Twin Reincarnation: Epics Of The Worldline

Chapter 196 196 #Q: The bug breeder

Chapter 196 196 #Q: The bug breeder

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In a chamber shrouded in the eerie half-light of a blood-red, natural green, and golden brown, the air was heavy with the fetid stench of decay. The room itself was a nightmarish abyss, filled with grotesque and malevolent creatures, insects to be precise, of the most aberrant kind.

"Huhuhu, so, why don't we start with returning your bodies back to you~?"

These mystical insects and bugs were a grotesque fusion of the unnatural and the Black, their chitinous exoskeletons, or soft skinny bodies glistening with a sickly, iridescent slime, or something similarly gross.

There were insects resembling beetles flying, making eerie noises that could twist the guts of any human listening to them for a long period, there were colonies of earthworms of different kinds, piled up in small tubs or sections, all wiggling, squirming, moving in a way that indicated their excitement.

There were creatures of unique nature that either resembled the creatures that one could commonly relate with something they had seen previously as well as beings that were anything but normal, or simple.


"Haaaaaa! Haaaaaa! Aghhhhhhhhhh!"


Amidst this grotesque congregation, a woman with an unsettling and sinister beauty presided. Her eyes gleamed with a malevolent glint as her voice whispered incantations, words of encouragement actually, that sent shivers down the spine of two screaming individuals.

The vile creatures that seemed to be present all around her, as well as under the first layer of their skin, their oozing appendages writhing with an unspeakable hunger, regarded the woman as their beloved mother.

"Huhu, I want you two to confess your sins."

She moved her fingers across their bodies, or, more precisely, around the creatures that seemed to be alive and present right under the first layer of their skins.

"And, you should do it quickly, or else these young ones will start eating you before the others get the chance~."

Bound to pillars before her, two men, the sinners in her eyes, had been reduced to trembling, screaming, emaciated husks.

Their faces were contorted in terror, their eyes wide and red with blood, uncomprehending. The insects and bugs that swarmed around the woman displayed affectionate cruelty, the worm-like insects that were present under every inch of the first layers of their skin showing a strange sense of patience, the ones all around her still waiting in anticipation, their dripping mandibles quivering in anticipation as they cast covetous glances at the hapless captives.

The room, steeped in a grotesque amalgamation of gore and revulsion, bore witness to a vile and nightmarish spectacle where the very essence of horror and despair converged, however, the two sinners who were witnessing this part of hell, had yet to witness the true horror of this world.



"Start. Say every wrong thing you have done until now."

Red marks became visible all over their bodies and, in the very next moment, creatures, worms, with mouths that seemed to resemble a bloodsucking vampiric creature, made of rows of sharp teeth arranged in a circular manner, came out tearing their skin, and shoved their mouths into the places they had just come out of.

"Start… or else they will."

A sinister light flashed in her eyes, sending shivers down their spines, and stopping their hearts for a moment.

The two men, who had been helplessly bound to the pillars, now found themselves encased in a nightmarish tableau. Strange, warm-like creatures clung to every inch of their trembling bodies, a strange needle-pocking sensation present all over their bodies, their gelatinous forms pulsating with an eerie glow.

These grotesque entities seemed like twisted distortions of life itself, their warmth, perhaps born from their human blood, radiating with a sickly, unnatural heat, against which, the two could not do anything.

The woman loomed over them. Her eyes bore into the captives with an unsettling mix of hate and sadistic glee. In her slender fingers, she held several of the distinct insect creatures, cradling them as if they were her beloved offspring.

This was a scene born from the devil's novel itself in the eyes of the two and… they knew if they did not do as she asked, they would be the next feast of the creatures that were all over their bodies, the creatures that were present all around this damned hell!

"We are scumbags that betrayed our party for the-, aghhhhhhhh! Money!"

"We also! Aghhhhhhhh! Fuck! Did bad things to women!"



"We don't want to hear the things we already know about you shit-asses. Tell us about the things you did twelve years ago. In the capital city. In that assembly hall."

"How do you even know about that?!"

"Who are you?!"


At only a snap of her finger, the worms would poke their needle-like tongues in their bodies, and suck out their blood until she commended them to stop, however, she did not do the same when they asked her questions instead of answering what she had asked them.

"You should have just stuck to answering my questions."

From the side, from a large mud structure, two ants as big as their hands sprinted towards the two of them, and after reaching them in no time at all, they ripped off a large piece of their legs with their steel-like purple mandibles.



The areas that were ripped off by the ants would start turning purple in a minute and they will feel a kind of pain not even dead might have felt with any kind of movement of their bodies however, it would happen slowly.

"Tell me."


And, she had used the young, inexperienced worms exactly because she wanted the two to feel a kind of pain that not even the demons in hell would be able to inflict onto these 'things'.


"Start speaking or else things will only get worse."

She had an army of different creatures that weren't found in the outside world commonly, creatures such as these (Parasitic love worms) present on their bodies, a colony of the extinct (Great sniper ants) that had ripped off their legs, near lost species like the (Chameleon worms), (Horse gold beetles), (Beast wasps), (Lukimian honeybees), and many more.

Her family had saved and cultivated many of them and even with the changing times, they had saved many of them in this very house that some of the bastards still had their eyes on.

"W-we don't know anything!"

"Yes! We were hired anonymously to cause some trouble in the assembly!"




Her family was taken away from her and all of it was disguised as a mere 'accident'.

She was the only one remaining of her family, and, she was not going to leave the bastards that took away everything she had.



"You weren't part of the shadow squad members that killed the people there, I know that much since we have already sent them off to a peaceful hell.

I have also interrogated the ones who had survived that day.

And, of the ones that had caused the ruckus before leaving the venue, you are the last bunch remaining.

Do you really want me to believe you know nothing?!"

-SNAP! Snap!

Their entire body shivered violently when she snapped twice and an excruciating pain surged from their guts, their hearts, as well as their brains all at once.


It was so unbearably painful that the two just wanted to faint away, however, the unsightly worms all around their bodies did not let them do so either!

Their heads especially felt strangely heavy as though something was moving inside there, and, seeing everything that was happening around them, they had no doubt something might actually be present there. Another insect, another bug!

"When you drank that tea you enjoyed so much, you had ingested a lot of things along with that.

Your survival, your life, and every last bit of sanity you have depend on your answers… So say it already!

Give me a name!"

They were covered in blood, covered in worms that were sucking out the blood from their veins, their eyes were wide open, and they couldn't even blink because of the worms present on and under their eyelids.

They were just… enduring at this point.

And, if it wasn't for the Mana oath that was in place, they wouldn't ever have even considered enduring this hell.


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