Unbeatable Martial Emperor

Chapter 33

C33 – In Danger

“Why didn’t you consider sparing my life when you were trying to kill me? If I were weaker than you and pleaded for mercy, would you have spared me?”

“Did you ever spare those you killed?”

The assassin was left dumbstruck by Min Zhenkang’s pointed question.

“Entering this line of work, you should be prepared for the possibility of death. However, I’ll offer you a chance. Survive three moves from me, and you’ll walk away free.”

“Is that true?” The assassin couldn’t believe his ears.

“Why would I lie to you?”

“Fine.” Eager to secure the deal before Min Zhenkang could change his mind, the assassin quickly accepted.

Confident in his eighth-level Martial Spirit Stage abilities, he believed he could withstand three moves from Min Zhenkang.

Playing it safe, the assassin summoned his Martial Spirit, the Three-star Ice Bird.

“Please, proceed!” He gestured to Min Zhenkang to begin.

Without further ado, Min Zhenkang called forth his Martial Spirit and launched a punch!

“Challenging my Three-star Martial Spirit with a mere One-star? That’s an insult!” The assassin felt slighted as Min Zhenkang’s One-star Martial Spirit advanced on him.


The anticipated destruction of the One-star Martial Spirit didn’t happen. Instead, Min Zhenkang’s punch forced the Ice Bird back into the assassin’s dantian.

The assassin stared at Min Zhenkang’s Martial Spirit in disbelief.

Could this truly be a One-star Martial Spirit? How could it be so formidable? My Ice Bird couldn’t even withstand a single hit!

The destruction of his Martial Spirit wounded the assassin, and if Min Zhenkang didn’t hold back, surviving the next two moves seemed impossible.

The second move came.

The third technique of the Shadow Sword Style—Sword Strike!

Desperate to live, the assassin countered with his most powerful martial skill against Min Zhenkang’s Sword Strike.

“Overlord’s Meteor Fist!”


The clash sent a cloud of dust and leaves swirling into the air. Min Zhenkang emerged from the haze and swiftly rode off into the distance.

A quarter of an hour later, the dust finally settled. The battlefield now featured a deep crater, with the trees for a hundred feet around reduced to splinters by the battle’s unleashed energy.

Inside the pit, there was no one to be found. Min Zhenkang had pulverized the assassin into a bloody mist, mingling with the sawdust scattered across the ground.

Shortly after the battle concluded, the first wave of people who had followed Min Zhenkang from Steelgrave arrived on the scene, only to be met with a haunting silence as they took in the carnage around them.

These were the Jee family guards who had tracked Min Zhenkang. The sight of the strewn corpses left them in utter shock. These were the very assassins their Second Young Master had recruited from Steelgrave and its surroundings. To their disbelief, the entire force had been decimated here, including the Shadow Assassins.

The pursuers’ cultivation levels were around the seventh level of the Martial Spirit Stage. Among the fallen assassins, many had been of higher rank, yet they too had met their end in this place. Realizing that continuing the pursuit of Min Zhenkang would be tantamount to suicide, the guards promptly turned back and headed for Steelgrave without further discussion.

Not long after the Jee family guards departed, Steelgrave’s soldiers arrived, equally stunned by the gruesome tableau before them. After a thorough search yielded no sign of Min Zhenkang’s body, the soldiers spurred their horses onward towards Whalespell.

Five days later, Min Zhenkang finally made it back to Whalespell. Even before he entered the town, he sensed an odd tension in the air.

Under normal circumstances, the journey to Whalespell would take ten days, but time was a luxury Min Zhenkang couldn’t afford. Pushing his mounts to their limits, he arrived just in time, with only a handful of days remaining before Chu Keke’s coerced nuptials.

Min Zhenkang hastened towards Min’s mansion. Along the way, he passed shops aglow with festive lanterns and others shrouded in gloom.

The brightly lit establishments belonged to the Guo family, celebrating the wedding day of Whalespell’s most beautiful woman, Chu Keke, to the Guo family’s Second Young Master, the simple-minded Liu Tao.

In stark contrast, the properties of Min’s mansion were steeped in desolation. The shops under the Min name were lifeless, with clerks idly dozing off, and not a soul to be seen either inside or out.

