Ultimate Marvel System

Chapter 3: On the Roll

Chapter 3: On the Roll

Chapter 3: On the Roll 

The System was completely at a loss.

Benjamin had chosen something that was not within the choices!

[Host, can you repeat again?]

I choose to be a Policeman!


Well, if you think about it, isn't being a Police better?

I will be on the side of the law and won't have those troublesome moments when the Police go against me.

Besides, I don't seem to have any family in this world? No need to worry about secret identities or something.

Actually, Benjamin still hasn't remembered anything from this body's memories but he could vaguely feel that he didn't have any family or attachment to anyone at all.

When the System also integrated into the HUD Contacts a while ago, he had pulled up his own records and found that his parents were both deceased already.

Apparently, they died from a freak accident during one of the superheroes' and supervillains' fights.

That's why he thought to himself.

Since there is no one left for me to protect...then I shall protect everyone else.

...It sounds cringy but you get the point. Besides, I wanted some excitement in my life too.

[...Isn't that the path of a Hero then?]

No, it's different. For me, Heroes are...above the law. While I do know that the law can be a bit annoying at times, they usually fight on a large scale, and more often than not, innocent people would get hurt.

They don't have time to pay attention to normal people. Sometimes, to them, defeating the bad guy fast is the better priority.

Of course, this isn't the case for everyone...but I still think it's better for me to look after the little guys. In a more legal approach.


It is unknown what the System was thinking as it fell silent.

After some time, it finally answered.

[Host has chosen the path of the Police. Since the choice is not available in the quest, no rewards are given.]

Only then did Benjamin regret his decision. Well, just a bit. He shook off the feeling and didn't bother to argue with the System.

[Host is an idiot. You could just choose Hero and then work as a Policeman.]

...Quiet you!

Benjamin decided to ignore the system to keep himself from regretting it.

Now that he has a goal, he decided on his next problem to tackle.

That...where do I live again?

After thinking for a bit, he shook his head and thought he really can't remember at all so he asked the System to pull up his files.

Ehh...turns out, this previous body of his lives in a shabby apartment in Hell's Kitchen.

Benjamin stood up and prepared to leave.

Outside the hospital, Benjamin looked around, deciding whether to walk or hail a cab. But after remembering there was nothing in his wallet anymore, he sighed and was forced to walk.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang in the alley near the hospital.

Curious and concerned, Benjamin took a look and found a nurse lying on the ground covered in blood!

Looking closely, he found that the nurse was actually Natasha who he saw earlier! The Black Widow!

Benjamin didn't hesitate and immediately carried her away once he was sure she was still alive.

He was about to bring her to the hospital but after thinking about it, what she was fighting was obviously strong.

If he brings her to the hospital, it might involve the other patients if they were discovered.

Gritting his teeth, he carried her and ran away instead.

A few seconds after Benjamin left with Natasha, a shadow loomed over the ledge of the hospital roof.

If Benjamin was here, he would recognize this person wearing a purple suit. The Beatle!

Not the male one though, but Janice Lincoln, the new female Beatle!

She looked to the ground and frowned when she saw that Natasha was nowhere to be found.

After a while, she snorted and left.

Meanwhile, a few blocks away from the scene, Benjamin carried Natasha away while running from roof to roof.

With his enhanced stats, he was naturally capable of such acts while carrying someone. Anyway, Natasha is also quite light.

The reason he's jumping from roof to roof instead was because it will only attract more attention if he carries her on the streets.

Benjamin is being extremely careful in timing his jumps so that no one would notice but actually, a couple of people did notice but just shrugged it off.

Well, this is New York. It seems to be a normal occurrence for them. It was none of their business anyway.

It took him a few minutes to actually reach his shabby apartment.

He grabbed his key hidden under the doormat and went inside.

Inside, he sighed again after seeing the simplicity of his apartment.

Basically, it is a standard room with a mini kitchen, dining area, 1 bathroom, and 1 bedroom.

His stuff was also littered here and there.

Benjamin looked at his sofa which was dirty and full of stuff. He sighed and went to his bedroom.

