Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 42: Instructor Kang

Chapter 42: Instructor Kang

Six policemen arrived, wearing their dark blue uniform, handgun within the holsters on their waist along with handcuffs on the other side, and walkie talkie on their top-right chest.

A middle-aged man in his mid-forties led the other five policemen which were much younger than him. The middle-aged man had a solid and tall body, a thick face and eyebrow, and he looked like he was in a bad mood as he had a severe look on his face.

As for the middle-aged man's subordinates, they looked quite young. The oldest was in their early thirties and all of them brought a solemn atmosphere with them.

The middle-aged man was a chief of the police station area 51, Zhang Cun. Under the lead of Zhang Cun, the crowd gave them a path to the "crime scene".

"Who called the"

Zhang Cun shouted in a loud voice but stopped midway upon finding there were nine people laying down on the ground with their bend hand. He was shocked for a moment and scanned the surroundings.

Zhang Cun did not expect this would be a serious case. He scanned the surroundings and found a middle-aged man holding a medium-sized hammer. Beside the middle-aged man, there was also a burly man holding a butcher knife.

Meanwhile, on the opposite these two suspicious men, there was a man and two women stood before a broken glass window. The man was good looking while the two women were a beauty.

Then, he also found a woman in a red dress crying while holding an injured man who looked semi-unconscious.

Zhang Cun recognized the injured man, Sun Zhou Yi, an active Wood Class Hero who always helped the people around here.

Zhang Cun turned to his subordinates and ordered, "Call the ambulances!"

Zhang Cun looked somber now as he found this was a serious case. He had his hand on his holster and intended to approach Butcher Wang and Blacksmith Huang. These two were the most suspicious.

"I am the one who called the police!"

Zhang Cun stopped his steps upon hearing the shout. He turned toward the voice and found a man with glasses rushed toward him. The glasses seemed to be panicked.

"Police Officer, he is a murderer. He is the murderer!" Pan Lun pointed his finger toward Heero while hiding behind Zhang Cun.

Zhang Cun frowned as he looked at where Pan Lun pointed his finger to a good looking young man. While he looked at Heero, he heard the glasses man whispered something.

"Do as I say, catch that man and the two women with him if you don't want to lose your job. I am a General Manager of Ming Restau, Ming Group. The people on the ground are members of Iron Fist Martial House, Ming Group!"

At first, Zhang Cun furious when the glasses man gave an absurd order. But when he heard the words "Ming Group", Zhang Cun's face turned pale.

Just like Pan Lun said, it was easy for Ming Group to make Zhang Cun lost his job. An influential organization in the inner region like Ming Group must be own its connection to Central Government.

"Catch him! Catch Him! He is the murderer!" Pan Lun shouted again in Zhang Cun's ears.

Zhang Cun gritted his teeth as he was in a dilemma. He believed the good looking young man was not in the wrong based on what Pan Lun said to him. If the good looking young man was in the wrong, Pan Lun would not pressure him under the name of Ming Group.

Just as Zhang Cun was in a dilemma, he saw the good looking young man approached him. Pan Lun also noticed Heero approached him, he panicked.

"Don't get near! Don't get near! See, he wants to kill me as well for telling the truth. Why are you still in a daze here, go catch him!"

Pan Lun not only urged Zhang Cun, but he also urged the young policemen. The young policemen looked at each other, they also did not know what to do without the order from Zhang Cun.

Zhang Cun gritted his teeth and clenched his palm into a fist. Then the face of his baby and his little daughter appeared in his mind. He let out a sigh and pulled his gun out of the holster.

He directed the gun toward Heero, "Stop! Raise your hands!"

Just as Zhang Cun wanted to make a gesture to his subordinate to catch Heero, he saw Heero did not stop his advance. Despite facing the handgun in his hand, the young man was not afraid.

"Stop, I say! Stop! Or I will shoot!" Zhang Cun gave Heero a warning. But he found the good looking young man did not heed his warning.

He said he will shoot, but in actual fact, he was only tried to scare Heero. There was no way he would pull the trigger. Moreover, he knew this young man offended Ming Group which led him forced into this situation. There was no way he would shoot the innocent. However, he had to do something if he did not want to lose his job.


