Twin Reincarnation: Epics Of The Worldline

Chapter 235 235 Homecoming

Chapter 235 235 Homecoming

[Lucy's POV: ]


"How long, Anna."

We were finally outside.

The ground under our feet was brown, and the air was fresh instead of being filled with demonic energy.

'The sky is blue again, there is green grass at a distance, the trees are normal as well. The Mana in the atmosphere is higher again, and, we are now weaker than we were inside the dungeon.'

Things just changed as soon as we got out of the dungeon, however, there was one very important factor we had to notice here.

[[ Hmmm… one is certain three months, two days, six hours, and twelve minutes have passed since we entered the dungeon. Well, one thinks it's pretty good considering you two were in there for almost a month. This is better than what one had anticipated. ]]


No, hell. This wasn't good.

"We should get back and get ready for classes, Lucy. Looks like the mandatory tests will start from today."

"Yeah, and, I think today is also the day that person will visit the academy."

"Yeah, shit. This timing is shit."

A longer time had passed since we entered that place, like a fucking lots of time has passed!

'Three months!'

Three freaking months!

That was too long of a time for any student to not attend their classes in an academy as good as ours!

There were going to be quite some problems when we get back-

[ "Hello there? Is something wrong?" ]

"Hmm? Oh right, we have to take care of you as well."

[ "Pardon?" ]

[ "Ehh, I said we have to return immediately so, please be prepared for teliportation, everyone." ]

El just gave them a simple warning and without even waiting for a moment more, she nodded at Anna, and Anna activated her Mass teliportation spell that she had alredy programmed in her head. Something directly connected to our ID cards that were locked with our dorms.


And, right after, with a unique white magic circle appearing under our feet, there was a flash of light, and we were back inside the summoning zone where everything got summoned first.

"Friday! Eva! Are you there?!" El shouted in a special device that was present on the table behind the central magic circle, and without a replay, we heard a sound of some glass breaking from the behind the device.

If our memory served right and the things were still going somewhat as they had when we were playing this as a game, today was a very important day for all the students including the two of us.

'A special being of the Worldline was going to pay a vsisit to us and there is going to be a gacha event where an item we must obtain will appear.'

We couldn't possibly let go of this opportunity. So, since there are only fifteen minutes left for the classes to start, we will have to hurry.

"Master?! You are finally back!"

"Lu! El!"

Eva and Friday quickly appeared in this room together while wearing the cloths that usually the two of us wear. And, as soon as she appeared here, miss Eva came running at us, and crashed into us with her eyes completely overwhelmed with warm tears.

"Where the hell have you been!"

Only three months has passed and she looked better than the last time we had seen her.

"And what the hell is this?! Have you lost weight or something?! Why are you so thin?! What happened to you?!"

But she was still the she when it came to worrying about the two of us.

"Master… I…"

Friday had become better than the last time we had seen him.

He had improved exponentially if I say so myself.

He really was one hell of a being.

"Welcome back master…"

"Thanks for taking care of everything in our absence, Friday. And Eva, you too."

Miss Eva wanted to continue hugging her for longer, cry on our shoulders and take out all the pain and longing she had hidden away in all this time.

She wanted to be with us for a little longer now that we were finally back from wherever we had gone.

However, we cannot do the reunion thing right now.


Both of them understood that when El pushed her away after greeting Friday.

"We have to attend the classes today, Eva. You know that we have to do this, right?"

"Of course you have to! No…! You must attend the classes today!"

They knew we knew what was going to happen today.

And, also that the emotions and tears can wait a little longer.

"Yes! I will go prepare some light breakfast so quickly come there! There's still a bit left so you can make it by the time professor enters the classroom!"

She was calling him professor now…

'The three months must have been quite difficult for the two of them.'

Friday might have adjusted to everything but Eva was just a normal human. She must have had many difficulties playing the character of El… well, perhaps not too many difficulties.

She has been with us, so I would at least expect her to be able to imitate her a little bit.

'The teachers and our close acquaintances like Ras, Prince Rex, and Cathy must have alredy figured out who they were.'

But since they must have approached Nes and got the gist of what was going on with us, they must be aware of their identities.

But that wasn't important.

'We had attended the classes, and that much was enough.'

We can take care of the rest.

"Alright, alright! Go hurry! And Friday, come here!"

"Yes mama! Ahem! I mean master!"

"Stupid bastard."

He also had many things he wanted to tell her, just like how there were many things miss Eva wanted to tell me. But, all those things can certainly wait until we were back.

"Ah, right! They gave us these-"

"The tokens, right? We will get them with the breakfast.

Go quick!"


There wasn't that much time left to grab a proper breakfast so we will just stuff some bread and egg and milk before running away.

We will have to use teliportation to directly inside the class, or perhaps, we can even open a space-time portal directly into the classroom… wait, no. That shit can be uncertain, so we will just use the cards to teleport.

"Listen very carefully Friday."

"Yes master!"

"These people are from another world so they don't know the language of this world and I believe you have alredy learned about the other worlders, right?

They are also under the restrictions of this world now, but they will not understand those things.

Here, take this.

This contains their language and the one you understand so, learn their language, explain the surface of the situation to them, and don't mention anything about where we are.

Keep them in guest rooms."

"Understood master! I have understood everything you have just said and will follow your will with the best of my skills!"

"I will be counting on you then. Umha~."

She gave him a kiss on his cheeks, and he blushed. Which of course looked strange on the face he currently had, but he was cute.

And completely wrapped around her fingers.

"Then see you later."

[ "We will see you later, everyone~!" ]

She just grabbed my hand and teleported us away before I say my own goodbyes to Kitty. She was being mean towards an impotent person right now…


"Here, quick! And here!" She was ready with with bread with scrambled eggs on it and some milk, and she had also prepared the special tokens that the school gave to all the students, not that we would need them, but just in case, we took those first.

We had reappeared in the main hall of our dorm, a place we had missed unexpectedly in that place.

'It's still feels like only a few days had passesed since we left for the dungeon but three whole months have passed from the perspective of this world… time sure is relative.'

This one dungeon run, however small it might have been for us, for people here, three months had passed, while for Anna and Cary, almost a month had passed.

"Alwgright! Gwe gwill Tsee ya leger!"

"She meant-"

"I understand. Go, quick. It's almost time."

She understood we were in a hurry to return to the classes, see the same <A> class once again, see the teacher and meet our friends.

She also understood the real reason behind our hurry was something entirely different but she just smiled at us, and nodded with a happy look.

There was not much time left, we wanted to say thanks as well, El's mouth was still full, but being late was out of character for the ONE.

We can miss the classes occasionally but being late?

Not even if the world was dead set on making us late.

"Then see you-"

"Geee uuu~!"


She teleported us again, and this time…


"Awww aww-aww."

We fell on top of someone.

"Which sonovva-…? Miss Auriel? Mister Lucifer?"

The location of the teliportation was correct since Anna had marked it long ago, but someone else was sitting in our signatures place… why was someone sitting in our place?


El realised after speaking that she still had her mouth full.


"You? Tim? What are you doing here?"

So she gulped her food firs and glared at AJ who was sitting on our spots.

And he was alone here, so this was even more confusing.

"A-ah… Miss Auriel, I was just-"

"Elllllll! Brother Lucy…!"

He was going to answer her question with a strange blushing face, but, before that, a voice echoed throughout the classroom.

And, everyone knew instantly who this emotional voice belonged to…

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