Unfathomable Doomsday

Chapter 254

Chapter 254

The possessiveness of creatures like humans was surprisingly strong.

Laisser Grant looked at the handcuffs tied to his hands.

This was one of the few remaining planet-level military fortresses in the Federation.

This was also the world-famous military court of the Federation.

Today's trial was held for one of the Federation's four marshals, Laisser Grant.

"Marshal Laisser Grant, do you have anything to explain about your son's status as a Celestial?"

On top of the military court, ten of the twelve members of the Federation were present, the four marshals in addition to the missing Marshal Garnette, the Scorching Inferno, and another stationed at the frontier, the only remaining marshal also came here to interrogate Laisser Grant.

"No." Laisser Grant narrowed his eyes like a fox. Glasses refracted reflections made it impossible to see clearly where his eyes were actually looking at.

"Then Marshal Laisser Grant, after our military department's discussion, you have one more chance to redeem yourself! Tell us the information about your family, as well as your sons and daughters, who their mother is! The bottom line is "

"How were you born into this world?"

Above this military tribunal, there should have been only the voices of the prisoners and the interrogators, but all of a sudden, a voice that was unfamiliar to everyone present rang out.

"Who!" Interrupted from his session, the chief Inquisitor questioned loudly.

"Yo, everyone of the Federation."

In the middle of the First Military Fortress of the Federation, Lucius's figure suddenly appeared.

The black guns were all instantly pointed at him.

The nerves of the top brass of the Federation tightened up when they saw Lucius appeared here.

"Traitor Lucius " the federal councilor stared at his figure and put his hand on the trigger.

"Traitor? What are you talking about? I was not one of you to begin with. Humans! Where does the traitor part come from?"

Lucius held up his empty hands to show that he came here without malice.

"I am here today as an envoy, an envoy of the Celestials."

Lucius finally said the word.

Those councilors who wanted to shoot Lucius on the spot hesitated for a moment.

Finally, the councilor in charge of the military fortress opened the full system projection and began to loudly question the soldiers who were in charge of the security of the meeting.

"What's wrong with you bunch of losers! Someone invaded the fortress and you didn't even realize that!"

"Nono! Sir, there's there's a monster!"

"What monster?!"

The councilors then realized the crowd of soldiers gathered in the holographic projection.

The soldier's face didn't seem to look very good, sweat was already overflowing on his face, and his expression was fearful to the point of distortion.

"InsectsThose insects!" He spoke in a choked tone.


Just before he could finishthe summoning room was covered by a violent explosion.

A giant creature barged into the steel room, its sharp forelimbs piercing through the soldier's body like a blade.

"Helphelp!" Blood splashed on top of the screen in all directions.

"Ah! Don't! Don't!!!"

As everyone watched, the soldier was dragged inside its bloody mouth by the creature's forefeet. The chilling sound of bones chewing rang out. The distorted appearance of the soldier being devoured little by little was perfectly presented on this holographic projection.

"What have you done!!!"

The holographic projection was instantly turned off, and the councilman's anger was mixed with fear.

"It's just that the pets I keep are slightly hungry, so I let them out for some dessert by the way."

Lucius's smile seemed to mock the uneasy expressions of everyone present.

"Gentlemen. Don't mind the pets eating those bunch of useless soldiers anymore. Let's talk about how the relationship between the Federation and the Celestials is."


As he said that, the sound of a bullet discharging resounded throughout the conference room.

Blood spilled out from Lucius's eyebrow and splashed on the ground, and Lucius's brain was penetrated and fell to the ground.

"Well donewell done Marshal Levy!"

"This shot is the relationship between the Celestials and the Federation." The man called Levi held the gun that was still smoking in his hand and stared at Lucius, who had become a dead corpse, with no expression

"The fortress was invaded by unknown creatures. I think this interrogation should be postponed, Lord Council- "

"Heh hehhahahahaha.

But the bizarre laughter once again interrupted the solemn military court.

"This interpretation of humans is really irrefutable, simply too appropriate! Wouldn't you say so? Lord of the Council."


The chief of the council sitting in the grand podium was baffled, his whole body trembled, and the figure reflected in his pupils was Lucius who had just fallen to the ground and become a dead corpse.

Why! Obviously, the body was still there, and his brain was gouged out of his head. He should've died! Why he could not understand looking at Lucius, who was close to him.

He was laughingthis man was still laughing happily after being killed.

"Hush!" Lucius looked at the marshal, who was about to rush up, and made a shushing gesture, "Marshal Levy, please believe in the fragility of human life, okay? If the Federation lost ten councilors at once, even if there are more replacements, they will be distressed, right?"

What Lucius said obviously worked.

The marshal gripped his gun. His whole body's power piled up but did not dare to release it, only with his eyes to show his intention to kill Lucius again!

From the holographic projection, I'm afraid the entire military fortress was stirred into a mess by that group of monsters.

This fortress was this marshal's own soldiers under his command. Thinking of his comrades who once fought alongside him turning into rations for the monsters, and even ending up as turds, he simply could not bear it.

Even if he bit his teeth out of blood, but he knew clearly that Lucius was fully capable of killing these ten weak humans.

But it happened that these weak humans were in control of the Federation's big picture.

Ten councilors! Even if there were substitutes, the Federations could not afford to lose them.

"I did not mean to disrupt your interrogation." Lucius sat on the table in front of the judge, looked at the man standing in the middle of the military court, the expression never changed, glanced at it, and then did not continue to care

"I just came to deliver a small message."

"What message?!" The Inquisitor gritted his teeth and glared at Lucius.

"Something wonderful!"

Lucius's hand touched on the tabletop of the long metal table, and in the next second, in the central holographic projection, the view of this military fortress being played out was presented in full before them.

Sea of fire! This fortress had completely turned into a sea of fire, a hellish view, and the monsters that only lived in the midst of hell appeared, gnawing on human flesh and blood, almost like a carnival.

The sounds of howling and explosions formed beautiful music.

"I don't want to die Help!"

Those heartbreaking sounds could be heard almost every second.

The futile resistance, the human's futile resistance in front of the monster.

"This is a declaration of war written with fire and blood!" Lucius turned to look at the twisted expressions on the faces of the councilors

"A declaration of war that came fifty years too late! Fifty whole years, the Celestials will no longer be silent, this is no longer a hunt by humans against the Celestials, but a real war! A beautiful war! The war is officially on, and there will be no mercy."

Lucius's figure gradually turned into drops of blood dropping to the ground.

"It has begunthe war."

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