Twin Reincarnation: Epics Of The Worldline

Chapter 201 201 Only YOU can save her

Chapter 201 201 Only YOU can save her

[Lucy's POV: ]

"Anyway, her Mana accumulation has been blocked now. What now? Tell me Mister Apothecary. What does this mean?" She asked with an excited serious voice and, as a response, the normal husband accepted his previous identity as the master of medicine.

"The Mana that is inside her will try to get out, but it couldn't do so either since the block is only on the Mana accumulation. Her Mana circulation is working properly which also means the Mana that is inside her is running remount throughout her body.

It has nowhere to go and since she can't store it anywhere, she also couldn't stop this Mana circulation herself.

She is unconscious so we can conclude the process is happening on its own however, if this continues, the remaining Mana could break the usual travel paths and penetrate her internal organs, which would cause an instant death.

However, considering the circulation pattern, speed, and environmental factors, we still have three to six minutes before that happens.

We can save her if we create a core that has the ability to handle the Mana in its stand and by doing so we can also prove its effectiveness and stability.

Taking it as the golden time, we will have to artificially create a means for the Mana to accumulate in her body, something similar to the humans' Mana heart or the Demons' Life vessel, or Angels' Halo-"

"Or a monster's core that works as both a supplier and a circulator."

She cut him off mid-sentence and gave him a hint which sparked another light in his already glowing purple eyes.

"Yes! That's it! A semi-natural semi-artificial substance that could work as a core in her body!"

His eyes sparked with a new light and without even waiting, he activated his spatial storage skill and took out an entire self full of weird bottles, materials, and artifacts that resembled medical equipment.

"But… for the core to perfectly settle in her body, it will have to be comparable to her-"

"Don't think about the long way. What can you use that would be compatible with her body regardless of its other characteristics."

"Hmmm? Something that will certainly be compatible with her… something like a universal bio-replicator… no!"

A moment of epiphany struck him.



He called out his familiar, a strange black goo-like creature that was just a mess of black goo, and, right after he appeared out of his arm, it attached itself to him like a certain parasite from another planet famous with his Venomous name.

"Alright, Sei. Stay with me. I will cure you. I will cure you completely this time!"

He did not become some otherworldly monster after the black goo attached itself to him, however, the color of his clothes, eyes, and hair had certainly all turned to a pure pitch black.

"Alright, alright. Focus.

The problem: Mana in an inescapable cell; the solution: the creation of a compatible, appropriate, semi-natural semi-artificial core; creation method: creation/synthesis.

We are going to materialize her own Mana to create a vessel, and use her Cells and Mana-genome Code to recreate a raw stricture resembling Alpha-B-3 (Anamensis) comparable to her.


Some strange humanoid shadows sprung out of him as soon as he had given his commands… however, before he could start, El grabbed his hand.

"Use this instead of that… you are quite dumb compared to your older self, you know? We will have to work quite a bit to get your edge back."

She handed him a transparent container, inside of which existed a modified essence of a being that possessed perfectly harmonized powers of many unique beings, the four great species, our familiars, all elements, and us.

She created this one herself however, he did not know that, and he will never do, hopefully.

"Why? What is this thing?"

"You don't have time to ask questions. Just do as I say or she will die. She is already suffering."

"You are the reason she is in this state in the first place!"

"And thanks to that, you have a chance to give your beloved wife a normal, painless life! But it will only happen if you do as I say and create the fucking core!"

Her anger-filled shouts were something even I feared, what was he in front of them?

"…you better be right."

"I am never not right."

"Then why aren't you treating her yourself?!"

"Because only YOU can save her! Fucker!"

This person definitely had a death wish to have shouted at her even after receiving her first warning.

This could have been dangerous if the situation wasn't this serious and he had some work to do.

She could have slapped him hard and he might have died on the spot, but thankfully, she held back and walked back to me, leaving him with his wife.

