Undying Warlord

Chapter 689 Sci-Fi?

Even though a year had passed, Dilan didn't have much time to think about several things.

He was mostly focused on using the Perfect Essence Cultivation technique, focusing on his surrounding, making sure that the mirror emblem would always be supplied with mana, and maintaining his flying speed.

It was not too straining for Dilan but he rather spends his time differently than tormenting himself about something that his comrades had probably already solved by working together.

What Dilan was currently thinking about was the question related to the protection of the Chaos Obelisks once placed and where to find all the materials he, or rather, the Lesser God blacksmiths required.

After 12 months it should be possible for the others to have found ways to solve both problems. That was something Dilan was certain about.

Yet, what he didn't expect to happen was to step into the bustling palace, without anyone paying attention to him.

He was not even greeted by the figures that rushed through the hallway. In fact, some even tried to push him aside to pave their way through the hallway. Dilan was quite baffled by that but he didn't move aside. He walked slowly and digested the changes that occurred to the interior of the flying island's palace and the people inside.

Only when he reached the main hall that seemed to have turned into a replication of a sci-fi base, or something like that.

Everywhere he could see were tables with huge holograms manifested in their center. There was a highly advanced computer located in front of the ten people who were seated around each table. Everyone was busy typing something, and analyzing datas.

For a moment, Dilan thought that he was dreaming. However, when he looked at the formerly white wall where the map of Milarn had been projected in the form of a flat disc, Dilan couldn't help but smile weirdly.

A tetragon entered his sight and it was moved all over the flat disc in order to find the best position to install the four Chaos Obelisks.

Each position was considered, and the data about the races and the surrounding area was written down. The completed file was given a difficulty rating which was then compared to the other possibilities to place the Chaos Obelisks.

This approach was quite interesting and Dilan hoped that it would actually be helpful.

He saw the Queen's Image not long after as it approached him.

"You did a good job collecting the Data. We collected a few items that you will need, but there are still many missing. Fortunately, we found a way to reconstruct a Chaos Orb after Old Jeff and Liliam started to process and refine the burning star's core. They form them into Orbs and as long as you fill them with enough Chaos, you can artificially create Chaos Orbs. That is much easier than destroying Veils and getting your hands on a Chaos Orb that way.

At least, if you want to avoid members of Primordial and Ancient races it will be easier to work hard and collect some Chaos."

Dilan nodded his head gratefully and he opened the Divinity Messenger. A new group had been created where the list of items needed was added. The items they found were also written down, and the place where they would find the remaining items and how strong one would have to be, approximately, to collect the items.

Some places were quite dangerous and it was highly likely to die there but that was not exactly a problem for Dilan, fortunately.

"The Chaos Realm, I see. Looks like I will have to fight the real deal there instead of the Hordes of Chaos and Destruction. Collecting the monsters' Chaos should be feasible thought.

The Netherworld Realm should be even easier to handle with the Flame of the Beginning…As for the rest, I don't know how long it will take to collect everything."

Dilan was already in his own world of thoughts. Numerous thoughts flashed through his mind and he was trying to figure out which path would be the best for him to choose. He wanted to take an efficient route to collect one item after another.

There was no way for him to figure out how much time he had left, after all!

"You will have to spend a long time in the Chaos Realm. Ariel Silvertale killed a few Lesser Gods in the Chaos realm, and not even 1% of one Chaos Orb was filled. She nearly died, by the way. The Strenght of Lesser Chaos Gods is not to be underestimated. How else were they supposed to be able to fight True Gods?" The Image asked nonchalantly.

Dilan didn't expect to hear that Ariel nearly died and his heart dropped to the ground.

"Did someone else…die?" He suddenly asked, squinting his eyes.

Dilan knew that his beloved was still fine because the Mystic Mission would have failed otherwise. Nonetheless, he couldn't help but feel suspicious all of a sudden.

"Nobody you care about a lot died if that is what you wanted to know. If you want to see the list of casualties, you can take a look by willing the system to summon it." The Queen's Image informed before she added, "But your friends and family were injured a lot during the last 12 months. They gave their utmost to become stronger and their results are quite surprising!"

Dilan's lip twitched when he heard that his family had been injured but he chose to calm down and follow the Queen's Image after she turned around.

While following her, he took a look at the list of casualties to see if someone he knew died, but it was just like the Image said. Nobody whom he cared about died.

That was good.

Once the Queen's Image lead him through the palace, they ended up in a very familiar office.

"I should have known that everyone gathers here," He mumbled, smiling lightly.

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