Unbeatable Martial Emperor

Chapter 9

C9 – The Melon Has Already Ripened

After exiting the auction house, Min Zhenkang, feeling bored, sought out Chu Keke’s company. He spent the entire day with her, and at one point, Chang Tai even slipped away from home to find Min Zhenkang.

On the tenth day of cultivating the Heavenly Imperial Immortality Spell, in the early hours of the morning, Min Zhenkang successfully reconnected all his meridians, marking the completion of the first step of the Immortality Spell.

Having achieved this milestone, Min Zhenkang embarked on his path to regain his status as a formidable cultivator.

Before the break of dawn the next day, Min Zhenkang concluded his cultivation session and stepped out of the courtyard. This time, his destination wasn’t to meet with Chu Keke or to return to the auction house, but to venture to the secluded back mountain of Min’s mansion. It was an ideal spot for practicing martial arts due to its tranquility. However, he wasn’t there to practice just any martial arts.

Min Zhenkang mentally sifted through his repertoire for martial arts that were suitable for his current level of cultivation. After much deliberation, he settled on two Yellow Rank techniques he could practice: “Gale Technique” and “Force Break Thousand Army,” both intermediate-level skills.

The “Gale Technique” was a speed-enhancing martial art that promised to significantly boost his agility, proving invaluable whether in pursuit of an enemy or in retreat.

“Force Break Thousand Army” was an offensive martial art, aptly summarized by the phrase “One force to break ten thousand troops.”

On the back mountain of Min’s mansion, the occasional rustling could be heard, but the area’s seclusion meant these sounds went unnoticed. If any member of the Min household were to witness Min Zhenkang’s intense training, they would be astounded—their prodigious young master had indeed returned.

And so, Min Zhenkang dedicated his days to honing his martial arts on the back mountain and spent his nights enhancing his cultivation in his room.

The crowing of a rooster signaled the dawn of a new day, marking ten full days since Min Zhenkang had begun his cultivation journey.

With the rooster’s call, a distinct sound emanated from within Min Zhenkang’s body, the first internal noise he had heard in ten days.

“I’ve finally made the breakthrough,” Min Zhenkang announced, having advanced from the first to the second level of martial cultivation.

A ten-day struggle to advance a single level was unusually slow. “Could my age be slowing down my cultivation?” Min Zhenkang was far from pleased with his progress.

At the age of three, he had achieved his first breakthrough in just three days. Even in his previous life, with modest talent, he had managed it in seven.

This ten-day ordeal left Min Zhenkang feeling disheartened, but he knew he must press on with his training, especially since he had squandered his prime years for cultivation.

Unbeknownst to Min Zhenkang, his sluggish progress was due to the Heavenly Imperial Immortality Spell he practiced. A solid foundation was essential to harness the formidable combat power that lay ahead.

With the break of dawn, Min Zhenkang stepped out from Min’s mansion and set off for Antigough Rise. The Fire Dragon Flower was predicted to reach maturity within the next couple of days, and he was eager to check on its development.

Before he arrived at the Fire Dragon Flower’s location, he encountered Guo Tao and his lackeys hunting on the outskirts. Enemies’ eyes blaze with hostility upon meeting, yet Min Zhenkang knew he was no match for Guo Tao at present, especially with Guo Tao not alone. So, he stealthily bypassed them.

Approaching his destination, Min Zhenkang decelerated, inching forward and remaining vigilant of his surroundings.

The air was thick with a medicinal fragrance that grew more potent as he proceeded. Min Zhenkang sensed that the Fire Dragon Flower’s time to mature was near.

Upon sighting the Fire Dragon Flower, he halted. True to his expectations, it was on the verge of maturation.

Yet, Min Zhenkang was troubled by the presence of the Flaming Tiger, which was fixated on the Fire Dragon Flower, its tiger eyes watching intently, occasionally scanning the area with caution.

