Ultimate System Creator

Chapter 82 Aleister's Sacrifice And Power

Hearing Aleister's suggestion, not only Arceau but even Amelia was astonished by it. They didn't expect that Aleister would risk his life just to protect Arcadia in Arceau's stead.

Others might not know, but Arceau and Amelia knew what Aleister meant. Although there were still chances of Arceau surviving, the chances of him dying were higher if he used his secret move to deal with Keith's fist construct.

After all, Aleister wasn't a god yet while Keith's fist construct was still at the level of a god's attack even when its power was reduced by Arceau. Because of that, they knew that the chances of Aleister sacrificing his life when he used his trump card were higher.

But since Amelia didn't have the right to persuade Aleister since she was only a bystander in her current situation, she could only hope that Arceau managed to persuade Aleister.

And as Amelia had expected, Arceau started her persuasion in order to prevent Aleister from sacrificing his life.

"No, I won't accept your sacrifice. You are my successor. As long as you managed to become a god and surpass me, then Arcadia's future will be on the right track even if I am no longer alive."

"Therefore, don't belittle yourself. Your life is far more important than mine. I had already exhausted my potential. Only you can lead Arcadia to a greater path."

But even with Arceau's persuasion, Aleister stubbornly shook his head.

"I know that from a long-term point of view, my life is more important. But, it will take hundreds of years for me to reach the level of god. If you are dead at that time and no one protects Arcadia, I doubt Arcadia would even last a decade."

"So, I apologize if I am willful, but let me do what I want this time, Master Arceau."

After saying those words, regardless of Arceau's persuasion, Aleister started using his secret move and aimed it toward Keith's fist construct.

Since Aleister had already activated his trump card, as someone very knowledgeable about it, Arceau couldn't stop him even if she wanted to. If she stopped Aleister, then he would still suffer and that would render his sacrifice worthless. Once Aleister's trump card was activated, it could never be stopped.

Standing proudly and confidently in front of Keith's fist construct, Aleister forwarded his right hand and directed it towards Keith's fist construct.

When Aleister finished his preparations, he spoke. "Cause and effect, this didn't happen, it had never did."

When Aleister's voice was heard, Keith's fist construct disappeared out of thin air as if it didn't exist.

Because of that, Arceau didn't have to stall it and she could take a rest. But she didn't and instead, she focused her attention on Aleister.

Several seconds after Aleister activated his ability, Arceau saw that Aleister stood motionless. Afterward, Aleister coughed out blood and his mana could no longer support his flight, causing him to descend towards the ground.


Not only Arceau but even Amelia screamed in distress as her voice was in sync with Arceau's. Regardless of her identity and lack of relationship with both Arceau and Aleister, Amelia hurriedly flew towards Aleister.

Due to Amelia using her borrowed skills, her flight speed was faster than Arceau who was currently in a weak state. Even if Arceau was a goddess, her power was halved and most of her mana and divinity were almost drained.

Because of that, Amelia with her borrowed skills was much faster than Arceau and it allowed Amelia to save Aleister in time before he fell to the ground.

Catching Aleister and holding him in a princess carry, Amelia descended to the ground. After arriving on the ground, Amelia took out a bed from her storage skill and laid Aleister there.

Witnessing how Amelia cared for Aleister, Arceau didn't make a big deal about Amelia's interference. Since both of them were on the same side, Arceau no longer cared about Amelia's origin.

As the goddess who created Arcadia, Arceau was very knowledgeable and she easily saw through Amelia's disguise. She found out that Amelia was a human from Blue Star but she didn't condemn Amelia.

Although Amelia used one of her borrowed skills to change her race into elf temporarily, she discovered that her disguise was seen through by Arceau but she didn't mind. She had already expected Arceau to see through her disguise especially when the two of them were in close proximity.

And when Amelia noticed that Arceau didn't make a big deal out of it, her impression of Arceau had improved and she confirmed that she was undoubtedly on the right side. She knew that staying on Blue Star would be dangerous for her and it seemed that her guess was correct.

