Valerian Empire

Chapter 83

Chapter 83: Assassination- Part 2

Katie’s eyes went wide in shock, her throat dry and out of air.

She should have known nothing went unnoticed by Lord Alexander. Had he heard everything? He must have. As she saw him sheath back the knife she gulped.

“I-I would never do that,” she stuttered feeling the cool tips of his finger graze from the side of her temple.

“My. That’s a disappointment,” he said dropping his hand back to his side.

Did he believe that she would carry out the plan the Norman’s had laid? Was it really true that the man didn’t trust a soul, especially not the humans. But she was human too.

“Did you think I would?” she asked him with a quiet voice.

“Would you?” he asked his deep red eyes carrying humor and curiosity in it. She didn’t answer his question neither did he, silence following them.

They stared at each other long enough until Katie lowered her eyes. Ralph had told her that his mother was burnt alive but what about the rest of his family? She had seen portraits of his family adorning walls at the west side of the mansion. His parents, grandfather and him when he was a boy. She had caught sight of his mother’s painting and she was utterly beautiful with captivating eyes.

In the past, Katie had been curious to know about Lord Alexander’s family but even Elliot and Sylvia kept it to a minimum. Finishing their words before she could even start to ask a proper question.

When she opened her mouth to speak, the Lord spoke,

“Would you care for a walk?”

It was rather late for a walk but she agreed anyways.

Katie walked beside Lord Alexander in the garden of the mansion, the night quiet and serene with no one around in sight as most of them had turned to bed by now. The clouds were dark and haunting yet there was a silver lining around it.

Normally Lord Alexander would ask her for a walk during the time of evening or early afternoon in the woods but this was the first time he had asked her at this hour of night.

True that the Lord had been affectionate towards her since past few days but that didn’t mean he would overlook the fact that someone was trying to kill him. Now that her cousin was involved the worry on her forehead had formed into a deep crease while she bit her lip unconsciously. If Lord Alexander really did hear every word she and her cousin Ralph had spoken then he would surely let go knowing there was no threat.

With what she had heard and what she wanted to know, Katie felt herself walk awkwardly not knowing how to approach the matter.

“Does the south Lord hate all the vampires?” she asked him.

“Most of them.”

“But there are vampire families who reside there. Anna and Donovan live in the south too. If Lord Norman really loathed vampires wouldn’t they have outlawed them?” she was confused.

“He keeps some close because they are useful and resourceful but mostly because it is a law that is placed by the council to maintain diversity in all the kingdoms. Be it a human land or the nightly creatures,” he answered plucking a random flower on their way, “The south empire is built in such a way that most of the vampire’s families live far from the center city to avoid trouble. The one’s who lick the boots live close and in the mansion.”

“But why you?” she asked looking at him concerned.

“If one of the Lord falls from the Empire, it’ll create a new opening which can be filled by a human that will be proposed by Norman. It’s not the first time he’s tried something like this,” he chuckled like he was recollecting a fond memory.

Not the first time?

“Then does that mean the other Lord’s are in danger too?”

“Worrying about another man, are we?” he asked his gaze sharp and then he looked ahead, walking towards the large tree and sitting down on the grass and she followed suite, “Not that much. I’m the favorite one.”

“Why do you dislike Lord Nicholas?” She really didn’t understand it. The east Lord had been a perfect gentleman every time they had met. Kind, polite with a likeable personality.

“Didn’t I say that most of us are in a sheep’s clothing. It just happens that I am wearing less of it when compared to the others.”

The image in her mind made her smile internally. Lord Alexander in sheep’s clothing didn’t sit well as the wolf’s attire. He stared at her with his disheveled hair due to the wind.

Minutes passed by and they sat there looking at the leaves of the trees and bushes dance under the faint moonlight.

“It is true what you heard.”

“About your mother?” She asked.

“Yes, and also my distrust for humans,” he added before continuing, “The boy who I had befriended when I was young had failed the job therefore they gathered the village folks to turn against her. The west and the south rivalry runs deeper than some know.”

“The then Lord of south conspired with my relatives to get my mother out in the town and label her as a witch. People have been intolerant of the witches for a long time and they disposed them right then and there. My maternal uncle’s and aunts got her exactly where the south Lord wanted for their selfish desires. My grandfather was still the Lord of Valeria at that time and had been out. My mother and I had gone to the market on her birthday. I was around eight I believe. A small incident led to another, enough to spark suspect and she was burnt right in front of my eyes. It was a plan that had been executed without any suspicion.”

“I’m sorry about what they did to your mother,” she said softly, “Didn’t the council investigate on it?”

“My grand father didn’t want to. He was a stubborn old man for his age,” he replied looking at the sky void of emotions.

“Why not? The Norman’s would have been charged for it!”

“Because my mother, Isabel Genivieve was a white witch,” he replied as if he was talking about the weather, “My grand father Vlad didn’t want to bring any highlight to what was going on already. My father died too. Vampires belonging to the higher have different bond when it comes to their other. The bond is absolute. One of them die and the other half will die too. The council did try finding the truth but that disappeared as a secret with my mother. She had made sure to erase any possible traces and had lived purely as a human.”

Standing up, he turned to her with his hand outstretched, “Let me show you something,” taking his hand she stood before following him.

They came to stand in front of the blue roses. Now that it was night the roses looked like they were dipped in blue ink. It was a vivid blue that grabbed the attention even from a far distance.

“These roses are a memento of my mother,” he said carefully touching the rose and letting it go.

“Did you plant it with her?” She asked him to which he smiled but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.

“That would be a fond memory but no,” he murmured and then said, “Her ashes lie beneath this plant.”

She stood there speechless.

“After she was burnt I took the remains of her that had turned to nothing but a heap of ash. She was my mother and she deserved a respectful ground,” Lord Alexander said crushing the other flower he had picked previously before throwing it at the side.

Katie had no words. She didn’t know what to say.

She couldn’t even begin to think about what Lord Alexander might have have felt at that age. The loss of a mother and being burnt right in front of his eyes was something she couldn’t even begin to imagine. And his father had died too.

She has been really young to remember what happened with her parents. To bury his own mother while hiding from others must have so painful, she thought and felt Lord Alexander wipe something off her cheek.

“It happened a long time ago. You have nothing to cry for,” he said but he looked at her startled when she took both of his hands in hers.

“I swear to you I would never betray you, Lord Alexander. I will stay with you as long as you need me. And if I ever do you can take my life with your own hands,” she said her brown eyes sparkling with tears she was holding in.

“What are you talking about?” He chuckled, running his hands through her hair affectionately, “Don’t you know your life is already mine, darling girl,” he asked not waiting for her reply and kissing her lips.

“Mng,” she moaned pushing his chest, “N-not here,” now that she knew what importance the plant held she didn’t want to do things in front of his mother’s grave.

He laughed looking at her and began to lead her back inside the mansion seeing her shiver.

At midnight, Lord Alexander was drinking alcohol that was made for vampires. Unfortunately, the ones that were made for the humans didn’t have any effect on the vampires and they needed something stronger to kick in.

Just as he was about to refill his glass, he heard the sound of wings flapping outside and a bat came into view that held a letter with it.

Walking outside to the patio, Alexander opened to read the contents of the letter. One of the main council member had been killed and it also said that the head council had been present with the man there when it took place.

How interesting, thought Alexander folding the paper.

“It’s time I start placing my chess pieces,” he said with a sly smile.

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