At least this part is clean.

Once he settled Natasha in his bed, he looked closely at her body and couldn't help but blush.

He...actually just brought the Black Widow into his bedroom!

During this time, Benjamin also got a good look at Natasha. She didn’t look exactly like Scarlett Johansson but there were some similarities. Although this one seems bustier than Scarlett...

At this time, a quest was triggered.

[Side Quest: Create a Harem in the Marvel World!]

[Successfully sleep with dozens of women in this new world! Each women will have a specific Harem Point depending on their identity and classification! Host must get 100 Harem Points in order to complete the quest! Host, it's time to man up!]

[Harem Points: 0/100]

[Rewards: 100, 000, 000 MP, Soul Infinity Stone, Mjolnir.]

[This quest has no penalty as there is no chance of failure. Unless…Host is not a man?]

….What the fuck!? What do you mean by no chance of failure unless I'm not a man!? You're deliberately provoking me right!?

[Did it work?]

It did!

Benjamin sighed and ignored the system for now. He looked at Natasha to examine her injuries.

Injuries are...quite heavy. No choice, I guess I'll use the Medium Recovery Pill on her.

With a thought, a fragrant blue pill appeared in his hands.

He looked at it for a bit out of curiosity and was about to bring it to Natasha's mouth for her to swallow when the voice in his head spoke again.

[Host, with her condition, she will probably not be able to swallow the pill.]

Eh? Then what do I do? I don't really know nor do I have the tools here to tend her wounds.

[Simple. Force her to swallow it using your mouth!]


Benjamin was about to retort at it but decided to remain silent.

Thinking about it and looking at Natasha's bad condition made him believe what the System said.

He gritted his teeth and threw caution out on the wind!

After placing the pill between his teeth, he brought his lips towards Natasha's and fiercely fed her the pill!

Suddenly, Natasha's eyes snapped open and immediately pushed Benjamin back.

Since Benjamin had felt that Natasha had swallowed the pill already, he let himself get pushed.

Natasha glared at Benjamin and looked at her surroundings while in a battle stance.

Instantly, her face blacked and she glared at Benjamin even more!

This...this man actually kissed her and brought her to a bedroom!

"You have 10 seconds to explain yourself!"

Having felt the intense killing intent that Natasha is giving off, Benjamin immediately understood that he was misunderstood!

He brought his hands up in the air to show he meant no harm.

"You're misunderstanding! I'll explain so can you calm down for a bit?"

Natasha's killing intent lowered but it was still there.

"Umm...back in the hospital, I found you had fallen in the alley nearby. Seeing the knife you had, I thought you weren't a nurse at all so I didn't take you to the hospital...but I can't just leave you there as well so I uhh...carried you home with me…"

Benjamin explained while pointing at the knife on the bedside.

Since he was dealing with the Black Widow here, he had mixed in some truths and lies in that statement just now.

Primarily because he didn't want SHIELD or the Avengers taking notice of him too much this early. Besides, if he explained everything truthfully, he would only be pressed with more questions that he couldn’t answer.

Seeing that her knife was close to her made her relax even more since it seemed that Benjamin didn't truly mean to harm her.

After thinking about it, she thought that Benjamin must have been at a loss before.

After all, if you met someone wounded but figured you can't turn that person to the hospital or police, just what would you do?

Actually bringing that person to your house is an extreme risk and definitely dangerous.

Since Benjamin did not hesitate to help her and bring her to his home proved that he wanted to believe in her.

She actually recognized this man in front of her. Earlier today, she had seen him ogling at her stupidly.

Thinking about it made her crack a smile.

Suddenly, she thought about the kiss earlier.

"Then explain why you needed to kiss me?"

"Uhh...that...believe it or not, I have a life-saving pill. Since you were heavily injured, and I don't know if you can swallow it properly, I…"

Natasha blinked for a second then finally noticed how she was able to move properly.

She didn't care at all that Benjamin was in front of her and immediately unzipped her top to check her wounds!

Benjamin coughed and hurriedly turned away! Of course, not forgetting to look at it a few times!

