Unbeatable Martial Emperor

Chapter 39

C39 – Peaceful Time

“What kind of strength is required to gain the Chu family’s recognition?” Min Zhenkang inquired.

“In my opinion, you’d need the power of at least a Martial Emperor to even stand a chance of earning the Chu family’s approval—and age is also a factor; you can’t be too old,” came the reply.

In the entire Bacia Dynasty, the presence of a Martial Emperor was a rarity, akin to an esteemed ancestor. Now, Min Zhenkang needed such formidable strength just to scrape by for the Chu family’s nod of approval. Their might was indeed formidable!

“Alright, I’m determined to give it my all,” Min Zhenkang resolved, intent on seeking the Chu family’s blessing to marry Chu Keke in an honorable manner.

“Brave lad, full of spirit and audacity. Not even the Chu family intimidates you. With that kind of bravery, you’re already a match for Miss Keke. But I’m curious about your actual level of cultivation.”

“Zhenkang, have you thought about what you’ll do in the future?”

“After wrapping up some matters here in Whalespell over the next few days, I plan to set out on my own and see what I can make of myself.”

“It’s wise to explore beyond Whalespell. Staying put could limit your potential and put an end to any hopes of marrying Miss Keke, not to mention squandering your extraordinary, heaven-sent talent.”

“So, where do you intend to venture?”

“I’ll start with a stint at the Fang Sect. It’s also a chance to check in on Qigang and see how he’s faring.”

“Setting a clear goal and pursuing it step by step—that’s the way to go.”

“Old timer, I’ve been wondering about your strength. How powerful are you?”

“I’m rather unremarkable, only at the sixth level of Martial King,” he confessed.

“The sixth level of Martial King? That’s a level where one can soar through the skies!”

In Suanikos, reaching the Martial King Stage was a prerequisite for flight. However, this wasn’t an absolute rule. Some practitioners of wind techniques could achieve flight without reaching the Martial King Stage by using specialized methods to create whirlwinds beneath their feet, lifting them off the ground.

Yet, such displays were more for show or swagger, lacking any substantial utility.

Moreover, this method consumes a tremendous amount of Profound Qi.

However, the Martial King’s ability to fly is different; it entails complete detachment from the ground, allowing one to soar freely in the sky with minimal Profound Qi expenditure.

Given the extreme destructive power unleashed during battles at or above the Martial King Stage, combatants often take to the skies to avoid harming innocents.

“Flying is merely a minor skill. Once you ascend to a higher realm, you’ll understand the vastness of the universe. What does it matter if you can fly? You’re still within the confines of this world,” Chu Le remarked wistfully.

“Then I’ll shatter these confines and soar beyond the sky!” Min Zhenkang declared boldly.

“It’s admirable to have ambitions, but throughout history, countless individuals have possessed extraordinary talent, and many have reached the Supreme Realm. Yet, who has ever broken through this world to venture beyond the heavens?”

Chu Le appreciated Min Zhenkang’s audacious aspirations, yet he knew they were unattainable.

“Alright, I’ve said my piece. Is there anything else you wish to inquire about?” Chu Le asked the Min family trio.

“Old timer, when do you intend to journey back to the Chu Clan?” Min Hanshi was the only one who would address Chu Le so casually.

“We’ll depart as soon as Miss Keke’s poison is purged. For all we know, a large force could already be en route to Whalespell. The longer we wait, the greater the danger to the young lady.”

“Very well, if there’s anything the Min Mansion can assist you with, don’t hesitate to ask.”

“There’s no need at the moment.”

“By the way, Zhenkang, I have a piece of advice for you. Your proficiency in alchemy is quite impressive. You should consider obtaining an alchemist’s robe from the Alchemist Union.”

“Joining the Alchemist Union would be ideal. Alchemists are welcomed everywhere, and the Chu family is no exception.”

“I’ve already secured the alchemist’s robe. As for joining the Alchemist Union, I’ll leave that to chance.”

Min Zhenkang pulled out the robe he had earned from the Alchemist Union in Steelgrave and donned it for the first time.

Min Zhenkang had yet to wear the robe he had obtained even once.

“Two-star alchemist!” Chu Le exclaimed upon noticing the two flames embroidered on the robe’s chest.

From an alchemy novice to a two-star alchemist, Zhenkang’s talent was clearly not limited to cultivation alone!

“To find someone who excels in both martial arts and alchemy, with such extraordinary talent, is a first for me,” Chu Le mused. “I’ve encountered a few with remarkable abilities in one or the other, but to see them combined in such an exceptional way is truly rare.”

Min Hanshi couldn’t help but laugh heartily. “It seems the ancestors are smiling down on the Min family, blessing us with such an incredible individual.”

Following their conversation, Chu Le and the others chatted for a bit longer in the hall before parting ways.

Min Zhenkang handed over the last of his Healing Pills to Min Hanshi. They were only second-grade, but their high quality meant they would significantly aid in Hanshi’s recovery.

Back in his room, Zhenkang pulled out a selection of herbs from his Bag of Heaven and Earth and set to work on his alchemy. With his left hand incapacitated by a mysterious assailant and no time for proper healing, pill-making was a time-consuming process.

Once he had perfected the Healing Pill, he popped one into his mouth and began the healing process.

For the following days, Zhenkang kept to himself at the Min mansion, venturing out only twice. His first outing was to the Heaven and Earth Auction, fulfilling a promise to Elder Zhou to visit the auction’s high-ranking officials.

