Unbeatable Martial Emperor

Chapter 3

C3 – Truly a Piece of Trash?

Chu Keke supported Min Zhenkang as they made their way back to his living quarters, the night already drawing in. After a brief exchange of words, she left him to his solitude.

Once Chu Keke had departed, Min Zhenkang settled onto his bed to meditate, now attempting the challenging task of reconnecting his main meridian channels.

Over ten days of rigorous training had hardened him to physical pain, emboldening him to undertake the delicate process of meridian reconnection.

Despite his newfound tolerance, the sharp pain that accompanied the procedure nearly forced a cry of agony from Min Zhenkang.

He persisted in his cultivation until the early morning hours. When he finally tried to rest, sleep eluded him. His mind was preoccupied with the day’s encounter with the Testing Stone, leaving him to ponder the extent of his talent within the vast lands of Suanikos.

At the age of six, Min Zhenkang’s talent had been revealed by the Testing Stone, its deep blue hue signaling a level six aptitude, a cause for jubilation among the Min family. Such a level of talent in the Bacia Dynasty was rare, found only among high-ranking ministers or pivotal elders within powerful sects.

Compelled by these thoughts, Min Zhenkang stepped out of his room and approached the testing platform, now deserted in the still of the night.

Alone, he reached the Testing Stone and placed his hand within it, channeling the last vestiges of Profound Qi from his veins into the stone.

A faint buzz was the only response from the Testing Stone, which otherwise remained unchanged.

Staring at the inert stone, a sense of desolation washed over Min Zhenkang. Had he truly become worthless after his soul had transmigrated into this body?

He trudged back to his quarters, the disappointing outcome from the Testing Stone weighing heavily on his mind.

Yet, Min Zhenkang was no stranger to adversity. In his past life, despite his lack of innate talent, he had reached the pinnacle of martial arts through sheer determination. With that same conviction, Min Zhenkang believed that with effort, reclaiming the summit of martial prowess was just a matter of time.

He shook his head, clearing the lingering thoughts, and settled down to sleep.


The next day, Min Zhenkang rose early, freshened up, and headed to the martial arts training ground. This was where the Min family disciples honed their martial skills, and Zhenkang was a fixture here. Despite his ability to cultivate, he had no plans to abandon his martial arts training.

Firstly, it was to build physical strength. Zhenkang’s body certainly needed rigorous conditioning. While cultivators mainly focus on Profound Qi, Suanikos boasted numerous experts who had attained the Saint Body, and these individuals were even more formidable than those proficient in martial prowess.

Secondly, it served to mislead onlookers, perpetuating the belief that Zhenkang was still incapable of cultivating martial arts and could only practice basic techniques.

The training ground bore countless pits of varying sizes, each a testament to Zhenkang’s efforts over the last seven years.

“Ground Fracturing Step!”

Many of the pits were remnants of Zhenkang’s dedicated practice of the Ground Fracturing Step over those years. He had honed this skill, along with all the other basic martial arts of the Min’s mansion, to the point of mastery.

Talent wasn’t just about martial arts; comprehension and other abilities were equally crucial. Although Zhenkang hadn’t been able to cultivate for seven years, it didn’t mean his capacity for understanding had diminished.

From a distance, Min Qi and Lang Huan watched Zhenkang tirelessly repeat the mansion’s basic martial arts. It pained them to see him like this.

“Alas, my dear Zhenkang,” Lang Huan sighed, her heart heavy. “His body has only just recovered, and yet he’s already immersing himself in these basic martial arts again. He’s perfected them over the last seven years.” Watching Zhenkang, she couldn’t help but feel distressed.

“This is the true spirit of the Min family—unyielding and indomitable. If all the disciples of our house could embody this spirit, the Min family would surely thrive,” Min Qi said, giving Lang Huan a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “My dear, let’s not bother Zhenkang any longer.”

“Master, you must find a way to heal Zhenkang,” Lang Huan implored, her heart heavy with the thought of his unwavering diligence despite his inability to cultivate. She couldn’t help but wish that it had been her who was injured instead.

“Don’t worry, my love. Once Zhenkang has fully recovered, I plan to take him to Steelgrave. Perhaps we’ll find the opportunity he needs there.”

“Hello, Uncle Min, Aunt Lang.”

“Ah, Keke, you’re here to see Zhenkang, aren’t you? He’s at the training ground. I’ll go fetch him,” Lang Huan said, turning to leave.

“No need, Aunt Lang. I’ll wait for Zhenkang right here,” Chu Keke said, gently holding Lang Huan back.

“Oh, my dear child, you’ve been through so much, yet you remain steadfast by Zhenkang’s side. I can’t help but wonder what good deeds he must have done in a past life to deserve a girl as wonderful as you in this one.”

“Aunt Lang, please don’t say that. I have faith that Zhenkang will recover. Besides, he’s always been so kind to me. And our engagement was arranged by Grandpa Min and Grandpa Min,” Keke replied, her cheeks coloring at the mention of their betrothal.

“Keke, speaking of the engagement, there’s something I’d like to discuss with you.”

“Please, Aunt Lang, whatever it is, just tell me.”

