Unique Gamers Travels

Chapter 66: Chapter 66

Chapter 66: Chapter 66

Huge thanks to Phoenix, Balmung, Suporty, Terrence, and Adam, for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!

[Location: New York Institute] [3rd POV]

The rest of the day had passed by, with the only thing of note that had happened, being Luke getting arrested for trying to kill Valentine, which Talia kept away from, not wishing to be apart of...that shit. The next few days after had passed similarly, with Hope and Talia going on a day long date. Sadly Isabelle and Talia haven't had their date just yet, due to the Valentine bs, but Talia planned on doing it soon, very soon.

Another notable thing that had happened, was Isabelle coming to her room to vent about her mother, father, and all her family drama that was going on. The talk didn't last long, due to Clary coming in, crying her eyes out due to the Seelie Queen forcing her to "reveal her true feelings" which was basically her saying to both Simon and Jace "I don't like you like that". Safe to say, she had the worse day that day.

Valentine had also escaped, courtesy of his hidden son, Jonathan. He got away pretty easily, due to Talia not stopping him. Afterall, he still had something she wanted, and she was still waiting for it to happen, because once it did, he would be dead.

She had also used her final prestige dungeon run, making her levels jump by a good margin, and allowing her to get another semblance, and another assassins knowledge and power, a very good one at that.

[Combo Wombo - Each consecutive blow receives an additional 2000 pounds of force compared to the previous one. If the chain of attacks are interrupted, then it resets, and the user has to restart once more. The additional force can be increased further in the future, should this semblance undergo an awakening, the users aura become stronger, or something of the sort]

Powerful, very very powerful. It was very very similar to a certain orange haired demons ability from a certain Anime/manga, except it hit not nearly as hard.

The assassin knowledge she ended up getting was of Ezio Auditore Da Firenze himself. Her favorite assassin, and one of her favorite game characters of all time, up there with Arthur from RDR2, V from Cyberpunk, Geralt from Witcher, Marcus Fenix from Gears of War, Doom guy from Doom, and Kratos from God of War.

The knowledge he possessed was also immense, same with his skill. He was arguably better than even Altair himself, but was at least on par with the man. The experiences and knowledge he had given her, was one of the best things she had gotten from the system so far.

Her current status was looking pretty good.


- Talia Morningstar | -

- Master of Death | - | Advanced Creator of Magic | - | Host of the Dragon Flame | - | First of her Kind | -

[Class - Huntress | RWBY]

[Level 62/100]

[Subclass - Assassin | Assassins Creed]

[Assassins Knowledge - Altair, Ezio]

[Level 56/100]

[Species - Supreme Witch, Fairy, Kitsune, Upgraded Enhanced Original?]

[Energies - Magic/Mana, Aura]

[Items - Deluminator, Wand, Sword of Gryffindor, Salt, Japanese Steel Katana, Super Soldier Serum (consumed), Mechashift Weapon, Small Vial of each type of dust, Assassin Robes, Hidden Blade]

[Equipped Items - The One Ring, Resurrection Stone, Cloak of Invisibility, Haste Boots, Boots of Hermes, Gauntlets of Atlas, Crown of the Goblin Emperor, Earrings of the Goblin Empress, The Darkhold]

[Vehicles/?????????] - Tardis

[Wealth - 75 Billion USD]

[Books Consumed - 44]

[Spells Learnt - 10,000+ | Tiers 0-11 learnt]

[Cemented Mate - Hope Mikaelson]

[Non-Cemented Mates - Clary Fairchild, Isabelle Lightwood, ???????]

[Remaining Mates - 3]

[Age Absorbed - 15,928]

[Status - Fully Fed]

[Maxed Classes - Wizard, Tier Mage, TVD Witch | Fairy - Light, Mind, Air, Water, Fire, Technology]

[Maxed Subclasses - Kitsune (Thunder, Ocean, Music, Void, Forest, Time), Upgraded Enhanced Original]

[Maxed Racial Classes - Overlord]

[Other/Absorbed Species/Classes - Wizard, Witch, Overlord]

[Current Universe - Shadowhunters]

[Dungeons - Vampire]

[Multiverse Travel - Available]Nôv(el)B\\jnn


Talia was sure that she could have her classes maxed out before the next world travel, which was the plan, as she liked her current classes, especially aura, but it didn't actually give her a ton of power to use, sadly.

