Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 33: Kang Seo Yeon

Chapter 33: Kang Seo Yeon

Dong Woo froze on the spot, there was no word came out from his mouth.

"I I I"

He kept uttering one word but failed to come up with a sentence.

Heero came closer and rubbed the Dong Woo's red hair.

"I know you didn't mean it. I know you love your sister and want to be the great Hero. I also know you have the power, but you can't be a Hero by relying on your power only."

You have to be a great heart, protecting everyone not limited to the people in the inner region but the whole city, and Hero is known for their kindness, you have treated people equally despite their status. Then, you will be a great Hero in everyone's heart."

Power does not make you a Hero. The way you use your power the one made you a Hero or evil villain. If you use your power to hurt the people, you will be an evil villain just like Shadow Fang. But if you use your power to protect the people from the danger, you will be a Hero. Do you understand?"

Heero's voice was gentle and warm. It soothed Dong Woo's feeling which was a mess.

"I-I I understand" Dong Woo's voice was shaky and his eyes turned red.

"I-I am sorryyyyy. Uwaaaa."

Dong Woo ended crying, tears streaming down as he tried to cover it with his hand.

Heero embraced Dong Woo and gave his shoulder to him. Dong Woo cried on Heero's shoulder.

"Yosh~ Yosh~ Yosh~"

In the end, Dong Woo was still a child. He tried to act mature before his little sister, but before Heero, he was still a child.

The upstairs caused a commotion and actually, everyone downstairs heard the commotion. Even Han Ying and Hong Yu were worried. After all, the two children were from the Kang Family. Nothing good came up from offending them.

Hearing a loud cry, the two sisters left their post and went upstairs. They tilted their heads and saw Heero was hugging the two children.

Heero also noticed the two sisters were taking a peek. He made an okay gesture he learned from Hong Yu, telling the two everything was fine.

After that, Heero took the two siblings to the rooftop. The rooftop was completely different, it was totally changed.

When Dong Woo and Hong Yu reached the rooftop, they were greeted with a floral scent and succulent air. Dong Woo took a deep breath and found the air he breathed was so comfy.

At the corner of the rooftop, there was a log cabin. It was not big but the same size as a small room. On the left, there was a line of colorful flowers. The flowers were the source of a pleasant scent.

To the right, various kinds of plants lined up. There were even three medium-sized trees across the log cabin. Below the tree, there was a long table and bench, a place for him to relax.

Heero made all of this by himself. When he got permission to use the rooftop, he arranged with great care. The beforehand desolate and cold rooftop turned into a comfortable place. Even Hong Yu and Han Ying were surprised by the rooftop transformation.

This rooftop now became a place to relax for them. Of course, the secret behind the transformation was solely on the plants. It was Heero's technique, a technique he learned from his fairy mother.

With the right method and the right amount of Ki, Heero transformed everyone he took with him. The succulent air that unusual yet comfy was because he transformed plants, flowers, and trees with his technique.

"Wow, this place is so nice!"

Myung Hee exclaimed in a pleasant surprise. She kept doing the same thing as his brother, inhale and exhale. They kept repeating the same thing again and again.

"Good, you can stay here for a moment. I have still work. After I finished my work, I will deliver you back."

Heero lips curved into a happy smile. Each time he made the children or others smile or happy. Heero felt content deep inside his heart.

"Alright then, if you need me, I will be downstairs. Also, we have great noodles, you can try if want."

Heero waved his hand to the two kids. Just as he wanted to leave the rooftop, Dong Woo stopped him.

"Wait Please wait, Teacher Xing"

The beforehand cold Dong Woo changed. From the voice, he turned more polite than before.

"Oh, do you need anything?" Heero turned around.

"Mmmm, it's about"

"About what?"

Dong Woo somewhat hesitant to talk. But it only took a moment and he threw his hesitation away.

Dong Woo bowed his head, "Teacher Xing, please save my sister! Please save her, I beg you! Sister Seo Yeon is the one who always cared for us. While our father and mother were busy, it was always Sister Seo Yeon She She"

Dong Woo somewhat lost at his words as tears flooded down. Dong Woo who never showed his weak side, crying again for the second time. Moreover, this was also the first time, he bowed his head to an outsider like Heero.

"Please Teacher Xing!" Myung Hee also bowed her head.

"Good, I will try my best. As long as your Sister Seo Yeon is still alive. I will bring her back with me, I promise!"