The Flaming Tiger still bore the faint scars from the red ants’ assault. The fact that the wounds were visible after so long spoke volumes of the severity of the ordeal Min Zhenkang had put it through.

“Right, how could I forget about them? Since I can’t kill you right now, I might as well start by collecting some interest from you.” As Min Zhenkang was puzzling over how to draw the Flaming Tiger away, Guo Tao’s voice reached his ears. Min Zhenkang surmised that Guo Tao and his companions were likely lured by the medicinal scent of the Fire Dragon Flower. Seizing the opportunity, Min Zhenkang quietly slipped out of the Flaming Tiger’s field of vision.

Preparing to deliver Guo Tao a “generous gift,” Min Zhenkang set his plan into motion.

“Big brother, look, over there.” Zhang Shifei gestured toward the spot where the Fire Dragon Flower thrived.

With a sharp smack, Guo Tao’s hand connected with Zhang Shifei’s cheek, leaving behind the imprint of five fingers. “You fool, didn’t you see the Demonic Beasts nearby? What if your shouting draws them over?”

But their fate was already sealed. The Flaming Tiger had taken notice, rising slowly with a menacing glare. It had suffered greatly at the hands of Min Zhenkang before, and just as the Fire Dragon Flower was nearing maturity, these humans had arrived.

“We’re in trouble now. Go distract that beast; I’ll harvest the herb,” Guo Tao instructed, pointing at Zhang Shifei.

“Big brother, that tiger is too fierce; I’m no match for it. Can’t I just stay here? Or maybe Little Six could come with me?” Zhang Shifei knew going alone was a death wish, but he couldn’t simply refuse, so he sought a companion for the perilous task.

“Zhang Shifei, if the boss tells you to go, then just go. Why drag me into it?” retorted Little Six. None of them were fools; Little Six had no desire to be expendable.

“Enough bickering, both of you go. If you keep this up, do you really think I won’t throw you out right now?” Guo Tao barked, his gaze fixed on the Fire Dragon Flower and the intoxicating scent growing stronger. “What’s there to fear? I’m still here, aren’t I? I won’t let you march to your deaths.”

“Oh, you’ve got to keep a sharp eye out, big brother. Our very lives are in your hands now,” they said, shivering as they moved forward.

“You go ahead,” Little Six urged Zhang Shifei, who was reluctant to lead, so he pushed back, “Come on, Little Six, you’re always so bold. You take the lead, I’ll be right behind you.”

The Flaming Tiger watched the two men inch closer and let out a thunderous roar.

Terrified, the pair bolted, with the Flaming Tiger in hot pursuit.

“Now’s our chance to get the herbs,” Guo Tao announced, seeing the Flaming Tiger distracted. He and his remaining men dashed towards the Fire Dragon Flower at breakneck speed.

The Flaming Tiger, seeing someone about to snatch the Fire Dragon Flower it had guarded for years, abandoned its chase of Zhang Shifei and lunged at Guo Tao instead.

Guo Tao was on the verge of harvesting the flower when the Flaming Tiger’s attack bore down on him. He faced a dire choice: continue and risk grave injury or death from the beast’s onslaught or abandon the prize he was so close to claiming. In a ruthless decision, Guo Tao grabbed a subordinate trailing him and hurled him towards the Flaming Tiger.

“Boss, no!” the lackey cried out, terror-stricken.

“It’s your turn to serve me. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of your family, especially your lovely wife,” Guo Tao said with a chilling laugh, not missing a step.

With a scream, the thrown lackey collided with the Flaming Tiger’s attack and was killed instantly.

“Cursed fiend!” Min Zhenkang seethed from a distance, infuriated by Guo Tao’s callous disregard for human life.

“Ha! Got it at last,” Guo Tao crowed, eyeing the herb. “This one’s of a pretty high grade.”

The Flaming Tiger, incensed at the theft of its treasure, unleashed its long-dormant primal ferocity.

