Van Gogh Reborn!

Chapter 144:

Chapter 144:

Chapter 144

[The Hero of Modern Art Dies]

-He Popularized Conceptual Art-

Ferdinando Gonzalez, who was called the symbol of American modern art, passed away at the age of 39.

The deceased was born in Cuba in 1989 and escaped to Florida, USA with his mother in 1994.

There was no one to welcome the mother and son who lost their father and brother in the escape process.

Florida, which ran out of refugee relief funds, could not provide any support to the Gonzalez family, and Gonzalez had to spend his childhood in a broken car in a junkyard.

In 2003, he lost his mother and started wandering, surviving by pickpocketing and ended up in prison.

Then, in 2006, Ferdinando Gonzalez, who was looking for a place to avoid the cold, tried to enter the Whitney Museum of Art, which was free to enter, but was stopped by a security guard.

At that time, Soo-yeol Go, who was handling the exhibition schedule, defended Ferdinando Gonzalezs right to view the works.

The deceased recalled, It was snowing that day and I was looking for a place to avoid the cold. Art? I couldnt see it. Maybe I wouldnt be here today if Soo-yeol hadnt given me a warm cocoa.

Soo-yeol Go helped Ferdinando Gonzalez find a job, and Gonzalez started to learn about art while working as a cleaner at the Whitney Museum of Art.

He, who had never received formal art education, realized that he could do art even if he couldnt draw by looking at the works of the Whitney Museum of Art, and opened his first solo exhibition there in 2018.

He received rave reviews from critics by giving meaning to everyday scenes, such as hanging two circular mirrors side by side or putting curtains on the windows, but the publics reaction was cold.

The next year, the Whitney Museum of Art produced a mini-documentary about his life, and his evaluation changed.

The director asked him, who shared his meager income even though he lacked money for his work activities.

Gonzalez, didnt you say you were short of materials?

Yes. I needed money to buy light bulbs.

Then do you know that person?


Then why did you give him money?

I can make art without money, but he will starve without money.

In the documentary, Gonzalez gave the money he needed to buy 100 light bulbs to a homeless person, and presented <Untitled: Lighthouse>, which consisted of a single light bulb.

Those who sympathized with his kindness came forward to help him, who had not been able to find a decent opportunity after his first exhibition failure.

That winter of 2019, when Gonzalezs second solo exhibition was held, was the moment when the symbol of relational aesthetics and conceptual art was born.

Ferdinando Gonzalez said during his lifetime that anyone can be an artist and art should be understandable to anyone, and that our lives are a huge art and we are each the subject of art.

His last work is scheduled to be exhibited simultaneously at 90 museums around the world from August 1st

-Anya Strejeman (The Times)

The news of Ferdinando Gonzalezs death shocked the world beyond the United States.

The success story of Ferdinando Gonzalez, who was a refugee and failed to adapt to American society and did not even receive a decent education, was regarded as the American dream of the 21st century.

Ferdinando Gonzalez was the pride of America, along with Jackson Pollock, Andy Warhol, Jean-Michel Basquiat, and Keith Haring, for Americans who felt culturally inferior to Europe.

July 27th.

The United States, which was noisy with the election, was silent on his death anniversary.


-Okay. Listen to your aunt until Grandpa comes back.

Yes. Dont worry.

I wanted to comfort Grandpa before hanging up the phone, but I didnt know what to say.

He said he moved to the same room where Louis was when he arrived in New York.

He said he held his hand and closed his eyes together until the end.

The two clocks he hung moved at the same time and stopped pointing at different times.

Gonzalez and Louis were born differently but ended together.

I hoped that there would be no one to insult him today, and watched the broadcast commemorating him.

-The panelists came out and explained Ferdinando Gonzalez by comparing him to Andy Warhol and Keith Haring.

I was surprised that the three artists representing the United States were gay.

Its amazing.

Jang Mi-rae hugged her knees and said.

I wonder if there are so many gay people around. They might be hiding, but more than half of the people introduced there are gay. Maybe even more.


I wondered if there were many gay artists and listened to Jang Mi-raes words.

Richard Florida, an economist, said that the more gay people gather, the more prosperous they are.

On what basis?

It was a random remark.


Jang Mi-rae stretched her legs.

Gay is the most outside of the diversity that society allows. So, the regions that accept gay people can accept all kinds of people. 

This makes sense.

If you can accept gay without any trouble, you probably wont care much about hair color, skin color, or accent.

But in order for society to develop, it is better to have diverse people than excellent people. Genetically too.

It means that many diverse people can develop, not a few excellent ones.

