Van Gogh Reborn!

Chapter 194: The Painter (2)

Chapter 194: The Painter (2)

Chapter 194 The Painter (2)

It doesnt mean anything to me to beat Henri Marso.

I just hope he wont be disappointed in me.

I dont want to show him a bad side of me and I want to leave him a good memory, so rather than saying I want to win or surpass him, it would be more accurate to say I dont want to lose.


I think it would be closer to say I want to be with him.

Understanding Marso through <Marsos Jewel>, <Shadow>, and this time <Beauty>.

And the process of him recognizing me would be very enjoyable.

Looking back, Blanches words were not completely wrong.

After <Gunshot>, we had a lot of conversations, and maybe we unknowingly influenced each other.

At least I admired Henri Marsos clarity.

His skills are so outstanding that I would believe he was blessed by God, and I like the way he stands up straight and expresses himself clearly.

And his attitude of working hard to complete it.

I confirmed that he had the same feelings as me after the last incident.

We cant help but be influenced by each other.

This kid, Blanche Fabre, might have a similar feeling to me.

Unlike her childish words of wanting to beat Henri Marso, her voice and upright eyes were serious.

It doesnt seem like a simple competitive spirit.

Even if I dont know the reason, her desire to match the level of Henri Marso, the unparalleled artist, seems pure.

Someday, she will be able to judge her own feelings accurately, so I dont need to confirm it now.

Okay. Ill cheer for you.

I smiled, wishing her luck.

You cant cheer for me.

I turned my head, not knowing what she meant.

Every member of the Anti-Marso Party must fight on the front line.

Anti-Marso Party?

A group that opposes Marso.

Ive never heard of that.

Lets start now.

I havent seen many sane people among artists, but she has a very unique personality.

Are you fighting? How are you going to fight? Huh? Just the two of you? Since when?

Kim Ji-woo poured out questions like a sponge cake.

Were not fighting.


Somehow, I followed Blanche Fabres guidance and came to the back of Notre Dame Cathedral.

There were three paintings hanging in a small space of about 10 square meters, but I didnt see any other works besides Blanche Fabres <The Most Beautiful>.

It was a butterfly that had just emerged from a cocoon.

There was no background.

For a long time, no one noticed, the caterpillar honed itself.

Even in the pain of changing organs and tissues, it waited quietly for the time, without screaming for fear of being eaten by someone.

After finishing all the preparations, it had to break out of the cocoon that wrapped itself.

If it cant break free from the bondage, the caterpillar will die as it is.

As it came out of the egg.

As it hid its body in a flower bud, behind a fallen leaf, and went through several molts to become a butterfly.

It had to change itself with the determination of death to get wings.

When it completely comes out of the cocoon, the wings that are now dry will spread wide.

It will surely be beautiful.

Blanche Fabre had a reason to attract attention.

Its not easy to express the butterfly that comes out of the cocoon with such vitality with ordinary effort.

It must have taken a very long time to convey the desperation of the caterpillar that wants to become a butterfly in the cracks and wings.

Its beautiful.

Cha Si-hyun also admired.

Its rare for a caterpillar to become a butterfly in the wild.

Blanche Fabre said.

The caterpillar that is born from the egg has to crawl, and it is exposed to predators without defense during the several molts and cocoon stages.

Not only birds, but also parasitic wasps that lay eggs in the cocoon, the caterpillars body is eaten by the parasitic wasp larvae and dies.

There is nothing to help the caterpillar.

Butterflies are beautiful, but you can only see the ones that survived. You cant see the caterpillars that died hanging on the branches.

Blanches words seemed too difficult for Cha Si-hyun.

But he should know.

The many caterpillars that want to become butterflies are deprived of their dreams for many reasons.

The existence of a painter is no different from a caterpillar.

Now, a 15-year-old kid has to worry about such a serious problem.

Even if he has talent.

Even if he works hard.

Even if the environment supports him, there are definitely people who are not recognized because of unexpected variables and unknown factors.

Where will the resentment of those who cant even become butterflies, let alone show their majestic wings, give love, or bear fruit, go?

Even the Arnuvo Contest, where everyone who thinks they are right gathers, the votes are divided.

There are even six works that didnt get a single vote.

But I cant see the wings well. It would be prettier if you spread them.

Cha Si-hyun changed the topic.

If you want to show the aesthetic beauty of the butterfly, you have to draw it as Si-hyun said, but Blanche wants to say something different.

The reason why butterflies are beautiful is not because their colors or patterns are pretty.

I turned my head to check, and Fabre nodded.

Maybe she is projecting herself on the butterfly that wants to get out of the cocoon.

On the way, I heard from Cha Si-hyun that she had a lot of trouble, and it seemed that she gained courage through the butterfly.

Its a great picture that shows a strong will like his eyes.

I want to cheer for you.

Grandfather also nodded his head with a pleased face.

I wondered how Kim Ji-woo saw it, and when I moved my eyes, he was making a serious expression unlike his usual noisy self.