Guo Tao, realizing he couldn’t linger in the face of the enraged Flaming Tiger, took off running. “Little Five, hold it off!” he commanded, sending his last follower to an almost certain death as he fled.

“Boss, please, I’m not even married yet!” Little Five’s legs turned to jelly from Guo Tao’s terrifying words. Had it not been for the relentless pursuit of the Flaming Tiger, he would’ve already crumpled to the ground in fear.

“Just stall it for me, and I promise to make it up to your family when I get back. If not, do you really think I won’t make your life in Whalespell a living hell?” Guo Tao kept up his threats.

“Boss, you’ve got to hold to your promise. You must take care of my folks, let them have a peaceful retirement,” Little Five pleaded, resigned to his fate and clinging to the hope that Guo Tao would honor his word.

“Get moving and hold it off! Any more stalling and I’ll erase your family from Whalespell,” Guo Tao urged, panic rising as the Flaming Tiger closed in. He wished for extra legs to run faster.

With a scream, Little Five was savagely ripped apart as he glanced back at the Flaming Tiger.

Guo Tao, watching the beast bear down on him, was swamped with regret. Why had he acted so rashly? If only he had called his father back, none of this would be happening.

“You two, come and help me, now!” he shouted to Zhang Shifei and Xiao Liu, who were hiding in the distance.

But they weren’t fools. Having narrowly escaped the tiger’s jaws and seeing the fate of their companions, they weren’t about to throw their lives away. Ignoring Guo Tao’s commands, they turned tail and fled.

“Damn, a bunch of ungrateful wretches,” Guo Tao seethed as he watched them run.

With a ferocious roar, the Flaming Tiger pounced.

Guo Tao let out a scream as the beast caught up and bit off one of his arms. Blood spurted everywhere, and the pain was so intense that he contorted in agony, his escape now hindered.

The scent of blood drove the Flaming Tiger into a frenzy. It lunged for Guo Tao’s head with a vicious snap.

In a final act of desperation, Guo Tao managed to dodge, but in doing so, he offered his other arm to the beast’s maw.

After losing both arms, Guo Tao was incapable of escape. The Flaming Tiger inched closer with a menacing pace.

With a thunderous roar, the trees around them trembled.

“Hey, big tabby!” Min Zhenkang called out just as the Flaming Tiger was about to clamp down on Guo Tao’s neck.

The Flaming Tiger looked up and locked eyes with Min Zhenkang, fury blazing in its gaze. This human had duped it before, and now, there was a hint of fear in its stance towards Min Zhenkang.

“Min Zhenkang, save me!” Guo Tao spotted Min Zhenkang and, desperate as one clinging to their final lifeline, he cried out for help, past grievances forgotten.

Noticing the mix of rage and fear in the Flaming Tiger’s eyes, Min Zhenkang mused that the beast might be nursing a psychological scar from their last encounter.

The Flaming Tiger let out an enraged roar, attempting to intimidate Min Zhenkang.

“Don’t just roar at me. If you’re so tough, come and bite me!” Min Zhenkang taunted, paying no heed to Guo Tao, not sparing him a single glance as he goaded the beast further.

The Flaming Tiger continued to roar in place, too wary to approach.

“You’re a coward. If you won’t come to me, then I’ll just have to come to you,” Min Zhenkang said, advancing step by step towards the Flaming Tiger.

Initially, the Flaming Tiger stood its ground, roaring defiantly. But as Min Zhenkang drew nearer, it turned tail and fled.

Watching the Flaming Tiger beat a hasty retreat, Guo Tao breathed a sigh of relief. It looked like he was going to survive the day. His mind was already plotting revenge against Zhang Shifei and the others who had abandoned him. He vowed to settle the score once he got back.

Min Zhenkang watched the Flaming Tiger disappear into the distance with a sense of disinterest. It appeared that all the preparations he had made for the day were for naught.

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