Twin Reincarnation: Epics Of The Worldline

Chapter 264 264 Island beyond the storm

Chapter 264 264 Island beyond the storm

[El's POV: ]

[ "Captain Teeya! Do you see the three blue spots in 2.10 west!" ]


< "Y-yes Miss Auriel! We have to there?!" >

[ "Yes~! Just get close to that point and after we jump off, you can return to the Lithium Archipelago we passed by a while back.

We will be there after a week so don't worry about us~!" ]

< "B-b-but Miss-" >

[ "Just do as I say Teeya~!" ]

There was nothing dangerous in this.

I mean, it's gonna be only a fun thing to jump down in a deadly zone like this one, right~?


The cool boys agreed with me as well. They were excited about this as well. Especially since they believed in me and the fact that whatever happens, they aren't going to die in this deadly place.

The cute girlies on the other hand were uncertain about all of this.

'We were talking about a freaking storm so it was understandable they wouldn't be into doing the shitass crazy things like this. Just like my weakling bastard.'

But, we are talking about a freaking storm here~!

A spiralling tornado born from the depths of water and going all the way up to the skies… this was a gorgeous scene.

"El, you are sure about this… right?"

Nes was holding my hand while Cathy was holding my other hand. Rex was holding her other hand and just like that, all of us were holding each other's hands while standing on top of the ship deck, all wet from the water and facing water drops that were hurting our eyes.

"It's perfectly fine, Nessy. Just enjoy and leave everything to us~.

You trust your brother Lucy at least, right? He isn't complaining or anything, right?

Doesn't that simply mean he trusts this crazy idea as well~?"

They did not know what will happen here after we actually jump down this airship…

Will we get swept up in an air current and get obliterated in that grinder like tornado, or will we get ground by the sharp winds and become spaghetti.

They were uncertain. The girls I mean.

"So, we are going to jump directly down right?"

"Will it be a free fall or will we use some kind of wind attribute spell to stabilise ourselves midair?"

"Is it alright to keep Samsara out with us like this or-"

"It's fine, it's fine. She can have fun as well, hehehe."

There was no problem with having the other familiars out as well like the two of us were doing but they feared their cuties will get hurt so they kept them in their familiar marks.

Only Sam, Cary, and Anna were out right now and that much was enough as well.

"Alright then."

The point we were going to jump off from was pretty higher than the three blue lights on the ground that made a kind of triangle that was visible even from all the way here.

< "We have reached the destination… the destination, miss Auriel." >

Teeya was a strong and ripped woman with a big muscular body, but she was as timid as Nes and as scaredy-cat as Lux.

She never wanted to come here.

This entire area was designated as the forbidden land by the world authorities, so just the fact that the airship that once belonged to one of the branch managers of the adventurer's association was here might put them in a difficult situation.

And even though we were still in the far outskirts of the forbidden zone, a place that only this kind of airship could withstand, the place we were planning to jump into was directly inside of the forbidden area from where no lifeform comes out.

'She was afraid since she must have heard stories of how great ships and large aircraft as well as strong people who fly over to this place or swim towards this area just vanished without a trace or killed so gruesomely that not even their remains remain.'

But she had no need to be that scared.

[ "Don't worry about us everyone! We will be back after doing what we are here to~! See you all after a week~!" ]

I made that one last announcement with my Mana infused voice that everyone on this ship as well as the wyverns heard clearly and though still uncertain, they waved their goodbyes to us.

'And of course, the eldest butler here was still uncertain about our actions.'

But he had no power to stop us at this point.

It would be better if we don't come back anyway, but that would put him in an even more serious situation since he was practically in charge of us and everyone with us.

He might lose his head and life if something were to actually happen to us, but since I myself was saying that we would be alright, they could do nothing to change our minds.

"Alright everyone. We jump on the count of three."

We were standing right on the edge of the airship, wearing the wet clothes now covered in a layer of my Mana and Lucy's Aura.

For some like me, this was exhilarating. For some like him, this was still concerning. And for some like my bastard Cary, this was a boring task that practically had no meaning to it.

'We could have just used some other means if we only had to go down there. Like, flying there and using his or Anna's powers was an option as well.'

But, where was fun in doing it that way?