Although Benjamin wasn’t a virgin in his past life, he didn’t know if this body was a virgin or not. In any case, it was still not polite to look at someone naked.

"You're right...I can't believe all those injuries are gone! Even my old scars are...hey, let me have a look at this pill of yours!"

Natasha asked in surprise. She didn't think such wondrous pills without side effects existed!

One must know that a lot of genius people had researched cellular regeneration for quite a long time yet there aren’t many that would say they have succeeded!

Yet this guy who came out of nowhere had just given her such a pill!

Just who is this man!?

Benjamin was a bit overwhelmed at her response but steeled himself to continue to lie.

"That...I said it was a life-saving pill. I don't have any more…"

Natasha's face went red in embarrassment. She actually asked him to give her more of such wondrous pills! It would be a wonder if more of those existed!

"Then why did you give it to me!? What would you do if you were in danger and needed it yourself!?"

"Uhh, I'll deal with it when the time comes."

"What's with that half-assed answer!? Just what do you expect to do!?"

Towards this man who gave such an answer, Natasha was completely stupefied.

All those experiences being an assassin slash agent slash spy slash avenger seemed non-existent now as she faced this guy.

She truly can't read his intentions!

Of course, there was also the fact that Benjamin didn't have any intentions. Getting that Medium Recovery Pill is actually easy for him with his System so he truly didn't feel it was much of a loss.

As for helping Black Widow, he just did it on the spur of the moment.

Thinking so, Benjamin tried to explain more to calm Natasha.

"Well, you were hurt so-"

"So you just gave me a one-time-only life-saving pill!?"

"Uhh, pretty much...also, can you zip your top back? It's...kinda distracting…"

Natasha pulled on her hair in frustration.

She really doesn't know what this guy is thinking!

But after hearing what he said, she went silent and a strange smile appeared on her face.

"Fufu, well fine. Since you saved my life, the least I could do for you is make sure you feel good right?"


Natasha didn't care anymore. Anyway, this guy is quite handsome and fun to tease. She will make sure he remembers this night!

Actually, even though she worked as a spy before, after leaving ‘that place’, she doesn’t sleep with just anyone on a mission anymore.

She still chooses whether she likes the guy or not and Benjamin just so happens to fit her taste as well.

Ignoring Benjamin's reaction, she pushed him down and pulled his pants!

"W-wait just a second here!"

"Nope! Hehe, at least this dick of yours is quite honest! And big too! He deserves a kiss!"

Benjamin's body trembled as Natasha kissed his dick.


She kissed it and caressed it with her tongue. Then, she opened her mouth and swallowed his dick whole!

"Ahh! So big! Unexpectedly, I can only swallow half of it!"

Natasha pulled away and looked at Benjamin's Big Ben in shock!

Even Captain America or Iron Man wasn't this big!

While thinking of such things, her tongue licked the corner of her mouth and continued her blowjob.

It lasted for less than half an hour before Benjamin finally climaxed.

However, he didn't seem to calm down at all!

Natasha smiled and removed her skirt.

She straddled on top of Benjamin and aimed his dick at her own little garden.

"Eh, the condom?"

"Fufu, no need."

Natasha smiled and pushed her hips downwards!

The instant she did, she was caught unprepared at the sudden pain that came along Benjamin's dick piercing her!


"Eh? B-blood? That...you were a virgin!?"

"T-that can't be!?"

Natasha was surprised! It's impossible for her to be a virgin! Because of what happened in the ‘that place’...the Red Room...when she was young. Her virginity and fertility should already be gone!

Wait...the pill!

Don't tell me…the pill not only healed my wounds, but even my own virginity was brought back!? Then...my fertility…!

Natasha's eyes started to drop tears at the thought.

Seeing this, Benjamin panicked.

"H-hey! Does it hurt? Alright, I'll remove it so please don't cry…"


Just as Benjamin was about to separate himself, Natasha glared at him and hugged him tightly!

She then whispered to his ears softly.

"Tonight...I want you to fuck me till I faint!"

