Twin Reincarnation: Epics Of The Worldline

Chapter 218 218 Anna’s lab

Chapter 218 218 Anna’s lab

[El's POV: ]

"Hmmm. How long has it been, Anna?"

[ "Eleven months and sixteen days." ]

"Damn. That's far longer than that bastard said. Is he in some trouble?"

[ "Vitals are perfectly abnormal. One doesn't understand how a human can be alive with such body conditions, however, the whole of the chart has been abnormal from the start thus, one believes the abnormal is master's normal." ]

"Well, we cannot apply the normal or the statistics to that bastard. He's a monster when it comes to doing absurd things. But, well, putting that aside, what do you think the results would be?"

[ "Hmmm… from the data one has gathered during the time with master and applying all the known factors of the process master explained, it seems he is right at the end of his creation." ]

"It's humanly impossible to dance for nearly a year without stopping, Anna. I can never do such an absurd thing."

[ "Hahaha. However, one can certainly reverse engineer a celestial skill in mere seconds, correct? That is humanly impossible as well." ]

[ "Hump. I can do that as well. What's so great about recreating some cheap skills?" ]

"Shut up bastard. Keep doing what you were doing without a word more if you want dinner."

[ "I have been reduced to a slave! A tool! This is unfair, master! Why don't I have my own room as well?!" ]

"Shut the fuck up! Anna works! She does more work in a day than you bastard have done in the whole time we have been together! She earned this room! And besides! She practically made this room from scratch! If you can do that, go ahead and make one on your own! Hump! Fucking bastard!"

We were inside THE best lab on this planet right now, a lab for practically everything one can think about and more created by none other than the smartest person among us after me, of course.

And this place was indisputably the best place currently available in this world.

[ "Master! This is unfair! You are so partial! You helped her with everything she needed! Why do something like this to your own familiar?!" ]

"Because you are useless! And what do mean help?! She got everything with her own money! I just helped her with the things she couldn't do by herself! She did everything! She works! Not like some lady ass lizard that only eats and sleeps around the whole day!"

This bastard. This ungrateful bastard!

[ "But you work me to my soul everyday-" ]

"Shut the fuck up! We are working! Let us work or my other bastard will die!"

[ "But I am working as well!" ]

"We can see that. Fuck!"

This place was just a small room at the start that she stumbled upon however, since this place had the least Cosmo-spatial interference, she fell in love with this place.

She expended this place, installed all the required space sustenance devices, spent an absurd amount to buy all the big and small equipment present in this place from Raz, and created all of the special, unique, and beautiful things in this place with her own feathers!

And he was sleeping with a full tummy when she was doing all that!

'He's just a bastard dragon! Hump!'

Everywhere I looked, I saw beauty. Fine equipment's, machines, screens, fine custom artifacts that she created herself with the great efforts and her hours, days, months of work.

'Her time controlling powers are a real handy thing, we got to see that much in this time.'

This entire place was made to amplify the effects of her time skills, actully, she made the whole place like it was an extension of herself.

She was the core of this whole thing and she could practically do anything she wanted in this place. Things worked with her mere thoughts here.

'She has become a VVVIP customer of Raz thanks to all her purchases, and the place she has created with her own efforts, this amazing lab… I love it more than any other place of this floor~.'

Alright I helped her more than she needed, I gave her suggestions and we created many things together, but she was cool! She was far better than this bastard dragon that just ate and slept and worked as a battery once in a while.

His near infinite Mana was the only good thing about him! And his skills. Just that!

He was otherwise practically useless, lazy, dumb, a bastard, and borrrrring!


'He was smart, more than enough to understand everything that we did. But he has never once shared his primordial wisdom with us poor ones that do everything by ourselves!

He calls us dumb! This fucking bastard that does nothing calls us dumb!

What was he expecting me to do with him after doing that?! He should worship me and lick my feet that he was still getting his food and long hours of sleep!

Bastard fucker!

[ "Ah, looks like master finished his creation. One senses a strong Worldline presence-" ]

"You sure are using this place better than I expected."

Lucy was before us in a specially created vat with a few silver magic circles of Anna's time skill present all around it.

We were regulating and monitoring his vitals so that he could create his sword dance perfectly, however, in this special space of ours that not even a fly can enter without Anna's permission, an uninvited guest appeared out of nowhere and stood right before the vat.

"It's bad manners to come into someone's else's private space without knocking, headmaster."

"Haha, of course. I apologise however, it was an emergency… excuse me for a moment everyone."


He went closer to the vat and placed his hands on its surface and, at the same same time, he did so, the magic circles of Anna's skill shattered completely and, a unique rainbow coloured thread covered the vat.

"He is the first one to create a complete Sword Dance in this school in all my time in this world."

The headmaster mumbled something with his unique voice with a rare smile on his face, and looked up at my bastard.