Heero embraced the two kids while Dong Woo cried again on his shoulder.


Meanwhile, on a certain rooftop, there were two men in blacks. They were holding binoculars and looking in the same direction.

"Huh!? Why Instructor Kang's grandson and granddaughter meet with that man? Should we report this?"

"Hmm, that man also hugged Instructor Kang's grandchildren. Does that man really set his eye on the Kang Family?"

"Should we make a move? What if that man kidnaps Instructor Kang's grandchildren? Even though we are not at fault, Kang Family will blame us if that really happened."

"Hmm, I will keep watching over him, you make a report to above. We will make a move if that man really takes the two children away. We don't have enough proof to make a move now!"


These two men were Silver Class Heroes. They got a mission from the Hero League to secretly watch Heero's activity. Ayumu, Silver Class - rank 37 and Tao Bin, Silver Class - rank 23.

"Hah hah hah"

A woman with long red hair and wore a tattered black armor rested her back on a tree. She was holding twin short swords and looking at the surroundings vigilantly.

"Shit, the mutated beast in this place is not normal" the red-haired woman cursed in a low voice.

This woman was Kang Seo Yeon, Kang Dong Woo and Kang Myung Hee's missing sister. She was currently running away from a group of mutated beast.

Actually, not only Kang Seo Yeon was alive, but all of her party members were also alive.

It happened five months ago after they entered the stone gate. At first, everything went smooth, they could handle the mutated beast they met on the way.

Everything was fine until they entered a giant cave. Upon seeing the giant cave, everyone was excited to explore the cave. But it was the start of the disaster.

It turned out the giant cave was a nest of Giant Lizard. They encountered two giant lizards that as big as a truck. However, the party could still handle the first two giant lizards

It took them two whole hours to kill the two giant lizards. It exhausted their strength to kill two giant lizards and they thought these two giant lizards were the only beast resided inside the cave.

After all, the two giant lizards were just too strong. But it turned out their judgment was wrong. The two giant lizards were an infant of the true giant lizard.

Yes, half an hour after the party killed the first giant lizards, a gigantic lizard that five times bigger appeared, the mother lizard. The mother lizard was furious upon finding her children were killed.

Kang Seo Yeon and her party understood well, they could not win against the mother lizard. They made a prompt decision to escape.

The party tried to shake off the mother lizard's pursuit but to no avail. Three days, the mother lizard was pursuing them three days tirelessly.

After three days of thrill, the party somehow managed to get away from the mother lizard. However, another problem popped out. They were lost the way to get back to the stone gate.

As the party tried to find a way back to the stone gate, they encountered many strong mutated beasts. Winged lizard, a gigantic bird, extremely fast wolves, and more.

Yes, Kang Seo Yeon and her party spent six months' time for running away from the mutated beast's chase. There was only a little of the mutated beast they could face. Most of the mutated beast was just too strong for the party.

And now, Kang Seo Yeon was running away from a pack of tigers. The tiger was white in color and they had a troublesome ability, stealth. Not only these tigers were too many in number, but they had stealth.

Because of this tiger, Kang Seo Yeon got separated from his party.

"I can't die here, I have to report the danger of this place to Hero League. If the mutated beast in this place come out"

Kang Seo Yeon could not imagine what would happen to outside. She found most of the mutated beast in this place at the level of Emperor Level. Only Emperor Class Hero and Legend Class Ranker could fight again these mutated beasts.

Shruk! Shruk! Shruk!

"Damn, they are here"

Kang Seo Yeon rose up and scanned the surroundings. She used her hearing to detect where these tigers came from.


Kang Seo Yeon looked up. Sure enough, there were seven white tigers pounced toward her. She rolled forward and leaped up to the nearest tree. During this time, she put her twin swords on her waist and took the bow from her back.

She turned around and at the same time, she pulled three steel arrows from her back. Kang Seo Yeon pulled her bow and shot three arrows at once. The three steel arrows coated in flame and three flame arrows pierced the white's tiger heads.

From avoiding the tiger pounce to shot the arrow, it took only ten seconds, and she hit all three arrows on accurately. She was the genius Flame Archer of the Kang Family.

"Three down, four left"

Kang Seo Yeon put the bow back and pulled her twin short swords. At the same time, she pulled the swords, flame shrouded the twin swords. As for the white tiger, it vanished with stealth.

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