Zhang Cun was forced to release the shoot into the air. He gave another warning but to no avail, the young man in front of him did not afraid of the gun in his hand.

Zhang Cun panicked, but then he found the young man stopped right in front of him. The young man looked at him No, the young man was looking at the glasses man behind him.

With a puzzled look, the young man uttered a question directed to Pan Lun, "Why? Why do you try to frame me?"

"I am not trying to frame you. I am just telling the truth here." Pan Lun denied righteously.

"But you are ordering the police to catch me! You were also threatening him under the name of Ming Group!"

Heero had a sharp hearing, he heard what Pan Lun whispered to Zhang Cun. That was why Heero curious what did the glasses man try to frame him?

"Oh, you said you are General Manager of Ming Restau, Ming Group. I see I see"

"Wh-what are you talking about? I never threaten the police" Pan Lun denied with a flustered look. He was shocked this young man could hear his whisper.

Hearing the conversation between Heero and Pan Lun. The crowd buzzed, they were talking about what Heero said.

Heero ignored the crowd and his gaze became cold to Pan Lun, "You are part of Ming Group, right? Whilst we are at this, I will solve the problem to the root! Lead me to Iron Fist Martial House!"

Heero intended to solve the problem by crippling Yan Tie's hand. Four months ago, Yan Tie also ordered his underlings to get Han Ying. At that time, He arrived at the right time and saved Han Ying.

After that, Yan Tie stopped sending his underling. Heero thought the problem was solved, but he did not expect Yan Tie would send his underling again at this time. Moreover, Yan Tie's underling also hurt Hong Yu, he intended to solve this Yan Tie at once so there would be no more trouble in the future.

Heero intended to pass Zhang Cun and catch Pan Lun. However, Zhang Cun was insisting to protect Pan Lun. He pointed the gun right before Heero's face.

"One step more, then I will shoot!"

Heero shook his head and his hand right hand reached the gun. He crushed the gun with his grips.


Zhang Cun was shocked when he saw his gun was being crushed with a bare hand.


Along with the gun crushed, Zhang Cun's hand was bleeding, blood flooded down from his arm.

"Arghhh!" Zhang Cun released the gun from his hand. On his hand, there were three cut wounds, it was not deep, but blood streamed out from his right hand.

"You dare to assault police! Catch him! What are you waiting for!?!?" Pan Lun let out a piercing scream. He was truly afraid now, as Heero dared to assault police. Then what about him? Pan Lun could not imagine what happened to him if Heero was let out free like this.

The five policemen pulled their gun and pointed to Heero. However, Heero ignored the police as he gazed toward the crowd. No, he gazed at a person in black.

The others also followed Heero's gaze and found there was a person in a ninja outfit amongst the crowd. No one noticed when this person appeared, except for Heero.

The one who attacked Zhang Cun was not him, but this person with a strange outfit. He saw three invisible small knives scratched Zhang Cun's hand.

Meanwhile, the crowd gasped in surprise when they found this ninja out. A black ninja outfit and "Hanzo" in Japanese written on the back, golden in color, and a silver plate on his chest.

"It's Hanzo Shusake, Silver Class Heero - Rank 1."

A person in the crowd blurted in a surprise.

"What happened?" With an indifferent voice, Hanzo Shusake asked.

"He is a murderer, he resisted arrest and assaulted the police!" Pan Lun immediately answered.

'Heh, this fool is surely useful. Everything goes as I thought.' Hanzo Shusake thought inwardly. If not for his face was covered by the black cloth, everyone might see the dark smile behind the black cloth.

"Alright, all of you can go, now! Hero League will take care of this issue from now on and arrest this murderer." Hanzo Shusake tried to disperse the crowd.

'If these fools are here, they might get hurt! I don't want my Hero License to get revoked because of these fools!'

"You!" Hanzo Shusake called the police. "Take the injured to the hospital!"

Everyone followed Hanzo Shusake's instructions and left the district, leaving only Han Ying, Hong Yu, Butcher Wang, Blacksmith Huang, and Heero.

