Trying to Save my Favorite Character from His Tragic Fate

Chapter 173: [18+] Unfortunately for you, I am really one.

Chapter 173: [18+] Unfortunately for you, I am really one.

**** Warning: Mature content **** 

"I hope you know what you are asking for," Federline's face darkens, but his pupils shine like a wild beast watching him in the dark. 

Lemuel shivers, and his chest throbs. With a mind of their own, his hands grab on Federline's shoulders. Federline quickly takes a glance on the right, where Lemuel's hand is touching his naked skin. Lemuel's touch shows no hesitation in his wants, but only his pride is holding him back from those words of desire.

"If you remain quiet, I don't know what you want," Federline watches Lemuel stiffens his frown. 

Frustration steams out of Lemuel's body, and Lemuel knows that Federline understands what he wants. Yet, the man still asks for words that Lemuel is too embarrassed to say. After all, he is a prince. He is a prince of two nations, yet a lowly mountain thief asks for his confirmation to proceed with his sexual frustrations. 

Lemuel reaches toward Federline's cheek and firmly levels Federline's head to stare straight at him. Federline widens his eyes when watching Lemuel easing his tight frown, leaving those eyes with an authoritative stare. Although Lemuel has lived as a coward, he is still from the royal family. The essence of the charisma that comes from power and status is drilled into his bones from birth. It is as natural as branches of trees growing toward the sunlight.

"Feder-" Lemuel takes the diminutive courage he has in himself to affirm, but he is interrupted before a complete word has come out.

Federline takes his lips away, and now without any more teasing using words, those hands become the next bully. Federline takes down all sense of etiquette for personal space, and the body that has remained untouched is getting explored by rough hands. Lemuel's face blushes at the sudden intimate touches, but he knows he does not find any of those felonies unpleasant. Rather, he is surprised at himself to wish for Federline to revisit places he found of pleasure.

Lemuel shivers as Federline dives his hands under his shirt. He cannot see where those sinful hands are moving towards, but his body knows where they have gone. The clothing that remains in his body drives his imagination to overdrive. 

'Where is he touching next? What is he going to do to me?'

Those thoughts can't seem to fade away, but rather over time, he is more excited when Federline's lips are also doing their exploration. He always thinks that shame feels bad, but not when Federline deals with him. 

'Is this why people love to sin?'

He watches Federline kiss his nipple. The tongue circles around the rim.

"Aahhh!!!" Lemuel jolts when Federline bites on his perk. 

Federline looks up as Lemuel starts to pant. Lemuel sees a man who is getting driven to a cliff. Their eyes are still on each other as Federline licks. The white shirt he has on is now transparent, showing him the red peak over the fabric. 

Federline lowers Lemuel down, and his hand enters the pants. Lemuel blushes and closes his eyes. As he feels his length being touched, Lemuel pants while hugging Federline closer around the neck. 

"I can't hold it any longer," Federline groans as his heart races over the tickling breath of Lemuel's pants on his neck. "I want to fuck you."

Lemuel opens his eyes in shock, and he finally notices the temperatures in Federline's body sizzling against his. 

He reaches with his hand on Federline's nape and says shyly, "Then Do me."

With those words, Federline bites on Lemuel's neck as his hand reaches the back. His finger enters the hole, and the wet feeling stuns Federline a bit. 

'It does not matter,' Federline thrusts his fingers, 'As long as he is Lemuel.'

Federline loosens their embrace so that he can see Lemuel. He places his forehead on Lemuel's and listens to Lemuel's escaping moans. 

"Federline," Lemuel calls with his quivering voice.

"Hmm?" Federline looks at Lemuel while leaning back.

Federline feels Lemuel's gentle caress on his cheek. With just looking at those eyes, Federline knows what Lemuel wants. 

'How odd that I can decipher what he is thinking.'

Seeing Federline freeze, Lemuel rubs Federline's hard shaft by shaking his hips. Federline narrows his eyes as his eyelids quiver as he senses his leveling arousal. 

"I will make you regret doing that," Federline smiles cynically.

Lemuel is unsure what that meant until he feels his stomach getting full as his insides wrap around Federline's length. He feels the twitching shaft growing, expanding inside him even before taking Federline in completely. His body is shaking as he is getting split. His eyes water as he feels the pins and needles when Federline manages to hit against his pelvis wall. His back arches, and a whimper escapes. The mixture of pain and pleasure turns into an explosion of fireworks rushing into his bloodstream.

When the feeling starts to dissipate, Federline starts to move. Slowly, Lemuel feels something getting accumulated in his stomach every time Federline's length plunges into his body. His insides throb and twitch. He has discovered new sensations in his body that he does not know how to describe them. 

His rushing thoughts evaporate as the overwhelming sensations ripple through his body. Although he knows that Federline is carrying him against the tree, he feels like his body is floating away. The sight of Federline getting drowned by the intensity of their clashing bodies makes Lemuel unable to take his stare away. He watches Federline's firm body and facial expressions like they belong to be seen only by his eyes. 

Federline looks up to meet Lemuel's eyes when he senses the gaze. A smirk that normally annoys Lemuel appears on Federline's face. Federline kisses his eyelid then his lips. 

In the midst of the exchange of breaths and kisses, Federline increases the pace of his thrust. Each one digs deeper than the previous, scrambling his insides like mixing cards on a table. The intensity has bred an insatiable urge, and that urge makes Lemuel speak words that he knows he would regret after. Yet, at that moment, he only wishes to ease that unbearable itch.

Federline thrusts roughly in, sending fire into his stomach, and stays inside while hugging their damp bodies together. Federline lowers Lemuel down, and in a daze, Lemuel looks confused. 

