Vampire Overlord System in the Apocalypse

Chapter 469 - The Six Great Dragon Gods


Noah's conquest had begun to target the Verdanttian, Luminosity, and Mountainnea Kingdoms which were the biggest he ever saw, he had been preparing to attack them long ago.

His plans were simple, he was going to use his armies to bring their armies down, possibly killing the heroes they have on the way, and then take over the Kingdoms using his ruthlessness.

The more people he took over and made into Vampires, the more the force of his influence and authority would become. As a God of Vampires, he needed more and more Vampires to be created so he would grow stronger. The more worship from Vampires he got, the more energy he would acquire as well, and the more his divine energy would recover quickly.

He would also gain system points slowly, which he could use to do a series of things, these included making new Lifeblood Jewels, upgrading the System, and now buying things inside the Divine Dungeon Shop…

The three Kingdoms already saw the massive armies of Undead and Monsters approach, as the royalty and monarchs of these Kingdoms began to grow unrest, they started to quickly prepare their own armies, doing everything they can to make some sort of resistance against the upcoming invasion.

The rulers put their faith in the Blessed Dragons, the Dragon Heroes that the Dragon Gods had blessed with divine power, they were the last hope of these large Kingdoms, even with all their armies, they didn't had many hopes aside from the power of their heroes…

However, the Gods themselves had already taken notice of this army of Undead and Monsters, and had also noticed what happened to the Ignitias, Gaias, Aquaias, and Windias Kingdoms as of now, in fact, the knowledge was already widespread across the entire Continent within the Dragon Gods societies!

And now, a big gathering of Dragon Gods happened within the skies of the heavens of the Draconia Continent, which was led by the powerful Holy Dragons from the Heavenly Dragon Pantheon, a powerful Sect-like organization of Dragon Gods that spread across the entire World of Vedas, they used their might, influence, and power to govern the righteous faction of the entire world… they were the strongest Dragons as well.

However, as the Chaotic Apocalypse had begun due to the recent raise of the Supreme Dragon God, Lucifer. The Chaotic Era was filling the world with strange portals as Miasma and Chaos spread everywhere, the Heavenly Pantheon was spreading their units thin across the entire world to keep it together, due to that, they were barely able to use some units in the Draconia Continent.

Although the problem with Noah, a mysterious Dragon God who had slain three Evil Dragon Gods and conquered four Kingdoms in a matter of just a few months was problematic, he wasn't near as important as the entire chaos going on outside.

But the Dragon Gods residing in the Draconia Continent saw this place as the last sanctuary separated from the chaos outside, and therefore wanted to protect it from this menace, Noah!

Due to that, they gathered into an unofficial meeting between many different righteous Dragons. There were over thirty Dragon Gods here from all sorts of backgrounds, but they all shared the same thing, they were of the Righteous Faction…

In this world, there were simply two factions, the Righteous Faction of Sects, Pantheons, and so on, which gathered those that desired to protect others with their strength and to grow stronger through means that didn't involve slaughtering innocents, and then there was the Evil Faction, which encompassed everyone else that went against the Righteous Faction, no matter what their background was… it was just as simple, and at the same time, rather unfair.

By just not wanting to get yourself involved with this, you were already called out as a villain or an evil dragon, so many of the dragon present here were forced to join the righteous faction if they didn't waned to risk persecution and discrimination.

There were not only dragons from the Verdanttian, Luminosity, and Mountainnea Kingdoms here, who oversaw them, but also other Dragon Gods from other smaller or bigger Kingdoms across the expansive Continent of Draconia.

Amongst them there were notable figures, these were the six strongest Dragon Gods present, and they were all… Great Dragon Gods!

Although there were many other Great Dragon Gods across the World, Vedas only had six of them, as they were its strongest guardians assigned here after the disappearance of the Draconic Fathers, which provoked the righteous faction to completely rebuild their approach for this Mortal Continent, where most of the Dragon Gods of the future originated from.

Thunderous, the Great Dragon God of Holy Thunder.

White, the Great Dragon Goddess of Bright Light.

Azure, the Great Dragon God of Oceans.

Verdant, the Great Dragon God of Nature and Life.

Obscurity, the Great Dragon God of Nightmares.

And lastly, Might, the Great Dragon God of War and Conquest. 

These six Great Dragon Gods of their varied shapes and sizes exuded the strongest Divine Auras of them all. The other Dragon Gods gathered here looked at them with admiration. Their very presences twisted space and time with their powerful Auras. The might of Great Dragon Gods was incredible and admirable. Their power could change entire landscapes.

However, they were rather silent, and mostly handled things in the back, while using other lesser Dragon Gods to do their deeds for them, such as maintaining order.

However, they were now all called here for the task of defeating Noah and his army of wicked creatures which he had somehow managed to bring all across the Continent through mysterious means…

"I am glad to see that everyone is gathered here for today's meeting. What we must adress today is very important, and no, it is not just the Apocalypse going on outside, but what is happening here, now…" said Might. His very voice made the divine realm where everyone was gathered tremble, the dragons fell silent before his authority.


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