Untamed: The Alpha

Chapter 532 WHY ARE YOU SAD?

Chapter 532 WHY ARE YOU SAD?

The moment Knox went into the door, he came face to face with a long, dark tunnel. It made him frown, because the door behind him disappeared, which made him unable to return to that bright room from earlier.

Behind him was only another dark path, of which neither side showed the slightest bit of light, but he could see in this darkness just fine.

He chose to walk ahead and look around him. There was nothing suspicious, this was like a normal dark tunnel, without any trace of magic.

It was almost like once he stepped into the room, he was teleported to a different place.

So, he had chosen the wrong room?

Knox kept walking. This darkness, somehow, was comforting and he chose to follow the path.

Finally, after walking for so long, he saw light and soon, a murmuring noise could be heard from ahead. It was bright. Was this already morning? Did he walk that long?

Knox frowned, but he didn't fasten his steps, nor did he slow down, he just walked at his own pace toward the light.

Once he reached it, the murmuring noises became even clearer and he could tell that it was a little child, who was talking. She seemed to talk a lot for someone, who was alone, since it was only her voice that Knox could hear during his walk.

He then stepped out of the dark tunnel and arrived at the backyard of a house, where he could see a little girl around the age of five talking to her three little dolls, while sitting on a mat. They were having a tea party, apparently, with a fake teapot and a few cups.

Knox felt this situation was so absurd, why would he be thrown into this place? He thought, even if he had chosen the wrong door, it would make more sense if he was thrown into the middle of an ocean, or among ferocious beasts, even fighting monsters would be more acceptable.

Why a little girl?

What could this girl do? Would she grow another pair of limbs and then change into some kind of hellish monster?

From Knox's point of view, he could only see the top of her head, her long hair was tied up into two pigtails with a pair of rainbow colored ribbons.

This girl was so unaware of her surroundings, she completely put her guard down and played with her dolls.

Knox came closer and finally the girl noticed that she was not alone. She raised her head and then blinked her big eyes, which made Knox hold his breath.

The eyes that looked back at him were the same eyes as him.

"Hello," the girl greeted him. "Are you coming for my tea party?" Her blue eyes shone brightly, expectantly, waiting for Knox's answer.

However, there was no word that could come out of his lips right now, as he fell to his knees. He felt the ground beneath him crumble.


"Thank you for bringing my granddaughter here, you can leave now, Lord Chaos." Tia looked polite, but her gesture showed Zuri that she didn't wish to have Chaos here.

Instead of reaching out to the old lady's hand, Zuri stared sharply into her eyes, she didn't budge from Chaos's side. Even if he wanted to leave her in this place, she would hold onto him and run away.

"Don't you even dare to think about leaving me here alone like you did in the past," Zuri said under her breath. It was a warning and she was serious about that. "I will run away at the first chance given and probably will die faring in this blizzard."

"You make a scary assumption, Blue."

"No, I just want you to know. I have my own plan too."

Chaos smiled indulgently at Zuri, but the darkness in his eyes was still concerning. He then directed his attention at Tia. "I am sure that we will each hold our end of the deal, so there is no need for you to shun me away."

Tia lowered her hand and put her focus on Chaos right now.

"I thank you for bringing back my granddaughter…" Zuri flinched when she heard that word, as she stared at Tia blankly. "I will repay this kindness in another form."

"I have come so far and I will not have you trample on our deal." Chaos took Zuri's hand and was about to turn around when Tia spoke again, gritting her teeth.

"We welcome you here, Lord Chaos," Tia said. "You must be tired. Come on, follow me, I will show you to your room, so you can take a rest."

Tia then opened her arm, as a welcoming gesture and asked Chaos to follow her.

Beside Tia, a bunch of beasts had shifted back into their human form and all of them were women.

This was weird for Zuri, because usually, in a pack, it would be the alpha and their warriors that would greet an important guest and most of them would be men, even though there would be women, they would be put behind.

This pack was weird.

Zuri grabbed Chaos's hand tightly, not because she was afraid, but because she didn't want him to have the opportunity to run away from this place without her.

"Don't you want to know about her?" Chaos asked in a low voice, as they followed behind Tia, while the rest of the small entourage surrounded them, they put distance between them, but it didn't eradicate the fact that Zuri and Chaos were in the center of it.

"I heard what she said, she is my grandmother," Zuri replied calmly and this made Chaos raise his brows.

"Don't you want to know about her?"

Zuri thought about that for a moment and then shook her head. "I don't think I care who she is for me, what I care is our purpose to be here. Why did you bring me here?"

"To learn your roots…" Chaos smiled when he saw how Zuri narrowed her eyes at that being mentioned, she didn't have any interest whatsoever about her roots. "And their power." Chaos added.

"What power?" She had been asking about this, but Chaos didn't give her any clue about what he was talking about.

"Your grandmother will tell you what that is."

They followed Tia, who was walking without any difficulty in this thick snow, as if this was nothing to her. She seemed to have spent all her life in this kind of environment.

"Is this important?" Zuri couldn't help thinking that this was a waste of time, there were a lot of things that they needed to do with Norbeat being caught and the others planning to bring him back.

It would be more useful if Zuri stayed behind and helped them, instead of playing family with her long lost grandmother.

She didn't feel anything, the moment they met for the first time earlier didn't even touch her heart. She felt like she just met with another stranger and she didn't have any opinion about it.

"Yes, this is important," Chaos said firmly.

"We are here," Tia said, telling the two of them that they finally arrived.


"What is your name?" Knox stared into those beautiful blue eyes, his breathing ragged when he heard the little girl in front of him telling him her name.

"Rhea. Rhea Burgh," she said, giggling.

Burgh. That was Sebastian's last name, but there was no way this little girl before his eyes was his child. She didn't even look like him at all. There was nothing that looked like Sebastian.

"And you?" The girl tilted her head, as she hugged one of her dolls, the sight tore up Knox's heart. "Uncle?" She asked again because Knox didn't say anything. "Are you sad, uncle?"

The girl came closer to Knox and then crawled onto his lap, out of instinct, he held her small body. She felt so warm and soft and fragile.

Knox didn't know what he felt right now, but this little girl was able to shatter his heart. The cold fa?ade that he always wore fell when she rubbed her tiny hands on his face.

"Why are you crying? Are you hurt, uncle?"

Knox didn't even realize when he started to cry, but he did and this was something that he didn't expect at all.

The soft and tiny hands on his face were heavenly and all he wanted was to close his eyes.

"Don't be sad." Rhea patted his shoulder, but when Knox didn't say anything, she gave him a hug. This was what her mother always did whenever she was sad, so she did the same thing to this stranger.

Since she had been living in this hideout, there were not many people that she met, though she loved to interact with other people. This side of hers was definitely coming from her mother.

"Isn't she adorable?"

A voice of a man rang and this put Knox on alert, as he stood up and hugged the little girl protectively. He turned around so fast to find Aaron standing right behind him.

"Hello, Rhea," Aaron greeted the girl cheerfully, which made her beam in delight.

"Hello, uncle Aaron! Can you show me magic again?!" She was excited to see Aaron, which left Knox mortified.

"No!" Knox hugged Rhea even tighter when she wriggled her body to get down and approach Aaron.

"Don't be so strict, Knox, you are scaring her." Aaron giggled when he saw the expression on Knox's face. "This is the first time you showed such an expression."


*Read my new book: KISSED BY THE DARK ALPHA*

Alpha Micah Donovan's second chance mate.

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