So the important thing is not how many gay people there are, but that a society that can embrace diverse people is healthy.

Isnt this in line with the freedom theory I told you before? Thats what I think.

Jang Mi-rae said that society would go in a better direction when everyones freedom was recognized.

Just as I painted <Sunflowers> through Joosuks <Sukjodo>, and Henri Marso painted <Shadow> after seeing <Guest>, it means that we move forward when we acknowledge and accept others.

At first, I couldnt understand Ferdinando Gonzalezs <Untitled: Perfect Lovers> at all, but now it has settled deep inside me and made <Ferdinando and Louis>.

The words of Gilles Deleuze, who said that every painter summarizes the history of painting in his own way, are now simultaneous.

The world is no longer a narrow world where I only meet people who are similar to me.

Family is connected by blood.

School is at least the same age.

The village is the same place to live, but now I can meet anyone no matter how far away they are if I want to.

You can meet people who have nothing in common with you except being human.

Its a world where so many different people get to know each other. Isnt this the true meaning of the contemporary era?

I hope the message left by Fernando Gonzalez will be widely and long remembered.

-Meanwhile, the Everich Museum, which had refused to exhibit Fernando Gonzalezs works, has decided to support the Louis Foundation, signaling the end of the division in the art world.


August 1st. Paris, France.

A Muslim boy named Vida Rabani wandered around the Marso Gallery.

He had heard from a friend in the morning that he had gotten candy from the Marso Gallery and was watching out for it.

Is it true?

Vida Rabani was worried that his friend was trying to tease him. He didnt think they would give away food for free.

But the boy who had filled his stomach with bread and mutton soup couldnt let go of his attachment and observed the people entering.

The gallery visitors were all neatly dressed and had relaxed expressions.

Rabani, who couldnt see inside the gallery, fiddled with his fingers and sighed.

Well, thats it.

He had to go inside to get the candy, but he didnt have the courage to go in there.

His friend must have been the same, so the candy story was definitely a lie.


As Rabani gave up and turned around, Michel Platini called out to the boy.

Rabani turned around in surprise.


Michel smiled as he saw the boy who was so flustered.

Werent you going to come in?

Uh, no? That is. I.

Michel had heard from an employee that a boy was watching out in front of the gallery.

He came out to see what was going on and he could roughly understand the situation.

The boy was wearing pants that looked thick even in the summer and they were too long so he had folded the hem.

Come and see.

Michel said kindly.

Uh, no. That is.

Rabani couldnt finish his sentence. But he didnt turn away, so Michel was sure the boy wanted to see the gallery.

Its okay. It doesnt cost anything to look. Do you like Henri Marso?

I do, but.

Rabani hesitated.

Michel tilted his head to make the boy feel comfortable talking.


Candy. Can I have some?

It was a barely audible voice.

Michel could tell how embarrassed the boy was and answered with a smile.


The boys face turned red.

Lets go in.

Michel gestured to Rabani to hurry up so he could get the candy comfortably.

Rabani reluctantly entered the gallery and shrank his shoulders and watched out for the surroundings.

He bowed his head every time he met someones eyes. But he also hurried his steps so he wouldnt miss the kind adult.

Michel turned around after leading Rabani to Fernando Gonzalezs <79kg>.

You can take it from here.

Rabanis eyes widened as he saw the candy piled up in the corner of the wall.

There were so many of the candy that his friend had eaten with a pill in the morning.

Rabani looked back and forth between the kind adult and the candy, and Michel nodded slightly.

Rabani carefully picked up a candy and bowed to Michel.

Thank you.

Michel smiled and said.

You dont have to thank me. Its Fernando Gonzalez whos giving it to you.

Fernando Gonzalez


Michel pointed to the sign next to <79kg>. It said in Fernando Gonzalezs handwriting that you can take as much as you want.

It means you can take as much as you want.

Michel explained the phrase written in English.

You can come every day, so come and play with your friends. And look at the paintings while youre here.

Re, really? Can I do that?


Michel grabbed a handful of candy from <79kg> and offered it to Rabani.


1)This is different from the life of Felix Gonzalez Torres (1957-1996), the real person who inspired Fernando Gonzalez.

2)Quote from economist Richard Florida.

Homosexuality is the last frontier of diversity in our society, and regions that accept gay communities welcome all kinds of people.

Richard Florida ranked cities where gays live densely to measure the openness and diversity of society.

As a result, he found that the more gays live, the more advanced industries are developed.

On the other hand, there is also a research result that an object with one excellent gene left is extremely vulnerable to environmental changes and diseases.

It means that various genes have to combine with each other to adapt to environmental changes and external threats.

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