Pan Lun relieved inwardly as he thought, 'Heh, you are done for. After this, I will make a report to the Ming Group. Even this young man survives this ordeal, he would be dead for sure because he dared to meddle in Ming Group's business.'

"Wait, Hero Hanzo, Heero is" Noticing the situation turned dire for Heero, Butcher Wang tried to explain the actual situation.

Heero gestured to Butcher Wang to get back, "It's okay, Butcher Wang. His main goal is me."

"Hai, we have enough space now. Let us start our fight now!" Hanzo Shusake pulled the sword on his back waist. He finally showed his true intention.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Hanzo Shusake threw five small knives toward Heero. After that, he rushed with a katana in his right hand. However, next, Hanzo Shusake was surprised to see Heero caught all of his knives.

"Then what about this!"

Suddenly the sword in his hand disappeared. To be more exact, Hanzo Shusake sword turned invisible. When he reached the range of the attack, Hanzo Shusake swung his empty hand.

In this time, the opponent supposed to not be able to figure out his range attack. However, Hanzo Shusake chose the wrong opponent. Heero avoided his attack pretty easy.

Relying on his nimble movement, Hanzo Shusake tried to land a bit but to no avail. His invisible sword failed even to land a slash at Heero. In the end, Hanzo Shusake retreated to a safe distance and stopped his pointless attack.

"What? Tired already?" Then Heero turned toward Butcher Wang, "Butcher Wang, lend me your Butcher Knife."

Butcher Wang snapped out of his daze. Then he threw his butcher knife to Heero.

"You are pretty good, being able to force me to use my ultimate move." With that said, Hanzo Shusake vanished.

Yes, this was Hanzo Shusake's special ability, Stealth. Not only he could make his body turned invisible, but he could make his body also turned invisible.

However, Heero shook his head. Stealth was only a small trick, even Advance Rank Hero in Dramonia could use it. It was a small trick for scouting when war between Human Race and Specter or Beast broke out.

Suddenly, Heero raised the butcher knife and the sound of metal clashed ringing.


After that, the sound of metal clashed each other kept resounding. Heero did not move from his spot but swung the butcher knife here and there.

"Swift movement, but mediocre swordsmanship!"


In desperation, Hanzo Shusake let out a roar and wildly swung his sword toward Heero.

But no matter how fast or strong his sword was, Heero blocked all of it with a mere butcher knife. At this time, he realized Heero was stronger than him. Not only stronger but far stronger. The current Heero was like an unbreachable wall to him.


Without he realized Heero landed a kick on his belly. He was thrown away and turned visible again. Blood flowed on the corner of his lip.

Knowing he would not be able to win, retreating was the best choice for now. However, he knew that he would not be able to run off Heero. The only safe choice to retreat was taking a hostage with him.

Hong Yu worried face came into his sight. As long as he got the woman, he would be able retreated safely. Heero was quite ruthless, he did not want to fall under Heero's hand.

Hanzo Shusake activated his stealth and charged toward Hong Yu with all his might. Little did he know thinking about taking Hong Yu as a hostage was a blunder.

Noticing Hanzo Shusake's movement, anger flashed in Heero's eyes. Heero instantly appeared before Hong Yu and Han Ying. His hand reached the empty air and in the next second, Hanzo Shusake turned visible.

Heero was holding Hanzo Shusake's neck. Anger filled Heero's heart as the memories of losing his closest resurfaced in his mind again.

Heero slammed Hanzo Shusake down.


Heero did not stop here, he kicked Hanzo Shusake's face and had his body knocked away for a few meters. Heero chased after Hanzo Shusake and raised the butcher knife. The butcher knife was directed to Hanzo Shusake's neck.

"Am I going to die?"

Dread and terror filled his heart as Hanzo Shusake saw the butcher knife descended. In the next moment, Hanzo Shusake saw a figure appeared above him.

"Hold on, young man! You can't kill him!"

The figure had his palm clamped the butcher knife, preventing it to reach Hanzo Shusake's neck. Hanzo Shusake recognized the voice.

"Instructor Kang!!??" Hanzo Shusake uttered a weak voice.

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