People passing by kept their distance, clearly avoiding something. Min Zhenkang immediately sensed trouble at Min’s mansion and raced home at top speed.

“Young Master Zhenkang, you’ve returned. Where is Young Master Qigang?” The butler approached with urgency upon seeing Min Zhenkang.

“My cousin hasn’t returned. Uncle Yang, what’s happened at Min’s mansion?”

“Ah, it’s a long story. A few days ago, the third master had a clash with Guo Yong, who brutally injured him without a second thought. When the family head returned, he went to demand justice from the Guo family, but he hasn’t come back since.”

“Now, the Guo family has seized most of our holdings in Whalespell. The few that remain are deserted.”

“The old patriarch, who was in seclusion, has been called upon by the second master to oversee the family affairs.”

“How long has my father been at the Guo family’s? Grandfather left his seclusion? How is he?”

“The family head has been with the Guo family for three days. The old patriarch isn’t faring well, either.”

“Where are Grandfather and the others now?” Min Zhenkang inquired as he continued inside.

“The third master is recovering in his room. The second master and the old patriarch are likely in the council hall.”

“Got it.” Min Zhenkang made a beeline for the council hall.

“Grandfather, Second Uncle.”

In the council hall, an elderly man with white hair sat in the place of honor, his eyes devoid of life, his frame stooped. He was so still that one might think he had passed on. This was the former patriarch of Min’s mansion, Min Zhenkang’s grandfather, Min Hanshi. Below him sat a middle-aged man, the second master of Min’s mansion, Min Huiyu.

Min Zhenkang entered the hall.

“Zhenkang, you’re back! Where is Qigang?” Min Huiyu, seeing only Min Zhenkang, feared for Min Qigang’s safety.

“Uncle, there’s no need to worry. Qigang has the Steelgrave City Lord’s recommendation letter and has already gone straight to the Fang Sect’s disciple recruitment.”

Min Hanshi’s eyes slowly opened at the news.

It was a rare bit of good news for the Min family lately. Both Min Hanshi and Min Huiyu had been briefed on the situation by Min Qi.

Min Huiyu had assumed it would be Zhenkang attending the Fang Sect’s recruitment with the letter, but to his surprise, it was his own son, Qigang. Clearly, Zhenkang had passed the letter directly to Qigang.

“Grandpa, how are you feeling?” Zhenkang asked, looking at his grandfather with concern.

“I’ll survive for now. Zhenkang, your uncle mentioned you’ve begun cultivating?”

“Yes, Grandpa. I’ve made a full recovery.”

“Then what’s your current level of cultivation? I can’t seem to discern it. Are you carrying a treasure that conceals it, or have you learned some technique to do so?”

“Grandpa, I’m just at the fifth level of the Martial Spirit Stage. I haven’t used any treasures or special techniques. Why others can’t see my cultivation level is a mystery to me as well.”

“Has Uncle Yang filled you in on your father’s situation?”

“Yes, and I’m planning to visit the Guo family now.”

“Good. I’ll accompany you. It’s time we paid the Guo family a visit.”

“Understood.” With that, Min Hanshi and the others left the council hall and set out for the Guo family’s residence.

Before Zhenkang’s return, Min Hanshi and Qigang had been at a loss for a solution to their dilemma. Now that Zhenkang was intent on visiting the Guo family, they both agreed to join him without hesitation.

Before departing, Zhenkang spoke with the butler, Yang Bo, instructing him to purchase several medicinal herbs from the Hall of Rejuvenation immediately. He emphasized that Yang Bo must have the herbs ready before noon and handed him ten thousand Mysterious Stones from the Bag of Heaven and Earth for the purchase.

The Guo family’s home was alive with excitement and joy at this moment. Inside, the atmosphere was brimming with happiness, while outside, lanterns and festive banners adorned the entrance. Prominent figures from Whalespell periodically made their way inside.

“The manager of the Hall of Rejuvenation has brought a five-hundred-year-old ginseng! Wishing Young Master Liu Tao a joyous marriage,” announced the butler, diligently recording gifts as he spoke.