He also paid a visit to the Qin family. They had supported the Min family in their time of need, yet Qin Hui, as the family head, had to prioritize the Qin family’s well-being. His decision not to rescue Min Qi when he was captured weighed heavily on him.

Upon hearing that Min Qi was unharmed and that the Guo Family had been wiped out, Qin Hui felt a sense of relief. However, Qin Hui’s failure to aid Min Qi had led to a fierce argument with Chang Tai, culminating in Qin Hui having to confine Chang Tai to quell the turmoil within the Qin Family. This, unfortunately, deepened Chang Tai’s misunderstanding of his father.

Min Zhenkang’s visit to the Qin Family had a twofold purpose: to help clear up the misunderstanding between Chang Tai and his father, and to spend some quality time reminiscing with his close friends before his departure.

“Brother Qin, you shouldn’t hold it against Uncle Chang. He’s dealing with his own challenges,” Min Zhenkang urged.

Chang Tai responded with a cold “Humph!”

“How have you been holding up lately?” Min Zhenkang inquired.

“What do you think? Without you here, I’ve been driven to practice cultivation every single day. It’s driving me insane!” Chang Tai exclaimed.

“Uncle Chang is pushing you to cultivate because he wants to see you succeed. He doesn’t want the Qin Family to fall apart once it’s in your hands,” Min Zhenkang explained.

“I get that he wants me to succeed, but I truly have no desire to cultivate!” Chang Tai confessed.

Min Zhenkang was at a loss for words with Chang Tai. Despite Chang Tai’s considerable talent, he had always been averse to cultivation, preferring a life of leisure. Yet, his loyalty to his friends was unwavering. With no other option, Min Zhenkang steered the conversation elsewhere.

After a bit more casual conversation, Min Zhenkang headed back to Min’s mansion to resume his own cultivation.

Min Qi had been exceptionally busy of late. Following the demise of the Guo Family, Min’s mansion had taken over all their assets in Whalespell. But with Min Huiyu’s injuries far from healed, Min Qi had to oversee everything himself.

Once he had integrated the Guo Family’s businesses, Min Qi generously handed over those closest to the Qin Family to Qin Hui, which only intensified Qin Hui’s feelings of remorse.

Understanding Qin Hui’s emotional state, Min Qi decided to share a drink with him, hoping to dissolve the lingering unease in his heart.

Three days after settling the affairs with the Guo Family, Chu Keke was finally free from poison, thanks to Min Zhenkang’s antidote.

After Chu Keke had recuperated, she sought out Min Zhenkang.

“Zhenkang, Grandpa says we’re leaving Whalespell tomorrow to return to our family.”

Chu Le and Chu Keke had been staying with the Min family for the past few days instead of going back to their own estate. During this time, Chu Le fully disclosed Chu Keke’s heritage to her.

Chu Keke might not have grasped the full extent of the Chu family’s vastness, but she had a good idea from what Chu Le had described.

She realized that it might be a very long time before she saw Min Zhenkang again, so she treasured every moment they spent together.

“Yeah, take care of yourself in the clan. I’ll come to take you back to Min’s mansion for our wedding,” Zhenkang assured her.

“I believe you will, Zhenkang,” she responded with confidence.

“But you’re going to get hurt a lot in the meantime, and I won’t be there to be by your side, Zhenkang!”

“Silly girl, the path to becoming a strong warrior is fraught with injuries and sacrifices. There will be times of parting and times of reunion.”

“This parting is just to lay the groundwork for an even better reunion next time.”

“Zhenkang, I just can’t stand the thought of leaving you!” Chu Keke clung to Min Zhenkang’s arm, her voice tinged with a playful whine.

“Keke, it’s hard for me too. But there’s no choice. I must keep getting stronger, become the strongest in the world, so I can protect you, and we can stay together forever.”

Min Zhenkang gently caressed Chu Keke’s hair with his other hand.

His arm, which had been seriously injured, was now fully healed after several days of recovery.

Chu Keke remained there, silently holding onto Min Zhenkang’s arm, sitting in the small pavilion in his courtyard, savoring the beauty of the evening sky.

“Keke,” he finally spoke, as the twilight gave way to nightfall, breaking the serene moment.

“Hmm, what is it, Zhenkang?” Chu Keke looked up, her eyes meeting Min Zhenkang’s gaze.

Min Zhenkang looked down at her tenderly, then slowly leaned in closer.

As Min Zhenkang’s face drew nearer, Chu Keke understood his intentions.

Yet, as a young girl facing such a moment for the first time, she couldn’t help but feel a flutter of shyness. So, Chu Keke simply closed her eyes and waited in silence for Min Zhenkang’s kiss.

He pressed his lips to hers in a kiss that surged with passion.

In that kiss, they each held only the other in their hearts.

The kiss lingered, enduring for a long stretch before they finally parted.

Chu Keke’s cheeks glowed like ripe apples, her head nestled deeply against Min Zhenkang’s chest.

Min Zhenkang held her close, enveloping her in his embrace.

Together, they sat in the tranquility of the pavilion, their gaze shifting from the hues of the sunset to the glow of the moon.

It was deep into the night when Chu Keke finally made her way back to her room. Yet, the memory of that afternoon’s encounter sent her heart racing with the sweet tumult of a startled fawn.

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