Van Gogh Reborn!

Chapter 148: Haesong (4)

Chapter 148: Haesong (4)

Chapter 148 Haesong (4)

August 3, 2028. 5 p.m.

Many people came to Yongsan WH Cinema to attend the retirement ceremony of Go Suyeol, the dean of the College of Fine Arts at Korea University.

There were prominent figures from the education and art fields, as well as influential people from the political and business sectors.

The media also showed great interest, and the competition for interviews was fierce.

Lee Inho, a reporter from Daehan Ilbo, who tried to squeeze through the reporters and interview someone, was pushed out of the crowd.

He had been covering the art field for only a year, but this was the first time he encountered such a heated situation.

This is crazy.

Kim Hyungwoo! Kim Hyungwoo!

As he sighed deeply, a certain persons voice caught his ear.

Kim Jiwu, from the monthly magazine Yehwa, was calling out to Kim Hyungwoo, the artist, with a hoarse voice from the gap between the reporters.

But he seemed to not hear her voice, as he only exchanged a few words with the people nearby.

Kim Jiwu sighed and drooped her shoulders as she watched Kim Hyungwoos back disappear.

Richard Phillips!

Then, someones shout made her lift her head and shout again.

Mr. Phillips! Could you please say a word about Go Suyeol, the painter!

He was so passionate that Lee Inho watched her for a moment.

How did you meet him! Have you seen his recent style of painting! Are you going to keep your headphones on all the time!

How could he have such strength from his average body? Richard Phillips, the chief product designer of Pineapple, turned his head.

Ive been watching Suyeols works for a long time, but I havent been able to for the last few years. Im looking forward to the exhibition tomorrow.

Kim Jiwus face brightened.

Do you think he was working on a huge masterpiece in secret?

Ha ha. Thats something I dont know.

Richard Phillips smiled and turned away.

Have you seen the leaked photos of the new flagship smartphone? Is there any difference from the actual product? When will the new E-phone be released!

Kim Jiwu didnt give up and kept asking questions.

And if she saw someone else, she immediately asked another question.

Mr. Chairman! Martin Jansen, the chairman! Is it true that you are producing a documentary about Van Gogh?

Not only Lee Inho, but also the people around him were annoyed by Kim Jiwus momentum and moved away a little.

Martin Jansen, the chairman of the Van Gogh Foundation, answered Kim Jiwus question.

Its not a rumor. We are preparing to honor Vincent Van Gogh.


Kim Jiwu sincerely welcomed Martin Jansens answer.

Her happy feeling was reflected in her expression and tone, and Martin Jansens mood also improved.

What made you decide this time? Was it a problem with the funding?

The production cost is not a problem. Its something weve been preparing for a long time.

Martin Jansen nodded his head firmly to show his pride.

"Then whats the difference between your documentary and Loving Vincent, which is considered an immortal masterpiece?"1)

"Many people are curious about his death, but few people really know his life."2)

Martin Jansen quoted a line from the movie <Loving Vincent> to answer.

It meant that the documentary he was preparing was not much different from what the movie wanted to say 11 years ago.

Our foundation has been cooperating with the Van Gogh Research Institute for a long time to prepare a new biography. The documentary is a way of visualizing it.

When can we see it?

You should be able to see it in theaters around this time next year.

Kim Jiwu clenched her fist and bounced her body.

She was so excited about the biography and documentary that the Van Gogh Foundation and the Van Gogh Research Institute were preparing.

Lee Inho, the reporter, sneaked up to her.

Youre amazing.

Ah. Daehan Ilbo.

Kim Jiwu raised her index finger and fell into thought. She knew him well because he wrote a lot of articles about Go Hoon, but she couldnt remember his name.

Lee Inho.

Ah ha ha. Right. Im sorry. I forgot.

Lee Inho shook his head to show that he didnt mind.

You worked so hard and finally got one article.

Thats right. Arent you curious? I dont know how to wait until next year.

It wasnt a big news, but it was a topic that had demand. Usually, she would be satisfied with one article today, but Kim Jiwu seemed more interested in the Van Gogh documentary.

I heard theres nothing new to tell. Is there something I dont know?

I dont know?

Lee Inho was puzzled, guessing that there was a special reason she didnt know.

Then why

I just like it when he doesnt fade away and keeps being talked about.

Kim Jiwu was just happy that the painter she liked was constantly mentioned and praised.

She didnt even understand what Lee Inho wanted to ask.

At that moment, she saw a tall Frenchman in a dazzling outfit coming in, looking around the people.

Henri! Mr. Marceau! Are you studying Korean? You watch Hoons show every day!


Thank you for your hard work. Ill definitely stop by the exhibition tomorrow.

You must be busy.

How can I miss it? Im looking forward to it.

A tea party was held for the people who came early before the retirement ceremony.

Grandfather was busy greeting the guests who came.

He complained that the event was too big, but he secretly liked it. He smiled and greeted everyone he met.

He seemed happy to meet old friends after a long time.

It was nice to see.

Jang Mirae and Bang Taeho were also greeting many people, so I could eat dessert without worrying.