“Elder Zhou from the Heaven and Earth Auction House presents a superior yellow-rank treasure artifact! May Young Master Liu Tao be blessed with a child soon.”

“The Jee family of Steelgrave offers a high-grade yellow-rank treasure artifact! Congratulations to Young Master Liu Tao on his nuptials.”

“The patriarch of the Li family gifts a pair of jade pendants! Wishing Young Master Liu Tao a century of wedded bliss.”

At the head of the main hall sat a man cloaked in black, his features obscured, his origins a mystery. Silent from the start, he spoke not a word.

Yet, his formidable presence commanded respect. When a martial artist, seeking to curry favor with Guo Yong, dared to hurl an insult at the man, he was promptly dispatched with a slap that sent him flying—a clear warning to all.

Even a fifth-level Martial Spirit Stage warrior was no match for such a slap. The crowd grew wary, no longer approaching carelessly, not even to make small talk.

Figures like Elder Zhou, the Hall of Rejuvenation’s manager, and the Jee family’s representatives seemed unconcerned with the enigmatic man.

Guo Yong, meanwhile, was all smiles beneath, lavishing attention on distinguished guests like Elder Zhou, the Hall of Rejuvenation’s manager, and the Jee family’s envoy. He flitted to the side of the mysterious man now and then, eager to please.

But the mysterious man paid him no heed, leaving Guo Yong in an awkward predicament.

Despite this, Guo Yong remained in the hall, grinning foolishly as always. The only change today was his attire—a striking red robe.

“Master, the auspicious time has come,” a servant announced. “The Young Master and Young Madam may now proceed with the wedding ceremony.”

“Very well, bring forth the bride,” came the reply.


The enigmatic figure remained motionless in the seat of honor, showing no intention of moving. Guo Yong, upon witnessing this, could only offer an awkward smile and instructed someone to place an additional chair beside him.

Guo Yong had taken an immediate dislike to the stranger’s haughtiness upon his arrival at the Guo family. A confrontation ensued, but unexpectedly, Guo Yong, a third-level Martial Spirit practitioner, was bested after a mere ten moves against the mysterious individual.

Subsequently, the stranger commanded Guo Yong to seize Chu Keke and arrange her marriage.

At that juncture, Chu Le had already visited Min Hanshi. Without the aid of a Pill, Min Hanshi’s chances of advancing were slim to none.

The Min family, lacking connections to influential figures, left Chu Le with no choice but to seek out old friends for a Pill to support Min Hanshi’s breakthrough.

Guo Yong’s attempt to apprehend Chu Keke coincided with the day after Chu Le’s departure from Whalespell. Had Chu Le been present, Guo Yong wouldn’t have dared lay a finger on her.

The capture of Chu Keke turned into an hours-long battle, with over a thousand exchanges, yet Guo Yong couldn’t subdue Chu Keke, a third-level Martial Warrior. Ultimately, it was the mysterious man who intervened and subdued her.

Chu Keke’s powers were sealed by this very man!

“The auspicious time has come. May the bride and groom enter the hall for the wedding ceremony!” the head honcho announced.

Veiled in red, Chu Keke was escorted into the hall by two maids.

At this moment, Chu Keke’s meridians were completely sealed, rendering her no different from an ordinary person.

Liu Tao stood grinning foolishly in the center of the hall, holding one end of the ceremonial red string. When Chu Keke was led in, a maid offered her the other end, but Chu Keke made no move to take it.

The maid, at a loss, looked to Guo Yong for guidance.

“Tie the red string to her hand!” Guo Yong said, visibly irritated by the situation.

The crowd followed Chu Keke into the hall, while those of lesser rank were left to watch from outside.

“Bow to the heavens and earth!”


No sooner had the head honcho called out the first command than a thunderous crash echoed from the entrance.

The festive atmosphere at the Guo residence was abruptly silenced. Every eye, whether belonging to a guest or a member of the Guo family, turned in unison toward the source of the commotion.

In that instant, the grand doors of the Guo estate had been kicked off their hinges, hurtling into the courtyard. Several unfortunate souls were struck, left seeing stars and one even spat out a mouthful of blood!

An elderly man, accompanied by a middle-aged man and a young boy, stepped through the threshold.

They were the Min family’s third generation.

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