He knew we were only jumping down because I wanted to do it my way, and he did not really understand how jumping down a ship, free-falling all the way to the ocean surface, while there are dangerous winds blowing that would cut the very limbs of normal, weak humans if it even touches them, would be fun in any way.

'But he was the dumb dragon exactly because of his cluelessness.'

It might not be as thrilling as destroying planets, fucking over the bastards of opposing factions, finding new things and gaining new knowledge, or clearing a dungeon where you almost died, but jumping off in a death zone like this certainly is fun!


"Oh lords of the great heavens, please protect us-"

"Shut up, please! Let me concentrate on my breathing!"

They were preparing their minds and body for this skydive.




But we should keep our eyes open when we are skydiving without a parachute and the safety gear.

"Heyyyyyyyyyy! You diddddddd not say twooooooo!"

I knew they were going to be surprised after I blasted that wind spell to practically throw us all off the ship, but water was already spilled.


With our hands held together, all of us were falling down. Falling down~ falling down~.

All of us were falling down… down to the gate~.


"This is fun!"

"I never thought I would be doing something like this when you told us about this 'fun trip' at the start!"

"Shuttttttt uppppp you bastardssssss!"


"Damn I can't even see anything!"

With Lucy and me on both ends of this chain where they were having fun~ the two of us controlled the directions and angles at which we were falling and with Anna and Cary's abilities protecting us from the sharp winds, the deadly water drops that were nothing less a bullet, we continued our fall.


"Forgive me forgive me forgive me forgive me."

"I apologise for all the sins I have committed throughout my life-"

"Kek. This would be more fun if we weren't holding hands-"

"No! Don't you dare go anywhere!"

Cathy shouted at Rex out of the blue and for a moment, attracted everyone's attention.

But then they remembered they were still falling so they returned back to their screaming.

[ "Get ready Lucy." ]

[ "I know." ]

We were closing in on the water surface, near the three unique rocks that were positioned in that certain manner by the people who first created this entire area, as well as the being Tai along divinities that has now created a forbidden area on this special planet.

"Get ready everyone~!"

The pressure as we were falling, the thrill, as well as the excitement were fantastic.

"Get readyyyyyy for whattttttt?!"

Especially since we were falling down with our lovely 'friends'.

"To fall again~! Hahahaha!"

But this is it now.


Lucy and I brought our free hands before us and pointed the palms of our hands towards the water below us as the silver universal key relic we possessed activated together, and the three rocks that were only glowing with a simple blue light until now, lit up with a greater intensity.

"W-what is that?!"

"What… what did you do?!"

The runes carved on them exploded with a boom of colourful light soon, and beams of light were shot upward towards us.


At the same time, other beams of lights were released from the base of the rocks that connected the three rocks and actually formed a triangle which, after a moment, was painted in a deeper shade of blue.

"Be careful!"

The triangle on the surface of water right above us, then shot upwards, and… the moment it touched us, and passed through us, we vanished from that lonely, dangerous forbidden area…

And reappeared in a clear blue sky, with a giant island covered in greenery, where lost creatures of the past still roamed freely, and a single megastructure present in the middle that was unrivalled by any modern day architecture present right below us.


"Good luck everyone~! Let us all reach the end in one piece~! Hahahahaha~!"

[You have discovered the mausoleum of the [First conqueror] of your world: Shrine of Chiragya!]

[You have fulfilled the conditions to take the <Test of succession>!]

[All participants will be transported to the appropriate test areas!]

"See you soon, everyone~!"

This was an island where the first conqueror from this world was born a long, long time ago. A place Lucy and I adored to no end.

'It was a testing ground for those who qualified to take his inheritance, but his materialistic things, the skills, powers, and artifacts didn't matter much to us.'

They were shit compared to what we had anyway.

'This place itself was special for us.'

It was a fun place, a beautiful one where some of the most gorgeous scenarios are born at certain times.

'It's special.'

And filled with the abundance of luck that one bastard, who used to be cursed by luck, left for the ones who were qualified to possess what he only had due to his abundant luck.

[ "Wanna bet on who reaches the top first?" ]

[ "It would obviously be me, but if you wanna give me a free wish, why not." ]

[ "Hehe, arrogant bastard. Say the same when you reach the top before I do then." ]

He discovered this place by legitimate means in one of his turns, and since then, it has belonged to me.

'It is mine still, even if he knows more about its ins and outs.'

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