Trying to Save my Favorite Character from His Tragic Fate

Chapter 113: You are someone I know?

Chapter 113: You are someone I know?

Taking a chair, Marquis Rowan swings it toward the window, breaking through the wooden frames in one go. 

"Let's go!"

The marquis takes Kyrie's hand to pull him up to the window's frame. Looking down, they see the corridors around the garden only lit by the lanterns hanging on the walls. Nothing lit the garden, so the center is just like a pond of darkness. 

In the middle of the air, a swirl of wind starts to expand as the marquis chants. They jump towards it, letting it carry them to the corridors below. However, not long before they take two steps, the demon puppets have already caught them on sight. 

They try to lose them while changing corridors from time to time; however, each time, the demon puppets seem to be able to find them. 

"We might be inside a mana field, so that is why it is easy to track us," the marquis concludes as he continues to run through the halls, changing direction to buy time.

"Yeah," Kyrie stops while pulling the marquis from turning to another corridor. 

The sound of rushed steps passes through them from somewhere not far. 

"Dad, if I am not wrong, from this corridor, if you continue to go straight and turn to your left, you will be able to find the kitchen. Get out from the kitchen and meet with Laurel. She is with a carriage right now."

Kyrie leans forward to look side by side to see if there are any demon puppets.

"What about you, son?" The marquis frowns at the idea.

"I will have to get those puppets' attention so that they will head towards my direction, giving you time to go out."

"That is way too dangerous! From what I have seen, there are at least 50 of them. What is the second prince thinking?!?!"

[Second prince owns this place?]

"Trust me. At least if I don't come out, you can bring reinforcements here. Let's not waste time and take the opportunity that the demon puppets have moved somewhere else!"

The marquis forcefully accepts Kyrie's suggestion. However, the marquis has a bad feeling about all this. He would have never expected the second prince to betray the kingdom! 

"Kyrie, you have to come out safe. Your father will never forgive himself if something happens to you," the marquis squeezes Kyrie's shoulder before turning to run towards the kitchen. 

Watching his father's figure disappearing after turning left, Kyrie remains standing in the same spot. Only this time, he is not hiding. He stands in the middle of the corridor to attract the demon puppets. Like how he expected, once the demon puppets see him, they all rush towards Kyrie. 

When a sizable number appears, Kyrie starts to run again. The number of demon puppets running through the halls sounds like the drums before a war. 

Nonetheless, unlike how he has predicted, his heel snaps, and Kyrie falls. 

[Goddamn it!]

Kyrie quickly takes off his high heels and throws them at the demon puppets rushing towards him. One heel successfully knocks a demon puppet out!

[That is a good weapon Let's not think of useless things!]

Kyrie starts to run barefoot. The sound of his feet hitting the floor makes it sound like zaps of electricity. 

[If I turn here, I will find the main hall.]

He abruptly stops when another group of demon puppets appears in front of him. He looks back and sees that the group chasing him has not separated from the plan of surrounding him, or else he could have changed his plan to move towards the main hall.

Suddenly, a shadow attacks him. Kyrie manages only to avoid it by a hair. He hears the sound of heels calmly walking toward him, and he watches from the crowd of demon puppets that split to give space for Cynthia to walk to the front.

"Who is this wretch that has the guts to enter and exit this place as she pleases?"

Cynthia stops after she stomps the floor, sending mana into her shadows, animating them. Her shadow lifts from the ground and forms into an ambiguous humanoid form. 

"You think you can walk in and out alive?"

Cynthia clicks her tongue as she shakes her head. 

"You have seen too much now! I can't let you out just like that!" 

She runs her eyes through Kyrie from head to toe, and her lower lip trembles as she takes a breath in. She does not like what she sees, especially when Kyrie has caught Sil's attention. She might as well destroy his appearance before skinning him alive. Who knows? She might make a good present for Sil. After all, Sil only told her not to touch that damn brat.

Kyrie draws his sword and glances behind at the demon puppets running closer and closer to him. 

"A noble lady should not wield a sword! You might as well just give up!" Cynthia giggles.

Kyrie lets out a laugh, "Who says I am a lady!"

Cynthia widens her eyes when she hears a deeper voice. Then, Kyrie throws towards her a ball that explodes mid-air, giving off a blinding light! Cynthia and all of the demon puppets close to it become temporarily blind.

"You!" Cynthia tumbles as she tries to make sense of her sudden blindness.

Kyrie takes off his sunglasses and smiles at one of his first creations since coming to this world. He turns around and runs towards the demon puppets scattered in the corridor since that direction gives him a better chance to live. Kyrie groans as he gnashes his teeth while going through the demon puppets, hitting them just enough to make way for him to escape.

[I think I will go through the kitchen as well.]

Once he turns towards another corridor, he slams against another group of demon puppets. His sword gets knocked out of his hand when he falls. He slides back fast to get back his sword, but a demon puppet grabs onto his ankle. The puppet, like all its companions, has its face covered in a dark brown wooden mask. Its body is covered in black clothing and a cape, masking its gender. From a glance, they seem to be clones of each other if the height is not taken into consideration. 

Kyrie kicks the demon puppet, but his stamina has been in a constant drop because he cannot use mana. Although he has been able to knock out one, there are too many of them to take care of.

[Don't think too much, and just do!]

Kyrie grabs the sword from the floor and continues to advance while knocking down the puppets. However, facing so many opponents simultaneously without a single drop of mana has resulted in an impossible challenge to Kyrie. 

He grinds his teeth as he receives the attacks, unceasingly fighting to walk past the overwhelming wave of opponents. Kyrie's air gets knocked out when a demon puppet sneaks an uppercut towards his upper abdomen. He falls to his knees as he coughs. The hit has taken all his energy away in that one hard blow so that he couldn't react towards the sword swung at him. Kyrie clenches his teeth and squeezes his muscles to receive the blow. 

A hand suddenly appears out of nowhere in front of Kyrie's eyes, catching the attack and throwing the opponent off. Then, Kyrie is lifted to his feet as his savior puts Kyrie's arm around his shoulder.

"Hold on!" They walk through the group of demon puppets as the savior knocks all that are in their way with one hand swinging a sword.

When Cynthia starts to recover her sight as she runs after Kyrie, she sees the two figures running away with her blurry vision.

"What are you waiting for? Chase after them!" Cynthia screams at the demon puppets.

While running, Kyrie turns to watch the man who has saved him. His features are close to the Asian features he is used to when he was on Earth.

[Why is he saving me? And who is this person?]

A lot of questions start to build on his mind. When they are out of the building, to the main streets, the man finally releases Kyrie.

"What are you thinking fighting those things without mana!" Sil screams at Kyrie.

[How does he know that I can't use mana?]

"Am I supposed to stay put, letting those things run over me?" Kyrie scoffs at the absurd remark.

"You should have stayed home and let your soul recuperate!"

Kyrie gets alarmed, and he narrows his eyes while starting to take precautions.

"How do you know all these?" Kyrie gripes tighter onto the hilt.

Sil pauses for a second and observes Kyrie's confused expression. He walks closer to Kyrie. 

"How could I not know?" 

"What do you mean?" Kyrie steps back and raises his sword.

Sil starts to chuckle, but his laugh has no joy. Instead, it sounds painful. 

"I somehow knew that our connection has always been Ian, since he is almost everything you talk about back then," Sil inevitably lets out another chuckle, "I never knew that your memories of me are all connected to that man."

Kyrie lifts an eyebrow, "You are someone I know?"

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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