Valkyrie Smash

Chapter 308 Spare me.

Chapter 308 Spare me.

With the war against the Nephilim coming to an end there were no more Calamity attacks allowing humans to reclaim their lands.

The red paint covering the lost territories was mostly dealt with, but with the process taking months autumn was already upon them bringing with it a change in color.

"Haaa~ finally done!"

Floating above the ruins of São Paulo in what was once known as Brazil, a certain Valkyrie relaxed her shoulders and exhaled. At the same time a large translucent dome, one that covered several kilometers, began gradually shrinking until it was about her size before latching on to her body like a thin layer of haze before fading away.

Gentle winds played with her short blue hair as she stopped to gaze at her surroundings once more then heaved a sigh, her round blue eyes having lost their radiance. What was once a bustling city was rendered to nothing but rubble. Being in the southern American continent, it was one of the places that were hit first leaving very little time for countermeasures or evacuations, not that any of that mattered.

Ten years have passed. Blood has been washed by the rain and the vegetation grew unhindered. Several species of animals have made their homes between the collapsed buildings and empty skyscrapers. Despite it being the site of unfathomable destruction time has turned it into one of the most beautiful locations, a sight that calms the heart.

The Valkyrie stared down at it for a while, allowing herself to relax for a moment. She then closed her eyes, heaved a sigh and a moment later screamed at the top of her lungs.


Cleansers were rare among the Valkyries and their abilities were indispensable. They're highly valued and never sent out in combat operations, meaning they have very little work to do. Even among them she was supposed to be a special case. She was supposed to be a celebrity, a figurehead whose job is to address the masses and help bridge the gap between Valkyries and humans. Unfortunately, ever since the Resistance headquarters fell she was dropped at a random military base.

"This sucks…"

She expected to be summoned by the higher-ups after the war ended, but all she got was a mundane task unbefitting someone with her old status. Normally she wouldn't have felt such overwhelming frustration toward her superiors, but something with the mental restraints placed on the Valkyries now gone there was nothing stopping her anger from boiling.

"Elly! Are you done as well!"

Teleporting a small distance away was another Cleanser stuck with the same job, though unlike her blue haired comrade she didn't have the least bit of anger on her face.

"Yeah, I'm done." She replied, and another sigh escaped her. "Finally."

"That look… let me guess, you have yet to check the news?"

"Of course I did. There is no way I wouldn't."

Eleven, or Elly as some of her friends like to call her, was well aware of the happenings back at their new home in the forty sixth base as she spent day after day glued to her phone waiting for another summon.

Just like everyone else she had received a brief summary informing them of General Sanderson's return as well as explaining why the sky had suddenly turned red. Unlike the others, however, she wasn't the least bit happy about the news and that was clear to her friend.

"Still upset?" She asked.

"Does it look that way?" Eleven replied, the sarcasm in her voice very clear.

The second Valkyrie turned to the left, her hazel eyes catching sight of something in the distance. Realizing it was some of her friend's drones she exhaled in relief, tugging a few strands of her light brown hair behind her ear as she resumed the conversation.

"I don't really understand what's bothering you." She said. "Our previous job was important, I get it, but we are the only ones who can handle this task. Clearing the red plague has always been our job after all."

The obvious statement earned her an annoyed gaze from her blue haired friend. Looking up at the now red sky, she couldn't help but frown finding the color unnerving. She was used to the vast blue expanse of summer so the sudden change helped ruin her mood even more.

"You really don't get it, Two, you really don't."

"Well, you're the only one who enjoyed the whole idol thing." The other replied. "I don't mind not having to deal with humans. Just thinking about it makes my skin crawl."

When the Valkyries first appeared many were skeptical of their nature. Rumors spread among the surviving population and some outright rejected their existence despite the help they provided. At the time the Valkyries didn't think much about it, but now that they have become capable of thought it caused a grudge to slowly build up in their chests.

The ones most affected by this were the Valkyries chosen to be the public face of the Resistance. They were the ones who interacted with mundane humans the most and because of that they were exposed to their dark side. A lot of them came to hate the job, however Eleven seemed an exception.

"Alright, it's time to go back."

Giving the ruins one more glance, the blue haired former idol took off, her friend following shortly after. They took it slow letting the drones catch up and after a few minutes they arrived at a large open area where a large airship was left.

"I see you took your sweet time." Waiting for them outside was yet another Cleanser, this one with curly light purple hair. "I clearly remember telling you to get back as soon as you're done."

"Spare me your nagging, AK." Eleven sighed.

"Maybe I should've left without you." AK retorted.

"The ship doesn't take off unless all drones are back."

"You shut up, Twenty Two! You were late as well!" AK shot back. "It's our first break in weeks! I want to take a proper bath and sleep in my own bed!"

Going back and forth from the base would've been too much of a hustle so the three had to camp outside until they finished the job. The airship given to them had all the necessities they needed so their stay wasn't that uncomfortable, however for the three celebrities who've lived in luxury ever since they left Asgard the cramped beds of the airship were nothing short of torture.

Fortunately with the General returning from his visit to the Nephilim world all Cleansers were summoned back to the base giving them a well needed rest.

"Something doesn't feel right, though." Said Twenty Two. "I mean, whether the General returns or not it doesn't really have anything to do with us, right?"

"Who cares about that! All that matters is that we can go back now! I don't want to spend one more second in this desolate hellscape!"

Though the other two felt the same, AK was much more vocal about her distaste for their current situation. The rooms assigned to them in the forty sixth base weren't much when compared to what they had before, but having a soft bed and some privacy was better than nothing so she was looking forward to going back.

"I just hope they don't dump more work on us." Eleven added. "If we aren't getting our old jobs back then I don't want to do anything else."

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