Unbeatable Martial Emperor

Chapter 31

C31 – Encountering an Ambush

“Castellan, unless there’s anything else, we’ll take our leave,” Min Zhenkang said.

“Min Zhenkang, would you consider working for my castellan’s residence?” To his surprise, Tang Guo extended an unexpected offer.

“Thank you for the generous offer, Castellan. I’m naturally a bit of a free spirit and don’t take well to constraints.”

“Besides, you’re probably aware of my knack for finding trouble. I still owe you for intervening with the Jee family incident.”

“To avoid bringing any issues to those close to me, I’ve decided not to align with any factions for now. I hope you’ll forgive my impertinence.”

Min Zhenkang had no desire to join any forces, so he politely declined Tang Guo’s invitation.

“Think it over carefully. You may have my recommendation to join the Fang Sect, but the Jee family has already secured their position there.”

“Working for the castellan’s residence would deter the Jee family from daring to cross you, regardless of their audacity.”

“Moreover, my residence doesn’t shy away from conflict, so you can rest assured on that front.”

Tang Guo laid out the advantages and disadvantages for Min Zhenkang to consider.

“I appreciate your kindness, Castellan, but I truly have no intention of joining any side,” Min Zhenkang gently refused once more.

“Hey, what’s with your attitude? When has my father ever made such an offer to anyone? You…” Tang Tian began to protest but was cut off by Tang Guo.

“If you’re not inclined to join my residence, I won’t press the issue.”

“Here’s my proposal: I’ll give you six months to mull it over. During this time, I’ll have my people keep an eye on the Jee family to prevent any aggression toward Min’s mansion.”

“I’ll also ensure Min’s mansion in Whalespell is protected, though I won’t involve myself in your personal affairs.”

“You’re welcome to approach me anytime within these six months. However, once this period ends, if you still wish to remain independent, I’ll respect your decision.”

For Tang Guo to make such an offer was unprecedented, and Min Zhenkang was the first to receive it.

Tang Tian was taken aback by her father’s words. What had gotten into him today? He was extending olive branches to Min Zhenkang left and right, a behavior she had never witnessed from him before.

“Thank you for your generous offer, Castellan. On behalf of Min’s mansion, I express our gratitude for your protection. I will give this matter my full consideration,” Min Zhenkang responded, though internally he was baffled. He hadn’t done anything to stand out, so why was the Castellan treating him with such favor?

“Haha, victory is finally within reach!” The middle-aged man seated across from Tang Guo suddenly burst into laughter.

“Castellan, I shall take my leave and not impose any further.”

“Very well, be on your way. And don’t forget our agreement.”

“I’ll keep it in mind, farewell.” With a bow, Min Zhenkang and his companion took their leave from Tang Guo. Min Zhenkang cast a final glance at the middle-aged man before exiting.

Tang Tian escorted the two men out of the courtyard.

“Brother Tang, who is that young man? What has he done to warrant such a decision from you?” The man across from Tang Guo, now ignoring the chessboard, inquired with curiosity.

“Min Zhenkang,” Tang Guo replied. “Surely, Brother Murong, the name rings a bell.”

“The Min Zhenkang from Whalespell’s Min’s mansion? I’ve never met him, but I remember the buzz around his talent a few years back—it even caught the attention of the Bacia Dynasty’s royal family.”

“Exactly, that’s the one.”

“But then his story just stopped. I assumed something unfortunate had occurred,” Murong Hai commented.

Murong Hai, the patriarch of the Huangfu Family, was a prominent figure in Steelgrave, second only to the Castellan’s residence.

“Indeed, the boy suffered a mishap seven years ago.”

“Oh? What kind of mishap?” Murong Hai’s interest was piqued.

“A few days ago, I had someone look into it. Seven years prior, he lost control during his cultivation, causing his Profound Qi to go berserk and destroy all the meridians in his body.”

“And that’s not all. The Profound Qi also obliterated his dantian, shattering his Martial Spirit and inflicting further damage on his body.”

“Since then, the boy has been unable to cultivate—a complete invalid.”

“It’s that serious? A shattered dantian spells the end of any cultivator’s dreams!”


“Yet, it seems Min Zhenkang is far from worthless!”

“True. When they arrived in Steelgrave City a while back, they were ambushed by robbers outside the city. Li-er saved them, but I didn’t give it much thought.”

“But the recent incident with the Jee family piqued my interest in him. I had my people dig into his past and that’s when I learned about his earlier troubles.”

“Oh? So the one who turned the Jee family upside down was this kid? Fascinating! To take on the Jee family single-handedly… truly, the fearlessness of youth!”

Murong Hai’s interest in Min Zhenkang was kindled by Tang Guo’s remarks.

“Still, Brother Xia, that doesn’t seem like enough reason to treat him this way,” Murong Hai expressed his skepticism.

“When I had my men look into him, not a soul in Whalespell knew he could cultivate again. Even within Min’s mansion, some were unaware.”

“Are you suggesting that the Min family spread false news and that Min Zhenkang never fell into madness?”

“That’s one possibility. The other is that Min Zhenkang has only recently recovered and can now resume his cultivation!”

“Is that even possible? You must be joking, Brother Tang!”

“To have just regained his strength and dare to confront the Jee family—what kind of prodigy is he?!”

“We can’t dismiss either possibility, though both seem highly unlikely,” Tang Guo stated.

“Which do you believe more, Brother Tang?”

“I’m inclined to believe the latter. Concealing him for seven years is no small feat! And knowing Min Zhenkang’s character, it’s clear he couldn’t be kept hidden for long.”

Indeed, experience comes with age, and Tang Guo had quickly discerned the truth.

