Transmigrating As The Insane Villain: Wait, I'm The World Savior? [BL]

Chapter 1 - Xiao Wei Is Going Insane. "Hey Black, I Might Destroy The World Though?"

"Xiao Wei! Those bad guys have finally found you! How about we run now while we still can? I got a list of new places to hide from the enemies~"

In a large spacious room that is colored in black and white, a young man with a small delicate figure can be seen lying down on a huge king-size bed without a care in the world.

And despite the alarming announcement, the young man remains unresponsive while lying down at the sole furniture inside the large room he was staying at.

Soon, a glowing black orb has suddenly appeared before floating gently around the unmoving young man that is wearing a normal size fluffy light blue pajama.

Although, the fluffy shirt appeared so large against the young man's thin body, while anyone could tell that the pale skin of the young man was all because of some health issues.

Shortly, the sound of numerous footsteps rushing in the young man's location echoed out, causing the blood jewel-like pupils hidden underneath the scattered and messy long crimson red hair of the young man to become deeper and dark.

And after the group of people has completely cut off the young man escape route as they entirely encircle the place he was staying at, a weak groan was his only reaction while lazily scratching his messy long crimson hair.

Even though anyone could easily perceive that the group of people was completely determined to deal with him, however, there wasn't any fear, nor any panic emotion that appeared, only just pure tiredness and sleepiness.

Nonetheless, since the people have already arrived while listening to the nonstop voice of the floating black ord, the sleepy Xiao Wei has finally decided to get up from the large bed.

And as he sat up in a slow manner, his long crimson hair sway and fall over his thin shoulder and back, reaching all the way underneath the bedding, completely showing his long hair that has already past his waist.

"Ah… Black… I estimated that I will soon lose all my reason and sanity… why is the body I am using so problematic? As my system and cheat, shouldn't you be giving me a better vessel?... how about giving me more of those calming medicines? At this rate, I don't mind destroying the world if I continue to be sleep deprived!"

"No way! Xiao Wei, don't be greedy! How about you complete those simple mission points and use them to buy those medicine? Besides, don't complain about your problematic body, from the start, you are already insane! So, transmigrating to the body of the most insane villain in this Novel Like World is completely reasonable! And, can you please stop your usual threat!?"

The floating black orb, which is called the Black System, glowed deeper in color showing how frustrated he felt toward his inactive, lazy, and unmotivated new host, which is his new partner from the new world he has once again arrived.

Even Black nonstop nagging and acting like a mother hen toward a pitiful problematic poor child doesn't work out since his new host is extremely difficult to serve and guide with.

However, Black is already experienced on dealing with this kind of people, which just accept whatever is thrown his way, after all, after meeting those two special and shameless couple, there will never be another difficult people for him to partner with.

Particularly when Black system operation has changed because of that special person called Granter, so having an insane new Host in this world wouldn't be a problem.

"Tsk... such a cheap stake, can you at least show some love to your host?"

"Don't Tsk me, you are just being lazy and shameless again. Xiao Wei, don't try to cheat me, I am already experienced with people like you!"

Xiao Wei can only sigh after hearing the childish youthful voice of Black before remembering about the certain shameless couple that his cheat system has mentioned before.

Well, it wouldn't be surprising if Black has thick face after meeting shameless people with their antics having no bounds.

Somehow, Xiao Wei really wants to meet that shameless couple the more he learns about their brazen and insane antics, he got the feeling that he will absolutely get along with them.

However, when Xiao Wei began to hear the voice from the people outside, the already irritated mood began to raise up on another level.

After arriving in this world, disliking loud noise has been the norm for him, after all, the body he is using just loathe it.

Xiao Wei is greatly affected both physically and mentally with the body he is using, particularly when he can become violent and wild while rarely losing reason because of the problem in mind.

Fortunately, Black voice is more soothing rather than annoying so Xiao Wei never made his system shut up his nonstop nagging and mother hen attitude, at least, he can get a slight relief once in a while.

Because, after arriving in this world for a month, Xiao Wei was unable to sleep peacefully causing his mood in a negative.

Honestly, Xiao Wei didn't even imagine that he will transmigrate to a similar world of one of the numerous novels he has once read, much less use the body with the exact name that he has, which is the insane villain too.

Its the fault of that speeding truck that has caused his death, however, he was really surprised that he didn't die a miserable death though.

Although, Xiao Wei doesn't care about what kind of a person he was transmigrated with, be it a cannon fodder, scum bag, or a martyr.

The only thing Xiao Wei can complain about is the fact that his body has too many problems.

Malnutrition, low blood pressure, thin body, unhealthy pale skin, bad eating habit, a gloomy attitude while the most irritating fact regarding the entire situation is the fact that no one has cause Xiao Wei to become like this.

It was the original Xiao Wei fault.

