Twin Reincarnation: Epics Of The Worldline

Chapter 203 203 Numbers of Clubs

Chapter 203 203 Numbers of Clubs

[OP: ]


Traditionally, there are fifty-two cards in a deck along with two unique joker cards that may or may not be counted as part of the game involving these cards.

Half of the deck is comprised of cards that are a brighter color like red, while the other half is made of darker ones, like black.

It is divided into four distinct categories mostly referred to as the 'houses' of the cards and, these four houses have four cards with only a drawing, including the Ace of each house, and number cards that possess the numbers, and drawings of the mark of that house in corresponding numbers.

There are many games that one can play with these simple fifty-two cards, however, for a game to take place, only two players or two pairs of hands are more than enough to initiate, continue, and end a complete game.

This game… there can be many complicated ways to play a game, it all depends on the nature of the game, the stakes, and the rules that make the game 'real'.

And, in the game, the two of 'them' were playing, the rules were as simple as Morality, the handling of cards was divided Equally between both players and the cards themselves had no worldly idea what they were being Used for.

The fifty-two cards all signified a 'cycle', the dark and nights stood for 'good' and 'evil' or 'day' and 'night' or, to understand it more Clearly, as 'light' and 'dark' of this small world.

Four houses were four seasons that would decide the course of their upcoming actions and with the completion of each house, they would have a Team that would specialize in a certain kind of Act that the two would orchestrate like a Performance of a marionette.

The Clubs represented the common population of this world, the political power that originated from these common masses, and the agriculture that was the foundation of Sustenance.

It was a house in the category of darkness, handled by the White hands that understood the darkness better than anyone else in this world.

The three greater drowning cards of this house, K, Q, and J were going to be the foundation of many incidents involving many important people and masses, their Ace was going to the lights that lead all of them towards the true light on the other side, and the numbers, the most important part of this house, were going to forge the foundation upon which all the holy, or unholy things were going to be built upon.

It was an unexpected fortune that they gained the perfect candidate for the position of the Jake, or the Joker as some might refer to it, the card that was the closest to the players and at the same time, unrelated to anyone, anything else. Even though they were part of something much bigger and independent from the players themselves.

The Queen was the true ruler who held the most raw power among the other cards and possessed the power to influence the masses with just her words, or the words that were spread by her children, or the actions of her children.

The King, the one possessing the most authority, the Supreme leader that cares for his subjects, looks after their well-being, and provides any kind of assistance in any kind of scenario, was a position not just anyone could have, and even after searching the entire world, the Players knew the one best suited for it was someone that the world already knew about to be a 'ghost', someone that can be identified with just his methods alone.

However, the position of a leader, in this game at least, doesn't involve commanding the others, or at least, commanding the numbers that weren't as professional, tamed, or controllable as the other pattern cards.

They were unique in their own way, professionals at what they do or, ones possessing the potential to become something that no other being in this world had the ability to be.

The position of a captain, the burden of leading the others, thus fell on the shoulders of the Ace of the team. And, for Clubs, someone only with the experience, talent, background, and skills of a political leader who not only knew what true power was, how it flowed and could be manipulated, but also someone who understood the Authority, and how to impose it on the others, was a must.

That's why they chose him, a famous figure posing as a hero of justice… however, he was going to only hold his position of Ace if the numbers were present.

And, well, the numbers of Clubs were pretty unique themselves.

2 of Clubs: [The Handler].

She had a normal antique shop in a small town of the Theocracy of Cross. A normal life without any family left to look after her in this world, she lived there alone, spent her everyday life doing normal things like a normal adult commoner, and spent her lonely days waiting for the day she got the invitation to go back to the 'lord's house' where her family had gone before her.

She was a normal person, from the outside at least. However, she did not know the powers, the talents, and the abilities that were hidden inside her, abilities that were a complete contradiction of what she saw herself as.

She was special, and, she was going to realize it herself now that she had accepted the hand of the white-dressed person in the pretty black mask today.

4 of Clubs: [The Happiness Bringer].

