Undying Warlord

Chapter 735 Slap

The hand was tens of kilometers large in size and it smashed against the Tymali with a speed that couldn't be rivaled by the Primordial even after he activated his Powe of Time to the peak.

Both his strength and Power of Time were several restricted. Nobody was stronger than an above-average True God if one looked at their physical strength and the restrictions of their powers.

Of course, that excluded the World Elemental, whose attack was too fast for the Tyamli to react.

It smashed against the Primordial and hurled him through the entire stellar system while knocking him out.

The Power behind the mega-sized hand was unknown but it had been more than enough to easily defeat the Tymali even if it didn't kill him.

"...Wow…" The Lightning Titan merely said as he glanced over to the Spectran. "Did you speak to the World Elemental and plan this?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," The Spectran answered without paying much heed to the Lightning Titan. He created more than a thousand spatial portals in an instant. One portal appeared in front of each of the present powerhouses, excluding Dilan and the three remaining Primordials who were too baffled about the sudden disappearance of their comrade in arms.

They had sensed the power that was unleashed above them all of a sudden and understood that the Spectran had his hands in the sudden intervention.

"This motherfuc—..." The Galbian cursed loudly, just to be interrupted as Dilan's power increased all of a sudden. The Power of the Sun was unleashed to its peak and Dilan activated various abilities, his special traits, and more to unleash his Destruction Domain and fuse it with the Immortality aura that shrouded his body all of a sudden.

Fusing the Power of Sun, the Destruction Domain, and the Immortality Aura, Dilan's body was ripped apart even faster than before. However, the power he unleashed was more than enough to astonish the three Primordials.

The Galbian's shark face was suddenly covered by Dilan's melting hand and a demonic face appeared on the similarly melting face of Dilan.

"It's time for payback, bitches!" He thundered while throwing the Galbian high into the air. A spatial portal manifested above him and the Galbian disappeared inside it. Dilan didn't hesitate the slightest as he passed through the same spatial portal to follow up.

As if more than a thousand people had planned to fight together from the moment they had appeared on Milarn, countless spatial portals opened around the two remaining Primordials. The two Soularn didn't expect the sudden change of the fight's tempo, after all, a long time had already passed since they began to beat up Dilan.

The four Primordials had totally forgotten about the Ancients and the Abandoned Children because their only focus was to defeat Dilan and to make sure that he would never be able to gather a single thought. Instead of merely cutting of his soul link to Milarn, the four Primordials realized that Dilan was a madlad, that he was not defeated just from a single setback.

He had to be crushed entirely and imprisoned for eternity to make sure that the Primordials would retain their thrones at the top of the Universe!

The four Primordials didn't realize that the battlefield of the Ancients had ceased to exist because their astray attacks had killed others no matter if they were friends or foes. They had also not realized that the Spectran had only observed the battles and that he was talking to one of the allies of the Undying Group for quite a while.

It was like they were old friends and as if they had no hostility toward each other, at all. Dilan had noticed that the Primordial of the Spectran didn't join the fight and that the battlefield of the ancient had ceased to exist. He also knew that the Spectran had sent something to the World Elemental via mental transmission.

That was also how Dilan knew what was going to happen and that the Primordial of the Spectran was on his side. Maybe he was not actually on his side but that didn't matter for the time being. The only thing on Dilan's mind was to defeat the Primordials and send them back to their race after telling them of.

He didn't want to get bothered by them anymore. It was not time to play around like that.

Dilan emerged far away from Milarn's ground. He was somewhere in space with Galbian who was hoping to regain his full power all of a sudden. However, despite being far away from Milarn, they were still in the range of effects of Milarn. The restrictions still worked on the Primordial who released beams of destruction out of the tip of his fingers.

His power seemed to become much stronger than before but it was not as if Dilan was much weaker right now. Instead of relying solely on his own powers, he requested some help from the World Elemental.

The World Elemental didn't attack on its own accord as it did before but it used a special ability to increase the strength of Dilan and all of his allies, including the Ancients and the Primordial of the Spectran.

It was about time that they took revenge on the Primordial!

Dilan didn't even evade the beams of obliteration. He healed the moment they passed through him as the strength of all of his abilities had been increased drastically.

His True Undying Essence reached an extent where nothing seemed to be capable at overpowering it. Thus, Dilan was able to emerge in front of the Galbian with his melting body, punching out with all his might.

His Destruction Immortality Sun Power was unstable when fused together but that made it even more dangerous. Dilan couldn't control his power and he unleashed everything without a second of hesitation.

Why would he hesitate to attack those who tore him apart countless times?

The only reason why he didn't think about killing them was that the Universe needed them.

Though…Dilan was actually not sure if leaving them alive would actually be helpful…

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