[ "Was I wrong to choose him as the King? I was wrong, wasn't I? Tell me I was wrong." ]

[ "You weren't, El. He is just, well, he's having complicated feelings right now since he has the chance to do something he has not been able to do in the past few centuries. Give some credit to the poor man, darling. His wife is dying before him and he has dodged your anger." ]

[ "Tsk… he better be successful." ]

[ "I know he will." ]

[[ Yes! One believes the young Elf husband can do it! ]]

[ "Hmmm? Anna? Do you believe in him as well? Why's that?" ]

[[ Haha, one doesn't believe in one himself, however, in one's sincerity, love for one's wife, and environmental factors. He has a seventy-two percent chance to succeed, and if it were up to one, one would take a leap of faith even at a thirty percent chance. ]]

She was confident in him, his sincerity, and his desperation. Well, doesn't this sound familiar somehow?

[ "Right~! Anna is right~! Anna is the best~!" ]

She deliberately calls her best every time to tease Cary, and he gets teased, she knew that, and that's why she didn't stop doing it.

'She's a bad one.'

But the Apothecary was quite good in what he was doing. Certainly.

He used the clones created by his familiar to gather the material, used his unique skill, [Creation Synthesis] that was unique beyond its rank or levels, used the material El had given him, and he had to endure a lot of mental pain during the creation process, he persisted and by the time he was done creating a triangular, transparent crystal, the so-called 'golden time' had almost passed.

"Sei. I love you, and I will always do so regardless of the outcome."

He kissed her forehead first, recalled all the clones, and, after injecting a precautionary drug in her body, he controlled the crystal with his own Mana, and placed it right above her heart in the chest area.


And, as soon as he did so, the blue root-like pattern on her chest area glowed, the blue light flowed inside the crystal, the crystal started glowing up, and, it slowly went inside her skin with a bright flash of light.

"Congratulations mister Apothecary."

Her body started floating and the blue glowing patterns all over her body also seemed to have started going inside the corral present in her chest area.

"You finally cured your wife."

She told Cary to remove the blockage and, as soon as she told so, a large amount of Mana frantically started gathering around her body.

'She already had a great Mana accumulation rate and she was also connected to the Worldline system, however, until now, she hadn't been able to access the full system functions since, despite the presence of all that Mana, she was just a normal human who couldn't actually use any of it.'

However, that all changed at this point.

"She feels totally different now…"

"Of course mister. She has become an archmage candidate now. Of course, she would feel different."

She had a great Mana accumulation rate but no way to use that Mana, however, now that she had a core to maintain all that Mana, a core that was comparable to an <SS> rank creature or stronger no less, she certainly had a chance to become someone called 'Archmage' in this world.

'Which is crazy actually, but since she was the one to say it, I knew this person certainly had the chance to achieve that level.'

However, he couldn't believe her words.

"An archmage? That's absurd as well. How can you-"

"Dude… just look after your wife if you don't wanna get slapped. And, after you two finish talking, we will be waiting in the corner over there for the payment talk."

"…so, you did everything purposefully. It was all planned, hun? Everything was just a plot?"

"Actually, well, no.

We were going to kill you if you had failed to save your wife but since we have leverage now, the talk should go smoothly."

She gave him a dark grin, and just by looking at it and remembering the strange but surprisingly effective sustenance she had given him in that container, he knew he had been played.


The tears on his face had dried already, he was tired from the work he had to do in that short time, he was happy that his wife was looking better than ever now, but, that did not mean she would be the same from this point on.

"Who are you two?"

He knew the thing that they had given him, the thing that had saved her life and their future, was not something simple.

From his point of view, it was something that she could use to hurt her, which ultimately meant he was right in our hands now.

And, since he loved her so much, and since there was no way for him to run away from us yet, he had to do as they say and listen to what they had.

"Us? Ah, silly question. We are nobody and nothing mister Apothecary. You see, we don't exist, hehe."

Our chat is going to be pretty fun, and hopefully a little better than the previous two chats we had today.

And, after the chat, we will clear this place and take them to their new place where they can have fun by themselves and enjoy themselves unlike they had ever been able to since the time they had been together.

'She was stronger now, and complete. She can handle all of him now, and, I know he knew this.'

They will have fun, and since we are going to take a small break starting tomorrow, I am planning to have a good long sleep… if she allows it, that is.

If not though, we are going to be even more exhausted by the time we leave to get the 'numbers' of Clubs.

'Haaaa. Life is so difficult. I wonder how much more difficult it would have been if she wasn't around.'

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