Imagine everyone, an exceptionally enjoyable and peaceful day that starts with a freshly woken up body, free of any burden or fatigue, stress, or bondage.

The day is long, but not too long that it becomes burdensome, sunny, and cheerful with happiness present all around, relatively uneventful, and unusually full of happiness.

It's a perfect day to go on a date with a loved one or hang out with friends, do something we think is only possible in our dreams, and fulfill the desires that we had not been able to previously.

A special day, a perfect precious little moment where every bit of peace and happiness we had ever wanted to feel came to life.

How wonderful would it be?

Too bad this is just an imaginary scenario for most people.

For some who can afford it though, it could become very much of a reality. And the one that brings these fictional dream-like days to reality, was abducted by two unidentified individuals from the premises of a grand Temple in a major city of Theocracy.

There were witnesses who saw the hooded individuals approaching the Bishop and then suddenly vanishing into nothing, and an investigation started shortly after that, however, the police and authorities found no trace of anyone going in or out of the Temple and, there were also no traces of Mana or use of any skills present in the area.

It was almost like the Bishop had vanished into nothingness, much like the heavenly punishments given to the holy men who harbor the sin of Greed, Envy, and Lust.

The abducted had a great reputation so the authorities were trying to stop the circulation of these false rumors, however, none could stop the winds, and the worlds traveling atop them.

Many would know what happened to him in a short while, however, when he opens his eyes and finds himself in an unknown place, he will know the unique opportunity that stood before him, as well as the meaning behind the trail that he was put into to test his Faith.

6 of clubs: [The Gambler].

One of the high-ranking people of the Freedom Federation of Adventurers is visited by two unknown individuals who had apparently also paid a visit to all the illegal sites where many behind-the-curtain deals were made on a regular basis.

She received word that these strange people wearing these strange hoods had taken all the data present in all the places and she knew if they were at her doorsteps in the broad evening, the only for it could be to get what all the data was worth.

She was impressed by their powers and abilities and just the fact that they had found her was a big thing, but then they came to her instead of going to the proper authorities made her even more curious about their identities.

She talked with them after that, and, submitted herself to them, gambling her life in exchange for the unbelievable things they offered in return.

She had done everything, achieved everything in her life with proper planning and a thorough understanding of the things, so this was perhaps the first greatest gamble in her life… and, she loved it quite a bit.

Their identities mattered little to her if what they were offering in exchange for her being was in fact true, so, she did as they told her, and, prepared to turn in all the illegal businesses she currently had to the authorities, at least in name.

She found the two unique individuals to be, frightening.

Not because of their strengths, they were clearly not as strong as some of the other people she had known, but, because of the absurdly powerful authorities the two of them possessed.

She knew it was clearly one of a kind, so she certainly did not regret selling her being to those demons or angels or, whatever they actually were.

And the 'players' who had obtained her and moved on to the other part of the Freedom Federation, were… tired. Especially El since she had been upset all day long because of what her bastard did to her earlier before they left for work.

She had been cursing at him relentlessly for his actions and he was enduring it all since enduring her curses at the expense of a good sleep was something he would prefer any day.

And she was doing what they had to do, so, he didn't mind her.

"Alright. We are here."

"I hate you."

"The general meeting should start soon so we should get the preparations done quickly."

"I hate you. Go die."

"We should start with the public zone since the people will stand there, and since this will be a terrorist negotiation, let's keep the matter as confidential as possible."

"I hate you! Fuck this shit! I'm going back! Finish this yourself!"

"No, you aren't. He isn't mine but yours. You have to get him."


They were ready to get the fourth and last number of the day, No. 9, the worst and craziest of them all. And to get him, they were going to do something, far bigger than what they had done to get any other person in their two days of work.

"Fuck off then. Go die in some corner. Don't come before me before I am finished."

"Yes ma'am."

He wanted to sleep and she wanted to play, but, he took the lead and she did not know how, but this bastard put her to sleep against her will.

And for this, she was not going to forgive him… even after getting one of the worst criminals out of a damned prison and beating that bastard up to relieve her stress.

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