Twin Reincarnation: Epics Of The Worldline

Chapter 188 188 First summons

Chapter 188 188 First summons

[El's POV: ]

"A pure angel's feather, powder of a demon's dominant horn, we have the poison dragon's saliva from that time so it's alright, a little bit of fairydust, some elemental stones, gimme one of all the elements you have in stock, and, lastly, fill this empty energy orb with some of that star fragment's powers. Just a little will be more than enough."

<Nyaaaaaaaaaaa…! You are being crazy El! That creature will die even before it finishes the bonding process with you!>

"That's none of your concern, you lucky bastard. Just do as I say."

<Nyaaaaaaa! Don't say I didn't warn you! This is absurd! I am being robbed on top of being beaten to a pulp like this!>

"Speak a word more if you want more beating or just do as I said and give me the items."


He lifted his star fragment without touching it, not with telepathy but with just his will. He was its master now so his will was what it followed. Anyway, he touched the small glass orb to the uneven piece of star and in just a blink of an eye, the orb started glowing with a bright blue light.

After that, he took out all the items I mentioned from his warehouse like storage space and after hitting… patting his little head one more time, I walked into the middle of the room where Anna had finished creating a magic circle so complex and gorgeous that I couldn't help my surprise!

"What methods did you use, Anna? This looks like a multi-layer anti-interference Theta-3-delta Singuler data concentration high-array with a unique support system and highway Bus. This is… amazing, actually."

[[ Hahaha, it's amazing that one understands one's work in such detail. One is amazed at one's knowledge and insight into the magic circles, truly amazing!

Oh, right. I used one of my own creation methods that I currently could and though this one could have been better, I don't think this planet has the clearance to sustain something better than this. ]]

"Hehe, you are amazing Anna~! Teach me your methods later. For now…"

[[ Yes~! Show us the special intelligent slime~! ]]

Anna was the only best person here. All these other bastards were useless. My little bastard Cary was the most useless one of them all.

'[Prism space].'


I took out the pretty blue slime with the red core that I had summoned during the exam in the center of the giant magic circle that Anna had created.

[ "Yo. Good to see you back again." ]

The slime creature did not have the ability to speak but just the way it behaved was enough for my link skill's interpersonal communication ability to understand him.

And, perhaps it was because of the upgrade in my title, but, I felt like I could perceive its words even better now.


It was wiggling in a unique way as if it was happy to see me, and, since the creatures, and things, inside the space of my skill perceive time differently, not long had passed for it since it had last seen me.

It was saying it was also happy to see me and that he was fine. It was happy overall, and, now that we had this chance, it knew it was time for it to truly become mine.

[ "Are you ready? It might hurt a little but if you endure it a little, you will become much more stronger than you are right now. Perhaps, strong enough to fight against those big bad things that used to come after you in that dangerous forest." ]

"Weeeeeeeee! Weeeeeeeee!"

It wasn't worried about the pain and difficulties at all, instead, it was more excited than I had ever seen it at the mention of a chance to get strong enough to fight against the creatures that it had only been able to run away from in the past.

[ "It will be difficult but, just remember that I am here.

I promised I would be your mommy forever, and I will keep that promise until my end if you get out of this little difficult process." ]


It was confident, hehe, cute.

[ "Alright then." ]

"Anna. Gimme a hand here."

[[ Yesssss~! ]]

She was just as excited about this as I was, she really is the best... fuck!

Fucking lucky Lucy bastard! He should bow down to the luck he has to get such an amazing partner!

'Then there's my bastard dragon, a dragon that is in pain after just losing three of its scales! Ughhhh…!'

Why was I surrounded by such useless bastards?!

'My Nes, Anna, and Eva are far better than this crying kitten, sad bastard, and dumb dragon!'

Thankfully I have Anna here or I don't even know what would have happened to me… or the three of these bastards.


[[ Alright! One is prepared here! ]]

She placed the materials I gave her on certain points of interactions from where they would be used in the process and the slime will have a better chance at fusing with them during the summons bonding process.

'In the process of bonding with a summon, a unique link is formed between two souls, something different where the familiar bonding process where the two mental bodies themselves get bounded by a strong connection that almost makes them a singular entity.'

In the summons bonding process, the creature would lose the current physical body they have for a moment, at least that's what happens with the natural creature like this slime, and then, a new body is recreated for the summons with the help of the master that would become the summoner.

It is a delicate process that though could be fulfilled by a simple few things one could find at any dimensional merchant, this special process we were performing was aimed at the evolution of the 'Sapling' slime into a young plant.

'It would grow up and become a stronger creature and since we were using some special ingredients in the process itself, if things go right and he uses them all with his [Cellular respiration] unique skill, he would become something… even I have no idea of.'

We were using an angel's feather for a holy-divine attribute, a poison dragon's saliva for the divine-dragon attribute, a fairy dust for the space-time attribute, and a demon's horn's dust, for the demonic-evil attribute to balance things up.

Aside from them, I was also using Anna's feathers, Cary's scales, Raz's fur, Lucy's hair, and…

"Let's start."