Then he hugged Blanche and shook his head.

What are you going to do? Really. You can do it. You can and you will. This sister will guarantee it.

Kim Ji-woo, who was deeply moved, nagged at her, but Blanche was not very impressed.

She didnt respond or refuse with a big expression change.

Now show me yours.

I cant hide it after seeing this work.

Okay. Lets go.


Bong Tae-ho, who stayed at the hotel, asked for help from the paint manufacturer Shuminke and the German newspaper Die Welt, The London Times, the French newspaper Le Monde, and others that he had been in contact with.

It was to leak a clue to the fact that <Beauty> was not Go Hoons work and to hint at Go Hoons characteristics.

-So its a completely different style from before. And you used Shuminke paint?


-And you didnt draw Beauty?

Thats right.

A small sound of licking his lips came from the other side of the phone.

-Its not hard to write, but. Will this make a big issue?

Dont you think the critics are restless to find Hoons work? They need a small clue.

The Arnuvo Contest was also a big challenge for the art experts.

The critics worked hard to find the works of famous artists from the opening day, and they gained recognition by announcing who they found.

Thanks to that, most of the top-voted works were revealed by the artists.

But the current solo leader, <Beauty>, was divided on who drew it.

Many people named Go Hoon as the artist of <Beauty> by the remarks of some influencers like Alex, and they admitted the similarities, but there were few who said with confidence.

It was hard to believe that <Beauty> was Go Hoons work because the description was improved to an unbelievable level.

And his unique melancholic emotion was not felt.

-Well, thats true, but saying its completely different from before is too broad. How about it?

Bong Tae-ho licked his palate with his tongue and pondered at the reporters words.

-Its not a bad story for Go Hoon either. If you just reveal what kind of work it is this year, youll get a high ranking for free.

The reporter was asking what kind of work Go Hoon had submitted.

Surely, as he said, it was not a bad thing for Go Hoon.

This year, Go Hoon turned the art world upside down with <Frosty Wheat Field> and <Mask>, and he was already in the ranks of famous artists.

Especially, he was always the center of attention with his family background as the grandson of Go Soo-yeol, the son of Go Hae-seong and Lee Soo-jin, the tragedy he experienced at a young age, and the episode with Henri Marso.

Even now, many people were wandering around the Cit Island and the virtual exhibition hall to find out what kind of work Go Hoon had brought.

If it was confirmed that Go Hoon drew <Summer Stream>, it would be positive for the votes.

Bong Tae-ho thought he could aim for the first place by telling him at the right time, even without revealing the name of the work.


But he couldnt force Go Hoon to do something he didnt want.

He was a young kid, but he acted with his own standards and goals.

Haha. You know very well that its not something I can decide.

The reporter, who knew the relationship between Bong Tae-ho and Go Hoon well, judged that he was making an excuse to refuse politely.

Instead, Ill arrange a separate place for you after the closing ceremony. How about talking with Hoon slowly then?



It was important to know what Go Hoon had submitted, and he couldnt miss the opportunity for a solo interview with Go Hoon.

The only thing the reporter could choose in the situation where Bong Tae-ho refused to reveal it was one.

-Well. I understand. I cant help it.

Thank you.

-You have to keep your promise.

Is there any doubt? Ill contact you the day after tomorrow.

Bong Tae-ho took a long breath after finishing the call.

He had only made phone calls since lunch, but the window was already dark.

He should be coming up soon.

Bong Tae-ho opened his smartphone and looked for the first media he contacted.

Sure enough.

There was an article saying that the person who drew <Beauty> was not Go Hoon.

Not only that, but other media also copied the original article and posted articles with a few minutes apart.

Thirty minutes ago, a fairly well-known expert explained the characteristics of Shuminke paint in Le Monde, and claimed that the current information was different from the truth.

He just borrowed the name.

He couldnt write an article by hiring someone in just 30 minutes, so he must have used the name of a critic he had a business relationship with.

Well, the bottom work is done. Slowly.

Bong Tae-ho picked up the phone again.

The connection sound continued for a few times and a cheerful voice rang.

-Is that Tae-ho!

Haha. Brother. How are you?

-Oh, sure. Of course. I enjoyed the coffee you sent me last time. Thank you. Thank you.

Of course. How precious is that.

-Sniff. Yeah. Next time you come to Berlin, Ill make you happy. Oh, so when are you coming?

Ill see you soon. No, but brother. Why dont you tell me about Hoon yet. Im sorry.


You know. Brother, you cant miss Hoons work. I wondered if I did something to upset you.

-No. Thats not it.

Please look at me. I just started this year. Please introduce me well so that Hoon can finish well this year.

-Oh. Yeah. Yeah. Well. Dont misunderstand and listen. Actually, I found it.

Ah, I have to take the SNBA call. Brother, Im sorry. Ill contact you again.

Pretending to receive a call that didnt come, he quickly finished the call and called another number.

Manager, are you in Paris?

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