“Well, you and Zhenkang are of age now, and I was thinking of setting a date to bring your uncle’s betrothal gifts to your grandfather to formally ask for your hand in marriage. I just wanted to know how you feel about this,” Lang Huan said, her voice betraying a hint of uncertainty. Despite the close bond between Chu Keke and Min Zhenkang, the reality of marriage was an entirely different consideration.

Chu Keke was at a loss for words, overwhelmed by Min Qi’s unexpected suggestion.

“What’s the matter, Keke? Did I frighten you? If you’re not comfortable with this, let’s pretend I never mentioned it.”

“Madam, really, why bring up marriage now? Zhenkang and Keke are just fine as they are,” Min Qi interjected at that moment.

“It’s not that, Uncle and Auntie. I’ll follow Grandpa’s plans on this. I’m just unsure about Zhenkang’s feelings,” Chu Keke said, her cheeks blushing to the tips of her ears.

“Don’t worry, Keke. I assure you, Zhenkang won’t have any objections,” Aunt Lang said, tugging at Min Qi’s arm. “Come on, Old Master, let’s leave them be and not intrude on Zhenkang and Keke’s time together.”

With that, the couple departed, leaving Chu Keke gazing at Min Zhenkang, who was diligently practicing the Min family’s basic martial arts in the training field.

“Keke, sorry to keep you waiting.” Min Zhenkang had actually noticed her presence while he was training.

“It’s okay, Zhenkang. But you’ve just recovered, and now you’re back to training with these basic martial skills. Are you sure your body can handle it?” Chu Keke asked, her concern evident.

“I’m fine, really. I’ll be careful. How about we go for a walk today, since we’re both free?”

“Sure. It’s not often you suggest going out,” Keke replied with a smile.

Linking her arm through his, they started walking out together.

“Hey, hey, you’re not playing fair, buddy. You recover and don’t say a word, just here flirting with girls, making me worry for nothing,” a young man called out to them before they could leave the Min estate.

“Tai, I just haven’t had the chance to catch you up yet!” Min Zhenkang said as he approached his best friend, Chang Tai.

“Sure, you’ve been ‘too busy’ to tell me,” he teased, glancing at Chu Keke with a grin.

“Tai, what brings you here all of a sudden? Didn’t Uncle Chang have you cooped up at home for training?”

“Don’t even get me started. After that incident at Antigough Rise with you, my old man has had me on lockdown. I’ve been under constant surveillance, with no chance to step outside. I barely managed to sneak out today just to check up on you. I never expected…” Chang Tai finished with a look of deep regret, as if lamenting his poor choice in companions.

“But thinking back, when we went to Antigough Rise, with your abilities, you shouldn’t have had any trouble. How did you end up at Antigough Cliff?” Chang Tai asked Min Zhenkang, his concern evident.

“It’s a long story. It was all Guo Tao’s doing, and well, here we are,” Zhenkang replied.

“Guo Tao, I should’ve guessed he was involved. Don’t worry, brother, I’ll make sure he pays for this.”

“Tai, I appreciate your sentiment, but this is my battle to fight. I need to handle it on my own.”

“Handle it on your own? Are you sure you’re up to it?”

“Tai, I’m not the person I used to be. Trust me.” In that moment, Min Zhenkang exuded a presence that was both familiar and strangely new, his words inspiring an involuntary conviction.

“Fine, we’ll let that jerk think he’s got the upper hand for a little while longer. So, where are you two off to?”

“Just wandering around. Know any good spots?”

The three exchanged glances, each as clueless as the next.

“How about we head to Antigough Rise for some hunting?” Zhenkang finally suggested.

“No way, you’re barely back on your feet and you’re thinking about Antigough Rise again? Are you planning on becoming tiger chow? Now that I see you’re alright, I’m relieved. I won’t keep you any longer; I need to get back before my old man discovers I’ve slipped out and gives me an earful.” With that, Chang Tai vanished as quickly as he had appeared.

“That Tai, always a whirlwind,” Zhenkang remarked, watching his friend’s hasty departure.

“Zhenkang, are you seriously considering going back to Antigough Rise?” Chu Keke asked, her eyes fixed on him.

“Yes, but not for hunting. I need to go to Antigough Rise to verify something.”

“Alright, I’ll accompany you.”

“Okay.” With that, the pair set off towards the outskirts of the city.

Whalespell boasted two city gates, one to the east and one to the west. Exiting through the eastern gate, it wasn’t long before they reached Antigough Rise. Legend had it that Antigough Rise spanned a vast 100,000 square meters, teeming with innumerable wild and Demonic Beasts.

The periphery was overrun with low-level wild beasts that acted purely on instinct, attacking any perceived threats. It was common for Whalespell’s families to use this region as a training ground for their young disciples.

Deeper within, one would encounter low-level Demonic Beasts, creatures just beginning to shed their primal instincts for a sense of territory. It was the domain of skilled experts and powerful independent cultivators from the major families who ventured here to hunt.

At the heart of Antigough Rise resided the formidable Demonic Beasts, having entirely cast off their bestial impulses and developed a fierce territorial instinct. Any unwelcome intruder, be it human or beast, would face their wrath. These Demonic Beasts had also begun to cultivate, with the mightiest among them, the Demonic Beast King, surpassing even the strength of Whalespell’s own mayor.

Nevertheless, these Demonic Beasts seldom strayed from Antigough Rise. While the outermost wild beasts might occasionally wander out, they were typically slain long before they could pose any threat to the town.

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