Valerian Empire

Chapter 57

Chapter 57: Green eyed- Part 3

Katherine felt her take nervous steps as she stepped down the stairs carefully. Lord Alexander, Lady Caroline and Mr. Travers stood there waiting for her.

When Mr. Travers had come at her door, he had come with a favor for her to go to the theater along with him as he didn’t know whom to ask in such a short notice of time. Initially she had refused but he persuaded her telling how grateful he would be if she did come.

She wished Sylvia and Elliot were here today but they had gone to the north empire and would be back only the day after.

“You look lovely,” Quill complimented her with a smile.

“Thank you,” Katie murmured.

“For crying out loud, you asked the maid?” Lady Caroline mocked with a laugh, “As father said you aren’t a Barton. You-”

“I never intended to be,” he gave her a cold smile which she caught on shutting her lips for the time being, “After you,” Quill said to Katie as they made their way to the next carriage.

Reaching the grand theater, both the men took the ladies to separate balcony boxes. The theater was as full as Katie had last seen and she couldn’t contain her joy to see what they were going to play.

The elites who could afford had reserved he good seats, seats that were closest to the stage. Lord Alexander and Lady Caroline sat in the next box after where they say, meaning she had a better view.

“Mr. Travers, can I ask you something?”


“Aren’t you and Lady Caroline siblings?” she asked to see him shake his head.

“Travers is my mother’s maiden name. Lady Caroline and I are half siblings. We share the same father but different mother,” he answered to which her mouth turned to an oh.

No wonder their personalities were poles apart. It also looked like he was less fond of his sister and father. He had an air of friendliness which made it easier to talk.

As the play began the theater got quiet and the lights were dimmed out, filling up the entire place with music and voices of the actors. In between the scenes Quill or Katie would exchange words about the scene, discussing about if and why making the play more interesting.

Lady Caroline had tried to get the Lord’s attention but in vain as the man had his eyes fixated over the pair in the next box. She did look lovely with the dark dress she wore for the evening, her neck holding the chain he had bought for her. Her hair tied up to showcase her slender neck, which looked more than inviting. Eyes that tried capturing the scenes in front of her and the pale lips that parted at times to speak.

Though dark, he was perfectly capable of seeing them talk in each other’s ears once in while as the play proceeded.

The close proximity they shared right now even with the spacious box irritated him.

After the play was over they returned back at the mansion and as Quill helped Katie step out of the carriage he didn’t let go of her hand immediately.

Still her hand in his, he spoke,

“Thank you for the wonderful company, Miss Welcher. I hope we can do it again in sometime future,” saying this he kissed the back of her hands, leading Katie’s face to redden.

Alexander who had already reached the mansion before them looked at them expressionless from his room’s balcony as the man flirted with her. Areo his cat nudged his leg as they got inside the mansion and he rubbed its neck with his leg while looking at it.

As Katie walked up the stairs, the lights went out and a thunder was heard out in the sky.

A strong wind blew, blowing out the nearest candles which were close to the open window.

With the sudden temporary darkness Katie held the sides of the stairs. Walking forward she heard a meow out of nowhere and felt fur touch her leg.

Trying to take a step she felt Areo hindering her as though it wanted to play a game. Every time she tried placing her feet on the floor she felt the cat under it.

“Areo quit it!” She whispered in darkness.

Finally feeling the door on the wall after walking to and fro thanks to the cat she stepped into the room pushing the door to close it and going towards the bed.

But the distance between the door and the bed didn’t feel right.

She scrunched her brows and before she could think any further she felt someone push her, a push that was enough for her to fall on the bed.

Ready to scream for help in fright she opened her mouth but the intruder quickly covered her mouth as he hovered above her in the dark.

“Shh,” the voice shushed her, “Entering my room at this hour and trying to scream isn’t a good idea.”

Hearing the voice speak next to her ear Katie froze.

This wasn’t her room but Lord Alexander’s!

“I-I-” she opened her mouth when he let go of her mouth ready to apologize for her mistake but to only be shushed by him again.

Her eyes by now had adjusted to the darkness and she could see the shadow of Alexander right above her who was yet to move but he didn’t. Instead he lowered his face to hers and she felt her eyes go wide.

“L-lord Ale-” to feel the Lord’s finger on her lips.

“You seem to be awfully chatty today. Let me silence your mouth,” he whispered moving his finger to replace his lips on hers.

She felt the warmth of his lips transfer to her slightly cold ones as he kissed her. His teeth nipping her lower lip while his hand caught hold of both her hands in a vice grip which were on his chest to push it on the bed.

“Mnng,” she moaned when he nipped the skin enough to draw the little amount of blood causing a sting, in contrast tracing his tongue gently.

Her heart began beating wildly in her chest as he kissed her.

Pulling back he looked at her with heated gaze, tracing his thumb over the tender nipped lip slowly.

Just when she thought that was all, Alexander surprised her by pushing his thumb into her mouth to open up. Lowering his head down he kissed her back on her mouth, snaking his tongue in to the sweet cavern of the woman’s mouth who laid below him now.

Katherine felt Alexander’s tongue in her mouth, seeking for hers for a passionate kiss that made her head spin in a cloud of lust. He nipped and sucked and nipped her lips again. Like the instrument instructor he drew out moans out of her mouth.

She felt his hand caress her waist that moved up from the side, touching the curve of her breast on the way to her neck making her shudder.

Finally​ pulling back he saw Katie lying there with cheeks that were flushed, her breathing laboured as she panted for air. Her eyes closed still lingering in the sensation.

The thought of another man touching her like this brought an instant frown on his face. He didn’t want that happening.

No one. No one would touch her in the slightest possible way the way he did.

Her neck was bared at him and lifting his hand he traced his finger along the column of her neck and felt her shudder, pleased with the reaction he noticed her opening her eyes to look up at him.

He knew Elliot would have an earful to talk if he knew what he did but he didn’t feel guilty not when she had responded to his touch so beautifully.

He gave her a gentle smile as he caressed her cheek.

The butterfly was caught in the spiders web.

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