However, that confusion soon disperses when he hears footsteps and conversations from people who walk by. He pales, completely mortified with the thought of being seen. Federline kisses Lemuel as Lemuel tries to balance his shaking legs on the ground. Lemuel tries to push Federline away but finds out that his body does not possess a single drop of energy left. Federline leans back as he narrows his eyes. Lemuel can sense Federline shaking. 

He whispers to Lemuel's ear, "Relax You are holding me too tight."

Federline pulls his shaft out slowly, making Lemuel shiver. He accidentally lets some moans out between his teeth. 

A man from the group walking by stops and looks toward where Lemuel and Federline are hiding.

"Did you hear something?"

The group stops and tries to listen. 

"No The animals live deeper in the forest, so there are no animals here. You must be imagining."

"But sometimes, some animals do come near the city."

"Tsk. It's really rare" One of his friends replies with some irritation in his voice, "If we don't get going, we will not be back before the sunset. Let's go!"

The man is not convinced, so he looks through the installed optic in his rifle toward where he thinks he has heard a noise.

Lemuel's heart is on his throat, and he looks at Federline, who is peeking at the group that is still near the area. Noticing that Lemuel is staring a hole into his head, Federline turns back to look at Lemuel, who is shivering in his arm. He smirks playfully, making Lemuel feel a chill down his spine. He lifts Lemuel's shirt and lets Lemuel bite it. Then, he runs his hand down Lemuel's body. Lemuel's eyelashes quiver as Federline plays with his perks. 

Between his teeth, Lemuel complains, "Stop Federline!"

His body is shivering with the surge of adrenaline in his body. 

'Oh, goddess' Lemuel wishes to run away, but all he can see in Federline is exactly the opposite.

His complaints have only fueled more intensely the wildfire of mischief. Federline takes Lemuel's protesting mouth and dives in with his tongue to shush those whines. He makes it much harder for Lemuel to keep his silence. Federline reaches back to play with his entrance with one hand while the other teases his sensitive chest. Lemuel hugs Federline and places his mouth above the other's collarbone. To no avail, he is still letting out moans. Frustrated and embarrassed, Lemuel bites on Federline's shoulder. Federline jolts from the pain and almost lets out a cry of his own. He groans, holding his breath, and then runs his teeth over his lower lip. 

"You are so bad, Lemuel."

Federline turns Lemuel, letting Lemuel put his hands on the tree, and enters back into the swollen hole in a single thrust. Lemuel lets out a drowned-out cry, resisting his moans from wildly leaking from his mouth. 

The sound of footsteps and the shivering of bushes are coming closer. Federline groans as he thrusts in a tightening hole. Lemuel's tears are flowing down from his jawline as he looks back at Federline.

Federline wraps an arm around Lemuel's chest, attaching his torso to Lemuel's back. He rams into Lemuel while pressing his lower abdomen with his other hand. 

"Focus on me." Federline whispers. Lemuel suddenly senses Federline's overbearing presence behind, making his skin tickle in chills and excitement. Lemuel gasps and holds on the wrist of the hand pressing against his belly. 

"S-Slow! .! Slow d-d-down....!!!!" Lemuel cries, but the intensity is making his mind blank. 

"I can't."

Federline takes Lemuel's hand and places it on the spot that he was pressing. Lemuel tightens while sensing on his hand the movement of Federline's shaft thrusting deep. His tears pour out as shockwaves assault through every inch of his skin. His moans turn to cries and whimpers as he twitches and cums. 

"Federline!!!! F-feder- Federline!" 

The thrusts are turning wilder and wilder. All of a sudden, one last thrust sends Lemuel's vision white as he presses against the tree trunk. His body feels heat streaming inside. 

The curious man close to their hiding place has remained frozen when a sudden overwhelming pressure falls on top of his body. His body has not been able to move a muscle, and all the sounds of his surroundings suddenly turn quiet. After long minutes have passed without being able to move, he senses the pressure lift off. He is drenched in a cold sweat. He looks towards the tree and senses a pair of eyes watching him through the tree's trunk. His heart squeezes from the fear, and he runs away with his tail tucked firmly between his legs.

'That was close,' Federline lets out a breath of relief. 

Zapped dry of all energy, Lemuel loses footing and falls from behind. Federline catches his tired body.

Federline takes it out and sits down, placing Lemuel to face him. Lemuel falls on Federline's body, resting his head on the shoulder. His body is still visibly shaking. He can hear the fast beats of Federline's heart. He looks up to Federline and senses Federline's arms tightening around his body. 

Federline checks on Lemuel, and he places a kiss on Lemuel's forehead. They both remain quiet because they don't know what to say to each other. What they have done is completely wild and out of character. 

Lemuel abruptly remembers about the group of people. He presses on Federline's body to back up and checks his surroundings. 

'Did they hear us?' Lemuel blushes while being mortified by the thought.

"Are you now embarrassed?" asks Federline while slightly chuckling.

Lemuel has his tongue caught. People would normally feel embarrassed, but that question feels unfit for Lemuel to speak common sense. The memories of his words and moans are turning Lemuel red to the tip of his ears. Seeing Lemuel constipated with words, Federline hugs around Lemuel's waist, making Lemuel slide back closer to Federline. 

"I believe when I was here, you didn't sound that embarrassed."

Federline's finger slides into the hole.

As Lemuel looks at Federline with slight resentment and embarrassment, he feels something warm drip out from his behind. He feels the fluid run on his inner thighs, and shame makes his eyes water.

He hits Federline's chest while he yells, "Beast! Lowlife!"

Federline chuckles as he thrust his fingers deeper. Lemuel inhales a shaking breath.

"Your majesty" Federline's eyes glow once again like a hungry beast, "Unfortunately for you, I am really one."

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