Twin Reincarnation: Epics Of The Worldline

Chapter 224 224 Elites and commanders

Chapter 224 224 Elites and commanders

[El's POV: ]


Name: Devilant workers

Strength: 200+

Agility: 200+

Stamina: 180+

Intelligence: 30+

Mana: 120+

Level: 120-130

[Skills: Hardness, Acid saliva, Mating pheromones, Detection pheromones, Communication pheromones, Kin connection.]

—-> One of the most common types of demonic creatures from the most common kind of demonic creature of hell. They possess a hard exoskeleton and a precise detection ability thanks to the network of their kind and can sense Mana through their detection ability.

—-> Vulnerable to penetrative magic and spells with (Light/Holy/water) attributes. Individually are simple creatures to deal with.

—-> Their hard skin, limbs, teeth, mandibles, and antennae are useful for alchemy and magic research.

★(They are demonic creatures, thus they contain a 'core' in their hearts. Don't forget to collect them later.)


My eyes were pretty good with these things now. They could even combine the data from a bunch of creatures of the same kind and type and display them all at once in this way.

They can also do other things like finding out the presence of mental barrier skills and breaking those mental barriers. They have become more amazing than I could have expected and, they are very useful now~.

[ "Or Cary." ]

[[ What is it, stupid master? I was just starting to have a little fun. ]]

This fucking bastard… he was calling me stupid now. He needs to be taught a lesson! Bastard!

I treat him the right way! He deserves it! He is a bastard that deserves to be punished and beaten up!

He was using his shadow powers to massacre tens and hundreds of these poor ants like they were nothing and were having fun, but, since he was overpowering even the elites of the Devilants, they were practically nothing in front of him.

'But how the fuck can this fucking son of a bitch call me stupid?'

Even my own Lucy bastard doesn't dare call me stupid but after calling me dumb countless times, he was even calling me stupid?

He wanted to die even though he wasn't an immortal like Anna. Fucking trash bastard.

[ "Oy, just come here. Here, look. There's a commander here. Come quick. Let's fuck it up together." ]

[[ "Tsk. Stupid master can't even deal with a big ant. Haaa… what will you do without me?" ]]

Ha… hahaha!

What will I do without you? What will I do without you~?

'Hahahah, bastard, I will do everything I am doing with you being here. You are a useless piece of shit anyway. A disgrace to the name of a dragonlord!'

Fucking bastard.

"Tsk. What are you looking at?"

The workers were all a piece of cake, the soldiers were also easy to deal with. We had almost defeated all the troops in this area and fewer frontline units were remaining since Cary swept them all away.

Mostly, after the dungeon master, that ugly bitch queen strengthened all of these ants with her power, they became easier to deal with since sharing her power meant losing the edge they had in the fight with their higher senses and dodging techniques.

'They lost it after receiving the queen's power and practically going into a berserk mode.'

The elites and commanders became difficult to deal with since they still retained their reasoning, however, the soldiers and the other useless ones were too easy to deal with now.

However, the elites and commanders weren't that easy opponents.


Name: Devilant Elites

Strength: 280+

Agility: 260+

Stamina: 240+

Intelligence: 90+

Mana: 180+

Level: 150-180

[Skills: Hardness, Acid saliva, Mating pheromones, Detection pheromones, Communication pheromones, Enhancement pheromone, Steel wings, Observation, Command, Unification, Absorption, Specialized Weapons, Combat knowledge, Kin connection, Performance enhancement.]

[Innate skills: …]


These elite bastards were already difficult targets that we couldn't face in large numbers.

Even Lucy could only take on three to six of them at once while I could only deal with nine of them in total at once if they were in close proximity… however, all these fucking elites and commander bastards were scattered all over this castle.

Like, they were so far away from each other that there was no way to even have three commanders in the range of my strongest and widest AOE spell.

'Anna was a good support and was dealing with the small friend with her magic and Cary was doing good cleaning work as well even though he was practically useless when it came to anything aside from destruction and chaos. Thanks to them, the two of us could go aground and have the big monsters that give more EXP. points.'

Our two dear familiars also needed experience points to eleven up so that they could remove the restrictions placed on them… and, since the level difference between them and these ants was more than a hundred levels on average, they were receiving a good lot of experience points.

And, thanks to all the unique titles they had, the received EXP was all boosted even further, which was ultimately good for their growth, but…

[[ Yes master… how do you want to defeat that- ]]

[ "Come here you fucking piece of shit bastard!" ]

I was in the middle of fighting an Elite and there was a commander rank present right some distance away from here. There was a chance that it would come here and fight me but, since I was practically in the air on this special Piller, it couldn't face me without a boy that could fly.

