Trinity of Magic

Book 5: Chapter 29: State of the Tribe

Book 5: Chapter 29: State of the Tribe

The door opened, revealing Ash, Vulcanos, and Gravitas. Their step faltered as their eyes landed on the figure waiting for them. The last time they had seen Zeke, he had appeared close to death. Now, he looked to be in peak condition, with a rosy complexion and boundless energy.

Gravitas was the first to react. “Master, are you alright?”

Zeke nodded, a cheeky grin on his face. “I told you I would be fine, didn’t I?”

Gravitas was momentarily at a loss for words. Even though Zeke had said it, wasn't this what everyone said to avoid causing worry? How could she be sure he was actually serious? However, Zeke didn’t give the trio any more time to think about it. “Come in for now. I want to hear what you learned.”

Shortly after, the four were seated around a table with a new fire roaring in the hearth. Zeke noticed that the expressions of the Chimeroi eased up due to the fire’s warmth. Despite their strong bodies, spending a day outside in this climate had still taken its toll on them. It was becoming clear to Zeke that his group would be at a distinct disadvantage in this climate compared to the members of the Icefang or Frostscale Tribe. After all, the two groups were likely fighting over this mountain exactly because of its unnaturally cold atmosphere.

“So,” Zeke said, “what did you learn?”

The Chimeroi exchanged glances, quickly deciding the order of their reports. Ash spoke first, his expression grim. “The situation is quite dire. The Frostscale Tribe has been besieging the mountain for the last six weeks. Usually, that wouldn’t be so concerning, but the lack of reaction from the chief has everyone on edge. There are rumors that he is severely injured and might even die.”

Zeke nodded. That was about what he had expected. Depending on the chief's condition, the situation could change greatly. However, it seemed that at least the Frostscale Tribe was still cautious of him. There was no reason to choose such a passive approach if they didn’t have to fear him.

“How much longer can the tribe hold out?”

Ash grimaced. “Not too long. Unlike human settlements, the Icefang tribe doesn’t rely on agriculture or horticulture. Their sole source of food is hunting and foraging…”

“…which they have been cut off from,” Zeke finished for him.

Ash nodded. “However, it’s not all bad. The reserves they do have will not spoil anytime soon, thanks to the climate and their special methods. I was told that they are able to preserve meat for a very long time.“

Zeke nodded. That was good news indeed, but it wouldn't save them in the long run. No matter how good their preservation method was, their supplies wouldn’t last forever. Zeke knew from experience how much food the Chimeroi needed and the consequences of not eating enough. Unlike humans, who used ambient Mana to cast spells, Chimeroi relied on copious amounts of food for their strength. After a few days of starvation, their bodies would simply shut down.

“How are the defenses holding up?” he asked.

Instead of Ash, it was Vulcanos who answered. “Very well. However, that is solely due to the fact that the Frostscale Tribe hasn’t launched a single serious attack yet.”

Zeke nodded with a stern face. It seemed the Frostscale tribe was content to wait them out. That was bad news. It meant that even though they still feared Snow’s father, they were also confident that he wouldn’t suddenly recover. Either his injuries were that bad, or there was another circumstance that he didn’t know.

“How about escape routes?” he asked.

Vulcanos shook his head. “There is no such thing. This village is the first of three on this mountain and the entry point to the only traversable path up. As long as the fort holds, there won’t be any invasion. However, it also means the village is easy to besiege, being a choke point.”

Zeke sighed. No wonder the people were starting to get desperate. With their backs against the wall and no word from their leader, it was surprising that the panic hadn’t spread further. “How do they plan to deal with the situation?”

The one who answered this question was surprisingly Gravitas. Zeke had tasked her with investigating Snow’s family, but she seemed to have uncovered more than he expected. “They don’t have a single plan, but three.”

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Zeke raised a brow, urging her to go on.

“Well, it might be a stretch to call them plans,” she amended. “But there are three factions advocating for different strategies. First, there is the faction of elders. They are advocating for a wait-and-see approach, hoping that the chief will recover. Elder Fang leads that faction.

“The second faction is led by Snow’s brother, Frost. His plan is to throw everything they have at the enemy, seeking victory in battle.