I had to eat only enough to not burst my stomach today, as well as lunch.


This chocolate cake is amazing.

They stacked soft whipped cream and fluffy bread layer by layer, and filled fresh cherries in between.3)

They grated chocolate on top, so the texture changed every time I chewed.

The rich chocolate flavor and the freshness of the cherries were great, but the texture itself that I could enjoy with my tongue and gums was fun.

It was amazing enough to make a cake with chocolate, but how did they think of putting cream and cherries in it?

I wanted to eat another piece, but there were still many desserts I hadnt tasted.

What is this?

There were various foods layered in a round glass cup like a wine glass.

There was fruit at the bottom, then cream, and then another fruit and cream on top.

There were strawberries and blueberries on top.

I took a small spoon and tasted the dessert. The custard cream, mixed with fruits, melted in my mouth.

As I scooped deeper, I tasted the orange jam and the custard cream together. They were a perfect match.

No painter could blend yellow and white better than the person who made this dessert.

Are you done?

Henri Marceau asked, frowning.

My tongue feels like its melting.

Then why are you eating it?

Because it feels like its melting.

I was curious about the flavor of the bottom layer. I could taste different flavors on each layer.

I dug the spoon deeper.

Its cake.

This time, I enjoyed the custard cream with the soft bread and a familiar sour taste.

I knew the flavors of the cake, cream, jam, and fruits, but I had no idea what this sour taste was.

I was sure I had eaten it somewhere before, but I couldnt remember.

Did my mother buy it for me?

No matter how hard I tried, I couldnt recall where I had eaten it.

I thought I would remember if I ate it a few more times.

Hey, stop eating.

Its delicious. You should try it, Marceau.

He stopped me when I finished one and reached for another.

You shouldnt eat food from this place.

But its delicious.

He grimaced as I handed him the glass cup and the spoon.

Try it.

He reluctantly took a bite and relaxed his expression.

Its good, right?

Not bad.

I wish I knew the name, so I could eat it again later.


This? England?

Yeah. Hard to believe it was made by an Englishman.

Marceau added that it was one of the few edible desserts among the awful English food.

It was different from the trifle I knew, but it was delicious.

It was a kind of food that each house made differently, and a lot of time had passed.

Michel seems busy. Hmph.

Hes working.

Youre leaving tomorrow, right? Hmph.

Yeah. Give me another one.

Marceau seemed to be hooked by the taste of the trifle.

I was about to get another one for myself, but I felt my body leaning to one side.

I wondered if the strawberry or the chocolate one would be better. I had tried the blueberry one.

As I was thinking, someone came up to my grandfather with a crowd of people.

He was an old man, not as muscular as my grandfather, but with a decent build.

Congratulations, Dean.

Choi Young-soo. Youre here too.

My grandfathers face hardened.

I remembered that his name was Choi Young-soo, the president of the Korean Art Association.

He had cheated in a competition called the National Exhibition, and I remembered that he was still in his position.

Chocolate would be better.

I had tried the strawberry and the blueberry ones, so I wanted to try the chocolate one this time.

Hello, Professor. How have you been?

The young woman who came with him greeted him.

Fine. You too?

Of course. I wish you had come to the last exhibition. You must have been busy.

I had something to do. You must have been disappointed.

Disappointed? I know you went on a trip with Hun. He didnt come?

I didnt know why she pretended to know him.

I didnt like the way Choi Young-soo and that woman treated my grandfather.

I felt a strange repulsion that I couldnt put into words. My body heated up.

Hes here. Hes with Marceau.

Henri Marceau?


Professor, Sang-il is running late. He said hell be here soon

The atmosphere got worse as Jang Mi-rae approached.

The people who came with Choi Young-soo looked at her with unfriendly eyes. Jang Mi-rae didnt look at them kindly either.

Long time no see?

The woman pretended to know Jang Mi-rae.

I realized that she was probably Choi Young-soos daughter, and the one who won the grand prize in the competition that Jang Mi-rae participated in.

Jang Mi-rae glared at her.

Dont look at me like that. Its a good day.

The woman smiled, opening her eyes slightly. She treated Jang Mi-rae like someone who couldnt tell the time and place.

Oh. Kyu-seo. I didnt recognize you.


Youve become prettier. Where did you get your eyes done?

It seemed like it would be fun.

I chuckled as I ate the trifle.


  1. Loving Vincent, Dorota KobielaHugh Welchman, 2017
  2. A quote from the movie Loving Vincent, where Marguerite says to Armand,

How much do you know about his life, when youre so curious about his death?

  1. Schwarzwlder kirschtorte.

A German cake with whipped cream and cherries between layers of chocolate sponge cake

  1. A traditional English dessert.

It is made by layering sponge cake soaked in wine, custard cake, whipped cream, jelly, and fruits.

According to records, it was already introduced in the 16th century, and in the 18th century, it was sometimes made with meat.

It is uncertain whether Vincent van Gogh, who lived in England for a while, had tried trifle, but the modern trifle is different from what the English people enjoyed at that time.

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