At least, on Arcadia, Arceau wasn't unreasonable and Amelia wasn't shunned by her. Amelia knew Gaia and Filicia's personality and because of that, she decisively chose Arcadia as her base.

But the main reason was all due to Aleister Moonlit residing in Arcadia. Since he was her husbando, Amelia would side with the world that sided with Aleister.

Unfortunately, Amelia didn't expect that Keith was too psychopathic. She didn't expect that he was petty enough to attack Arcadia and even kill almost all its inhabitants.

Since all of the powerhouses were sacrificed by Arceau to recover her power while 90% of the inhabitants of Arcadia were wiped out, the population of Arcadia was drastically reduced. From Amelia's estimation, there were only a million inhabitants left in Arcadia and most of them weren't strong but also weren't weak.

Since the strongest in each race were sacrificed by Arceau while the weakest had died from Keith's divine attacks, only the moderately strong ones had managed to survive the catastrophe.

Because of that, Arcadia could barely fight against Blue Star if Blue Star ever invaded Arcadia.

The majority of the awakened humans in Blue Star might be weak, but their powerhouses were still alive which gained them an advantage against Arcadia.

Not to mention, as long as Keith used his First Order skill, he could easily solo all of the inhabitants of Arcadia including Arceau. Not only was Keith powerful, but there was also still the passive Gaia and the almost recovered Julius.

And if Sherry were to use her End Note as well as her space manipulation to her full potential…

Amelia had already expected that Arcadia would lose the world war against Blue Star.

After knowing about that, she wasn't depressed and discouraged. She had known that it was inevitable for that to happen since the protagonist was on Blue Star's side.

But, she was depressed and anxious after Aleister was currently on death's door.

Arceau was currently in a very weakened state so she couldn't assist Amelia in healing Aleister even if she wanted to. She could only restore Aleister back to his peak state as long as she sacrificed herself but knowing Aleister's personality, Arceau knew that doing that would offend Aleister.

After all, Aleister sacrificed her life just to save Arceau's life. If Arceau sacrificed her life to save Aleister's life, then Aleister's sacrifice would be rendered worthless.

That was why, Arceau didn't sacrifice her life in order to save Aleister.

The powerhouse in the elf race that could heal Aleister was already sacrificed by her so she could no longer depend on anyone aside from Amelia.

Arceau didn't know why Amelia was obsessed with Aleister when Amelia and Aleister barely knew each other. But she could recognize that Amelia's feelings and care for Aleister were genuine so she didn't think that Amelia would do anything harmful to Aleister.

With that in mind, Arceau didn't prevent Amelia from healing Aleister.

After receiving Arceau's permission, Amelia didn't hold back in healing Aleister.

'The reason why I liked Katake's End Note novel was all due to Aleister Moonlit. If he dies, then transmigrating here would be pointless!'

'I regret not taking all of the End Notes for myself and obtaining the End Note Third Stage. Only that End Note can recover Aleister back to his peak state. But since Keith and Sherry won't allow me to take the rest of the End Notes and will do everything they could to prevent me from doing so, then I can only think of better alternatives.'

Amelia thought to herself as she remembered the reason why she only took one End Note instead of all of the End Notes. She only took one so that she could have a trump card as well as prevent Sherry from unlocking the End Note Final Stage.

'Fortunately, the author had allowed me to awaken reader-related skills such as the Bookmark skill. There were hundreds of healing skills that I could use to heal Aleister and recover him back to his peak state.'

'Unfortunately, I am too weak to use the strongest healing skill so I can only resort to using multiple weaker healing skills and superimpose them to achieve a stronger healing effect. Although it won't heal Aleister back to his full health, it should be sufficient to prevent him from dying.'

'Aleister better not die. Otherwise, I won't hesitate to use the trump card that the author had given me to kill Keith and Sherry to avenge Aleister!'

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