Unbeatable Martial Emperor

Chapter 14

C14 – Steelgrave City

Seeing their boss on the brink of defeat, the bandits’ second-in-command quickly led a few of his men to provide backup. With their arrival, the pressure on Min Zhenkang and Min Qigang was significantly reduced.

“Ah!” The final guard of the Min family fell in battle. Despite the heavy losses among the bandits, a handful remained, battle-ready and charging directly at Min Zhenkang and Min Qigang.

As the last Min family guard drew his final breath, the battlefield lay bare. Min Qi’s heart ached at the sight; the fallen guards were the Min family’s finest, and it was unthinkable that they had met their end here. The situation for Min Zhenkang and Min Qigang was growing increasingly dire.

Enraged, Min Qi intensified his onslaught.

With a “Puff,” the bandit leader was inadvertently hurled dozens of yards by Min Qi, hitting the ground hard and coughing up a mouthful of blood. Driven by fury and desperation, the leader knew he only needed to stall Min Qi long enough for his comrades to eliminate the other two. Then they could focus all their efforts on taking down Min Qi. Wasting no time, he picked himself up and lunged at Min Qi once more.

Min Qi, having sent the bandit leader flying, charged toward the battlefield where Min Zhenkang was fighting. Midway, he collided with the second-in-command, and a fresh battle ensued.


“Stop!” A mounted guard up ahead abruptly halted the convoy.

“General Huang, what’s the matter?” A woman’s voice inquired from the carriage behind.

“Miss, there’s a skirmish up ahead. It appears to be between some bandits and others in the vicinity. Shall we take a detour?” Huang Shi, atop his horse, reported back to the front of the carriage.

Not far from the three battlefields where Min Zhenkang and his allies were engaged, a troop arrived. Witnessing the clash, they contemplated a detour.

“Oh? To think that bandits would dare to wreak havoc at the gates of Steelgrave City. It seems my father must assert his authority over this region,” remarked the woman, who was none other than Tang Tian, the daughter of Steelgrave City’s Lord.

“Come on, let’s check it out. We can’t just stand idly by after stumbling upon this; otherwise, who would ever feel safe entering Steelgrave City again? Besides, to cause trouble at the gates of Steelgrave City is to mock its authority.” Her words revealed a commanding presence, devoid of the frailty one might expect from the daughter of a city lord.

“Yes, Miss.”

“Advance.” Huang Shi commanded, then spurred his horse into a gallop toward the battlefield.

The combatants finally noticed Huang Shi charging forward on horseback, as well as the figures approaching from afar.

The bandit leader’s nerves kicked in. Whoever was coming, it spelled trouble for him. His notoriety in the area was common knowledge, and the fact that someone was charging toward him, knowing who he was, meant they weren’t afraid.

“Brothers, scatter like the wind,” he signaled covertly to his men.

Upon receiving the signal, the bandits didn’t hesitate. They quickly withdrew from the battlefield, helping their wounded retreat into the shelter of the woods.

With his men gone, the bandit leader and his second-in-command didn’t stick around. They unleashed their most powerful attacks, sending Min Qi flying before disappearing into the forest themselves.

Min Qi hit the ground hard, coughing up a mouthful of blood.

Min Zhenkang and Min Qigang were already hurt, the latter’s arm dangling uselessly, clearly broken. Min Zhenkang was covered in cuts and slashes.

Struggling to his feet, Min Qi approached Min Zhenkang and Min Qigang. “Zhenkang, Qigang, are you both okay?” he asked, his concern evident.

“Dad, I’m not too bad. How about you?” At that moment, Min Zhenkang seemed to be the least injured, with only superficial cuts and slashes. Min Qi had sustained internal injuries from the bandit leader’s last blow, while Min Qigang’s arm was severely broken.

“Uncle, I’m alright,” Min Qigang managed through gritted teeth, enduring the pain.

“Sigh, I’ve failed you all. Had I handed over the Bag of Heaven and Earth sooner, you wouldn’t have suffered such grave injuries, and the fine young men of our Min family wouldn’t have perished here,” Min Qi lamented with guilt.

“Father, don’t blame yourself. I swear, one day I will avenge our fallen brothers,” Min Zhenkang assured him.

Just then, Huang Shi arrived on horseback. Noticing the bandits had fled, he didn’t pursue them. His duty was to protect his mistress, and others would take care of the escaped bandits later.

“I owe you my gratitude, brave warrior,” Min Qi said, turning to Huang Shi.

“There’s no need for thanks. It’s my mistress you should thank. Without her command, you’d likely have met your end here today.”

“Then my thanks to the young lady. May I inquire as to which family she belongs? I hope to have the opportunity to repay this debt of life,” Min Qi expressed.

“Repayment isn’t necessary. My mistress wouldn’t expect it,” Huang Shi responded, just as Tang Tian and her entourage approached.

“Miss, I failed to capture the bandits,” Huang Shi reported, approaching Tang Tian’s palanquin.

“It doesn’t matter. We’ll inform my father upon our return and he will dispatch a force to deal with them. Let’s proceed,” Tang Tian instructed.

“Understood. Moving forward,” Huang Shi affirmed, guiding his horse back to the lead of the convoy.

“Miss, I am deeply indebted to you for saving our lives. May I know your name? I am Min Qi, head of the Min family in Whalespell. I hope to someday repay your kindness,” Min Qi said as Tang Tian’s carriage stopped near him.

