Trying to Save my Favorite Character from His Tragic Fate

Chapter 104: His shameless way of remembering

Chapter 104: His shameless way of remembering

Kyrie slightly curves his body to follow Ian with his eyes as Ian walks to get his sleepwear. He clicks his tongue when he couldn't see more since the room is too dim. 

He turns his body around to watch the outside, at first to blame the moon for not providing him enough light to continue watching the glory. Yet, when he looks at the silver jewel in the sky and the sky covered in its silver coat, the moon seems to shine brighter than any other night he remembers. 

[Why was the prince looking at the moon?]

The bed bounces as Ian tucks himself in. Kyrie's eyes shake as he senses the warmth of another body transfer to his back. Although he told Ian to join him, he is still nervous, despite how he says it out of impulse, naturally without a second thought. 

[AAAHHHHHH! What was I thinking?!?!!?! Did I just invite a STRANGER to my bed? Am I that easy? Is that it?]

While Kyrie attempts to solve his internal crisis, Ian watches Kyrie's back as he lays his head on top of his arm. 

'Am I moving too fast?'

Ian can see how tense Kyrie is despite pretending that he is asleep.

'How can he invite me in just like that?'

The more Ian thinks about it, the angrier he gets that Kyrie invited him to his bed. He remembers back how Kyrie's eyes will twinkle when he sees something pleasing to the eyes. Ian pouts at the thought that the man he loves might be very shallow.

Kyrie shudders as he senses a piercing glare for just a couple of seconds. 

[Why is the prince staring at me so intensely?]

Suddenly, Kyrie remembers his words said to Ian. He shuts his eyes from the embarrassment as if closing his eyes will help him deny all existence of his shameless nature. 

[I mean The prince has not taken a move on me, so it's okay right?]


[Why do I suddenly feel a sting on my pride?]


[What am I thinking again?!?!?!?!]

Kyrie feels the sheets move, and his back senses the source of warmth closing in. His heart is beating so fast that he feels like he is choking. Although nothing should have happened, Kyrie couldn't control his thoughts or his heart. He tries to close his eyes, but his heart is too loud, interrupting his sleep attempts.

[Kyrie! Get a hold of yourself, please! Get yourself together!!! I know handsome men are your downfall, but don't just crash!]

Kyrie turns back once he hears Ian's breath deepen. His eyes widen when he notices how close Ian is to him. He moves away, but his body touches a colder spot in the bed. So, he moves back while swallowing nervously.

Under the dim light that the moon provided, Kyrie trails over Ian's face with his eyes as if he is trying to burn that image to his mind again. He inevitably wishes to reach out to make sure that his fingers also remember the person in front.

[Why do I have so many weird thoughts?]

His cheeks flush. His eyes wander as he tries to tame his wild thoughts from spawning out of control again. Like meeting a magnet of the opposite pole from his own, his body wishes to draw towards this man close enough to feel his breath, maybe close enough also to hear his heartbeats too.

[Does this person mean that way to me?]

Although he is asking those questions to himself, for some reason, he also knows the answer by instinct. Even if he has no recollection in his mind, it's as if his body remembers. His body remembers Ian's temperature and touch, maybe even his heartbeat and rhythm of his breath.

He presses his lips and gives in to temptation, and slowly draws closer, careful enough that Ian would not wake up. Kyrie is a bit surprised at how defenseless Ian is while sleeping.

The direct warmth radiating from Ian slowly melts Kyrie into the bed. Although his heart is drumming on his ears, his nerves are calming down. His eyelids feel heavier, so Kyrie lets them close while hearing the deep breaths that gently brush on his ears. 

[If I will regain my memories, which one will I remember first?]


Ian turns his head around to see a very dark and humid place. Standing on a place flooded with a thick crimson fluid to his ankle, he circles to examine his surroundings. 

'Where am I?'

He quickly looks down as the liquid beneath him starts to bubble. Suddenly, a human figure shoots up. He leans back, taking some steps away to avoid the sudden appearing figure from catching him. Still, the hand, shaped as a claw, grabs his ankle so tightly he feels the pressure to his bone.

"Ian" The figure lifts itself from the fluid and tilts its head back as if its neck has no bones.

When Ian gets a closer look as the fluid drips off, he sees that the person's body has already been decaying. 

"Why did you kill me, Ian?" Ian looks at the surfacing face and backsteps. 

Then, more and more bodies start to surface and crawl towards Ian in all fours. All are screaming at him for the lives he has taken. 

Surrounded by these bodies, Ian couldn't escape from them, reaching him and crawling up. 

One woman, whose face Ian remembers no matter how many times he wants to forget, appears in front of him, face to face. 

"You killed me Ian You killed me!!! You are cursed! Your curse will forever kill everyone who loves you!!"

Ian's eyes shake as he looks at the woman's face decompose and fall apart.

Opening his eyes as he flinches, Ian sits up from the bed and feels the cold air of the night chill his damp back. Placing his hand on his forehead, he shuts his eyes tightly. He lets out shallow breaths as he tries to calm down.

The covers abruptly move, so he turns to look at his side. Kyrie's hand begins searching and scooching towards him for warmth. His breath settles when he looks at Kyrie's little frown. He lays down again and observes Kyrie search for him in his sleep. 

When Kyrie's hand touches Ian's body, Kyrie draws himself towards him, attempting to cuddle. Ian lifts his arm to ensure that Kyrie reaches his destination and giggles. He watches Kyrie trying to flip him to the side and complies with Kyrie's clumsy advancements in his sleep. 

'So shameless It is so him remembering me this way'

Kyrie stops scooching when he finally finds a comfortable spot in Ian's arms. Amused and touched, Ian spreads a smile widely that he just couldn't fade off no matter how many times he tries. The corner of his lips finds its way to lift into a smile. The nightmare fades away from his mind as he focuses all his thoughts on the shameless man who has forgotten about him.

Ian brushes Kyrie's messy bangs and silently surveys Kyrie's facial features as he remembers their days together. Nothing in his other loops can compare to this one where his days are filled with light after this person's appearance. 

"I am not angry at you," Ian remembers the bitterness expressed in Kyrie's face when Kyrie told him that he would remember some things. Kyrie has been talking about his awakening that triggers a contract that he made to regain the previous loops' memories.

Out of the blue, Ian shudders in surprise.

Ian lets out a low groan as he grabs Kyrie's leg that is sliding up and rubbing him wrongly.

"Kyrie" Ian whispers, trying to stop Kyrie's advancements, "S-stop"

Ian gets Kyrie's leg off, covering his mouth to stop the voices from letting out. His breath trembles as he exhales. 

How can he forget the shamelessness? 

His eyes burn with a flame that just got sparked on. His heart drums in his ears. As he watches Kyrie, his eyes trace his long silver eyelashes, soft bridged nose, and cherry lips. 

Ian has always been aware that Kyrie has charms far greater than anyone he has ever seen. He wishes to touch Kyrie's pearl, gentle skin in ways he knows might blemish if done too hard, and the thought of marking Kyrie's untouched skin wildly runs in his mind.

His blush reaches to his ears as he tries to hold back. Ian narrows his eyes as Kyrie's hand slides from his ribs up his chest. Maybe losing memories is just excuses to torture him like this since he is getting felt up all over while holding his own wishes.

Unable to get Kyrie off, Ian pulls himself up on top of the unconscious mischievous man. While on top, Ian watches Kyrie, still unaware of his doing, sleeping like a log. Ian scoffs miserably as he lets his head rest next to Kyrie, listening to Kyrie's deep breaths, feeling the slow movements of his chest. 

'I am not letting you off so easily once your memories return!'

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