Undying Warlord

Chapter 648 The Sun God's Finds

Victoria and various other Scouts collected information for close to two weeks before they had enough to come up with a proper reason related to the pressure the three Alliances put on the Sun God and his territory.

Parts of the Sun God's territory had already been conquered and claimed, and the majority of the Sun God's army had been destroyed as well.

The Sun God was in a sorry state and it was only a matter of time before he died.

However, that was where the more interesting information came into use.

"The Sun God's mana is much purer and denser than before…and he can use the power of his Divinity to a certain extent now? All of a sudden? Did he activate his cheat code or what?!" Kathrine blurted out loud when she finished reading through the report for the first time.

She had long since healed from the horrifying wound she had sustained when protecting Siegfried from the 12 Blood Orc Apostles.

Her expression was grim, just like the expression of most Demi Gods from around.

Only Dilan was smiling foolishly when he looked at the picture that had been replicated with the use of an Ascender, who could read and visualize memories. As for the visualized memory, it was Victoria's memory of what she had seen a day ago.

"To think that he will be able to get his hands on a Divine Relict…not bad birdie, not bad…" He mumbled as he read the hieroglyphs that had been engraved on the seemingly simple silver ring the Sun God wore.

It was the only accessory the Sun God wore but it was far from simple. In fact, the appearance was nothing but a bad joke for how terrific the treasure truly was.

"You said that you've only seen crumbled ruins that are connected to a collapsed cave, right?" Dilan asked, looking at Victoria for a moment.

"That's pretty much it…"

"...so he found and conquered a high-grade Dungeon…"

"The dungeon was probably the reason why the Alliances started to act all of a sudden…the Sun God is still fighting as well..it's the real deal…"

Dilan mumbled mostly to himself but the information he spread without realizing it caused lots of confusion among the Demi Gods that were seated around a large table.

The holographic screens were manifested in the middle of the table, visible to everyone. There were some screens that showed pictures while others were written reports that came from the scouts.

"Looks like you know more than you're willing to share with us. Is our beloved and generous pseudo-Boss willing to share his vast knowledge, or do you want to keep everything a secret, like always?" Wilhelm Star bellowed sarcastically.

He made sure everyone understood that he didn't like Dilan, at all. Wilhelm Star hated Dilan to the core, and his hatred kept increasing, no matter what Dilan did.

Picking his nose would be enough to enrage Wilhelm Star.

Everyone knew that Wilhelm Star was a piece of shit, but they were also curious about what Dilan was mumbling about.

Dilan lifted his head and looked at the others. He ignored Wilhelm Star because that type of person would feel the worst when ignored by his self-proclaimed 'nemesis'.

He noticed that the other Demi Gods wanted to know what he was talking about and cleared his throat.

"To put it simply, the ruins and collapsed cave found by Victoria were probably a Dungeon. I don't know when the Sun God discovered it but he must have conquered it after our encounter with him three months ago.

Dungeons are unique places created from the excessive amount of mana and essence, or when the planet fuses with the remnants of a forgotten civilization, or even a lost realm. You can usually find powerful monsters and extremely valuable and rare treasures inside such Extremely valuable treasures are often considered Ancient Artifacts or Relicts, and they've been graded accordingly. There are normal Relicts, unique Relicts, exotic Relicts, Mythical relics, and last but definitely not least Divine Relicts…

The relict you can see right there, the seemingly ordinary silver ring is a Divine Relict with exceptional use. It increases the wearer's aptitude toward mana manyfold and strengthens his mana by purifying and compressing it. That way you can hold more mana in your body as well.

And…last but not least, you will be able to use Soul Weapons, Soul Equipment, and other things bound to your soul with much more precision. This includes your Divinity, which is bound and fused with your soul as a matter of fact. This, as a matter of fact, means that your understanding and control of your Divinity will increase tremendously…just by wearing this seemingly ordinary silver ring!"

Dilan stopped his explanation for a moment. He took a short break to give the others in the room the opportunity to take a few deep breaths and to question everything Dilan had just said. They absorbed the information and digested it, or they tried to.

"Either way, Divine Relicts are extremely valuable and it makes sense that the Alliances want to get their hands on them. If the right Lesser God wears the ring his or her strength might as well rival a True God's power.

The Sun God is not the correct person to wear such a valuable treasure, which is also why he is not strong enough to fight against the greedy forces of the three Alliances. All of them want the Divine Relict because their strength can increase tremendously. Other than that, they will be granted enough strength through the Divine Relict to further expand their territory and possibly to eliminate the other Alliances.

Interestingly enough the Divine Relict is also the reason why they have yet to actually defeat the Sun God, even after putting pressure on him for two weeks. In simplified terms that means the ring is the real deal…"

Dilan ended his explanation with a faint smile on his lips, even though he knew that everyone was even more confused than before.

Little did they know that Dilan was not yet done…that he was ready to shock them even more!

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