Currently, Talia was speed walking through the halls of the institute, after hearing of Max's injury at the hands of Jonathan, Hope hot on her tail.

Walking into a small makeshift doctors room, she noticed the entire Lightwood family sitting in chairs in the hallway.

"I just heard, I'm so sorry Isabelle" Talia said softly, inwardly feeling terrible for this, knowing that she was willingly letting this happen. But, she also knew that that wish would make it all worth it in the end, and Isabelle was welcome to hate her, when she inevitably

figured it out.

"And who are you?" Robert, Isabelle's father asked.

"She's a friend, Talia, you should know her" Alec said, not really focusing on her right now. Robert's eyes widened hearing this, and gave her a small nod. He knew just how much she had helped the Clave, and the amount of terrible people she had gotten properly punished, so he respected her, as most of the higher ups in the Clave did.

Talia couldn't utter a word as the door to Max's makeshift hospital room was opened, with Magnus and a silent brother walking out. The Lightwood got to their feet, looking at Magnus with hope. While Talia was silent, thinking of the right spell to heal Max with.

"His injuries are too severe. Max's only hope for recovery now lies with Brother Enoch" Magnus said somberly, knowing that he couldn't do anything to help the young child. While Talia inwardly had a eureka moment as she found the perfect spell to heal the child with. "There's gotta be something...anything" Alec said distressed at the news.

"I think I have a spell that will work" Talia said, before Maryse could tell Brother Enoch to


"A spell? What sort of spell?" Alec asked, ignoring the looks he was getting from his parents, with Isabelle also looking to Talia expectantly.

"It's...different from normal warlock spells. It's something I created myself, and is quite...powerful. It would require him to be moved outside, which I can do without harming

or negatively effecting him. It is a healing spell but much more... powerful. It should be more than enough to heal him, and if not, it will not negatively affect his current health" Talia explained to Alec and Isabelle.

"No, we cannot take such a risk" Robert instantly said, shaking his head at the idea.

"Talia, are you certain it would work?" Isabelle asked, looking Talia in the eye.

"I am" Talia said seriously, knowing that the spell she had in mind, should be more than enough to heal the poor child. Before she could continue, Jace raced into the hallway.

"Where is he? What happened?" Jace asked out of breath.

"What are you talking about?" Alec asked confusedly, inwardly annoyed that their serious

conversation was just cut off.

"Max, I got your text" Jace responded.

"What text?"

A look of realization set in on Jace's face "Jonathan. Sound the alarm!" Jace said, before racing

off. With Alec quickly sounding the alarm on his phone, which was connected to the institute, only for it to say system failure.

"Son of a bitch" He cursed, before racing off after Jace, Magnus and Robert following suit "We'll continue this later, don't start!" He added, before running off.

[A little while later]

A while after the four had run off, Magnus, Robert, and then Alec slowly returned. Jonathan

ended up getting away, but not without Clary injuring him, and destroying the bogus mirror

that was a fake.

Seeing the return of the three, Talia got up, causing Robert and Maryse to look at one another.

"What exactly does this spell entail? What does it need? Where does it need to be?" Robert asked, a serious expression on his face.

"It's a healing spell, a very very powerful one. It doesn't need anything besides my magical

power, a lot of it. And it just needs to be outside, in the front of the institute somewhere, open, preferably" Talia explained, cauisng Robert to go silent.

"And this won't harm him if it fails? Nor the transportation?" Maryse asked, knowing that Alec and Isabelle trusted Talia with their lives.

"It won't, I swear it" Talia said, a serious glint in her eyes. Hearing this, Maryse went silent

for a few moments, before speaking.

"Fine. But, should it cause harm to our son, then it will be your head" Maryse said, causing Talia to nod and move into Max's room.

"Just get outside in the front, I've already got a location set. I just need all of you to maybe set

some blankets out or something" Talia said, causing them to nod, before running off.