And don't forget the fact that Xiao Wei is now dealing with a body that has a mental disorder, the physical and mental of the body already has full of problem, why continue to abuse it?

Especially when he has also become an insanely prodigious genius with the original brain, which is the sole reason why the original Xiao Wei in the novel has been known for as the insane villain.

It was both fortunate and unfortunate for Xiao Wei to have a monstrous intellectual mind, and honestly, he didn't feel fantastic one bit about it because he is already a smart person in the previous life.

Particularly when Xiao Wei's mind continues to proceeds in analyzing, examining, studying, and exploring everything around him without being able to stop it.

Xiao Wei's brain is active every single second to the point of maddening, there was no quietness in his mind.

It's completely maddening to the point of insanity since Xiao Wei's mind continues to be hyper and chaotic without being unable to control it at all.

Now, he finally knows the reason why the original Xiao Wei has turned out to be the well known insane villain in the story, to have a mind like this, how could a person remain sane?

However, Xiao Wei suddenly remembers the most annoying thing about his entire situation that has caused his blood to boil in rage and frustration, it was the content of the Novel he is now living with.

A story with a lot of plot hole and mind breaking outline that is missing common information to understand the story, even Xiao Wei has been flipping the table in real life with how frustrating it was.

There was also a time that he wanted to find the author in the previous life and finish him off, that is just how much he felt about the story.

Especially, with all the loopholes in the story that anyone can easily notice while not even receiving a simple and proper explanation about the questionable matter that truly needed an explanation from the Author.

Ah... Xiao Wei's instantly has a headache when the image of the male protagonist flashes his mind, it was another frustrating matter,.

He doesn't have any idea how bored he was before to even continue reading the novel and keep abusing himself until the ending of the story which was another confusing conclusion that makes one cough out of the blood.

"Wei~ Come on, quickly deal with them so we can go to a new place to hide~"

Hearing the childish and spoiled voice of Black has instantly got Xiao Wei's attention and quickly soothing his chaotic mind.

And when the thought of dealing the group of people outside has flash in Xiao Wei's mind, his lip slowly spread into a bright smile, causing an adorable dimple to appear on his delicate cheeks while his exquisite pale face radiates an unknown charm.

The exact time that Xiao Wei has gotten off from the huge king size bed, the large door on his room has suddenly burst opened in a forceful manner, before a group of people holding guns in their hands have swiftly surrounded him with a serious expression and cold in their face.

While the most noticeable point among the group of people was the middle-aged man standing in front with more excellent guards circling him in tight protection.

And in the dangerous situation, Xiao Wei crimson eyes blink while his long eyelashes flutter in a pitiful manner causing most of the people to lower their guard down, after all, what a one-person does among a group of people with the weapon in their hands?

Particularly when every one of them understood that they are only showing their might in order to scare and threaten the thin young man with unusual features standing before them.

And Xiao Wei that was perceiving everything around him has inwardly curl his pale pink lip while never missing the way that the middle-aged man's eyes have a flash with delight, surprise, and greed after seeing him.

Honestly, Xiao Wei wanted to roll his eyes at the blood relative uncle of the original Xiao Wei after seeing his reactions, well it is understandable too since the original has never let his relatives find his location before much less meeting them in person.

And now this Uncle definitely thought that he has finally got lucky and found Xiao Wei location, after all, there are numerous other people with their last name Xiao desiring to capture him.

"Wei! I finally found you! Come on, don't be stubborn and just let Uncle handle what my younger brother and sister in law have left in your hand."

The combined inheritance of the original father and mother is enough to cause Xiao Wei to enter the list of one of the richest people in the entire country and causing the Xiao and Zhang Family that has coldly cut off the original father and mother in their family to regret in utter remorse.

When the original parent is still alive, this Xiao relatives can only behave well fearing that they will be targetted, after all, the original father is extremely rich and influential enough to cause the Xiao Family to bankruptcy.

Of course, the Zhang family that the original mother belong to when they cut her off can also remain quiet, fortunately, unlike the Xiao Family, only a few members of the Zhang Family has tried in the dark since the other members have more moral line than the Xiao.

However, when the original parent has died in a pure accident and leaving their only young son alive has cause those greedy and ambitious Xiao to behave in a demon way.

Big mistakes though, the original Xiao Wei is terrifying smart to be cheated by them although still having naiveness and retaining a moral and bottom line that he didn't deal with the Xiao and Zhang family that has been constantly trying to get all the inheritance that his parent left for him in their will.

And despite the fact that the original Xiao Wei has become the insane villain in the story, there is no denying the fact that he still has emotions and absolutely loves and adore his parent in a wholehearted manner.

"Wei, come sign the documents in my hand and I will leave you all alone. Aren't you tired from hiding and running away after your parent's death?"

"... hm… I am really tired."