'Only a few among the elites and commanders could fly so having this high ground advantage was a plus on our side however, there were certain elements to this high ground advantage that I did not like…'

[[ Master! W-w-what is the meaning of this?! what did I do?! ]]

The first of the things I did not like about this place was the fact that I couldn't have this snake-like bastard familiar with mine in my hands.

He was a certain kind of piece of trash that I loved to have around all the time because of his habits and skills, however, since he could fly with his teeny tiny wings, he was roaming around the entire open battlefield like it was nothing to him at all.

And, thanks to his Shadow energy stat, the bastard was practically in a world of his own so detecting him was impossible.

He can hide and get away from most of the situations he wanted, but, that didn't apply when he was in my hands.

[ "Master?! I didn't even do anything this time! I was doing what you told me to do!" ]


First of all, I created a strong ball of wind on the tip of my sword, mixed in some high-pressure water and some hard pieces of earth minerals, and shot it at the flying elite ant before me, which obviously obliterated it completely. And after that, I slapped the head of this bastard of mine.

'This place was getting boring now that more than fifty percent of their population was eradicated.'


I slapped his head again.


And then I slapped his tail which hurt him the most.

[[ Master! Why are you suddenly beating me?! I didn't even do anything… stupid master… ]]

[ "That. That thing is the reason you are getting beaten up." ]

[[ What do you mean?! You beat me up last time when you called me dumb! Now you are beating me up because I call you stupid?! ]]

[ "Shuddup and just take the beating." ]


He didn't have anything like a weak point or reverse scale or hitting it would have hurt him even more… well, the tail was the only place that was a little more sensitive part of his body.

It didn't hurt this bastard, I knew that much. He was just overreacting because, well, because he was a bastard.


[ "Let's go kill that commander?now." ]

[[ Ahhhunhunhunhun! I am not going with you! You are a bad master! You beat me! You are bad! ]]

He vanished as soon as I released him after that dramatic crying sound and shouts. The bastard wasn't obedient at all.

'I will have to intensify his training when we get back. Bastard Dragon isn't getting his favorite food anytime soon now.'

Fucking familiars.

Why isn't Anna my familiar? What kind of bastard gave her to that bastard instead of me? We were practically made for each other!

'It's almost like someone swapped the order on purpose so that I can't have Anna and he doesn't get Cary.'

He and Cary could have done much better together. To bastards together. Hump.

'But that's not happening now.'

[(Reverse fall)]

I cast a spell on myself which did exactly what it was named, and jumped off the pillar. The strategic post had no meaning anymore.


Then, with another spell and the natural winds that were blowing pretty well even though it was only early morning, I glided directly to the place where the Devilant commander was standing with three other elites, cooking something foolish.

"Hello, bastards~!"


Name: Devilant commander?(Likiki)

Strength: 330

Agility: 342

Stamina: 339

Intelligence: 120

Mana: 225

Level: 201

[Skills: Mithril body, Defensive form, Detection pheromones, Communication pheromones, Enhancement blood, Observation eyes, Commanding voice, Unification order, Absorption, Specialized Weapons, Combat knowledge, Kin connection, Kin punishment, Queen's soldier.]

[Innate skills: Blood domination, Innate ability boost, Aura, Spear mastery.]


[ "You inhuman demons! You have finally shown yourself!" ]

"Hehe, I was right here from the beginning though. You were the one standing here without doing anything~! How are you though~? Is our painting to your liking mister~?"

[ "Ha! Painting?! Is this painting?!! My kin! My children! my brethren!!!" ]

He was so angry he didn't even ask me how I was understanding what he was talking about, lol. That was quite some intense anger right there.

"Hehe, then, do you want to take revenge for your brethren~? How about we fight in a duel~? A one-on-one ~? Not that you inferior insects deserve honor or anything. You are inset and insects should usually die like insects~!

But just for you, a special offer. What do you say~?"

I gave the cute humanoid commander a fresh smile, and since he looked more like a human than the elites around him, the <B> rank artifact spear he was holding didn't seem all that weird.

[ "Youuuuuuuuu! Demonnnnnnnnnn!" ]

He was a special creature that could awaken if it gathered enough achievements and became independent from its queen, but, alas, it wasn't going to happen. Not in this colony.

It was a waste to kill a creature that knew how to use <Aura> but there was no point in sparing it. I can't use it anyway.

"Let's test how much I have improved then."

He had vanished from his place right after shouting my name however, right before it reappeared before my face with its prised spear in his hands, I was ready for him with my two swords.


I deflected his hasty first attack with a simple swing of my swords, and then, I counterattacked, marking the start of our Glorious battle~!

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