“There’s no need for that. Just be more cautious in the future and don’t risk your life for mere wealth,” Tang Tian advised.

“General Huang, please provide them with three horses,” she directed.

“At once, Miss,” Huang Shi complied, arranging three horses for Min Qi and his companions.

“Thank you, Miss,” Min Qi said, taking the reins and expressing his gratitude once more.

Tang Tian, however, offered no further response.

Min Qi and his companions watched as Tang Tian’s caravan disappeared into the distance. They hastily buried the fallen Min family guards, and Min Zhenkang deftly retrieved the Bags of Heaven and Earth from the slain bandits, stowing them in his own. He then handed the guards’ bags to Min Qi.

Once Min Qigang was mounted, the trio made a swift departure from the troubled spot.

A day’s ride brought them to the gates of Steelgrave. Gazing up at the grand characters etched above the entrance, they each let out a sigh of relief, knowing they were finally safe.

“Zhenkang, take Qigang to find an inn while I attend to some business,” Min Qi instructed.

“Understood, Father.”

At the Spring Inn, a welcoming establishment in Steelgrave, they were greeted by an eager attendant.

“Welcome! Are you here for a meal or lodging?” the attendant asked, ushering Min Zhenkang and his charge inside.

“We need rooms. Three of your best,” Min Zhenkang requested.

“Right away! Rooms one, two, and three are at your service,” the attendant called out.

Min Zhenkang supported Min Qigang as they made their way to their quarters.

“Sit and rest a moment, and take this Healing Pill,” Min Zhenkang said, offering the medicine as they settled into the room.

“Zhenkang, where are these Pills from? You’ve brought out several these past days, and their quality and efficacy are remarkable,” Min Qigang inquired.

“Don’t concern yourself with that; just take it,” Zhenkang replied.

Over the past couple of days, Min Zhenkang had produced several Pills from his Bag of Heaven and Earth. His own injuries had healed after just one dose, and Min Qi’s were nearly mended with only two.

These Pills, crafted back in Whalespell, were not limited to healing. His bag also contained many that replenished Profound Qi. The Pill he had just given Min Qigang was a potent second-grade Healing Pill.

After Min Qigang ingested the Pill, he set about healing his wounds.

During Min Qigang’s recovery, Min Zhenkang stepped out of the inn, intent on purchasing additional medicinal herbs from the apothecary to concoct more pills.

“Get lost! You’ve offended our master, and being spared your life is already the greatest mercy shown to you. Fail to recognize this generosity, and I’ll ensure you regret it here and now.”

“Please, I implore you to let me see your master once more. I truly have urgent matters to discuss with him,” Min Qi pleaded earnestly.

En route to the apothecary, Min Zhenkang noticed a crowd gathered ahead, clearly engrossed in some spectacle. He was about to bypass them when he suddenly recognized Min Qi’s voice.

“Father, what’s happened to you? Who are these people, and why have they attacked you?” Min Zhenkang pushed his way through the onlookers, his anger mounting as he clenched his fists.

“And who might you be? Look sharp and take note, we’re the guards of the Jee family,” one of the guards said, gesturing to the sign above.

“The Jee family, is it? Very well, I, Min Zhenkang, declare our families at odds,” Min Zhenkang spat through gritted teeth.

“Well, aren’t you the bold one? If you’re so eager, then I look forward to you trying to take down the Jee family. Now scram, or I’ll end this for you right here,” the guard of the Jee family threatened menacingly.

“Father, we should leave,” Min Zhenkang said, helping Min Qi to his feet, ready to depart.

“Ah, it appears there’s no turning back from this,” Min Qi sighed, his voice heavy with a sudden weariness.

“Father, what’s happened? How did you come to be so grievously wounded?” Min Zhenkang asked, supporting Min Qi back toward the inn.

“It’s a long story. Suffice it to say, the Min family is now out of options.”

“Father, we’ll head back to the inn for now.”

“Father, take this Healing Pill to ease your injuries. I’ll return shortly.” Having settled Min Qi in their room, Min Zhenkang hurried off to the apothecary, determined to learn more about the Jee family’s influence.

“Zhenkang, you’re not planning on confronting the Jee family, are you?”

“Dad, rest easy. I won’t take any impulsive actions until I’m strong enough. Just concentrate on your recovery for now.”

“Okay, just be careful and avoid acting impulsively.”

“I understand.” With that, he departed.

Min Zhenkang hurried to the apothecary to purchase herbs for concocting a Healing Pill. Afterward, he cautiously gathered information about the Jee family’s reputation.

His inquiries revealed that the Jee family wielded considerable influence in Steelgrave City, ranking third in power. The most powerful was, of course, the city’s castellan, followed by the Huangfu family. The Huangfu family’s tendency to keep a low profile led the Jee family to underestimate them. As long as he didn’t cross any lines, the castellan’s residence generally wouldn’t interfere.

It was then that Min Zhenkang recalled an incident in Whalespell where he had crossed paths with a man named Jee Gong, the Second Young Master of the Jee family. He wasn’t sure if it was the same Jee family, but if so, it was indeed a case of enemies meeting on a narrow road.

“Dad, I’m back. How are your injuries?” Min Zhenkang returned to the inn and immediately went to Min Qi’s room to check on him.

“Zhenkang, I’m alright now.”

Seeing the pallor on Min Qi’s face and the blood at the corner of his mouth, a surge of anger ignited within Min Zhenkang.

“Dad, why did the Jee family attack you?”


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