His multicoloured thread wasn't the only thread around this vat anymore. There were a few more uniuqe thread like things wrapped around this tank, and, though we had expected something like this, the scale was abnormally bigger.

[ "At least fifty Offsprings are hadeling the administration at the moment, damn. To think I would see so many of them for something as small as this." ]

"As small as this? Master Cary, looks like you did not hear me say he created a 'complete' Sword Dance. It's first time in this world's records. Cases like these are rare throughout the Worldline as you may already know as one of people to have done it a few times."

[ "Tsk. Still though, what's the big fuss about? It shouldn't be such a big deal that he created a Sword Dance. There should alredy be a few who have done so a few times, right?" ]

The two of them were chatting like they were old friends now… these bastards! What the fuck were they on about?!

[ "Ah, right. One does not yet understand the meaning of creating a 'complete' Sword Dance, right?" ]

"I know a little. A complete sword dance is when some Sword Dance, or any action as a matter of fact, resonates with an inseparable element of the Worldline.

His Six Season Sword Dance was supposed to be the easiest one of his sword dances though. What happened? I never knew he could achieve the complete version of it this early.

Did he resonate with some element of nature or something?"

I know for a fact this bastard did something crazy again. Fucking bastard…

"Not just an element of nature… he assimilated with nature itself from what I can tell from this data. For a matter of fact, for something the system judges as human, a young one no less, achieving this kind of assimilation should have been impossible.

You people certainly never fail to excite me."

There was a dark smile on his face that he only makes when something truly exciting happens. Something that he could never have predicted. It was no good sight.

"That fucking bastard. Haaa…"

He really did something crazy once again.

'But, perhaps, this was because of our strangely unknown origins instead of his own mistake.'

Assimilating with Nature, an entity that was an inseparable part of the Worldline, just like the Worldline system and the Offsprings. It wasn't something just anyone could do even after possessing great strengths.

'Theoretically, only the higher beings that have transcendental powers could do something like assimilating with nature, or, they called it achieving [[( Oneness )]] in their worlds.'

Even the other swordmasters and grandmasters who are very close to achieving Liberation couldn't do it in many cases.

To achieve the oneness or a state closest to Nirvana, they have to achieve the deepest state of <Dive> and become completely selfless… certainly something I am not doing anytime soon.

But he did it.

This bastard achieved another impossible goal.

"I suggest you people step up your work. With the insane power up he is going to get after this is not going to be as small as the last time.

Start with whatever you have in mind instead of wasting time with the classes. You have subs anyway."

"…? Really?"

"You two are exceptions for this specific world, you know? You have long passed the standards of this world. Who am I to stop you two from achieving the higher levels.

Ah, right. Your levels are low as well. Do something about it. Go hunt in some difficult area."

What's gotten into this bastard?

.-. .. --.. --.. . -..

No, I mean, yes, but… he isn't supposed to be this open about us. It's out of his character.

"I am not acting out of my character. You two… it would have been different if you were in [Dragon-Phoenix horizon], but in a place like this, well… the special clearance you have already goes beyond the standards of this world. I certainly don't see any need for you to waste your time.

I would rather have you show me something more interesting."

Attending the academy was a must, and we were only doing it to maintain the attendance and to be around the protagonists.

We didn't need too close interactions and we still be around them without attending the classes themselves, however, by the rules of the academy, headmaster wouldn't allow us to skip more classes than we should even with perfect substitutes.

He was a rather stingy guy with a strong sense of duty.

There had never been an occasion when playing the game when he allowed us to be free from the burden of classes, not even with an affinity beyond the maximum.

'This is the first time…'

This was the first time Lucy did something like this while creating a Sword Dance he has already created tens of times in the game. And this was the first time the headmaster were acting like this.

"Well, my work is done here. I will be going now, however, think about what I just said. And tell congratulations to the <<Swordmaster with the viral white sword>>. Ah, and little Sword, don't bother them too much."

He said those last words while looking at the vat and, a golden light blinked lightly in response. It was perhaps the 222nd Offspring that we were expecting to meet today anyway.


The strings around the vat vanished and the vitals reflected on the green screens before us returned to normal for the first time after twelve whole hours.

[ "Looks like it is done." ]

Anna said after glancing over screens and all and did her last bit of analysis after nodding cutely.

And finally, took out my bastard lovely brother out of that sickening tank…

[ "Master, I know we don't talk about this since you do not know it yourself, however, have you wondered what you actully are? Like, besides being a reincarnation from another world, what you two are in your current life?" ]

"I told you to shut the fuck up, didn't I?"

This bastard was asking for a beating again. But…

"We do wonder about it, and much more than you can imagin. But, at the end of the day, what does it matter?"

I have him, he has me. We have these cute partners as well now. So, what does it really matter anyway?

If the fucked fate allows it, we are bound to find it all out anyway… right?

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