“So that’s why you’re extending an olive branch to the young man? The wisdom of age strikes again! Brother Tang, your insight remains as keen as ever.”

“This is just one of the primary reasons. Another is that I’ve noticed Li-er seems to have taken a liking to this young man recently!”

“You and your daughter are cut from the same cloth! You both have such discerning eyes. Brother Tang is intent on chaining this enigmatic figure to the Xia family’s ship!”

“However, I don’t see any signs that the young man reciprocates Li-er’s feelings. It looks like Brother Tang’s wishful thinking might come to nothing.”

Murong Hai quipped from the side.

“Even if we can’t bind him to our family’s ship, befriending him is still valuable. A person of his caliber is not someone that the modest temple of Steelgrave can retain.”

“As long as we avoid becoming his enemy, it will benefit the Xia family.”

Tang Guo lacked confidence that Min Zhenkang would stay and serve him, especially given Min’s exceptional talent, which Steelgrave could hardly contain.

“There’s something else I’m curious about, Brother Murong. Have you noticed that it’s impossible to gauge this young man’s level of cultivation?”

“Now that you mention it, I hadn’t realized, but you’re right. I can’t see through it either. Could he possess a rare treasure that conceals his cultivation?”

“That remains unclear!”

“Enough about him for now. Let’s get back to our game of chess, shall we?”

The two resumed their game in the pavilion.

After Min Zhenkang had recovered and resumed his cultivation, everyone who had previously encountered him could no longer discern his level of cultivation.

Before, Xiao Yin had only sensed fluctuations of Profound Qi around Min Zhenkang. It was only when Min Qi had channeled his own Profound Qi into Min Zhenkang’s body that he understood Min’s precise cultivation level and physical state.

All this stemmed from Min Zhenkang’s enigmatic dantian.

“What’s the matter with you, young man? Why didn’t you accept my father’s invitation?”

“Miss Tang, as I’ve said before, I don’t like being tied down to one place,” Min Zhenkang replied with a sense of resignation.

“Who’s tying you down? You’re ungrateful!” Tang Tian retorted, clearly frustrated.

“So, what are your plans now? Where will you head to next?”

“I need to return to Whalespell to handle some business, and Qigang will take the castellan’s letter straight to the Fang Sect!”

“I thought you were refusing my father’s invitation because you wanted to visit the Fang Sect on your own! Should I arrange an escort for you?”

“Thanks for the offer, Miss Tang, but we can manage on our own. There’s no need to trouble Steelgrave’s soldiers.”

“Very well, just be cautious when you leave the city, especially of the Jee family possibly tailing you.”

“Got it, we’re off.”

With that, they set off towards the city outskirts.

Watching Min Zhenkang’s departing figure, Tang Tian felt an unexpected sense of loss.


“Yes, Miss!”

“Dispatch a few soldiers to shadow them and ensure their safety, but make sure they remain unseen.”

“Understood, Miss.”

Once back at the castellan’s residence, Tang Tian quickly gave orders to covertly safeguard Min Zhenkang.

“Zhenkang, I’m heading straight to the Fang Sect. Be careful on your way back, okay?”

“Sure, I’ll be fine. Take care of yourself, too.”

The two split up outside the city gates.

Min Zhenkang spurred his horse towards Whalespell. Shortly after they left, a group began pursuing him.

The castellan’s soldiers followed in pursuit not long after.

“Show yourselves!”

A day later, Min Zhenkang called out to the shadows behind him.

Several masked figures emerged from the surrounding woods.

“Who are you? The Jee family? Bandits?” Min Zhenkang inquired with composure.

“We’re paid to eliminate problems, and someone’s offered a price for your head,” the leading masked man declared.

“It seems the Jee family is the only one with such a grudge against me!” Min Zhenkang maintained his calm, unfazed by the encircling threat.

“Will you surrender your head willingly, or shall we brothers be forced to take it?” the masked man taunted.

“Those capable of claiming my head haven’t been born in Suanikos yet!” retorted Min Zhenkang, as he drew a mid-grade yellow-ranked treasure artifact from his Bag of Heaven and Earth.

Upon witnessing Min Zhenkang unsheathe his weapon, a dozen masked men followed suit, each brandishing their own armaments.

Saber, spear, sword, halberd, axe, hammer.

“Kill!” The lead masked man charged forward with a battle cry.

Min Zhenkang, unfazed by the onslaught, stood his ground, sword in hand.

“You’re asking for it!” infuriated by Min Zhenkang’s audacity, another masked man bellowed.

“Meteor Hammer!”

“Divine Dragon Wags Its Tail!”

“Returning Spear!”


As the flurry of attacks nearly reached Min Zhenkang, he made his move.

He executed the first technique of the Shadow Sword Style — the Formless Strike.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With effortless grace, Min Zhenkang swung his sword, deflecting every assault to a radius beyond his reach.

Meanwhile, as Min Zhenkang engaged the masked assailants, a shadow crept closer to the fray, shrouded by darkness.

In the chaos of battle or under the veil of night, this shadow would be nearly impossible to detect.

Its owner’s eyes, sharp and calculating, were fixed on finding Min Zhenkang’s vulnerabilities, confident in delivering a fatal blow should an opening present itself.

Yet, Min Zhenkang seemed oblivious to the lurking danger, continuing his fight. Or perhaps, he was feigning ignorance.

The strongest among his opponents barely reached the ninth level of the Martial Spirit Stage, with most hovering at the seventh or eighth. To Min Zhenkang, they posed no real threat.

His skirmish with them was a ploy to draw out those hidden in the shadows, hoping to eradicate all nuisances in one fell swoop.

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