“And the last faction is led by the last of Snow’s siblings, her sister Polaris. She is advocating for a diplomatic solution. Even if they have to give up the mountain, she is determined to save the tribe.“

Zeke nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. Faith, strength, or diplomacy, huh? None of these sounded unreasonable at first glance. However, depending on the exact situation, that might change. For example, if the enemy held an overwhelming advantage, a frontal attack might be suicide. Similarly, if the chief's injuries were too severe, waiting would only weaken the tribe further. As for diplomacy… that might be the riskiest option.

If the Frostscale Tribe only wanted the mountain, surrender might be an option. However, would they really stop there? It was uncertain if they would keep their word once the Icefang Tribe was weakened.

Zeke fell silent, considering these choices. Right now, he couldn’t be sure which of the options would be best. He simply lacked the necessary information.

“How strong are these factions comparatively?” he asked.

Gravitas answered. “Elder Fang’s faction used to hold an overwhelming majority. However, with every day that passes, they are losing support. At this rate, it won’t be long until they are unable to compete.”

Zeke had expected that. While the chief was present, there was no need for factions, but now that he had been out of the picture for a while, the people were getting antsy, searching for a new voice. “How about the siblings then?”

“Frost has the support of the soldiers. He has taken on the role of commander of the first village, giving him significant influence here. However, the most noteworthy members of the tribe, including the strongest warriors and the elders, reside higher up. There, Polaris has more sway. She has profited most from the elders’ weakening position, and it is said that she is quite the schemer. All in all, their factions are about evenly matched.”

Zeke frowned. It was quite unlikely that the current situation would continue for much longer. Once the elders’ influence waned enough, they wouldn’t be able to hold the siblings in check. From then on, it would be a fight of the extremes: War or diplomacy. However, his gut was telling him that none of these options were quite right.

After a moment of silence, he let out a sigh. “I see. You all did very well to uncover this much in such a short amount of time.”

Vulcanos smirked. “It was nothing, Master. I even had to wait for those two.”

Gravitas glanced at him sideways. “Fool. That’s just because your assignment was the easiest.”

Vulcanos smile widened. “I just made it look easy. Just like the Blood Boil technique, remember? When I did it, it looked simple, but you struggled for soooo long.”

Gravitas’s eyes narrowed. Her slow progress in learning the technique was a sore spot for her, damaging her pride. However, before she could retort, Ash cut their bickering short. “What do you think, Master? Which faction should we support?”

This question immediately garnered the attention of the other two. Despite spending all day investigating the situation, they couldn’t tell what the right course of action was. However, if it were Zeke…

His contemplative expression changed into a grin as he looked at the three. “Isn’t it obvious?” he asked in a cheeky voice. “There is only one choice for us.” The Chimeroi waited with bated breath; after all, his next words might decide their fate. “The faction we are going to support is that of… Snow!”

Silence followed his declaration. His words had been that surprising. Snow didn’t have a faction and many even blamed her for the current situation. Moreover, she was too young to hold any real power in the tribe. Her only support was her father, and the chief had not been heard from since his injury.

“Snow’s faction…” Ash repeated uncertainly. “Master, there is no such thing, and even if there were, it would be the weakest of them all.”

Zeke was unfazed by his words. “I am well aware of that.”


“We will create the faction ourselves,” he replied confidently.

The three Chimeroi exchanged uncertain glances. Vulcanos spoke next. “How are we going to gather support?”

Zeke’s expression remained unchanged, an easy grin on his face. “How else? We are going to offer the most benefits!”

“What are you talking about?”

Zeke swept his gaze over the three, a twinkle in his eyes. Then he spoke a single word. “Food.”

“Food?” Gravitas repeated. “Master, we don’t have much ourselves, let alone enough to feed the whole tribe.”

Zeke grinned at her. “Would I suggest it if I didn’t have a way?”

Gravitas’ eyes widened. “You have a way?”

Zeke nodded, his expression turning serious for the first time. “Before I led you here, I was well aware of the possibility of the Icefang Tribe losing the war. Therefore, I came up with a contingency plan…”

“To do what?”

“To escape,” Zeke replied.

“Does that mean what I think it does?” Ash asked with wide eyes.

“Indeed,” Zeke said, his grin returning. “This siege might work on others, but to us, their tactic means nothing. If anything, the current situation benefits us.”

“How so?”

“If we control the food supply, the concept of factions will become irrelevant. After all, who would bite the hand that feeds them?”

His grin took on a slightly sinister edge as he spoke those last words.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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