Xiao Wei's physical body is now seventeen years old, needing only a few months before turning eighteen years old and becoming a legal adult, which has caused those greedy and ambitious relatives from the original parent to become more stubborn and unreasonable with their actions.

Especially when Xiao Wei casually eyed the strong-looking men pointing their guns in his direction, although the dangerous atmosphere causes his pale pink lip to smile widely while his dimple deepens up.

It was a completely adorable appearance, especially with his eyebrow drooping in a soft and gentle manner, nonetheless, those blood pupils hidden behind those long eyelashes shimmer with unhinged flavor while his entire atmosphere becomes heavy and oppressive.

It was dark, gloomy, and dangerously terrifying, appearing like a beast that has suddenly awakened from its deep slumber causing every single people among the group of people to tense up while the hair in the back of their neck raises up in an alarming manner.


The group of people is all trained elites, and they felt the sudden shift of atmosphere of the thin young man standing before them with a harmless appearance.

Although everyone was in great doubt about the danger level of the thin young man before them, but it doesn't change the fact that the young man is completely surrounded while the weapon in their hands sooth their tense nerve.

Underestimating the young man will be their grave mistake, which they will soon suffer the consequences of their actions.

"Ah, Uncle, I am sorry to say this but for the sake of a better world, I need to get rid of people like you."

Xiao Wei's life are full of misfortune in the previous life, and in order to survive, he ends up having bloodied hands and the number of people who died by his hands was unaccountable.

Particularly, living in the grey and the darker side of humanity has cause him to perform various loathsome and unquestionable matters, so Black words of him being insane is completely genuine.

Xiao Wei has an unhinged mind, although he was completely different to other people who have easily lost themselves in the broken mind because scarily enough he still retains the knowledge and reason of what is common sense among the normal person, so no one truly knows how insane and abnormal he is.

"... Don't worry, since you are my Uncle, I will not torture to death, especially the people you bought to deal with me."

Retaining the adorable smile, Xiao Wei has softly spoken those words in a gentle and childish manner while an impressive amount of pressure has swiftly spread around the entire residence, which was located in an unpopulated private mountain.

Soon, every single person has become paralyzed, and unable to move a single part of their bodies besides their eyes.

And Xiao Wei that remain unaffected has let out a soft humming sound while his unnatural crimson eyes have become deeper, resembling a freshly thicken spilled blood, and at the same time, looking entirely beautiful and eery.

"Sigh... Host, the moment I saw you, I knew that you wouldn't perform in a normal mean, especially when twisting the purpose and meaning of the entire situation for your own convenience, reason, and outlook. Ah... I don't know how the mission will turn out with a Host like you."

Black can only let out a helpless sigh after watching Xiao Wei's actions, particularly about how he treats the people before him.

Well, what can he do but accept it all? Who told Black that the chosen new host was an insane one?

Just as what the Granter Snow always told him before, he needed to be flexible about everything, being able to bend and stretch when the situation called for it.

At least, Granter Snow advice and teaching method have worked out so well.

"Well, in the first place, it is your responsibility for choosing such an insane villain to help save the world."

Xiao Wei has taken a glance at the sighing black orb floating in the air while slightly raising his hand before an unnatural icy mist has suddenly appeared on his entire arm and hand.

Soon, a crystalize icy shards were instantly created from nothing before it started to slightly float upon his raise palm causing the deep crimson pupil to brighten up.

"Besides, after a month, this world is about to experience an Apocalypse, meaning the present law will be broken, and the strong one has the right to set a new law. Oh, wait, did you think that I will act the same as those righteous protagonists in the stories? Black, don't dream and take medicine, that will never happen."

And without so much of a warning, Xiao Wei has started his massacre on the group of paralyzing people, spilling fresh drops of blood that have instantly become frozen at the rising cold atmosphere of the entire place.

The crimson pupils shimmering in a beautiful appearance despite the fact that the entire place has now become bloody, while the short conclusion regarding the ice and snow power that the original Xiao Wei got in his younger years is now showing its effect.

"Hmph, I already know that you won't be a kind Host~"

As the ice and snow appear and disappear in the entire room, the black orb floating in the air sway before gently sitting on Xiao Wei's shoulder.

"The Monstrous Intellectual you have will be able to fix and solve of letting the entire human race capable enough to survive the abnormal and exceptional end of the world that is coming. As long as the Human Race doesn't become extinct in the future, Black will gladly assist you, my host~"

"Well, the deal is done so I'll become the human race so-called savior. Although, for a villain, and an insane at that to become the helper is truly weird and humorous every time I think about it."

Xiao Wei couldn't help but let out an adorable snort before finally targeting his relative filled with a twisted expression within those horror-filled eyes with a certain glint in his crimson eyes.

"For now, cleaning up the bad apple in the Human race is a good start right?"

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