"Thank you for this, even if it doesn't work, it means a lot. I'll find a way to repay you" Isabelle says with a small smile.

"Well, you can repay me with that date" Talia said with a grin, causing Isabelle to shake her head with a small blush, before following after her family.

After another few minutes, Talia got the go ahead through text. "Alright kid, lets do this" She

said, as she cast a simple teleportation spell, while also making sure to cast several other spells to keep him stable.

The second she cast the spell, she and Max disappeared from the room, reappearing outside the institute, where Clary, Jace, Isabelle, Alec, Magnus, Robert, and Maryse were all waiting. "Alright everyone, back up a bit please" Talia said, as she flicked her wrist, causing the elder wand to fly into her hand. Magnus's eyes widened at the sight of the wand, as he could literally feel the magical energy pouring from it. Breathing in, Talia spoke, using an entirely non canon spell she knew, a powerful one at that.

"Heavenly Embrace" She voice traveled out, causing everyone's eyes to widen, as a large golden magical circle fluttered above them. Power flooded from Talia, far more than what should have been coming out.

Talia watched in both happiness and confusion as the spell began to work, but...not the same

way as in her memories. In her memories, it summoned three angels similar to the ones in Overlord, large, almost golemlike, and not all that powerful.

Instead, Talia watched as three angels appeared, completely different. Two of them were glowing with power, but were still human in appearance, with only two wings fluttering behind them. They were human height, and strong, but not that strong. It was the third one that caught Talia's attention.

It was large, had six wings, was not at all human looking, instead looking like energy given

form into an angel. It glowed a soft golden and orange light. And it was literally radiating power. 'This...this is the most powerful thing I've ever met' Talia realized, looking at the giant angel, that was definitely not what she meant to summon.

(Something like this?)

'Meaning these must be...shadowhunter angels. And if that big guy has six wings then he is probably...Michael' Talia thought in realization, while the rest of the group was silent in awe, especially the shadowhunters.

Slowly, the angel she assumed to be Michael, floated down to the ground, landing softly in

front of her. 'Bring it out, child'

Talia blinked 'Bring what out' Talia thought, knowing full well why her shields didn't do shit against the heavenly being.

'The draconic flames slumbering within you' Michael...said?

Talia was confused, but decided to listen to it, as if it truly wanted to, she was farely sure it

could kill her, albeit not permanently. She also noticed the other two angels floating on opposite sides of Max, seemingly already getting to work on healing the boy.

Breathing in, Talia focused as she summoned the dragon flame, it fluttered into form, as

Michael seemingly looked at it.

Michael continued to stare for a few moments, before raising one of his hands, as it began to

glow a soft golden and orange color, forming into a small flame, that slowly floated off of his

hand. After that, he began to float off, as the small flame began to get closer to the dragon flame, with the two angels following suit, as Max shot up with a soft gasp.

Seeing Max awake, the Lightwoods rushed to his side, while watching with awe as the angels began to float off.

'Use this gift well, child of *#%!#$' Michael softly said into her head, as the flame finally

converged into the dragon flame.

The second this happened, everything went dark, as Talia gasped as she felt power pouring

into her veins, hearing the worried yells of the others, and Hope. The last thing she saw, was a

system notification, glowing powerfully in her vision. [Hidden Quest Complete]

Summon one of the seraphs of the Shadowhunters world, and receive their gift - Michael

Reward - Matters on the seraph summoned - Michael.

[Evolution for...Dragon Flame Beginning!]

[Evolving into...]

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That's the end of the chapter!

And whoo, cliffhanger time!

Originally this was going to be a double upload, but then I ended up making a fairly long

chapter, so this should be enough...hopefully. Next chapter will be shorter, and will cover the evolution of the dragon flame!

Any guesses on what sort of improvements will be made? It's name? Or anything about its


Isabelle and Talia's date will be happening very soon, potentially even next chapter. Something very special will be happening soon, a rather long plan that I've had since the very

beginning of this fanfic, no spoilers though! Anyways, have a good day! See you tomorrow!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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