full swing, like purple clouds accidentally thrown by a fairy, Hanging on the green hills.

The beauty came so suddenly that everyone was stunned.

#Fuck. This is too spectacular.

#红酒绿赛狗话, purple with green beauty skyline.

Tao Peiman exclaimed: "I think it is no less than Arashiyama in Kyoto, Japan. There is too little publicity here."

Looking at the beautiful scenery, Chunyu was speechless and could only capture it with a camera. Just at this time, the sun jumped out of the clouds, and a piece of sunlight shone on the redbud flowers. He excitedly pressed the shutter again and again, and said in his mouth: "It's so beautiful! It's so beautiful!"

Liang Wen couldn't bear to move, so she couldn't help taking out her phone and taking pictures.

At this time, the live broadcast camera slowly lifted up, trying to let the audience enjoy the magnificent sea of ​​bauhinia flowers in Taiping Valley, and suddenly there were two backs not far from the front that could not be missed at all, which attracted everyone's attention.

#Hahahaha The first one I agreed to rush to Rainbow Waterfall, why are both of them lying on the railing and panting?

#Slap in the face was caught off guard!

#On the consequences of trying to be brave!

The author has something to say: The scenic spots, allusions, and history involved in the Xi'an chapter of "Youth Restarting" are basically true. In addition, with a straight face, I beg everyone to click the column to save the next article "I have four bully sisters after passing through the book". Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

12 bottles of Jingxixi; 10 bottles of Qingya Bailu; 1 bottle of Beiyuxianqing;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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