A few drops of my blood that I placed right on its head before walking out of this magic circle.

I was doing something very crazy that might just kill this small creature.

Using all these materials was simply the same as making a powerful concentration of different energies that would clash with each other to destroy things but, then again, I had faith in this particular one.

'It's not every day you see a slime that has a unique skill. And such a peculiar skill at that.'

I didn't know what it was capable of but if it was capable of what I thought it was capable of, then this slime had the potential to achieve far more than I could think…

'But I hope I am right to make this gamble.'

If I am not though, I will lose a pretty good cute one.


With the orb containing the Star's power as the core of the whole magic circle, a unique blue light covered the entire magic circle as soon as it had come out, a light that slowly but steadily covered every single stroke this magic circle was made of.

[[ Ohhhhh! It's more effective than I had predicted! ]]

"You are amazing Anna."

The blue light became brighter and in the center of this grand magic circle, the little slime with red core started feeling the intensity of the whole process.

But, it was just the start…


As the light intensified, the things we had put on certain spots started glowing up with a unique light of their own.

The ones with the pure energy like the angel's feathers and Anna's feathers glowed with a golden light, Cary's scales glowed with a purple-gold light that was a little unique from Anna's white-gold light, the poison dragon's saliva glowed with a murky green light, demon's horn's powder glowed with a red-black light that seemed ugly, and the fairy dust glowed with metallic tale color.

The place with Lucy's hair glowed with a peculiar red-blue-gold color which, truthfully looked more attractive than anything present here, but then again, the place where the slime was or the place with my blood was glowing in a red-blue-black color, and, it had a unique attractive to it that Lucy's hair couldn't be compared to.


However, while all this happened, a magic circle had appeared right above the little slime, and, a similar one had appeared before me as well.

Meaning the process was starting now.


[ "I had not been with you when you were born or when you were in danger, I know you know that. But, we could not change what had already happened." ]


[ "I could only imagine the amount of pain you are experiencing just to become a part of my life when you really have no reason to do so." ]


[ "I know you see me as a savior that you want to devote your life to, and I feel grateful for that, but, just know that even after all this, if we end up together, you won't actually have to follow me around-" ]


[ "Hmmm?" ]

It was saying it was fine with him. He was saying it was fine even if he didn't have any future of his own if it meant he could pay me back for saving him from that hell.

It was saying he was ready to become my tool if I wanted or a pet that she could do anything to if it meant it could be with me.

'It didn't want me to abandon him, that was it. Even if I told him to die for myself, he said he would happily do it. If it meant he could be with me, his savior, he was fine with anything that would happen to him.'

He was enduring the pain not only because he was grateful that I saved him from that hell accidentally, but also because he found me interesting, so much so that he wanted to be close to me, observe me, learn from me, and, help me in all the way it can.

'He was being funny right now, idiotic as well if I say so myself.'

He was a cute one. And dumb as well.

He didn't know what he was saying clearly, and, that was more of a reason for me to have him as my own so that I could teach him about all the things he did not know a little better.

[ "Hahahahahahahahaha. You are funny. Alright then…" ]

The pressure from the process was excruciating, but he was enduring it all.

And, thanks to his unique skill, which had activated as I had predicted, he was now going through a unique process and was covered in a strange colorful light that seemed to be a mix of all the lights that were present in this place.


He was evolving into something else. Something new… something special. I can tell.

And, if he endures just a little more, it will mean he has finished his evolution successfully.

'Which means it is time for the name.'

If he comes out of the process, he will be a new being with a name of his own in this world, and if he doesn't, well, RIP to the dear little cutie.

[ "You were a little surprise to me and we still don't know each other much, but I find you funny, so… from this moment forth, your name will be 'Friday'. The fun name that everyone looks forward to in many of the worlds of this Worldline for unique reasons." ]

The name Friday that I had just used was spoken in the rune language, the original language of the Worldline.

It was the primordial language and Friday in that language meant the laugh, fun, joy, relief, and someone that brings happiness to oneself… and at the same time, misery to others.

It was a special name, and, after I gave it to this little blue blob with a red core, the process it was going through intensified, every material that we had placed on the magic circle vanished, and, after the two similar magic circles that had been present before me and him, shot out a bright golden thread which went into both of us directly.


Then the magic circles came together and became one, connecting the golden thread connecting the two of us.



And, after that, the slime… Friday, finished its… his, evaluation and, gained a unique form.

A form that was nothing like his 'small' and 'round' slime-like form but instead, was humanoid and looked, anything but small and young…


[[ Woooooooooow! One actually did it! ]]

[[ Holy hell… master? What did you just do? ]]

<Nyaaaaaaaaaa! I know you told us to stay silent but we can't do it anymore! This is absurd!>

"El… what, is that?"

Everyone was shocked by the 'thing' that was now standing in the place where the slime used to be, but, more than the three of them, I was shocked to look at the many status windows that had popped up before me, along with the new status window of my first ever summons that I was looking at right now.

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