Those words seemed to trigger Benjamin and he instantly pushed down Natasha as he began to move wildly!

The two started their battle as moans and their faint breaths filled the room.

They didn't stop until night fell and morning came! They only stopped when Natasha could really no longer go on!

Natasha laid on Benjamin's chest weakly as she looked at his still-standing dick in submission.

She really had to submit to this seemingly endless endurance of his! There was no need to compare to anyone else she slept with before! This guy beats them all by a mile and then some!

To this, Benjamin can only sigh.

Truly...the System's version of Super Soldier is really OP! It was simply the ultimate weapon for sex!

[...That’s not what it was for!]

Benjamin ignored the system’s retort and smiled as he caressed Natasha's head.

"It's alright, just sleep. I think you're tired enough."

"Un, sorry I couldn't fully satisfy you."

"I'm already plenty satisfied. But can I ask, why did you suddenly want to do this? And don’t say it's just to thank me."

Natasha went silent for a while before explaining her story.

She told him how she was trained to be an assassin since she was young. And that on their ‘graduation day’, she was operated on...

I guess it's simply for convenience for an assassin. To have no ties other than the mission.

Though soon after, she was taken in by SHIELD and has been on the path of redemption since then.

Apparently, it would seem that because of the pill, her virginity and fertility seemed to be back as well.

She can't really confirm if her fertility is back but if even her virginity was regenerated...then there was also a chance for her fertility to have been restored.

Hearing this, Benjamin broke into a sweat.

Fuck! Is the Medium Recovery Pill so powerful!?

[Of course. Actually, the Low Recovery Pill was enough to treat her wounds. It was the Host who decided to use the Medium one. This System thought you wanted to conquer her and curing her virginity and fertility was a ploy. That was close, this System almost applauded the Host, thinking he has such skills. But in the end, it was simply the Host's stupid luck.]

...Hearing the explanation from the System made him shocked!

What the hell! Why didn't you say anything!?

[Whatever choices the Host makes have nothing to do with me!]

Fine, but why is this pill so overpowered?

[Simple, the Low, Medium, and High takes into consideration other life forms in this universe. It is just that humans are such weak creatures that a Low Recovery Pill is enough for such heavy injuries. But do be warned, Host is different from normal humans, as Host gets stronger, the less effective these pills are to Host.]

...I see.

Finally understanding it a bit, Benjamin sighed and reconfigured the value of these pills in his mind.

It was too naive of him to think that there are HP gauges here and think that the Low, Medium, and High Recovery Pills simply heal one at a 20%, 50%, 80% HP, or something.

The effectiveness of these pills depends on one's race and power.

Natasha is simply a normal human with great fighting capabilities and no superpowers. This was why the Medium Recovery Pill had such a great effect.

For now, Benjamin decided to use this incident as a base and reference to better gauge where and when to use the pills.

As he was thinking of these, Natasha bit her lip seeing Benjamin grow quiet.

"Don't worry...you won't see me again after today."

"Eh? Why?"

Benjamin was surprised at her sudden statement and asked.

"Why? I'm a killer. I don't deserve to be loved...nor do I deserve a family."

"...What are you saying? After everything we just did, you still say that?"

"But, I thought…"

"There was just something in my mind. It was unrelated to you...Well, it is, but not what you were thinking. Anyway, aren’t you an Avenger now? That should say something, right?"

Natasha was confused so she asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, it says that you didn't want to kill anymore and that you wanted to turn over a new leaf. Why would such a person not deserve to be loved?"

Benjamin smiled and caressed her hair.

"Just sleep. I'm not telling you to forget your past. Remember it. And remember why you wanted to change."

Natasha fell silent for a moment.

Finally, she smiled and snuggled closer to Benjamin.

It didn't take long for her to fall asleep.

Benjamin smiled and also fell asleep.

[Wow, Host is on the roll today!]

...Go to sleep, System!

[Sleep? Sleep is for the weak!]


Note: This is it for now. I'll try to update a chapter every other day....emphasis on the 'try'...I still have work after all XD

Discord link is in the synopsis btw

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